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Jacob (Alexander Shifter Brothers Book 3)

Page 49

by Selina Coffey

  It was just before dinner that both Ron and David came home, both of them sinking down in their chairs at the table with matching sighs. “I swear I’m going to fall asleep at that job,” Ron complained. “I know it pays well but after about two hours I started counting down the minutes.”

  David wanted to smile but he was just too tired. “Do you want to come work for me? I need an estimator and if I had someone with me who could write down everything as we talk with the customer and then write down everything I say it would go twice as fast. My usual guy has just left for the mountains and won’t be back until March. With business picking up I’ve needed both of us for the past few months and if that continues I’ll need to hire another full time estimator.”

  “Are you sure?” Ron asked.

  “Definitely. I can’t do another day like today and I have just as many estimates scheduled for many days. Once I’ve gotten everything I need, I need to type up the actual estimate, look up material costs and so forth and that takes time too. I could really use the help.”

  “I would love that,” Ron said quickly. “Thank you. I need to get out of the gloomy records room.”

  “That’s settled then. I’ll call the hospital and just tell them I need help and you are perfect for the job. That way if you ever need a job there, they won’t blame this on you. You start tomorrow. This looks amazing Julie.”

  “Thank you. It’s experimental, let me know what you think. It’s for the Carter wedding.”

  “It’s the benefit of living here,” David said as he picked up his fork. “We get to try out all her new recipes and we get to be honest about what we think.”

  “What if it’s perfect?”

  “Then we tell her it’s perfect,” David said easily as he took a bite of his food, moaning in pleasure, “and this is perfect.”

  Ron started eating as well and he nodded in agreement. “It really is. They’d be crazy not to want this at their wedding.”

  “Thanks guys. It would be served on a buffet. Do you think it would be fine that way?”

  “Why wouldn’t it be?” Ron asked, confused.

  “Certain things don’t do as well when it has to stay warm for a while or when people serve it themselves,” Julie said easily.

  “I think this would be fine. I’m assuming there are some juices in the pan?” David asked.

  “Yes. They would serve themselves with a serving spoon that has holes.”

  “Then it will be fine. It won’t dry out that way and will stay good quite well. Are they testing it at some point?”

  “Yes, next week I’m giving them three option and they’ll tell me what they want. Two others I had created for another wedding but they went with something else, so this one plus those two will be my choices. That means you will have to get Chinese or something next Wednesday as I won’t be here.”

  “I think we’ll survive,” Ron grinned. “I actually love Chinese.”

  “We have an excellent Chinese takeout in town,” David said. “We’ll pick something up on our way home. Is there dessert?”

  “There should still be some apple pie if you want some?” Julie replied as she stood up.

  “Yes please.”

  “Not for me Julie,” Ron replied with a smile. “I’m going for a run, I’ll be back.”

  “You have two hours before we come looking for you,” David replied easily. “It’s getting dark out and it’s snowing.”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  “Two hours. There might be a reward if you obey, or punishment if you don’t.”

  Ron glanced at David to see how serious he was, and looking at him he wasn’t sure if he wanted the reward or the punishment. He had a feeling he would end up liking both. He ran out of the house, knowing he needed to clear his mind and also to hunt, and after an hour he stopped, panting hard. He wasn’t entirely sure where he was but turned back the way he came and started walking. He had caught a bunny again, and it was enough for the moment.

  By the time he found his way back he had been gone almost three hours and the glare David gave him sent shivers down his spine. “Go to your room,” David said sternly. The snow was coming down hard now and Ron was covered in it, and it had made it harder for him to find his way back. He wanted to protest but Julie was slightly shaking her head behind David to stop him, which he did. He started towards the stairs, yelping as David smacked his butt upon passing. He was aching and hard and had no idea what he was supposed to do in his room. Thankfully he didn’t have to wait very long.

  “Undress,” came the quick order from David, while Julie stood next to him watching with hungry eyes.

  Once he was fully naked in front of them he was told to lie down on the bed, on his back. Julie crawled onto the bed next to him and started stroking him with soft, gentle hands, which were more teasing than anything else yet still served to bring him closer and closer.

  Just before he fell over the edge, she stopped and looked at David. “Let’s go watch a movie. No, stay naked and no you may not come.”

  “You have to be kidding me!” Ron exclaimed. He wanted to come badly but as he reached his hand down to ensure that, David caught it easily.

  “Punishment. Come on, there’s a good movie on TV.”

  Ron glared at David, but he wanted to see what would happen if he obeyed so he followed them down to the living room, still completely naked and his erection pointing firmly ahead of him. This time he was in the middle on the couch, and every five minutes or so one of them would touch him just enough for him to remain hard but not enough to finish. It was starting to hurt and deciding that Ron had been punished enough, David nodded at Julie who suddenly lowered her head and closed her mouth around Ron. The second she did he exploded in her mouth, and she swallowed every last drop.

  “Can’t have it going all over the couch now can we?” David said as if it was the most normal thing in the world for his girlfriend to suck off another guy.

  “That was incredible,” Ron panted. “I’m fairly certain I’ve never come harder. I’ve never tried denial either, that was hard.”

  “It was intended to be. Next time, be on time and we’ll let you come,” David replied with a smile as he threw a blanket at Ron. “Just in case you are cold.”

  Before the movie was over Julie was straddling David, as they clearly had gotten turned on by what they had done to Ron, and Ron was already contemplating whether to obey or disobey next time as the wait to release had been worth it in the end. Ron left the room after a quick goodnight, and when he got to his room he fell asleep fairly quickly. Downstairs David was now fully inside Julie and she was moving at a fast pace.

  “Come for me Julie,” David whispered in her ear before kissing her passionately right as she exploded around him. She continued moving as she did and David soon followed, filling her deep inside. Even when she stopped moving she remained where she was and he didn’t make a move to slide out of her. She simply let her head rest on his shoulder as he had his arms around her back to hold her close. They both enjoyed being in the company of the other and when they started to fall asleep they moved to the bedroom where they continued cuddling. They knew that while they might both have feelings for Ron as well, what they had would always remain special no matter what happened. They also knew Ron knew this and he would never step across that boundary.

  Chapter 4

  Ron loved helping David in his business, and when the winter was coming to a close David told him he wanted him to stay so he didn’t have to hire another estimator. He wanted to continue slowly training Ron in the business so he could eventually go out on his own, but for now they would go to jobs together so Ron could learn everything he needed to know. Julie continued working part time from home, and she loved taking care of her two men outside of that.

  At some point over the past few months Ron had moved into their bedroom with them and often Julie was in the middle while they slept. David was most definitely in control of the household, but both Julie and Ron e
njoyed that. It was hard for Ron to occasionally let go of some controls, and he still struggled with obeying from time to time but David was quick to punish him for his disobedience. They all knew Ron enjoyed the punishments as much as everyone else, which was the purpose after all. He had become more outgoing and outspoken, and he had really integrated into life in Minnesota. They had introduced Ron to skiing and hiking, and on two occasions Ron had gone with them when they had transformed. He had been fascinated by it and looked forward to it each time.

  David sometimes went with Ron when he went hunting, mostly because Ron hadn’t known the area as well and had wanted to go further from town to catch something bigger. Ron had started using the gym in the basement, much to David’s amusement as the equipment had never been used before, and was bulking up quite a bit which made him stronger. Not that he needed the strength when hunting because he was fully acting on instinct then, but it helped him in everyday life especially when David saw fit to wrestle him. Whenever David thought Ron needed cheering up he would start tickling him, which always turned into wrestling fairly quickly and would leave both of them exhausted at the end while Julie mumbled about some men never growing up.

  None of them really had very many true friends, which meant that nobody knew how close they were. Out in public none of them acted as if they were in a relationship with anyone, and they were all fine with that. They didn’t mind that they had to hide, but they also knew there were other groups out there just like them. Julie had found a group online who communicated about their experiences in the lifestyle they enjoyed, and they knew that at some point they would probably meet some of them in person but for now they enjoyed the privacy the anonymity provided.

  A month prior Ron’s father had reached out to him. His mother was very ill and wanted him to come home. Ron had not wanted to, and when David had tried to talk to him about it he had thrown a raging fit. Instead of yelling back David had pulled him into a hug and simply held him as he cried about the injustice of his father calling now when he hadn’t for years. He wanted to see his mother without seeing the rest of his family, but he knew if he went he’d have to go alone because they would never accept David or Julie. They barely accepted him, since he was only half-vampire, and even then it was only because of his father. He had finally gotten over the rejection he had felt from them and didn’t want to go back to that, but he also knew if he didn’t go he would regret it the rest of his life. In the end David had gone with him, and while they had glared at the two of them, Ron had been happy to see his mother one more time. When his father had started in on him for the way he had left, David had stood up for him, which had surprised Ron’s parents (with his mother smiling) and made Ron love David even more. That night David had let him get stupid drunk, and the following morning he had moved on. The last thing connecting him to that family had been his mother, and he had said his goodbyes. He started focusing on his life in Alaine more and both David and Julie noticed that he somehow seemed happier and lighter, like a weight had been lifted.

  They all knew that Ron still felt insecure fairly often and often felt like he was intruding on their relationship, even though they kept reassuring him that he wasn’t. It didn’t matter how often they told him that he was adding to the relationship, not taking away from it, Ron still had doubts at times. David and Julie wanted to do something for him to reassure him further, and after going hunting by himself five months after he had moved in with them, Ron found them sitting on the couch, the living room lit by candles and rose petals everywhere. He hung his coat up by the door before walking further into the room and seeing that in the middle of the living room where the coffee table had been there was now a circle of larger candles and rose petals. David was holding a box of sorts, and they were both looking at him with expectation on their faces as if trying to determine what his mood and reaction would be.

  “What is going on?” he asked as he looked around in confusion. He had no idea they had even been planning anything, and while he had been surprised when David hadn’t given him a time limit on his hunting like he usually did to ensure he was safe, he had thought David had simply been too busy with work. Now he knew that they had been waiting for him to leave so they could plan this and he had been completely oblivious to all of it.

  “We want to do something to confirm our relationship and promise ourselves to one another. We obviously can’t do this legally, but we want each of us to have that confirmation of our love each time we look at the rings,” David replied.

  “What rings?”

  Julie opened a box which held three identical rings. They were white gold with light blue diamonds imbedded in them. They weren’t large, but they were both manly and feminine at the same time and Ron couldn’t deny he loved them. They were beautiful and while he normally wouldn’t have chosen a diamond ring, especially not a blue diamond, he couldn’t help but think it was perfect for all of them. There were three diamonds in each ring, which fit their relationship perfectly and Ron was stunned for a minute.

  “Ron?” David asked.

  “They are beautiful. You want to do a commitment ceremony of sorts?”

  “Yes, we do. We always knew something was missing, but with you in our lives we have felt complete. What was missing was you and we never knew it. Be honest, what are you thinking now?”

  “Confused, overwhelmed. Happy and terrified.”

  David and Julie both smiled at him, and when he looked at them he knew that they were serious. He wasn’t interfering with their relationship, he was adding to it and it was as if he suddenly saw it. “I accept,” Ron said with a smile, his mind made up.

  “We have the wording right here, but maybe you want to look at it and see if you want to change anything? We would be saying it in unison while sliding the ring on the finger of the person to our right.”

  Ron grabbed the piece of paper and read it, deciding there wasn’t anything he really wanted to add. “This is fine the way it is.”

  As they stood in the middle of a circle of candles Ron knew they had put a lot of time into this. This wasn’t a spur of the moment thing and it made him feel loved that they had wanted to surprise him with it. As he took Julie’s hand with her to his right, he held his left hand for David to take. Looking at each other they each took a ring and slid it over the other person’s finger before starting to talk in unison.

  “We have come here today to confirm our bond. To confirm our love for each other. To confirm that in this relationship of three, we are all equal. To give each other a token of that love and that bond. This ring represents a love without doubts, without jealousy and without fear. May it remind us when we forget, and might it remind us of it when we are alone. I love you.”

  They now had a ring on their fingers and as Ron looked at Julie’s hand he felt a hand slide to his butt while Julie kissed him. “I want you to take me tonight,” Julie whispered. Ron’s eyes flew open as he looked at her before looking at David, who nodded. Until that day Ron had never done more with Julie than touching, and they had waited for David to be alright with it. As he looked at the ring on his finger he knew the moment was there and he took Julie and David’s hand and led them up the stairs.

  Once there he started undressing Julie, who was undressing him in return. He heard a zipper behind him and knew David was getting undressed as well while he started kissing Julie while slowly walking her back towards the bed. He could feel that she was already wet and the thought of sex with Julie alone had him hard. As he kneeled in between her legs, stroking her clit and letting his fingers slide in, he felt a hand on his behind. When he looked back he saw David right behind him, stroking himself.

  He couldn’t focus on both at the same time, and he had never gone further than just hands with David, and as he lowered himself into Julie he couldn’t help the moan that escaped his lips. Julie moaned as well, and Ron was glad she at least enjoyed it when he wasn’t nearly as big as David. Sliding gently in and out, Julie was meeting his movements

  David had stopped touching him but Ron heard him right next to them and he saw Julie reaching her hand out. The thought of Julie jerking off David while he was inside her got him moving harder and faster, with Julie moving harder and faster to keep up. All three of them were panting when Julie screamed out her release, both Ron and David following soon after. This time it was Ron who was in the middle in the bed, Julie snuggled up in front of him and David behind him. David was stroking his thigh and he enjoyed the comforting feeling as he glanced down at his ring. “This is beautiful. Thank you.”

  “It was time,” David mumbled. “We are perfect for each other. Just don’t expect me to ever let you take me up the ass.”

  “Hadn’t even thought of that.”

  “You can go up my ass,” Julie mumbled. “David is a bit big for that.”

  Ron looked over his shoulder at David whose eyes had grown wide at the possibilities that provided, and Ron knew they would be just fine. The three of them had learned to not only live together but to love one another and he still had no idea how he had ever gotten so lucky. With David’s hand on his thigh, he thought it was time for him to misbehave again. It had been several weeks and he quite enjoyed the rough, fast and hard sexual experiences afterwards. He loved gentle and slow, but every once in a while he wanted it rough. Last time those big hands had held him down as Julie had sucked him to completion, stopping and starting frequently to draw it out, and as David had tied his feet to the bed he had been unable to move. Completely at their mercy he had been forced to focus on what was being done to him and he had loved it. Each time David came up with something new, Ron was excited to go along for the ride and it was time for David to be challenged for something new once again. With that in his mind, Ron finally dozed off to sleep, thinking of everything that would be coming his way in the years to come.


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