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Filthy Lies_An Interracial Erotic Romance

Page 13

by Kenya Wright

  Knocking and noise of movement sounded from the bedroom. Tyson was probably picking up some of his shoe boxes out of the closet and placing them in the bedroom. Only God knew how long it would take him to get everything out. I didn’t think his small car could even fit them all. He’d have to make several trips.

  Oh well, at least I’m finally getting rid of him.

  I slowly walked in front of Logan and placed my hand on his muscular chest, smoothing my fingers against the hard curves. “But you’re not going to break his face because it would ruin tonight.”

  Logan looked down at me. “How would it be ruined?”

  “Well...if you beat him up, we’ll surely have to call the cops—”

  “Or ambulance.”

  I grinned. “Yes, we would have to call an ambulance, and you might get hurt too—”

  “I doubt it.”

  “Something might be bruised or swollen.”


  “You’re cocky.”

  “Only when I want to be.”

  “Fine.” My grin deepened. “If you broke his face tonight, it would ruin my plans of having you fuck me...all evening...maybe into the morning...and possibly the afternoon.”

  The rage on Logan’s face dissolved. “I do like your plan better.”

  “Me too.” I let out a long breath.

  “Maybe I should fuck you right now.”

  “Tyson is in my bedroom.”

  “I know where he is.”

  “We shouldn’t.”

  “We should.”

  “Stop being so bad.”

  “Stop being so good, but maybe you’re right. Maybe we should wait. I want to fuck you hard.” He moved closer. “I want to be deep inside of you, so deep I can’t find a way to escape.”

  My words came out low. “That’s pretty damn deep.”

  His pupils appeared dilated, and now sex and rage radiated from him. He probably wouldn’t be gentle in this moment, ready to pound his thick cock into me and let his anger all out. If I was truthful with myself, I wanted it rough and hard from him. I had my own steam to release.

  I cleared my throat. “Let’s just wait for my brother to get back. Tyson will probably be moving all night. I don’t feel like waiting around. We could get a hotel and—”

  “No, I’ll take you back to my place.”


  “Why interesting?”

  “I thought you don’t take women back to your place.”

  “You’re different and those women weren’t you.”

  “Okay. Your place.” I blushed. “I would love to see the twins.”

  “No. I’m keeping my sisters out of there. Once they come, they always take you away from me. And I want you all to myself.” He leaned toward me and nipped at my bottom lip. “I won’t share you.”

  A shiver of anticipation rushed through me as my voice softened to a low moan. “Good. I want to be yours all night.”

  “And all nights after that?”

  “That doesn’t sound like slow.”

  “But it sounds like fun, Mia, and sometimes fun is better than slow.”

  “We’ll see.” I licked my lips, unable to keep my craving for him down. Why did Tyson have to come so early and ruin it all? A few more minutes and Logan and I would’ve been naked, fucking, and groaning up against my countertops.

  Sounds of dragging and moving came from the bedroom as Tyson continued to gather his things. My brother couldn’t get back fast enough.

  Logan curved his lips and chuckled. “Mr. Fifty Fucking Shades of Stupid?”

  “Not my best moment.” I gestured to the kitchen. “Let’s get some wine.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Chapter 13


  Ten minutes later, Mia’s brother arrived with his girlfriend. The pair looked happy. That was until they noticed Tyson dragging stacks of boxes in and out of the apartment and to his car. The expression on Rob’s face told me that Tyson might not make it to tomorrow unbruised.

  Mia hugged her brother and handed him keys. “Thanks for staying, Rob.”

  “Of course. Making men piss themselves is the best part of brothering.”

  I nodded at Rob. “You’re a man after my own heart.”

  Mia snorted and headed out of the door. She had a night bag slung over her shoulder. Anticipation rushed through my blood as I imagined the secret silky things that could be inside.

  Tonight, she would be in my bed. How the hell did that happen?

  I’d woken up this morning with one plan and the universe had thrown another one at me. And thank God that this one fell into my destiny. How long had I yearned for some beautiful woman to come into my life, and not change, but understand me. She’d have to share me with my sisters—the ones I promised my mother I would always protect. She’d have to get the moments when I closed myself into my chest and couldn’t deal with the day—my parents’ birthdays and wedding anniversary.

  It won’t be a problem.

  Mia understood me. She got along perfectly with my sisters. The twins considered her a best friend. My baby sis thought she was a goddess and looked to her as a role model. And the rest of my sisters lovingly picked at me for having a crush on her—their annoying way of approving.

  Mia could be mine.


  Because how could the universe let me get so close to being with her, to just tear us apart? I knew I wouldn’t break her heart. I’d break myself first, wrestling my own body to the ground. And she would never want to leave because there would be no reason to go. Our love—our life—our tears and laughter would be everything and more—everything, if we just believed.

  But that wasn’t something I needed to focus on now.

  This was just the beginning of forever. The first day. First moment. This was just the door opening to her surrender, but she hadn’t stepped through the doorway yet. She hadn’t closed the door behind her. She was still nervous and unsure, and rightfully so.

  She’d just gotten her heart broken.

  She needs time to go slow, but damn, that kiss makes me want to rush everything.

  When I kissed her, these little sounds of pleasure fled from the back of her throat, and I’d become addicted to that sound, needing to hear it every future day. And then, I could never forget that warm, velvety tongue as it slid against mine or those soft hands in my hair.

  When was the last time I kissed someone like that? Never.

  And then Tyson had walked in and ruined the moment.

  She'd been right there. Mine. Right in my arms, exactly where she was supposed to be.

  Don’t worry. She’ll be there again.

  “Alright. You both be safe.” Rob high fived me. “Take care of my sister, Logan.”

  “Of course.” I nodded.

  Mia chatted with her brother’s girlfriend. I’d forgotten her name. So much had happened today that I was just trying to keep my mind balanced.

  Mia will be in my bed tonight. Jesus Christ. Now I know anything is possible.

  The women walked out the door. Whatever giggling they had between them was apparently a secret.

  I started to head out behind them.

  Rob placed his hand on my shoulder and stopped me. “I know you like Mia.”

  I turned his way. “True.”

  “Give her time.” He moved his hand away and shrugged. “So far, I think you’re a good guy, but you did hang with this jackass. You know the saying, dick heads hang together.”

  “All of your friends are angels?”

  “Never that, which is why I’m letting you take her tonight.”

  Letting me take her? Funny. Oh well. Patricia had said I would get karma one day and fall in love with a woman that had a bossy brother like me. Well...hello, karma.

  I swallowed down my manly growl. “Thanks for letting me take her, Rob.”

  “She said she was going to be staying with the twins in their apartment.” Rob crossed his arms around his ch
est. “That’s true? Is that where she’ll be sleeping tonight?”

  Usually, I kept a brother-to-brother code, trying to do the right thing and be a nice guy. But tonight, Mia would be in my bed, and I liked that fact. Nothing would stop that from becoming a reality.

  It’s just one white lie, and if Mia wanted him to know, she would’ve told him.

  “Yes, she’ll be staying with the twins.”

  Rob nodded. “Cool. I know you want to date my sister. It’s been obvious for a while.”

  “What gave it away?”

  “I noticed it when you two were dancing at her birthday party. You looked like you’d been dreaming about it, and the moment had finally come true.”

  “There’s some truth in that. I’ve only know Mia for three months, but I do care about your sister.”

  “That’s good, but we’ll see.” Rob kept a neutral expression. “Just give her time to get over this jackass. That’s all I’m asking.”

  “I’ll have to be truthful, Rob. I like her. If she wants to go further in any point, I won’t push against it.”

  “That makes sense.”

  I added, “But I’ll be mindful about her broken heart.”

  “Okay. That’s all I’m asking. Don’t take advantage of her in this rough time.”


  He gazed out the doorway at his sis. “She’s a nerd, but I love her. She’s the only one in the family that gets me. The only one of my relatives I wouldn’t sell for twenty dollars.”

  “That’s pretty cheap.”

  “You haven’t met my family yet.” His expression broke to humorous. “They’re good people, but judgy and pretty big bible beaters at times. Meanwhile, they’re all full of shit. I think that’s why Mia and I came out here. We needed distance from our loving hypocrites. Either way, Mia and I are close. She knows me better than I know myself.”

  “It’s probably the twin thing too. I see it with my twin sisters. They’re inseparable and have each other’s back with a fierce dedication.”

  “Yep. It probably is a twin thing.”

  I held my hand out. “See you later.”

  He shook it. “See you later. I’ll try not to hurt your buddy.”

  “Trust me. He’s not my buddy anymore, not after everything I’ve discovered.”

  In that moment, Tyson walked by us with three boxes in his hand. He must’ve been pissed as we appeared to be getting along. However, he kept his stance and expression neutral, probably understanding that Rob and I were just waiting for a reason to beat him.

  I headed to the car. Mia stood next to it, waving goodbye to her brother’s girlfriend as she walked back. Bollywood music sounded off in the distance and then came closer. I knew who would be driving up before I spotted him.

  What’s Karan doing here?

  Karan drove up to our side in his Ferrari—the Beast. His Bengal tiger. All violent yellow with dark brown stripes and a white belly. He parked in front, shut off his engine, and jumped out with a smirk on his face. “What the fuck, Logan?”

  “What?” I held my hands out and walked over to him. “What are you doing out here?”

  “Tyson needed me to help him move.” He checked his watch. “It’s fucking midnight.”

  “It is.”

  “He said you were about to fight him and took Mia from him and all this other crazy shit.” Karan looked over my shoulder and surely saw Mia standing next to my car and texting into her phone. “Oh shit. I thought he was drunk or something. Is it true?”

  “Not exactly.”

  He leaned his way and whispered, “Dude, she’s by your car.”

  “Yeah, but Tyson fucked up first. He’s been messing with Ashley.”

  Rolling his eyes, Karan bobbed his head like it was old news.

  “You knew.”

  “Yeah.” Karan shrugged. “We had know? Never mind.”


  “Nothing.” Karan looked uncomfortable. “Anyway, so Mia found out and you were all around her like...” He did a bad impression of me, “‘Oh baby, I’m here for you. Come to, Mr. Logan, the hot god of protection.’”

  I frowned. “Not exactly.”

  “And she was like,” Karan did a high-pitched voice, “‘Oh my darling hero, you are me and I am you and let’s be together. Take me off into the sunset from this mean, evil man and give me that long, hard—”

  “Not exactly, KK, not exactly.”

  Karan laughed. “Hey, it’s whatever. I knew Tyson would lose Mia, after our situation.”

  “What situation?”

  Karan stirred and pocketed his keys. “None of your business.”

  What the hell is he talking about? Karan and Tyson had a situation? And how was Ashley involved? It seems like there was a whole lot going on behind my and Mia’s backs.

  Tyson appeared at the doorway, holding more boxes. “KK! Come on. I want to get out of here.”

  “You see the thanks I get from this guy? No hello or thanks for jumping out of my bed to help him.” Karan gestured to Tyson and shook his head. “He’s pretty close to getting the boot from me too. I’m just trying to be nice.”

  “Be careful with Tyson. Some people take kindness as weakness and will take and take until you have nothing to show of your friendship.”

  “Good point.” Karan nodded. “I’ll see you later, Captain Save A—”


  He raised his hands and walked off. “My bad.”

  “Bye, Greek God of Bollywood.”

  “Hey, only my fans call me that.”

  Laughing, I headed back to my car, but first to Mia’s side, opening the door for her. “Sorry. I should have opened the car. I was just thrown off that Karan came by.”

  “No worries.” She didn’t climb in as she tucked her phone into her overnight bag. “I was trying to get in touch with Ashley again. There’s probably no reason to now. I’m surprised she hasn’t responded yet.”

  “Do you think she knows what happened between Tyson and you?”

  “No, not yet. Tyson was completely caught off guard when I told him I read his notebooks.” Her mouth dropped open. “Oh wait.” She glanced at her large pocketbook on the other side. “I still have them.”

  Frowning, she glanced over her shoulder at the apartment. “I don’t feel like giving them to him. I don’t even want to see his face anymore.”

  “Me either. Leave them at my place tonight. I’ll give them to Karan and he’ll deliver them.”

  “Oh good.” Her face brightened. “Thanks. Once I talk to Ashley and end our friendship, I’ll have my closure with everything.”

  “I believe you will.” I held back the urge to kiss her. “And then, you’ll be able to look to the future.”

  A smile threatened the corners of her mouth.

  “That sounds good too.” She climbed in, and I closed the door.

  When I got in, I noticed the notebooks again and considered Karan’s odd responses about Tyson and Ashley.

  What’s their big secret?

  Mia grabbed my attention. “What’s on your mind?”

  “Nothing.” I started the car. “Well...Karan hinted that he knew about Tyson and Ashley and that maybe something had occurred between all three of them.”

  She smirked. “W-what? That’s so weird. What do you think happened?”

  I pulled us out of the parking spot and drove us down the street. “I don’t know. I was looking at the notebooks, wondering if Tyson had included it.”

  Mia snorted. “I’m sure he did.”


  Silence filled the car, and then we both laughed.

  “Why are you chuckling?” she asked after stopping a little.

  “I want to be nosy.”

  “Me too.”

  I gestured to the notebooks as I eased our car onto the highway. “Scan the notebooks and see if you see Karan’s name. Oh wait...that might be too hurtful for you and—”

  “No. I don’t care about
Tyson anymore, and what he’s done with Ashley. In fact, it makes me wonder why I even stayed with him for so long.”

  “We all have our reasons for staying. We’re young and just figuring out this love thing as it goes.”

  “I hope you’re right.” She pulled the notebooks out of her bag.

  “I’m always right.”

  “Not according to your sisters.”

  “They’re jealous of my big brain.”

  “Well, I’m eager to see your big cock.” And then she dropped a notebook and gasped, “Oh my God, I’m sorry.”

  I swerved a little as my cock hardened in my jeans. “No. That’s fine.”

  She covered her face and laughed. “We were in a rhythm with retorts and I was already thinking—”

  “About how big my cock is?”

  “No.” She widened her eyes.

  “It’s true.”

  And then she shook her blush away and shrugged. “Fine. I was thinking about how big it would be.”

  Gripping the steering wheel hard, I groaned. “I can’t wait to get you back to my place. I’m close to crashing.”


  “Then stop giving me dirty talk and making me hard.”

  She gazed at it and held a wicked smile. “It’s hard?”

  I swerved again.

  A car blasted their horn at me.

  “Okay. Okay.” I bit my bottom lip. “Be on your best behavior so I can get us there safe.”

  She fake pouted as she flipped through Tyson’s notebook. “Fine. Besides, I know what can keep you...soft.”


  “Oh my God!” She shrieked and lifted the notebook higher, making sure the highway’s light hit the pages. “Uh...yeah. Karan knew what was going on. He had some fun too. Oh wow. This is juicy.”

  “What?” I tried to grab it. “Let me see.”

  “You’re driving.” She moved the notebook out of my way. “I’ll read it.”

  Oh God. Do I even want to know what happened between Karan and Tyson?

  “Okay.” I kept my view in front of me. “But this is the last time we read anything about Tyson. This is the last passage.”


  “Then, go for it.”


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