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Love Accidental (A Romance Compilation)

Page 34

by Tia Siren

  My hand moved under her, touching the exposed patch of skin between the waistband of her leggings and her T-shirt. I used my fingertips to draw little circles over the bare spot.

  She shrieked and sat up. Her shirt was twisted around her breasts, showing me more skin.

  “Brad! What are you doing?”

  She picked up a pillow and hit me in the face as I laughed at her minor tantrum.

  “What do you mean what am I doing? I’m just lying here,” I said, all innocence.

  She jumped off the bed and stood there, staring down at me, both hands on her hips. Her eyes drifted over my chest and further down. She made a strangled sound when she saw the tent my erection was creating under the sheets. She couldn’t be that surprised.

  “Sorry. It’s natural.”

  She spun around and walked into the bathroom. I laughed and threw off the blankets, needing some serious coffee. I walked into her kitchen, saw all the fancy gadgets, and had no idea where to start.

  “Fuck,” I groaned, just wanting some coffee.

  Who didn’t have a coffee machine? I pulled open the fridge and found a variety of yogurt, cheese, and a few cans of soda. I hated soda, but at least it was diet. I grabbed one and took a long drink from the can. Clearly, she didn’t eat at home often. I slammed the fridge door and wandered into the living room to the large bank of windows that rose high above the city.

  I wanted to get out and see the city. I wanted to stroll through the park and see all the life. I had missed this place. I wondered if she would be interested in playing tourist for the day. She probably didn’t even notice the beauty that surrounded her. To her, it was all boring, everyday stuff. I wanted to see it with fresh eyes and hoped she would share that with me.

  “What are you doing?” she asked from behind me.

  I turned around, and all thoughts of seeing the city vanished from my mind. Mia was standing there in a pretty light blue sundress. Her hair was piled on top of her head in the sexiest messy bun I’d ever seen on a woman. She looked absolutely fuckable.

  The erection from earlier sprang back to life. I wasn’t ashamed of my response to her. I used my hand to adjust myself, my eyes on her the entire time.

  Suddenly, I didn’t want to leave the apartment. I wanted to stay inside all day and fuck her over and over. I wanted the woman every way possible. She was nervous, though. I didn’t want her to be nervous, so I took a deep breath and shelved the idea of sex. We needed to rekindle our friendship before I pushed her. I wanted it to be natural.

  “Let’s see the city today,” I blurted out before she took off running.

  “What? You’ve see the city.”

  I walked toward her. “Not like that. Like tourists.”

  She laughed. “Brad, we’re not tourists. I mean, I guess you kind of are a tourist since you haven’t been here in forever.”

  I nodded. “Exactly. Show me the city.”

  “I have to go to work.”

  I grinned and shook my head. “No, you don’t. Helga said you had the day off. She wants you to spend it with me.”

  “She was joking.”

  “No, she wasn’t.”

  I stepped toward her, putting the can of pop on the coffee table before putting my hands on her hips. “Please? Let’s just walk around the city. We can go to the park, maybe do a little shopping at those tourist traps. I want one of those cheesy little Statue of Liberty things.”

  I looked into her eyes, silently begging.

  “Fine, but I have to check in with the office first.”

  I smiled. “Perfect. I’ll get dressed.”

  I walked away and heard her mumble the word “good” under her breath. That made me chuckle. She wasn’t completely unaffected by my presence.

  My bag of clothes was light. I wore shorts most of the time in LA. It wasn’t quite as warm here, but I figured the walking around would keep me warm enough.

  “Can I take a quick shower?” I asked, coming down the hall.

  She nodded. “Sure. You can use mine. The other one doesn’t have anything in it.”

  I could tell it made her a little uncomfortable. “I brought my own stuff. I can use the guest shower.”

  Once I was ready, we left her building and stopped at an outdoor café for a quick breakfast. She drank coffee and ate a doughnut while I stuck with a bowl of fresh fruit and green juice.

  “Where do you want to go first?” she asked.

  I shrugged. “I don’t care. I’m at your mercy.”

  A glimpse of the old Mia appeared at that. I knew the very second she shucked her anger and was ready to hang out and have fun with her old friend.

  “Well, I’m ready. Are you?”

  “Let’s do this. Should I buy a camera—so I blend in better?”

  She laughed. “No one carries a camera anymore. It’s all about the phones.”

  I nodded. “I knew that.”

  “Let’s go.”

  We started down the sidewalk, and I took her hand in mine. She didn’t protest and easily accepted the contact. The day was beautiful as we strolled through the open-air markets. I picked up a T-shirt for Jaxon that said “I heart NY” and a few trinkets for Tina and her kids.

  Mia and I fell into easy conversation. I told her about Tina and Jaxon and a little about my life in LA.

  Her phone rang when we stopped for a bottle of water.

  “I have to take this,” she said, taking a step back.

  “That’s fine. Do you want anything else?”

  She shook her head and walked over to stand in the shade. I grabbed the waters and walked to her. I stood next to her while she talked to someone about her schedule the following week. I couldn’t stop myself from running my finger over exposed collarbone. She looked up at me, not stopping me. Goosebumps jumped out all over her skin. I had to stop myself from lowering my mouth to that dainty area.

  When she ended her call, her eyes came up to meet mine. “Thanks,” she mumbled, taking the bottle of water.

  “Ready to go to the park?” I asked her, hoping she would say no and demand I take her back home and fuck her.

  I didn’t get so lucky. “I am.”

  “Everything okay with your work?” I asked.

  She nodded. “Yep. Just getting my schedule ironed out for next week.”

  We walked through the trees, her hand still in mine with the bags of goodies in my other. “This is really nice.”

  She giggled. “Are we seriously so old that we think a stroll through the park is nice?”

  I laughed. “I think we must be. I’m not even sad about it. I don’t care what it makes me, except happy. And I’m really happy being here with you.”

  “Brad, I don’t—”

  I stopped her. I didn’t want her to protest anything. Not yet. She needed to give us a chance before she decided to hate me.

  “Let’s just enjoy today. This is fun, right?”

  She nodded. “It is.”

  “What do you want to do for dinner?” I asked her.

  She laughed. “Can we focus on lunch first?”

  “Do you want a nice dinner, or do you want to pick up some pho and stay in?”

  She shrugged. “Let’s see how the rest of the day goes. You want to go to a museum?”

  I grimaced. “I don’t know.”

  “Come on. Have you ever been to any of the many museums here in our lovely city?”

  I had to think back. “I think when I was in, like, middle school. Like a field trip or something like that.”

  “Good! We’re going!”

  She grabbed my hand and pulled me off the bench we had just sat down on. “I haven’t been to a museum in forever. I want to go and just be normal. I don’t want to have to look at what people are wearing or anything like that. Let’s just go be Brad and Mia.”

  I loved her enthusiasm. “Let’s do it. But, uh, Mia? What museum? Aren’t there, like, a hundred around the city?”

  She stopped walking. “I don’t know. We c
an do the Metropolitan. Or how about the Smithsonian? What tickles your fancy?” she teased.

  I shrugged. “Lady’s choice.”

  Before I knew what she was doing, she was hailing a cab and we were headed to the Met. The art wasn’t exactly my thing, and there was a lot of it, but I could appreciate the beauty of some of the pieces. It had been a long day, and eventually we were both ready to grab takeout and head back to her place.

  “I never knew sightseeing could be so exhausting,” I said, wrapping my arm around her shoulders and pulling her close to me.

  She sighed. “No kidding. I’ve lived here my entire life, but I don’t think I have ever seen as much as I have today. My feet hurt. You should have told me we were going to be doing a marathon.”

  “I’ll massage them for you when we get back to your house,” I told her in my radio voice.

  I felt her body shiver against mine and smiled. The woman was not quite as immune to me as she pretended to be.

  “I’ll be fine.”

  “I want to,” I insisted.

  “Here,” she said, switching the subject. “We can grab something to eat. How about you pick up the food and I’ll grab a bottle of wine. Unless you want something else?”

  I shrugged. “Wine works for me.”

  She turned to walk away. I took a moment to appreciate the sight, and it was a damn fine sight to see. I brought my attention back to the restaurant I was standing in front of only to see a woman standing off to my left, eyeing me.

  I smiled at her, and she said, “She’s pretty.”

  “Yes, she is.”

  “Don’t worry, I’m not hitting on you.” She held up her hand and wiggled her finger, which sported a large rock. “Happily married. I was just thinking you guys are a great-looking couple.”

  “Thank you. She is a beautiful lady. I’m lucky to have her.”

  “Yes, you are. Good luck to you both.”

  I ordered our food and met Mia outside. “Ready?”

  “I am. Do you want to take a cab?” she asked, clearly exhausted.

  “If you want. Or I can carry you,” I said with a grin.

  She laughed. “No way.”

  I shrugged. “Suit yourself. Want to carry me?”

  She rolled her eyes and stuck her hand in the air in one smooth move, but it seemed a Friday evening was not the best time to hail a cab.

  “Let’s keep walking while you keep trying. Maybe lift that skirt a little to grab their attention.”

  “Ha. As if it were that easy.”

  We finally got a cab to take us the rest of the way. I felt a little stupid for getting a ride for such a short distance, but I knew Mia was beat. I didn’t want her completely exhausted. I had plans for that beautiful body and wanted her alert—if she let me carry through with them that was.

  Chapter Sixteen


  We spent another quiet night in, eating and drinking wine. During the movie we watched, I kept catching him stealing glances in my direction. Each one sent a burst of heat to my core, but I pushed the feeling away. Instead, I thought about the hurt he had caused me before. I was in for more of the same if I allowed Brad to act on what I was sure was running through his mind.

  I just couldn’t sleep with him again and have it mean nothing. And it would mean nothing, because this was only temporary. He lived in Los Angeles. I lived in New York. Neither of us was going to relocate. We both had careers that were too good to give up.

  I would just enjoy the moment. We’d celebrate his birthday as old friends and then he would disappear from my life all over again.

  “Ready for bed?” I asked, standing and stretching.

  He yawned. “I am.”

  We crawled under the covers. He pulled me against him, and I froze. I was afraid this was it; this was when he was going to make a move and ruin everything.

  “I’m not going to try anything. Relax and go to sleep,” he whispered.

  I breathed a sigh of relief. “Okay. Good. We can’t,” I reminded him for what was probably the tenth time that day.

  “Not right now,” he clarified.

  That had my brain on high alert, but I quieted it and settled into him, letting the steady rhythm of his heartbeat lull me to sleep.

  The following morning, we lounged around and ate a light breakfast, mostly because I had no food in the house.

  “Let’s go to lunch. My treat,” I announced after getting out of the shower.

  He smiled. “No burgers.”


  He wrinkled his nose. “I think that’s worse than burgers.”

  “I laughed. Fine. You can have lettuce wraps and I’ll have tacos.”

  Lunch went great. We chatted, that familiar ease having fully returned. He was my Brad again, my best friend. We were just finishing up lunch when he asked if I wanted to take him shopping.


  “Yeah, like for clothes. I need some new clothes. I figure with you being a fashion star and all, you could help me pick out the right stuff.”

  I laughed. “Sure. Why not?”

  I had a great time picking out outfits for him to try on. They ranged from wacky and ridiculous to smoking hot. I may have been a little too good at dressing him in clothing that accentuated his best features. I even found myself licking my lips at one point.

  It didn’t help that Brad was far more hands on now than he used to be. He was always holding my hand, or when we sat, he would put his hand on my thigh and give it a slight squeeze. It was blurring the thin line I had drawn between friends and something more, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. I loved it, but I also hated it. He was leaving, and that thought now made me anxious.

  I stopped in my tracks at a sudden realization. Brad jerked as our connected hands pulled him to a stop as well.

  “Mia?” he asked.

  Damn him.

  “Mia, are you okay?”

  I didn’t know how he had done it, but he was making me fall for him all over again, and he was leaving tomorrow.

  “Earth to Mia,” Brad said, waving a hand in front of my face.

  “Sorry,” I said, shaking my head. “I just remembered an important interview I have coming up for work.”

  “Oh,” he said. “Well, I just want to go in this one last store.”

  I laughed at him, pushing my earlier thought from my mind. It couldn’t be true anyway. I wouldn’t allow it to be.

  “Don’t you think you have enough?” I asked, nodding at all the shopping bags in our hands. “You’re going to need another suitcase for all of this.”

  “Oh no. No suitcases,” he said, completely adamant about it.

  “Then we better head back and not get any more stuff,” I said, turning around and leading him home. “But why no suitcases?”

  “My shit gets lost every time. Every time. I stopped carrying suitcases a couple years ago. I don’t even think my shit gets lost. I think it gets stolen,” he said.

  I had to laugh. “You think they know whose suitcases are whose once they get on that little turny thing?”

  He nodded his head. “Absolutely. How else is it possible that my luggage is always lost? Oh, and sometimes I get it back, but there are always little things missing. So, I don’t carry luggage anymore. It’s actually really freeing. I buy clothes if I need them and FedEx them back to my house. No suitcases.”

  It was hysterical. I had no idea he was so protective of his underwear.

  “Well, there’s a FedEx around the corner. Do you want to head there now before going back to my place? But you know, you’re such a celebrity, I don’t know if I would trust them either. They might be just as bad as airport security. They might not be able to resist the great Brad’s underwear,” I said, teasing him. I couldn’t help it. It was too easy.

  “Oh, you’re going to pay for that,” he said, and there was a gleam in eye that both exited and terrified me. Next thing I knew, he had my hand and was dragging me down the block to the do
or of my building. Once inside, he didn’t even wait for the elevator. He took me up the two flights of stairs to my condo, grabbed the keys from my hands, and shoved open the door.

  Then he lunged for me, his hands on my hips as he grabbed my body and spun me around, pinning me against the door. I looked up. His eyes were mere inches from mine as his face hovered above me.

  “I’ve been waiting all weekend for this,” he whispered before slamming his mouth against mine.

  A tiny voice in my head screamed “no,” but then my body took over as he pressed his hips into mine. I felt completely consumed by the man and loved it. It was exciting and exactly what I wanted. I whimpered as his teeth pushed against my lips. I opened my mouth, giving him the full access he demanded.

  His hand was in my hair, pulling it, turning my face up to his as his tongue jammed into my mouth. I moaned low in my throat. His mouth over mine swallowed the sound, and judging by the rock-hard penis shoved against my stomach, it fueled his passion.

  My hands went to his short hair, my fingers pressing against his scalp as I held him in place, demanding more.

  “Fuck, Mia, I’ve wanted you for so long,” he groaned, stepping back and lifting me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and rubbed my hot core against his steely dick, shivering with delight, anticipating all that hard length pushed inside me.

  “You want me?” he asked against my mouth.

  “Yes,” I panted, rotating my hips a fraction.

  He carried me into the living room and dropped me on my feet.

  “Don’t move,” he growled.

  He stepped back and looked me up and down, licking his lips like a tiger sizing up his meal.

  “Brad?” I breathed out his name on a shaky sigh.

  His response was a quick jerk of the sheer, flimsy fabric that had been my dress. I was left standing in front of him in my black lace strapless bra and lacy black thong as the fabric fell to the ground around me. The cool air of my AC washed over my bare skin, causing my nipples to harden into points.


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