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Jacob (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 3)

Page 45

by Selina Coffey

  “It’s ridiculous how attractive I find you when your manner is borderline offensive and fully obnoxious.” I said instead. He was too shocked to say anything back and I liked for once that I had startled him into not being able to speak. I nudged him out of the way and unlocked my car while he just stood there a pleased little smile on his face. I then got in behind the wheel and he squatted down next to the door, looking at me through the window.

  I rolled it down and said, “I might consider seeing you again. Maybe. What did you have in mind?”

  He gave me a slow broad smile and I was reminded of how sexy he was again, “You’re so sassy. I think I might actually like it. How about we get together sometime this weekend?”

  I pretended to think about it before answering in the affirmative.

  “Your father has my personal number, I’m sure. Give me a call. We’ll make plans.” Not waiting for him to move, I backed the car up and he jumped lithely out of the way.

  I smiled evilly to myself, honked the horn twice in good-bye, and drove away. I couldn’t resist the urge to look behind me and I smiled to myself at the imposing perfection that was Maximus as I completely disappeared from view.

  Chapter 3

  “Lady Belle. Come down from there, right now! I’m serious. Right now!” I hissed at my cat that was up in a tree in front of my home, leisurely licking her paws as if she didn’t have a care in the world.

  I looked around me hoping that I wasn’t waking the neighbors. I didn’t see anyone, so I fastened my robe tighter to my body, and then giving one last look over my shoulder, I shimmied up the tree. It took a few bad starts, but five minutes later, I was hanging from a larger branch that stuck out to the right of the tree reaching for my cat Lady Belle, who was obviously anything but a lady, I thought somewhat bitterly.

  She made no move to make it easier for me and instead just rolled over on her back, exposing her belly, situated precariously on the edge of a large limb.

  “No! I’m not going to rub your tummy. Come here! Come here, sweetie!” I beckoned her.

  She blatantly ignored me and then made a move to jump down. I figured I would be able to stop her so I also pivoted forward and then promptly swiped her into my arms. It wasn’t until I was falling through the air that I realized I had over corrected and a scream tore from my throat as I tumbled towards the ground. I abruptly stopped screaming when I landed with a thump in the arms of a man I had seen before from a distance. Even from a distance, I figured he would be attractive, but I hadn’t been expecting this.

  Up close, his eyes were light blue, almost grey and he smiled at the bemused look on my face.

  “Thank you,” I said trying to maintain some dignity as I adjusted my robe and attempted to stand up. I had accidentally flashed him since I wasn’t wearing a bra beneath it and he was gentlemanly enough to pretend not to notice. I briefly thought how Maximus would have most likely gone out of his way to comment upon seeing my breasts.

  This man though only eased me down and I did my best to fix my disheveled clothing with a frisky cat still in my hand.

  “I’m a cat person, clearly.” I said to ease my embarrassment.

  “No kidding? A woman after my own heart.” He said softly and I realized that as he stepped out of the shadows into the streetlight he was wearing jogging shorts, running shoes and nothing else. He was all lean muscle and smooth lightly tanned skin. He placed his hands on his hips, I practically salivated as the small motion made his pecs flex, and I could see every detail of his chiseled perfect abs. The guy was built like a deity. I couldn’t believe my luck; two sexy men all in the same week?

  I felt suddenly shy around him, given that he was so scarcely dressed. He didn’t seem to be in a rush to go anywhere so I awkwardly said, “I’m sorry to disturb your jog. Run. Umm…your workout.”

  He shrugged and gave me a boyish smile, “No big deal. I like to help damsels in distress. My name’s Dominic, by the way. You’re new to the neighborhood too, right?”

  I nodded, “I’m Liza. I’ve only lived here for a few months. You live near Patterson Street, right? I thought I recognized you.”

  He nodded. “I’m having a housewarming party, by the way. Just a few friends. You should stop by, if you’re not too busy.” The offer surprised me. I assumed my current state of undress might have had something to do with it.

  Interested, I said, “When is it?”

  “This weekend. Saturday night.”

  I thought briefly about Maximus and wondered if he actually planned to call anytime soon. I then told myself that I was being ridiculous; I could accept an invitation with another man. It wasn’t as if I was dating Maximus, he hadn’t even called, and it had been a few days since I had seen him in his father’s office.

  “I’ll try to make it,” I said in a noncommittal tone and he looked disappointed.

  “Come on, say yes,” and there was something about the beckoning, yet teasing tone of his voice that made me want to give in. He wasn’t as intense as Maximus, I could tell that instantly from the warmth of his voice and his open expression but something about him was just as enthralling and demanded my attention. His blue eyes slowly searched my own being reminded again of how different he was from Maximus. I knew Dominic was tempted to let his eyes travel over my body, but he resisted out of politeness, while Maximus didn’t care at all obviously about propriety.

  “You’re a very beautiful woman, Liza.” He said suddenly and I blinked, not expecting the compliment.

  “Thank you,” I mumbled and his pupils seemed to dilate a little bit. I assumed it was my eyes playing tricks on me. I ignored it; the man was gorgeous with his short cut hair and muscular shoulders. He looked like he belonged in the military or on the cover of a men’s fitness magazine. Everything about him seemed to be a study in perfection and his eyes were his crowning glory, a stunning shade of blue that seemed to alternate between blue and gray, as they surveyed me.

  “Well, it was a pleasure meeting you, Liza. Maybe we’ll run into each other again.”

  And with that he teasingly saluted me and went back either to continue his jog or return home. I called out, “Be safe,” and realized he was gone. The man was seriously fast and clearly in great shape.

  I didn’t hear from Maximus at all and we didn’t run into each other as I thought we would when I went to the office. When Saturday night approached, I got dressed to attend Dominic’s party. I wasn’t so thrilled to be going, but I didn’t want to sit around all Saturday night wishing I were doing something besides watching old movies streamed on my computer. I’d had enough weekends sitting on the couch just talking to Lady Belle and I was starting to feel like our one-sided conversations weren’t the best use of my free time.

  I slipped on a maxi dress and let my long hair fall in soft waves that trailed down my back. I grabbed the gift card I had gotten Dominic for his housewarming gift and headed out. It wasn’t quite dark yet. It seemed like the sun would be setting in a few hours.

  I arrived at Dominic’s door, rang the doorbell, and felt suddenly nervous being there. I didn’t know him at all and now I was going to hang out with him and his friends. What if he was an obnoxious jerk? Then what? I guess I could make an excuse about my cat being in the tree again and sneak away, I thought pitifully to myself.

  The door opened a second later and I scratched all ideas of running off to go sit on the couch with my cat when I saw Dominic standing there. He was wearing a fitted white t-shirt and dark jeans. He managed to look debonair and casual all at the same time and then he smiled at me as if he truly were happy that I was there.

  “Liza. You made it. Come on in,” he said surprising me by ushering me in by placing his hand on my lower back. It felt good there, especially since part of my dress was backless. His hand lingered on my exposed skin just long enough to be a tad inappropriate and I was sorry when he moved his hand away and started pointing at the various guests there.

  It was a full crowd and he jokingly gestu
red towards one group, sitting next to his fireplace and said, “Those are the nerds. Stay away from them: they’re talking about quantum physics and fiscal policy. Pretty boring subjects.”

  He then rotated me to the left and pointed out a group of people that were really animated and laughing. I thought I heard the words, aliens and Star Wars at one point from them.

  “Those are my friends that I only allow over if they pay me.” He said and I had to laugh.

  “Are they really that bad?”

  Dominic grimaced as if it pained him to admit it and I immediately loved his teasing personality.

  “Yes, they’re really that bad. Right now, they’re talking about Tesla, government conspiracy theories, sci-fi movies and who had the most acne back in high school. So far everyone agrees that it was me.”

  I laughed, “Well you couldn’t tell, your complexion’s beautiful now.”

  He smiled down at me, “Beautiful, huh? A woman before has never called me beautiful. I don’t know if I should feel emasculated or flattered. Either way, I might just have to keep you.”

  “Trust me. You don’t want that,” came a voice from behind us. An older woman, around fifty with startling blue eyes and a soft smile on her face approached us and extended her hand, “I’m Patty, Dominic’s mother, and you must be the cute neighbor he mentioned inviting.”

  I blushed, “I certainly hope so.”

  “Well enjoy the party and tell me if my son gets out of hand.” She then walked away and started socializing with another woman her age.

  “I never get out of hand,” he said to me and then he leaned down so that his mouth was very close to my ear. “I mean, unless you want me to.” There was so much meaning behind his words, not to mention the way he looked at me as he pulled away, that I knew his version of out of hand most likely wasn’t rated PG. I would guess it was more along the lines of NC-17 or XXX.

  “Hey everybody!” He shouted suddenly over the crowd. “This is my friend Liza!”

  Everyone stopped whatever they were doing and I received a ton of random greetings, “Hi, Liza!” “Nice to meet you!” “Welcome to the party, sexy!”

  “That’s Allen, ignore him. He doesn’t get out much,” Dominic said jokingly referring to the tall and lanky guy standing next to the drinks who had made the sexy comment.

  Allen heard him and said, “He’s not lying. I don’t get out at all.” He then winked at me and walked off.

  “Your friends are funny,” I said, starting to relax.

  “They’re okay, I guess. When they’re not eating all my food or drinking all my beer. Speaking of which, what would you like to drink?”

  “I don’t know. Soda, maybe?”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah, just to start.” I didn’t like to drink around those I didn’t know. It was a control and image thing. I felt alcohol made me a little loose and I hated to be out of control.

  “Soda it is,” he disappeared for a second and came back with a drink.

  “Thank you,” He again allowed his hand to rest on my lower back as he started to introduce me personally to various people. I found them interesting as a whole and it seemed a lot of them worked in science and technology. It was a mixed group of friends and family, but I noticed when people talked about Dominic it was clear how much they respected him and how easy-going he was when chided. It was nice to be around someone who didn’t take himself too seriously.

  As the night grew later, I gave a big yawn while talking to Allen and he said, “Am I boring you?”

  I shook my head embarrassed and then he yawned as well, “Oh no, it’s contagious.”

  I had to laugh and then Dominic appeared and Allen excused himself.

  “Are you having a good time?”

  “A great time.”

  “I caught you yawning. Tell the truth.” He said this while trailing his hand down my arm. The simple motion served to turn me on.

  “Maybe I’m just a little tired.” I confessed, leaning in closer to him, wanting him to touch me again.

  He brought his hand up and ran it through my hair and down my cheek. “I can walk you home.”

  “No way. I’m not ready to go home yet.”

  “Then maybe you’ll consider sitting outside with me. Come check out the backyard: I have a breathtaking view of the mountains from there.”

  “Lead the way,” I said enthusiastically.

  He was right. His view was stunning. Not only that, but he had a swimming pool; an infinity pool that sat in the middle of his perfectly landscaped backyard. I noted that the whole house had been a study in understated elegance and the backyard continued that theme with the stunning outdoor kitchen and patio area.

  He sat down and patted a seat next to him.

  “I’ve wanted to steal you away all evening.”

  “Really?” I said faking surprise as I sat down next to him. I was aware of his thigh pressing against mine and the scent of his aftershave. I wanted to curl up in his lap and do things to him that I probably shouldn’t have been thinking about.

  “No. I’m lying,” I looked up at him startled and saw that he was looking down at me with a smile.

  I smiled back and went to say something in return when he brought his arm around my waist and pulled me closer, “I’ve actually wanted to kiss you all evening. Do you mind?”

  I pretended to think about it. As I went to say yes, his lips closed over mine. He didn’t bother to wait for an answer. The kiss was warm and so were his hands as they worked their way up and down my exposed spine. He let his hands go briefly under the little bit of cloth that was there. He stroked my skin and I shifted a little, trying to allow him more access.

  He reached into my dress and ran his hands along the waistband of my panties. I thought I should pull away but I didn’t, instead I wrapped my arms around his neck and when he abandoned my mouth to place kisses up and down my neck, I let him. When he brought his hands up to palm my breasts through the fabric, I wanted him to be closer. I wanted to feel his skin against mine, but our clothes were unfortunately in the way.

  I said in between sighs, “Maybe we should stop...because of your guests.”

  “Do you want me to stop?”


  He surprised me by pulling away suddenly and picking me up instead.

  “Let’s go somewhere more private.”

  I nodded, liking the idea. He carried me a few feet to a door I hadn’t noticed before. It seemed to be a small changing room for the pool area or a guest room situated right off his backyard. He placed me on the small bed there and stepped back.

  I could see the moonlight peeking through the shades that covered the windows, as Dominic stripped down to nothing, his strong, virile body on full display.

  I watched, growing wetter each second as he walked over to where I sat on the bed, holding myself up by my elbows.

  I stood up and slowly began to undress in front of him. I slid my dress down in a single motion and stepped out of it. I didn’t have on a bra, so all I had left were my panties.

  He sat down on the bed and his member stood up proudly. I licked my lips in anticipation. I wanted him inside me. I didn’t know where this fierce need to have this man came from, but I was willingly going to give in to it.

  Slowly I slid my now wet panties down my legs and sat down in Dominic’s lap.

  He wrapped his arms around my narrow waist. His member pressed up against my sex and I rocked my hips against it, and then as he groaned I raised my hips up, grabbed his shaft in my hand and guided it inside of me. I locked my arms around his neck and rose up and down, loving the way he stretched me. He was big, but I was wet, so taking him into me was no problem at all. I shook as I slid further down his sex and my muscles pulsed around his manhood, already tensing, my body prepping for orgasm. I felt as if my entire being was gripped by sexual tension and I tried to maintain control as he stretched me even more, his shaft thickening inside of me.

  Since I was naked in f
ront of him, my breasts exposed to his touch. He sighed in pleasure as he let his mouth close over one nipple and then the other. I started to climax. He aroused me so much that it didn’t take much. As I began to climax, he stroked my clit with his finger and started kissing my ears.

  The gentleness of his kisses paired with the feel of his sensual mouth was enough to push me over the edge.

  “Dominic!” I screamed and he grunted as he gripped me tightly around the waist and thrust his hips up. Warmth spilled inside of me and I collapsed against his chest, breathing heavily.

  There was silence as we luxuriated in post-coital bliss. I could somewhat hear his guests, but they sounded so far away. Almost hypnotically, Dominic rubbed his hands up and down my back. Finally he said when we were both steadily breathing again, “Maybe this is a little backwards, but how about lunch tomorrow?”

  I grinned and kissed him on the forehead, “Call me.”

  Chapter 4

  “Hi, cutie,” Dominic said standing up to kiss me on my cheek. He looked so sexy wearing cargo pants and a blue shirt that matched the color of his eyes. Several of the women in the restaurant had stopped to look. He really was that handsome now that I could see him in the light of day.

  “Hi,” I said feeling suddenly shy around him now that we were seeing each other again after our impromptu sexual romp.

  He noticed it and said, “Is there any way to make this anymore awkward for you?”

  I had to laugh, “Let’s just get this out of the way. I really enjoyed your party, especially the after to the pool.”

  “And I enjoyed getting to know your body, thoroughly and I would like to get to know you and your body better.”

  “I think that could be arranged,” We enjoyed banter that is more playful and then we started to discuss what I considered quintessential first date topics: career, family, likes and dislikes.

  It turns out that Dominic was previously in the military and had started his own security company that catered to executives overseas and apparently, he enjoyed his work as his face lit up as he talked about it. It turned out that some of the people I had met the other night were not only his friends, but also his coworkers, as most of Dominic’s operations took place in the digital world.


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