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Severed Ties That Bind (Troubled Fathoms MC Book 1)

Page 15

by Vera Quinn

  “My first stop,” Dra says.

  Chapter 25


  I have been watching the miles go by us. We are back in Texas now and getting closer to home. I wanted to drive but Micah is stubborn and says her truck, her rules. I did drive a little last night to let Micah nap, but we ended up stopping at a motel so Sarge, Shield, and Stealth could get a few hours of sleep. B has been so good this trip, sleeping off and on. The DVD player occupies her time. Our room at the motel was full last night. Sarge and Micah stayed with B and myself. They assured me they were just being cautious. I don’t know what they are worried about. It was apparent in the pictures that Dra only married me to get better leverage in the custody case that is coming. I want Dra to have time with B but it is going to be hard for me to let her go. I know I will do what is best for B. She is what is important. I won’t be giving up primary custody. I haven’t processed the hurt I am feeling. It’s there like a gaping wound but I am trying to put on a happy face for B. I don’t want the pitying looks people are going to give me. The poor cheated on woman. I just want this over. I want the pain I am feeling to go away.

  Aunt Deb has been doing regular phone checks on us this morning. Everything is set at home. I know when we get home, Sarge and his friends will be leaving us, and I will be glad to be away from all bikers but in some strange way I am dreading it because they make me feel safe. How does that make any sense at all? I have had nothing but time to think on this long drive and I have, about anything that will take my mind off the hurt I am feeling. In every instance, since Micah and I met Diamondback, I have felt safe around bikers. Every time I have needed protection, a biker club or a biker has come forward and protected me. Never once have I thought they wouldn’t succeed. I mean, I feel safe at home on the ranch. Aunt Deb, Micah and I have been able to take care of ourselves. There is just not anything to protect ourselves against on the ranch except maybe a bobcat or coyote. With all this, then why did I think that Dra couldn’t keep B safe? Did I delude myself to think that his life was so dangerous that something would happen or is Dra right and I was taking it out on him because he didn’t want me in his life? I could drive myself crazy with this. I would never put myself before B, not even now with my heart shattered. I want B to have a relationship with Dra. They were just getting to know each other. They adored each other. I can’t keep doubting my motives. I am driving myself crazy. I need to accept it is done and try to do better from here on out. Can I trust my judgement? I trusted Dra. He showed me how stupid that was. It happened once, shame on him. I let it happen again then shame on me. I need to build my walls up so no one, including Dra, can get through them. I need to forget a relationship with any man the way Aunt Deb did.

  “What are you thinking about so hard over there?” Micah asks me. I look back at B and she is bouncing her head to the music playing.

  “You know the mess I have made of my life. One hot tattooed man and all my good sense I was raised with goes out the window. What would Mom think of me now?” I say while staring out the window.

  “That you are human. No one can be expected to get everything right. Don’t let Dra take the adventurist side of you away, Maddie. You play life too safe. You need a little excitement every once in a while.” Micah grins and I half laugh thinking about her words.

  “I think you have enough adventure for us both.” Micah laughs along with me.

  “Yes, I do, but my life is never boring. You know you can have that too when this situation is settled.” Micah looks at me and I know she has more to say but doesn’t want to overload me with guilt. She might as well get it out.

  “Just say what you have on your mind Micah. You have the right to have your say since you are the one hauling my butt back home and since when have you ever not spoken your mind?” I half-joke with her.

  “Alright sister, but remember you asked for it.” Micah side glances at me. “You know, Maddie, there is that old saying that someone that doesn’t know the value of honesty can never understand the devastation of betrayal. Have you ever thought that could be Dra? He lied to Callie and now he is lying to you. Wise up, Maddie. Men and forever are not compatible. Cut your losses and get out while you can.” Micah believes every word she is saying. I feel a little sorry for my sister’s harsh outlook on relationships and men.

  “Micah, Dra may not want me as his wife, but he loved Callie and I have no doubt about that. His decisions he made concerning her haunt him to this day. I know that Dra and I aren’t meant to be. Dra crushed those dreams, but I don’t know why. Maybe it was his plan all alone to pay me back for the pain I caused him by not having B these past two years. I really don’t understand it but I’m sure to him, it made sense. My schoolgirl naïve crush on him gave me B and I will never regret that. I was thinking along the same lines about relationships but hearing you say it out loud, sounds all wrong. I am a mother before anything else and if I taught that to B, I would be ashamed of myself. Each relationship is different, and I know there are good men out there in the world. I know that there can be good relationships. Look at Callie and Devil, they are so in love and look at everything they went through to get where they are now. I think sometimes that you need to go through the bad to understand when you have the good. Dra doesn’t want me, but I know he loves B and they deserve a chance to have a relationship. That is what is best for B so I will do what I need to so that can happen.” I stop, realizing that I believe everything I just said. I believe it to my soul. I am determined to make it happen. It may hurt me to see Dra, but I will need to learn to deal with it. Micah looks at me and then puts her eyes back on the road.

  “You are too good for that asshole. I’ll back you up on whatever you decide but if Dra fucks it up I will kill him myself and smile while I do it.” That’s my twin. She has my back and I have hers. “We are going to work on your self-confidence though. I found the perfect way to do it while you were gone.” Now I am scared. Micah is always coming up with outlandish idea for us.

  “We’ll see. How much longer are we traveling today? We’ll be in Dallas in about an hour. It’d probably be a good idea for me to touch base with my attorney since we are driving through Dallas.” I didn’t even think about it before I left. I don’t think I thought of much.

  “Aunt Deb is meeting us in Dallas with her security detail. Sarge and his guys are going to spend the night at the hotel tonight and then Aunt Deb will be there first thing in the morning. We are meeting your attorney for breakfast.” I am nodding my head.

  “You and Aunt Deb are always thinking ahead. Thank you, Micah, for always having my back and just for everything.” Micah glances at me.

  “We have been a team since before we were born. It’s not going to change anytime soon. Probably never, unless you disown me after you see my next idea for us. It’s going to be so much fun.” I laugh and shake my head. This is going to be good. I am so glad I have my sister back.

  Chapter 26


  The Troubled Fathoms have kept me locked in this damn room for three days. I have not seen anyone since the first day they made me see Doc and then some of the brothers along with Krill and Dra questioned me. I held it together and I never let them shake my story. I took the damn pill Doc offered. I knew it was a test. That made me worry about Prissy and her test. As the days pass, I am more worried about how long it will take them to break Prissy. She’s our weak link and I am hoping that Angus gets the chance to neutralize her before she becomes a bigger problem. I haven’t had eyes on Angus since before I was brought in, but I did see our other friend in the club. I was hoping to get a message to him, but I have zero chance.

  There is nothing in this room I can use as a weapon. They took my phone and my purse. Krill or Dra bring in food three times a day. They finally brought me clean clothes this morning and some toiletries, so I could shower. This room has an adjoining bathroom, so I still didn’t get out of this room. The window in here has bars on it, and I am running out of options.
The first day I was sweet as sugar and that didn’t work. Yesterday, I was a shrieking bitch. Nothing. Today, I am riding the middle of the road and asking plenty of questions of when I get to get out of here. That did get me the clean clothes. I hear someone at the door and I sit up on the side of the bed. When the door opens Dra is standing there.

  “Let’s go.” I stand up.

  “Where to?” I ask him, trying to keep my temper in check and my face expressionless.

  “We have more questions.” I nod my head yes to Dra.

  “Alright but I don’t know what else I can tell you. I don’t know why you changed your mind after our night together. You know I am the only woman that can satisfy you Dra. Why don’t you just let the brothers know how you really feel? I’ll help you raise your baby girl.” Dra doesn’t answer me or respond in any way. I don’t like it. I pass in front of Dra and I stop. I look in his eyes. No emotion at all that I can see. I don’t like this at all. The remorse he felt at one time about how our relationship ended is not there. Our walk to Krill’s office is silent. I still don’t see Angus anywhere. Doesn’t he get that I need his help? Dra’s office door is open, so I walk in. I see Krill sitting behind his desk. Whistler and Raven are both here and so is Bandy, the tech guy here at the club. He is sitting in a chair with his laptop opened in front of him on a table.

  “Sit,” Krill says and points to a chair that has Raven standing on one side and Whistler on the other. I go and sit down with a feeling of apprehension working up my back. Dra shuts the door after he comes in. “How did you drug Dra? We know it happened so give us the truth and this will go easier on you.” I’m not that stupid.

  “I have told you, Krill, I only did what Dra wanted me to. Dra wanted to make love to me and I love him so much that I couldn’t deny him. He said he left Maddie and we were going to be together. He claimed me as his ol’ lady. I thought the Troubled Fathoms MC treated their ol’ ladies better than this.” Krill snorts a laugh out.

  “That’s lie number one, Sunshine. You do not want to know what is going to happen to you when we get to lie three.” Krill pauses and looks at me closely, sitting up and placing his elbows on his desk. “We have rules in this club that have been voted on and we all are bound by them. One of those rules is if a woman wears your ring then she wears your patch. We can have an ol’ lady without being married but if we are married then that woman wears our patch. So, you see, Sunshine, when Dra married Maddie, she became his ol’ lady. Dra just had to declare it and he has now. Your story holds no truth.” My eyes go to Dra and he has a smile on his face. Patience, Sunshine. Do not lose it yet.

  “Then he was cheating on his wife and ol’ lady. It happens. It’s not my fault. I had no idea,” I say in a soft voice. “Dra only married Maddie to get his daughter.”

  “Why aren’t you using your real name?” I try to breathe evenly and not show how worried I am. “What is your real name because the real Sunshine Spencer died ten years ago?” They have been doing some digging.

  “I don’t know what you are talking about. I am Sunshine Spencer and have been my entire life.” This is not good.

  “Lie number two, Sunshine. Strike three and things are going to get real interesting,” Krill says and then he looks at Bandy. “Take her prints.” I curl my hands into a fist. Bandy walks up beside me, and he sees my hands.

  “Sunshine, I don’t want to hurt you, but Raven or Whistler will open those hands if need be. Just let me take your prints.” I relax my hands and he puts an ink pad for me to put my fingers on. Bandy puts a card in front of me and starts rolling my fingers onto it, so he can get my prints. When he is finished he gives me a wipe to clean my fingers. I see Krill is texting someone from his phone. The door opens and Doc walks in.

  “I want a DNA test run on her,” Krill tells Doc. I look at Krill and if looks could kill, Krill would be dead. I don’t have a reason to be in any databases for DNA, but my finger prints will be on my real license records. I have a million thoughts rushing through my head. “Get me a dentist out here too so we can have a dental comparison done. I want to be thorough.” Doc stands in front of me with a swab. I think about denying him, but I know this will take a while so maybe I will have some time to figure a way out of this clubhouse. Maybe Angus can get me out.

  “Open wide.” I do as Doc says and he swabs my cheek. “All finished.” Doc puts everything back in his bag. “I’ll find a dentist. It may take a day or so. I’ll need to contact a friend in Boulder.”

  “Thanks Doc,” Dra says. Doc walks out the door. Raven and Whistler are both quiet. They have said nothing at all. I know that when punishment is given these two are the ones that do it.

  “I have asked you two questions, Sunshine, and both times you have given me two lies. So, it is time for someone to join us.” Krill says and then he looks at Raven. “Gag her and tie her down.” Raven puts his hand on my shoulder and he looks in my eyes. I can’t pull my eyes off his. His eyes fill me with fear. I am scared for the first time.

  “Please, fight me.” I go still. He puts a rag in my mouth and ties it. I don’t fight him, but my eyes go from his to Dra’s and then to Krill. Nothing. No emotion at all. Whistler hands Raven some pull ties and he takes them and puts one around one of my wrists and pulls it tight around the wooden arm of the chair. I can’t move my hand at all. Then he does the other wrist and then he does the same thing with my feet to the legs of the wooden chair. I keep telling myself to breathe. “You disappoint, sugar. I was wanting a little bit of a fight,” Raven says flatly. I’m sitting there showing no resistance at all. I am only hoping this convinces them to let me go. When the door opens, Prissy walks in and when she sees me her eyes get large. No! This bitch cannot break now. Raven pulls my chair up against the wall and he stands close.

  “Sit there Prissy,” Krill tells Prissy. He points to the chair. Prissy sits down and Whistler steps up beside her and stands. “We have been having a little chat with your friend Sunshine. I asked her two questions and she lied to both and you see the situation that landed her in. I am going to ask you some questions and I want the truth. I want the truth the first time or this little talk is going to get very uncomfortable for you. Are we clear on that, Prissy?”

  “I won’t lie Krill,” Prissy says.

  “Just so you know Prissy, if I think you are lying, you are out permanently. That means no member of the Troubled Fathoms MC will even speak to you again. You lose your place here and you will never be allowed on any Troubled Fathoms MC property. Any property we own in this town or anywhere else.” Krill is trying intimidation on Prissy. He knows that she fears losing her place at the clubhouse. “What do you know about what happened at Sunshine’s condo?” Krill goes straight to the big question.

  “I didn’t know what Sunshine had planned. She told me a little, but I didn’t know it was going to get so out of hand. Please, Krill, believe me. I would never hurt the club.” Prissy is folding. If I could get my hands around her neck I would kill her myself.

  “Are you saying that Sunshine planned what happened?” Dra asks. Prissy looks back at me. “Eyes on me, Prissy and answer my question.”

  “Yes, she planned it all.” Prissy starts to cry. Krill’s phone alerts him he has a text and he looks at it.

  “Tell us what happened and do not leave a damn thing out,” Dra tells her.

  “Sunshine had me come over to her condo and set the scene and prepare. We injected all the water bottles with something from a syringe. Sunshine also made up some sandwiches and she mixed something with the mayo she put on the sandwiches. She told me not to eat or drink anything. Sunshine put all the papers on her coffee table like she was waiting for Dra to come and help with them. Dra knocked on the door and Sunshine told him to get something to drink because it was going to take a while. Dra did, and it wasn’t long before he was relaxing and said it was getting hot in the room.” Prissy is going to get us both killed and she’s too stupid to see it coming.

  “Did Dra drink the water
?” Krill asks. Prissy nods her head yes. “Do you know what drug she used?”

  “I don’t know what she gave him. She gave me a vial that I put in a glass of beer that I handed Dra, so I did it. I was only there to take pictures and to help get Dra undressed and in her bed. Sunshine gave me the numbers to send the pictures to and the burner phone to do it on. I also emptied her refrigerator out of all the food and water. I bagged it up and after the pictures were taken and sent, I took the trash to the dumpster and left.” Prissy stops and I don’t know how the situation could get any worse. I need to think fast. “I kept the vial that she gave me, and it has about half left in it.” I told her to get rid of that damn vial and then a thought comes to me and I know exactly why she only used half. She may be sealing my fate, but I am taking her with me.

  “Why did you do it Prissy? The Troubled Fathoms MC have been good to you. Did Sunshine tell you why she was doing it?” Prissy looks at me over her shoulder.

  “I’m sorry for my part in this and I don’t know why. Sunshine convinced me that she was going to be Dra’s woman and she could make my life easier. You know, I scratch her back and then she scratches mine. I am so sorry, and I will never let someone convince me to do something like this again,” Prissy says and I can tell by her voice that she has turned on the waterworks. Damn, Prissy is one stupid bitch. Can’t she see this is only going to make her look weak to these men?

  “Where’s the vial?” Dra asks.

  “I can go and get it if you want me to.” Prissy is too eager.

  “Dra, can get it. Where is it?” Krill presses Prissy.

  “It’d be easier for me just to go and get it,” Prissy pleads with her head hung down.

  “You are not going anywhere until we get all the answers we need,” Krill answers.


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