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Jacob (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 3)

Page 7

by Selina Coffey

  “Ah, Sherry, you’re my favorite, my dear.” He slipped an arm around her waist as she came up to him, her eyes already working on seduction. They made a handsome couple, she with curly, dark red hair, a slim waist with large hips and breasts that appealed. In a slinky electric blue dress, she looked fantastic and she knew it. The man beside of her was as equally blessed in the looks department. Tall, handsome, with black hair and gray eyes James would have been a work of art, except for the cruel twist of his mouth that was always there and the greed that burned in his eyes. Those two features took away every bit of handsome about the man. Not even the tame outfit of a pale yellow buttoned shirt with a pair of khaki pants could make him appear sweeter, not with the cruelty so imprinted on his face.

  James walked into the dining room with Sherry at his side. His generals were already at the table, quietly waiting for him. Clan heads, these men were powerful and in his pocket. They sat quietly as he flirted with Sherry by putting her in her chair, ignoring their hungry bellies. He could hear their stomachs and prolonged his discussion with her by sitting at the head of the table and carrying on his conversation.

  “Well, you know my dear, once we rid ourselves of these pesky Alexanders and whoever else has joined with them, I’ll be glad to get you a house in Hawaii. I’ll name it after his parents. Do you know they pined away for each other, only twenty-five feet apart?” He asked with a cruel laugh. “I watched them wither away for weeks, unable to even see each other. That was love, true love. But yes, I’ll buy you a house, my dear.”

  She tittered as he patted her hand, her cheeks blushing prettily but he knew in a matter of hours she’d be beneath him, getting him off in any way he imagined. And he had a very vivid imagination.

  “Now, men, let’s eat.” He looked around the table with a wide grin, ignoring the sighs of relief. He was hungry tonight as well; he wouldn’t make them wait for their meals any longer.

  James gave the servant the signal and the food was brought out to the table. James parceled it out, giving the most to those who’d been the most helpful and leaving little for those that thought being a part of the Mungons Clan meant sitting on their ass while everyone else worked. It was a recent trend and one he meant to squash.

  “Now men, I know you’ll look at these portions and think them unfair but you get what you earn with me. If we want to restore the king to the throne, if we want to do away with that prissy little court the magicals now call our governing body, we all have to work equally, and harder than ever.”

  James looked around and saw his generals watching him, focused on nothing more than him and his words. He had them in the palm of his hand. It was his cruelty that had drawn them but they had never expected him to use it on them. Now they were learning differently.

  “Alpha, we shall strive to work harder!” This from a blond man to his right, one with a bigger plate of food. The man looked pleased with himself for having achieved more than he could eat. James wasn’t sure he liked that. With narrowed eyes he looked at the man, wondering if he’d been wrong about him. Perhaps the man had too much ambition.

  “I’m sure you will. You’ll set a good example for the others.” James continued to pass out food, his voice dismissive of the man and his words.

  “Now, what have you all accomplished today?” James already knew every move the generals made but he wanted to hear it from them.

  “I contacted my people in Louisiana. I have learned the Alexanders are all there, every last one of them.” The man, another blonde, spoke with pride as though he had brought his Alpha vital information.

  “We already knew that.” James glared at him, scraping some of the food from the plate he had been preparing.

  “But we didn’t know the wives were there too!” The man’s eyes had gone round and his voice got higher as he watched his food disappearing.

  “In fact we did. Your information is of no use. What else did you do?” James stood, spoon in hand as the man thought. “That’s what I thought. Do more tomorrow and you’ll get proper food.”

  James handed the man a plate with two sprouts and a tiny sliver of ham, barely enough to even get the taste in his mouth. The men could go out and get their own food, James knew that, but this was a lesson in consequences. It was a lesson in standing up and being counted by your peers, not just sitting on your ass and waiting on others to do your work for you. Even generals earned their keep around here.

  “Another day of this, Elias, and I’ll send you to West Virginia, understand me?” James stared down at the now blanching man. James sent the worst of his people to West Virginia, the ones that refused to work, that would not even provide for themselves. They lived in squalor, deep in a mine where guards kept them from escaping. “How old are you Elias?”

  “I will be thirty-two next month, Alpha.” The man swallowed harshly and James knew he had him thinking.

  “So nearly three hundred years down a mine doesn’t sound too pleasant, does it? I’ve heard some shifters live to four hundred, you know? That’s an awfully long time.” James’s voice had become harsher as he spoke until anger blazed from his eyes.

  “Yes, Alpha. I understand, Alpha.” The man hung his head, not touching his food.

  “Eat what you’ve been given. At least show that much respect for your brothers and your Alpha.” James spit the words out, his fist coming down on the table.

  Elias swallowed pitifully and picked up his fork. James sat down and turned off his anger, turning happy eyes to the others.

  “Now, who’s next?” He began to eat as the others began to speak.

  As they waited for dessert, James began to speak again.

  “I know I shouldn’t have to go over this again but let me explain to you all what’s happening here. To make sure you all understand. A refresher course for Elias, if you will. The magicals’ last king died a hundred years ago and the people decided that they wanted elected officials from each branch of the world, even if some of those officials were truly shadow officials. And I do mean shadows.” James stopped, rolling his eyes. “Shadows as elected officials. Only in our world!”

  “We’ll soon sort that, Alpha, you’ll be our true and rightful king!” The first blond general crowed, James couldn’t remember his name at the moment.

  “Yes, well. That will only be the case if we all work for it, men. Only then!” James looked at each one, willing them to bow their heads to him. They all did.

  This would work out fine then.

  “While you’ve all been out gathering old news, others have been building tunnels. The time has come to use those tunnels, to destroy the Alexanders, to destroy those that would stand in our way!” James roared the last to the delight of his men. “Tonight we go to Louisiana. We start the process of ridding ourselves of those that have withheld power from us. We take some of that control they hold so close to themselves, and we begin our efforts.”

  “We shall rule the world, Alpha!” A general at the end of the table chirped up, a sycophantic man that didn’t deserve a higher place, not even Elias’s place.

  James looked at him and began the next part of his speech. “Some of you will be lost but your sacrifice will not be in vain.”

  The man blanched, the meaning not lost on him. James gave him his evil grin, a grin that meant he’d fucked up royally.

  “Some of you will be pawns, while others will rise to the top with me. After tonight, we don’t get to rest. We have to destroy those that would hold us back. We have to decide who lives and who dies. The vampires will have to be spared for their blood. If we want to rule the world we need slaves, and the humans we leave and allow to breed will be controlled by the vampire blood. The other shifters, though?” James paused, pretending to consider the matter. “Kill them all. Every last one of them.”

  A cheer went around the table as James flipped his hand. Turning to Sherry he ignored the pleased sounds the men made and focused on the woman. James had a secret, he was far older than any of the current m
agicals suspected, he was of the first line, the oldest magical on the planet. But Sherry didn’t need to know that when he took her to his bed and his men didn’t either. They just needed to know their leader was strong, virile, and ready for battle. Even if he did look a bit of a tit in his outfit. The power was still there, throbbing under the surface and they all knew it.

  He’d waited for this moment for an eternity, now it was almost in his hands.

  Chapter 7


  Jacob had recovered his senses enough to move around and explore. Occasionally an odd, stray thought would pop into his head, stopping him as he wondered where it came from. After a rather strange thought, the idea that he really hated bone-ribbing in corsets, he knew the thoughts were Sabrina’s and not his own. Good to know.

  Jacob wasn’t sure what he was looking for as he went through the closet in Sabrina’s room, he was just filling time more than anything, trying to avoid the mirror. He knew the legends, he knew vampires were doomed never to see their own reflection again and he didn’t want to face it. Not that he was vain, it was the fact that even more than the ties he now had with Sabrina, or the fact that his hair had grown down to his shoulders since his “rebirth”, or even the fact that his skin was much paler than it used to be, not being able to see his own reflection would mean he really had changed and life would never be the same.

  He had explored every part of her room except her dressing table, the table with the mirror. With a sigh he walked over to it, avoiding the reflective surface as he came up to the side. A round silver box sat on the table and he picked it up. There was a brownish white powder in it but Jacob didn’t know what it was. Holding it up to his nose he sniffed delicately.

  Immediately a stinging sensation started in his nostrils, and he held the box away as he felt an explosive sneeze coming on. Jacob almost dropped the box as his reflexes took over and his fangs came down hard on his lips.

  “What the hell?” He put the box down and stroked his lip. His fingers came away with blood. “Oh this fucking sucks! I can’t even control my fangs? Wait, fuck, I have fangs!”

  Jacob probed his gums with his index finger, finding the fangs had retracted as he searched his mouth. How did he get them to come out? He couldn’t go around sniffing pepper boxes every time he needed to… feed.

  Why did she have pepper in her room anyway, he wondered, as he looked down at the table again. He saw another box with salt in it, the top clear glass. Maybe she ate in her room a lot? He looked more closely at the boxes and realized they were quite old; some of the edges used to be sharp but had smoothed down over time. Perhaps it was something from her mortal life?

  He put the box down and sighed. He couldn’t put it off any longer. With a deep breath he moved, eyes glued to the glass mirror on the stand, waiting, hoping. Five minutes later, after scrubbing at his eyes with his fingers, after shifting around from side to side, tilting the mirror several times, and wiping it with a towel he found, he had to admit it. He had no reflection. For all intents and purposes, he didn’t exist according to the mirror.

  Jacob backed up, his knees coming into contact with the bed. With a huff he let himself fall onto it, his heart racing. Well, his heart was still beating, that was a plus. He had never understood the need for blood if the heart wasn’t beating, as so many books and movies had claimed. It would just sit there, coagulating in the throat if none of the normal bodily functions were taking place. Yet, he couldn’t see his reflection, what scientific reason could there be for that?

  Even as a so called “magical”, Jacob had always looked for scientific explanations for mysteries but couldn’t think of an explanation as to why he didn’t cast a reflection. There was just no logical reason. He was working himself into a panic, he knew that, but couldn’t stop it. Find Cade, his brain screamed, but he knew that was the last fucking thing he should do. Cade would bring the entire monastery down around his ears if there wasn’t a buffer there.

  Jacob stood on shaky legs, his body exhausted but his mind still reeling, and felt a cry of anger and frustration building in his throat. This just wasn’t good enough.

  “I’m here, Jacob. And I’ve brought what you need most. Now settle down.” Sabrina’s voice came after the slight snick of the door opening, her voice soothing him, though he didn’t really want to feel that way towards her.

  Jacob couldn’t stop his head from turning in her direction, her presence drawing him in a way he’d never experienced before.

  “What do you mean…” His words trailed off as he saw a woman step out from behind Sabrina. Jacob inspected the petite blonde woman, noting her almond shaped eyes and slender frame. His eyes showed no interest until he looked back at Sabrina. His heart sped up when he saw her amused gaze, the color of her eyes somehow deeper, richer than before. Perhaps it was the sunlight, he mused as he settled back onto the bed once more.

  “What’s this?” Nonchalant, almost zero real interest.

  “This, for lack of a better term, is dinner. Now, let me explain a few things.” Sabrina gestured to the woman to sit beside Jacob on the bed, her skirt swishing around her feet. The woman did like to dress the part, he noted, as he inspected the red crushed silk with black lace trim. Beautiful, sexy, and elegant, Sabrina was a dream come true for some, a waking, tormenting nightmare for Jacob. Mainly because he wanted her still, despite what she had done to him.

  “First, no rape. I do not expect such things from an Alexander but we vampires have learned it must be stated. Taking blood can be highly erotic, arousing the deepest of passions, but rape is simply not condoned. Most of your volunteers will not mind having sex with you if you ask, most find it a highly enjoyable experience, but you must ask. Second, do not abuse your volunteer. No bruising, no pain, unless they ask for it of course.” Sabrina stopped to wink at the blonde woman next to Jacob. The only thing he really noticed about the woman was that she exuded a rather pleasant perfume, something that caught his imagination.

  “Jacob? Are you paying attention?” She waited until he’d turned back to her, her amused look increasing. It drove him mad! “Third, your instincts will guide you but I will be present the first few times you feed in case you need help. For some, this can be a difficult stage to face. The mind shrinks at the thought of drinking blood but you’re already catching that scent are you not? At first it reminds you of spring renewal, orange blossoms and sunshine. Then it will change, have you noticed yet?” She paused, coming to him as he leaned almost imperceptibly towards the blond woman.

  “She smells of chocolate and wine now, of sweet cream and butterscotch.” Sabrina moved close to the bed, her eyes mesmerizing Jacob. She reached out, flicked something, and soft music with a deep bass beat started to play. When she spoke again her voice was just as soft and sensual, her words causing something in him to ache.

  “Stroke her neck, Jacob. Look how long, pale and slender it is. That’s it, touch her, feel her warmth.” Sabrina came up on the other side of Jacob and all three sprawled on the bed, sideways on the extra-large mattress. Jacob reached out to touch the woman, a long powerful finger stroking her delicate ivory skin hesitantly. She wasn’t dinner, no matter what he did to her. This was a human being, even if she wasn’t as engrossing as Sabrina. He leaned into the volunteer, and to his surprise found she did smell of chocolates and wine.

  Deep inside, a fire still burned, a rage he harbored against Sabrina, the woman that had changed him but might have saved the entire world. He felt no real desire for the woman but something did yearn for what she could give him. The scent did make him long for something… more.

  His hands stroked the woman’s neck and wandered down her shoulder, her warmth just as inviting as the smell of the blood she offered him. He jerked slightly when he felt Sabrina touch him, her small hand cold, but not as cold as he might have expected. Jacob felt a heat begin to build just beneath his skin, a skimming of fire that went straight to one place as Sabrina’s hands glided over his back. The fire ski
mmed down, low and heavy in his lower regions. This almost felt like lust, he realized.

  “Lick her, Jacob, while you’re stroking her arm, lick the pulse in her neck.” Sabrina whispered in his ear, so low the woman wouldn’t hear, but he saw the woman tense in anticipation, her trusting eyes darting to Jacob’s.

  Why did she trust him, he wondered? He wasn’t sure he trusted himself at this point.

  Slowly, with a shyness he’d never felt before, he moved his lips to the woman’s neck, tasting her with his lips. She tasted of heaven and all of the things Sabrina had described! His tongue came out then, greedily wanting more. He inhaled deeply as he tasted her, filling his head with the aroma of this rather brave woman. Or was she stupid? Jacob had no idea and didn’t care as his lust for her blood burst suddenly into life. His fangs sprang from his gums, grazing her skin, and she groaned with anticipation of pleasure.

  He gathered her to him as Sabrina moved, sitting up behind him to slide her hands around to his front, finding him hard and ready in more ways than one. He felt her small hand palming his hardness as his fangs slid out further from his gums and straight into the woman’s flesh.

  “Higher Jacob, just a little higher.” Sabrina’s croon told him where to go, what to do, as his needle sharp fangs slid out of the woman’s skin and moved higher. He felt Sabrina squeeze him just a little tighter as his fangs slid into a new patch of skin, unbroken and paper thin, at least to his teeth. He thrust into Sabrina’s hand again, wanting to feel her slick walls around him once more. “There, my darling, now suck.”

  He did and the most beautiful liquid he had ever tasted filled his mouth, his senses, his entire being with pleasure. He was unaware of his hands roaming the volunteer’s body, or how she moaned and writhed beneath him. He was only aware of the gentle, healing pleasure of her blood as he sucked small doses of it from her slowly.


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