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Severed Ties That Bind (Troubled Fathoms MC Book 1)

Page 20

by Vera Quinn

  “That’s for lunch and if it was not important I would not leave.” I kiss Betsy again and look at her. “I’ll see you tomorrow Betsy. Love you sweet baby.”

  “Love you Daddy. Love Uncle Kill,” Betsy says.

  “Are you ready Dra?” I look up from Betsy and Bethany is standing there. I look at Maddie and I know that I just hurt her again. Maddie won’t even look at me.

  “Yes, Dra are you ready? I’m sure club business is much more important than family business,” Micah says with hate in her voice. I can’t explain so I don’t try. I just turn and leave. We go around the corner and Bethany catches up with me.

  “I didn’t mean to cause you any trouble back there. I just wanted a word with you before we are back with Jenny and Krill,” Bethany tells me, and I can hear her sincerity.

  “Do you need to tell me something else about what is going on?” I ask.

  “Yes, Jenny has changed in the last few years a lot. She has been spending a lot of time around the clubhouse while I am home with Cage.” I don’t get what she is getting at. “Your wife belongs at home and your ol’ lady at the clubhouse.” I grab Bethany’s elbow and push her down the hall and when I see a door I open it and push her inside. It’s a supply closet. “You don’t need to be so rough. Just ask me to move.” I realize that I was squeezing her elbow. I let it go.

  “I’m sorry but what in the hell are you talking about?” I ask Bethany.

  “I was trying to say that ol’ ladies and club girls are the only two kinds of women at the clubhouse or hang arounds. The only reason I am ever at the clubhouse is if I am summoned there by Rico. I don’t want Jenny to use Krill or get into a situation that she can’t get out of. That’s all I can tell you. I won’t betray my sister or brother, but I know Cage is Krill’s son. Jenny cried for weeks after Rico pulled us away from here. Cage does not have the life of a normal child, he needs his dad.” I consider what Bethany has said and then I step back out the door. I look both ways and I see Micah standing there with her hip cocked out.

  “Sure it’s not, asshole.” Micah turns and goes back in the restaurant. Another situation I need to straighten out. We walk back over to Krill and Jenny.

  “Jenny do not be late or I will come and find you and I don’t care if I need to go through Rico to find you,” Krill is telling Jenny as we walk up. Jenny and Bethany walk away.

  “Bethany doesn’t think that Jenny is telling you everything. We need to be careful, but she swears that Cage belongs to you. I think that Bethany is spending more time with that boy than Jenny. This is going to get messy.” Krill looks at me and then the ground.

  “Let’s get back to the clubhouse so I can talk to Bandy.” Krill is right. We need to get more information.

  Chapter 31


  This rollercoaster of emotions that Dra keeps me on is too much. One minute we are flirting, and I am thinking we are going to have a great afternoon with B, and the next Dra is cold as ice and he is running off with some blonde that I have never laid eyes on before. I cannot keep up with Dra. I don’t want to. I know we are here for the next few days and I will make sure B is available for Dra to spend time with, but he could be here now. It makes no sense to me. I took a nap with B and I still felt exhausted when I woke up. I think I am just tired of the unknowing.

  Aunt Deb came and got B and they went and got a movie to watch in Aunt Deb’s room for the night. Micah went out for a little bit, but she should be back soon. I took a shower trying to wake up. I do not want to leave Micah to herself while we are here. There is no telling what trouble she could get into. I am now relaxing and waiting for Micah to get back when I hear the hotel room door open. Micah comes in carrying a brown bag. “What did you bring us? Ice cream?” I ask Micah.

  “I need to tell you something and then you and I are going to get drunk and find us a place to go and dance. No, let me rephrase that. You are going to get drunk and I am the designated driver. We are going to dance our asses off tonight.” I look closely at Micah. She never volunteers to be the designated driver. This must be serious. I don’t think I can take much more.

  “I don’t know if I want to know,” I tell Micah truthfully.

  “Too bad. Suck it up buttercup. Time to pull your head out of your ass and face it.” Leave it to Micah. “When I followed Dra out in the hallway that went back to the hotel he was talking to that blonde. I heard her telling Dra that his wife belongs at home and his ol’ lady belongs at the clubhouse. I thought about it for a while and the things that I have learned from Sarge and being around Callie. When I was out I called Callie. I knew if anyone knew that, she would so I made that call. Callie told me that some bikers have a wife at home and an ol’ lady at the clubhouse. She also told me that sometimes they have the club girls on the side from that or a girlfriend. I don’t see how the hell these bikers keep up, spreading there dicks around to all these women, but Callie swears it is true. Callie also said that the Troubled Fathoms MC believe that if they have a wife that they are also their ol’ ladies, if not it is an insult and disrespect to that woman.” Micah stops talking and I don’t feel anything. I am numb. When Micah takes a shot glass out of the bag and fills it and then hands it to me, I down it. I couldn’t tell you what it is I am drinking. I don’t taste it and after a while I don’t feel the burn. I just keep taking them. Micah gets up and opens her suitcase and starts going through her clothes and then comes back and gives me another shot. I know the clothes that Micah hands me to put on are not something I would normally wear out but tonight? I don’t care. Micah dresses too and we look good. The clothes are tighter and showing a whole lot more skin than I would normally show but it feels damn good. I look around for the alcohol.

  “I need a drink.” Micah looks at me and laughs.

  “As soon as I get our hair done and makeup and then you can have a shot.” I don’t want to wait but Micah is having fun playing dress up, so I let it go. An hour later, with our hair teased and sprayed, and our makeup painted on very heavy, smoky eyes and all, Micah gives me a shot. “Make sure you have your driver’s license and your phone. I have the money,” Micah tells me. “I am texting Aunt Deb we are out of here. Tonight, we make sure Dra knows just how hot his woman is.”

  “You’re damn right we are.” Wait, we are? Yes, we are. “Tonight, Dra is going to learn that I will not be the baby mama that he keeps in the house while he plays with his ol’ lady. Tonight, with a little help, I am bringing my sexy out and Dra is not going to know what hit him,” I tell Micah. “I want to dance my ass off and let Dra knows what it feels like to hurt.” I feel the tears building in my eyes.

  “Oh no you don’t! We are going to party tonight, you are not crying one tear over that asshole,” Micah tells me, and she is right.

  “Okay, can I have another shot?” Micah laughs.

  “When we get to the bar. I have created a monster.” I still hear Micah laughing.

  “Hell yeah, you have! I am one drinking party animal! Let’s do this!” Micah pulls me out the door. I need to concentrate so I don’t fall in these damn heels.

  Chapter 32


  We stayed at the clubhouse digging for information on Jenny and her son Cage. It looks like my brother may have a nine-year old son. The dates work out and unless Jenny was cheating on my brother then he is the father. Only a DNA test will tell. We pull up outside the bar in town and we can hear the music all the way at the curb. It’s only eight o’clock and it is early for the music to be so loud. Krill and I look at each other. Raven and Whistler are here with us in case this is a set up. Scout and Brass should be going in the back door. We walk in the front door and as soon as my eyes adjust, I can’t believe what I am seeing. I look at Krill and he has a shit-eating grin on his face. I hear the lyrics pumping out of the juke box about cherry pie and I see my sweet Maddie looking better than any stripper I have ever seen on top of the bar grinding up against her sister Micah. Hell -fucking- no! When Micah catches my eye, she bac
ks away from Maddie and Maddie takes center bar. She goes down and hits the bar and swivels her ass out towards us. That’s all it takes.

  “Take it off baby!” Krill yells. I am making my way up to the bar and Raven tries to block me, but I push him out of the way. I grab Maddie’s arm and she topples over into my body with those fuck-me heels on. I have her over my shoulder and headed towards the door when I see Krill.

  “Make sure Micah gets back to the hotel and let Deb know I have Maddie,” I yell to Krill.

  “Will do, brother. Where are you taking Maddie?” Krill asks me.

  “Home, brother, and she is not leaving ever again. I love this woman and she is mine!” I yell.

  “It’s about fucking time, asshole!” Micah yells.

  “Damn straight,” I reply and then I realize all I have is my bike. “Can you ride babe?” Maddie doesn’t answer. I put her on her feet and Maddie looks at me.

  “You love me?” Maddie asks with her chin trembling.

  “Yeah, babe, I love you,” I answer.

  “Alright. I love you too. I can ride. Take me home and fuck me!” My Maddie has had a lot to drink. The ride home is going to be long with my cock as hard as a rock. The word fuck coming out of my sweet Maddie’s mouth has me needing inside her sweet pussy right now.

  “Get on my bike, now.” I get on and Maddie crawls on behind me and I pull her up close. “Hold on tight sweet Maddie.” I don’t hear her reply. It is only a twenty- minute ride to our house but it feels like forever trying to make sure that Maddie doesn’t let loose of me and my aching cock. I pull up our drive, going slower so I don’t lose Maddie. When I stop, Maddie’s arms tighten around me.

  “Say it again.” I smile knowing what my woman wants to hear.

  “I love you Maddie and I am never letting you go again.” Maddie holds on to my shoulders and gets off my bike. I follow behind her and Maddie almost falls off her heels. I pick her up bridal style and carry her to the front door. I unlock the door and walk in and then disarm the alarm. I don’t hesitate and carry Maddie to our room. I kick the door closed behind us.

  “I love you Dra, but I need to talk first.” I sit Maddie down on the bed. I take my cut off and put it on a chair and then take my shirt off. “If you keep taking clothes off, I can’t concentrate.” I laugh. I toe my boots off and sit down beside Maddie. Maddie kicks her shoes off.

  “I liked those.” That makes Maddie smile again.

  “Did you now? They are Micah’s stripper shoes. I borrowed them. Micah dressed me tonight,” Maddie tells me.

  “I’ll buy you some, and babe, I need to say, I love the way you are dressed but only for me. I do not want to see my woman on top of a bar again or in a strip club. If you want to strip, then you can do it for me, right here.” I point to the corner. “I will put you a pole right there.”

  “I think the tips may be slacking with just one man in the audience.” Maddie smirks.

  “There may be something a little extra, if you do the job right.” That has Maddie laughing out loud.

  “That sounds like a line right out of a damn bad porno,” Maddie says.

  “You think there is a good porno? Wow, Maddie, I never knew my sweet girl was into skin flicks. I guess we can rent some,” I joke with Maddie.

  “No, I was just playing. I have never watched a porno.” I knew that. Maddie didn’t need to tell me that. I know how innocent Maddie is.

  “What do you want to talk about? The good and bad in a porno?” I tease Maddie. Maddie goes still.

  “Who was the blonde today and why did you decide to go off with her instead of having time with B?” Maddie asks in a soft voice looking at the floor.

  “Maddie, look at me.” I wait for her to look at me. “I told you it was club business. I wasn’t with Bethany. I was with Krill and Bandy and then Raven and some of the others joined us. We still need to find out who is trying to run drugs through our town. We don’t want drugs in our town and especially not at the school.”

  “You had plans with us until those two women showed up, so I am thinking that had something to do with changing your mind.” Maddie still won’t look at me. I raise Maddie’s chin to me with my finger.

  “This is club business and Krill’s business, but he said it was alright to share with you since he doesn’t want to come between us. If this was something that would put you and Betsy in danger I would not share, and you can tell no one about it. Not your Aunt Deb and not Micah. This stays between us.” Maddie nods her head yes. “I need the words babe. Do you understand?”

  “I understand. I won’t say a word to anyone,” Maddie assures me.

  “The older of the two blondes, Jenny, was Krill’s high school sweetheart. They broke up after Jenny’s dad died and her brother, Rico, took over the Spirits Arms MC. They are an outlaw club and they break the law all the time and the Troubled Fathoms MC did not want that in our territory. We ran them out of our territory and there is bad blood between us. Krill and Jenny were forced to break up. Now Jenny is here saying that Krill has a son over nine years old with her. The other blonde is Jenny’s younger sister and she wanted a word with me away from Jenny. That is why she followed me into the restaurant and then I talked to her in a storage room in the hall that went back to the hotel. That is what Micah saw. We were walking out when Micah saw us. Bethany said that she doesn’t think that Jenny was telling Krill the whole truth and that Jenny may be using Krill. Jenny does have a nine-year old son named Cage and Bethany spends a lot of time with him while Jenny is at their clubhouse. Bethany reminded me that there are only two kinds of women at that clubhouse, ol’ ladies and club girls. Bethany is hardly allowed there so that means that Jenny is not telling the whole truth about something, but Bethany will not speak against her sister or her brother so she wanted to tell me in private.” Maddie looks relieved.

  “What had you so worried?” I ask Maddie.

  “Micah thought she heard something completely different. It makes sense now. Thank you for explaining and I promise not to say a word.” Maddie was jealous. For some reason, I like that.

  “I told you Maddie, I love you and I would not say that if it wasn’t true. I have something for you.” I get up and go to the closet. I take the box out of the top of the closet and then walk over to my dresser and open the top drawer. I reach in and take out the rings that Maddie left when she went back to Texas. I lay the box on the bed and then I bend down in front of Maddie and take her hand. I slip the rings back on her finger and I show her I have not taken my off. “Those are to remain on your finger. You are my wife and my rings belong on your finger. Open this.” I put the box on her lap.

  “Are you sure, Dra?”

  “Yes, Maddie. Never surer of anything in my life. Open the box.” Maddie tears the bow off the box and when she sees the leather cut, her eyes fill with tears. “I had this made for you. You are my ol’ lady and I want my patch on you and I want my ink on you as soon as possible.” Maddie has tears running down her face, but she looks at me.

  “Me too, please.” I pull her up to me.

  “I need inside you now.” I pull her into a kiss.

  We come up for air and I hear Maddie say, “Yes, please.” I take Maddie’s mouth in a searing kiss. Our tongues tangle, colliding and mingling. Tasting one another. Nipping and then licking the sting. I taste the alcohol on Maddie and it is lowering her inhibitions. My sweet Maddie is a sexy siren that is calling to me. I push back from Maddie and pull her shirt over her head. Her hands are going to my belt buckle and my jeans. I let her fumble with them as I divest her of her own clothes and then I undo my belt and jeans and push them down with one hand and step out of them and kick them away. I push Maddie back and go down with her. I have missed my woman. Every fucking delectable inch of her. Maddie’s nipples are pebbled, and they are begging for me to lick and suck them. I descend onto them with a hunger that can’t be quenched with anything but my woman’s taste. Maddie is pulling me to her. Running her hands through my hair roughly.
Each swipe and pull goes straight to my cock.

  “Dra, I need you inside me. It has been so long. I am so wet for you.” I stop moving because those sweet words from Maddie are almost my undoing. Never has Maddie been so vocal. I love it. “Fuck me, Dra.”

  “Babe, you can’t say things like that. I am hanging on by a thread here. I am trying to make sure you are ready,” I whisper in Maddie’s ear. “I don’t want to fuck you. I only want to make love to you.” I move my hand between us and as I lavish attention to Maddie’s nipple I begin to rub her wet clit. I feel the nub of nerves and it is swollen and well-lubricated. I slide my hand further and I slide in easily. My Maddie is drenched with her excitement for me. “Fuck!”

  “Yes, please! I need you to fuck me, now!” I can’t take anymore. It has been too long, and Maddie is too damn hot.

  “Hands and knees.” I help Maddie turn over and she pushes her ass back into me. I growl deep and low. “Hold onto the headboard, babe.” Maddie does what I say, and she braces herself. I line my cock up with her silky cunt and with one push I slide in with ease. My balls rub up against her ass and I am in heaven. My Maddie, my heaven. I reach around her and rub her throbbing clit and Maddie starts grinding into my groin. I reach down and take her hand and put it on her clit, so I can grab her hips. “Play with yourself and make it feel good, babe.” I grab a hold of Maddie’s hips and start pounding into her cunt. The rhythm I set is grueling.

  “I need more. Harder.” Fuck me. I slide in and pull almost all the way out and then I pound into her. My voracious appetite for this woman will never get old. I am close to erupting like a volcano. My balls are shriveled, and I feel the tingle in my spine. I reach my hand around and start moving Maddie’s fingers faster. I feel her walls begin to spasm. I move my hand and pound into Maddie so hard the bed shakes. I feel when my woman ignites and the moans coming from her mouth set me off into my own orgasm. Nothing has ever felt this damn good. I am fucked when it comes to this woman. She owns me body and soul. Two more strokes and my cum finally stops, and I bend over Maddie and kiss her back. I roll Maddie with me and we hold each other close. “I never want to move from here. My body is blissfully tired.” I kiss Maddie, slowly and let her know I feel the same way. I don’t know who falls asleep first. I just know I float into a sleep I have been needing forever. The last thought in my mind is that there are…Severed Ties That Bind.


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