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Page 15

by Hayes, Olivia

  He leaned down to my ear and said, "I'm glad you're alright. When I saw his hands on you I wanted to rip him in two."

  His words angered me as his breath sent shivers down my spine. "You wanted to hurt him for touching me, yet it's the one thing you won't do?"

  "You told me last Friday that you didn't want to have sex with me and then all of a sudden, on Sunday, you'd changed your mind. I don't want our relationship to be solely about sex, even though I can barely contain myself while your sweet ass is nestled up against me at night. It just seems you change your mind a lot and I want to make sure you're sure before anything else happens. I've already told you once, I want this thing to work between us, so I'll wait as long as I have to, but make no mistake, I think about being inside you almost every minute of every day."

  My pulse was racing at his words and the feeling of his breath against my ear. The alcohol running through my veins gave me the courage I needed to tell him what I wanted. I turned my head toward him so that our cheeks were touching and whispered to him. "I want you inside me."

  I heard the sharp intake of his breath and the next moment I was being lifted off my barstool, flung over his shoulder, and carried through the crowd.

  "Put me down!" I laughed at him, slapping at his ass.

  Once we were outside the bar, he set me down on my feet, not moving his hands from my waist. His eyes searched mine and I smiled up at him while running my hands up his chest and inhaling his scent.

  "Are you drunk?"

  "No, I'm not drunk, but I have been drinking." Honestly, I was probably closer to drunk than anything, but that wasn't going to stop me from getting what I wanted from Luke.

  He leaned down, kissing me deeply, and stealing my breath, leaving my body aching for his touch and my mind reeling at the thought of what was to come. Sliding his hand up from my waist, and down my arm, he lifted my hand off his chest and entwined his fingers with mine.

  "Let's go."

  Once we were in the truck, I reached for the button on my jeans, looking at Luke, who was staring at me, open mouthed.

  "Get your clothes off!" I yelled at him as I started pulling off my jeans.

  He laughed as he started unfastening his belt.

  As soon as my pants and panties were off, I climbed over the center console, straddling him in the driver's seat.

  "Lean the seat back some," I said.

  As he lowered the seat back, I finished undoing his pants and reached into his boxers to pull out his hard, thick manhood. My insides clenched as I held him in my hand, positioning him for entry.

  I slid down on him slowly, reveling in the feel of him stretching me. We both moaned as I began to move against him. I was frantic and furious and he matched my pace.

  As soon as he felt me tightening around him, he reached between us and pressed on my clit, throwing me over the edge as he raced to follow me.

  I rested my damp forehead on his shoulder.

  "As soon as you get me home, we're doing that again," I whispered.

  He chuckled as he lifted me off of him, setting me back down in the passenger seat, and then tucking himself back into his pants.

  Once we reached his house, he slammed the truck into park, jumping out and running around to my door. He pulled me out of my seat and cradled me in his arms while carrying me into the house and up the stairs to his bed. Gently he pulled off one of my shoes and then the other, then peeled off my shirt and jeans before undressing himself. When he crawled beneath the sheets and pulled me under him I could feel his erection against my thigh.

  I swallowed hard, looking up into his beautiful eyes. So much emotion was running through them that I felt my throat constrict, and I had to hold back a sob. He was breathtaking, his stare intense and all consuming.

  "Savannah, you take my breath away," he whispered before catching my lips in a deeply passionate kiss. My core was on fire again as our tongues tangled and danced.

  He rolled me over to unclasp my bra and cast it aside, then pulled me back underneath him and took one taut nipple into his mouth, while rolling the other between his thumb and index finger. I grabbed onto his hair, pulling him against me as I arched my back, pushing myself farther into his mouth. Heat was rushing to my core.

  I drew up my knees and wrapped my legs around his waist, bucking against him.

  "Whoa baby, slow down," he chuckled at me, pulling back. "We have all night, and I want to enjoy this time."

  "Please Luke, I don't have any patience tonight. Sleeping in your bed all week was torture. I just want you to take me again, fast and hard."

  He growled as he threw back the covers and flipped me over to my stomach, hauling me up onto my knees. He kissed a path down my spine before slipping my panties off and shoving two fingers inside me.

  "Fuck, you're ready," he ground out.

  "Yes," I cried out to him.

  A moment later I felt him poised at my entrance and a second after that he was thrusting deep into me. I threw my head back and moaned my pleasure. He tried to hold back, but I wasn't having any of it. I slammed my hips into him, taking him roughly. After a few more thrusts, I felt myself tighten and convulse, at the same moment I felt him expand and explode. We fell into a sweaty heap on the bed, him laying with his chest on my back, breathing heavily.

  "By the way, I'm glad you like the earrings," he whispered.

  "I'm glad you noticed," I sighed."Luke?"

  He grunted.

  "Why were you so different that Christmas?" I asked.

  He rolled off me and we both propped our heads up on our hands and we laid on our sides facing each other.

  "Caroline, I should have told you years ago, but from the moment I met you, I wanted nothing more than for you to be a part of my life. I didn't even realize what that meant until I saw you at Mark's graduation. I was a fucking idiot for so long. I should have told you that day, but I was so full of pride and arrogance that I was sure you'd choose me.

  "When you didn't, I couldn't believe it. I was miserable. I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep... I started numbing myself by drinking a lot and sleeping around. None of those girls ever meant anything to me, they were all just a distraction.

  "When I saw you with Mark the two of you seemed so happy and in love, but then I would catch you looking at me. I didn't know what to think about that for a while. It wasn't until that day at the hotel when I realized that you wanted me as much as I wanted you.

  "I knew there was nothing I could do then. I wanted to kiss you so badly. It was all I had thought about for years, and there you were, turning your face up to mine, almost as if you were asking me to kiss you."

  "I did want you to, Luke, so much. I hated those feelings though. I felt like I was betraying Mark by even having those thoughts in my head," I said, honestly.

  He leaned in and kissed me briefly, searching my eyes before continuing.

  "By the time that Christmas had rolled around, I'd stopped drinking, stopped sleeping with all those women... I think I had finally realized that nothing was going to change the way I felt about you. That day, when you opened the door, I had already decided that I was going to ruin my relationship with Mark and ask you to leave with me. I had this whole speech planned about fate and how we were meant to be together... But then I heard him talking to my dad the next day. He was telling him how much he loved you, and how all he wanted was a chance to make you happy for the rest of his life. How he had talked to a guy he knew in Atlanta about giving you your dream job once you got settled, and how he had already been looking at houses for the two of you. He was planning a life for you. That's when I realized how much of a better man he was than me. He asked my dad for Granny Sara's ring to give you, swearing he would spend his life proving that he loved you as much as Grandpa had loved her, and here I was planning to try and steal that away from him.

  "When I saw you come out of the bathroom I knew it was my last chance for anything, so I dragged you into my room and kissed you with everything I had in me. That
one kiss had to be enough, and I was going to let you go. I contemplated not giving you the earrings, but I didn't want them around as a reminder of what I'd lost. Then I went and got myself a hotel room so I wouldn't have to see you again.

  "By the time your graduation rolled around I had made myself crazy. I knew I would live to regret never telling you how I felt, so I showed up and tried to spit it out, but I made a huge mess of it all over again and then the accident happened."

  I reached out and touched his cheek. I never realized he felt so strongly about me way back then. It always seemed his feelings were more physical in nature, but knowing him the way I do, I realized that I should have known all along. It was there in his eyes the entire time.

  "Luke, I'm so sorry."

  "What are you sorry for? The whole thing is my fault."

  He gathered me into his chest and we held each other in silence for a while before I passed out. When I woke later I was curled up next to him with one of my legs flung across his lower body and my head on his chest. I smiled as I closed my eyes and drifted back to sleep.

  July 4, 2013

  The next morning when I woke, Luke wasn't in the bed. I pulled on some bike shorts and a tank top before brushing my teeth and digging two aspirin out of my purse. I splashed some water on my face and brushed my hair, thinking back on the last week and how nice and normal it felt to be here with Luke, in his house. I smiled at myself in the mirror, pinching my cheeks for some color, before heading down the stairs.

  Halfway down the staircase I heard voices in the kitchen. I slowed my descent and listened, trying to make out what was being said.

  "Mom, I've been seeing someone and she's upstairs sleeping. I wasn't expecting you and Dad to show up today," I heard Luke say.

  "Ooh, I can't wait to meet her, Luke! It's about time you found yourself a girl to settle down with," his mother said. "And of course we're here, it's the 4th of July!"

  "I found her a long time ago, Mom. She's always been the one. And I know it's the 4th of July, but you didn't tell me you were coming."

  "Awe, honey, that's so wonderful. You deserve every happiness! And we always come for the 4th, you know that. So, tell me about her."

  "She's amazing. She works in marketing for her family's business and went to school at Georgia. She makes me laugh and lights up the room with her smile. From the moment I laid eyes on her I knew she would always hold a special place in my heart, and now that I've found her again, there's nothing that can keep me from her. She deserves happiness and love, and I want to be the one to give her those things."

  My heart melted when I heard Luke talking about me. I knew his family would be the last hurdle for us and it comforted me to hear him talking to his mother with so much conviction.

  "My oldest baby, finally in love! Wake her up so we can meet her. I'm going to help your dad finish unpacking the car. Emily will be here in a couple hours."

  "Mom, wait, there's something I need to tell you." Luke said, sounding closer to the foyer.

  I heard footsteps coming my way and turned to flee, but it was too late. Martha saw my back retreating up the stairs.

  "Hello! Don't be shy, I'm Luke's mother, Martha."

  The universe strikes yet again!

  I kept my back to her. "Mrs. Johnson, if you would excuse me, I'm not appropriately dressed. I wasn't aware anyone else was here. I'll be back down after I put some clothes on."

  "Nonsense, honey, if we're going to be family you don't need to hide from me."

  Slowly I turned around, not wanting to see the look on her face when she recognized me.

  "Caroline?" She questioned, looking confused. Only a second passed before she put two and two together. She started shaking her head as she took a step back.

  "Martha, please," I said, starting down the stairs.

  "No." She held up her hand, halting me where I was. I looked to Luke for help.

  "Mother, be careful," he warned her, putting his hand on her shoulder, and willing her to consider her words carefully.

  "I need a moment," she said, exhaling loudly while walking around Luke and onto the porch.

  Luke looked at me with apologetic eyes. "I'm sorry baby," he said, coming to stand with me on the staircase. "Let's get dressed and we'll give her some time to process this."


  After tying my hair up in a knot, I jumped in the shower to rinse off, and then pulled on some white shorts and a navy tank covered in red sequined stars. As I brushed out my hair and applied some light make-up, I looked at Luke who was sitting on the bed with a contemplative look on his face.

  "What are we going to do?" I asked him.

  "She'll come around. I think it was just the shock of seeing you here. All our friends are going to be here in a couple hours, so we really need to focus on setting up the tables and getting the food prep done," he said.

  He stood, walking into the bathroom and putting his arms around my waist, looking over my shoulder into the mirror. I met his eyes.

  "Everything is going to be fine, Savannah. Nothing is going to keep us apart. We've already wasted so much time finding each other again."

  I relaxed in his arms, praying he was right.


  When we went back downstairs his father was in the kitchen making potato salad.

  "Caroline! It's so nice to see you again," he said, giving me a warm hug.

  "You too, Papa Luke," I said to him, smiling and hoping he didn't mind that I still called him that.

  When he smiled warmly at me I decided he was okay with Luke and me.

  "Where did Mom go?" Luke asked, walking up to clap his dad on the shoulder.

  "She ran to the store to pick up some things for the party. Don't worry, she'll come around," he said, comfortingly. "I think she has taken some things from the past and blown them out of proportion. Hopefully she will realize her mistake soon."

  I wondered what things from the past she could have misconstrued and wanted to ask him exactly that, but Luke was dragging me out the door before I could voice any questions. We spent the next hour bringing folding tables from the shed into the back yard, and setting them up with tablecloths and chairs. My parents arrived not too long after that with Carson and Lou.

  I pulled Carson aside. "No offense, but what are you doing with Lou?"

  "For now, I'm just seeing where it goes," he said.

  "I really like her Carson. Please don't screw her around. I know you're still caught up on that girl Meg."

  "I know what I'm doing okay? Don't worry," he said, and I had to drop it as Luke Senior walked in.

  "Carson, this is Luke's father, Luke Senior," I said, introducing them.

  "Where's Martha?" My mother asked, walking into the house with several containers full of food.

  "She went to the store a while ago. She'll probably be back any minute now," I responded.

  On cue, Martha walked in with her arms full of groceries. I went to help her even though she said she could manage.

  "I said I can do it!" She yelled at me, causing me to step back.

  "Mom, Caroline is just trying to help; you have your arms full. Give me some of those bags," Luke said, walking towards her.

  "Thank you son," she said, letting him unload some of the bags from her and carry them to the kitchen.

  I excused myself to get some air, and walked out onto the back porch. I wasn't really sure how I expected it to go when I saw Luke Senior and Martha again, but it certainly wasn't like this. I suppose I had finally found someone who thought my being with Luke was unacceptable. I wasn't sure what I was going to do about it, but I wanted to fix it if I could. Luke was worth it to me.

  "Hey, you okay?"

  I turned to see Lou looking at me.

  "Yeah, I will be. I think Luke's mother isn't happy that he's seeing me. I guess after everything with Mark, it just surprised her."

  "Caroline, it's hard not to like you. I'm sure she'll warm up, maybe she just needs a little time to process the
situation," Lou said.

  "Speaking of situations, what's up with you and my brother?"

  Lou blushed. "What do you mean?"

  "I saw the looks you two traded at the bar and now you're here with him."

  She was wringing her hands as if contemplating how much to tell me.

  "Well we're just going to see how it goes I guess."

  She looked hopeful and I smiled at her, although I knew there was more to the story than she was telling me.

  "Good. I'm glad," I said to her, sincerely.

  Just then Luke walked out onto the deck.

  "Hey baby, how are you doing?" He asked, coming up to put his arms around me as Lou excused herself to go back inside.

  "Just thinking about how I can make things better with your mother," I said, leaning into him.

  "Babe, you don't have to worry about her. She doesn't understand, but she will." He kissed me on the top of the head.

  The back door opened and Emily walked through. I turned in Luke's arms to gauge her reaction to me.

  "Hey there stud," she said and winked when she saw Luke. "Mom says you've been snared by some she-devil." She looked at me with a twinkle in her eyes.

  Luke let go of me and picked her up in the air, twirling her around in a bear hug, causing her to scream.

  "Em, you remember Caroline."

  Emily walked over to me, hugging me tightly. "Hey Caroline, it's so nice to finally see you again. I've missed you so much," Emily said.

  I looked over her shoulder at Luke and he shrugged. "I've missed you too," I said, returning her hug with tears in my eyes.

  "I'm sorry I haven't been in touch. I was looking forward to you moving in with Mark so we could spend time with each other, and then...and I just couldn't...I'm sorry."

  I was at a loss for words. I looked from Luke, who was looking at me seemingly trying to read my mind, to Emily, who was smiling through her tears.

  "From the way Luke was looking at you a few minutes ago, I gather we're finally going to get a chance to spend time together again."

  "Em, don't freak her out," Luke said, moving to put his arm around me. "I just got her back, and I want to keep her this time."


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