Book Read Free

Night Moves

Page 12

by Julie Kenner

  “Right. Not my business. Okay,” Shane said, “here’s my question.”

  “No. No way. You just asked me a question. Your turn is over, buddy.”

  He sat up, breaking contact with her legs, and she had to fight the urge to grab his shoulders and push him back down again.

  “What? You’re playing hardball?”

  “You’re the lawyer. You used your question. It’s my turn now. Deal with it.”

  He held out a hand, signaling defeat. “Whatever you say, Counselor. The floor is yours.”

  “Good. Truth or dare?”

  “Considering last time, I think I’m sticking with safety,” Shane said. “Truth.”

  Dozens of possible questions whipped through her mind, but there was only one that made its way to her tongue. One treacherous question that she shouldn’t ask, but she couldn’t help herself. “The dance you did,” she began, “did it turn you on?”

  He didn’t answer for a full beat, and she began to think he was going to take a pass on the question altogether. He surprised her, though, when he looked her straight in the eye and said, “Yes.” Today, apparently, was going to be full of surprises.

  “Oh.” Should she ask what had turned him on about it? No. No, that would be stupid.

  “You,” he said.

  “Excuse me?” Had she heard him right?

  “It’s your turn now. Truth or dare?”

  “Oh.” This time her voice was laced with disappointment. “Truth.”

  He shook his head and made a tsk-tsk noise. “I thought you had more guts, Davenport.”

  “Shove it, Walker. Ask your question and quit stalling.”

  “All right. Are you coming home to visit me at Christmas?”

  She tensed, then turned away from him; turned away from the question. “I am home.”

  “I mean Texas.”

  “Shane, you know I—”

  He didn’t let her finish, though. He reached out and took her hands in his. “This isn’t about your mom, El. It’s about us. Are you going to come visit or not?”

  “This is my home now.” She said the words, but this time they seemed to come out with less force than she intended. “You can come visit here.”

  “You know I won’t be able to. You’ll be on break. I’ll be working.”

  “I may be working, too,” she said, and a wide smile split her mouth.

  He stared at her a minute, absorbing her news. “Wait. You mean you—”

  She broke him off with a vigorous nod. “Uh-huh. I got it! I got the internship.”

  He reached over, gathering her close for a hug. “El! That’s awesome. I knew you would.”

  “Thanks. I’m blown away, of course. I haven’t even heard officially yet. Ronnie heard from the dean and she came to tell me.”

  “And you’ve gone this whole time without letting me know?”

  She shrugged, feeling only a little guilty about that. She was already suffering from lust-induced guilt. She didn’t have room for any more. “I was waiting for the right moment. And besides, you distracted me.”

  “Yeah? Well, now I’m even more glad I brought champagne. More?”

  “Why not? I deserve it, right?”

  “That you do.” He leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Perfectly chaste, but the fire that ignited inside her was anything but. She fought the urge to turn her head, to press her lips to his and truly celebrate the moment.

  So tempting. So very, very tempting…

  “You really don’t think you’ll come back then? To Texas? Not even to see Alicia?”

  Ella winced. Alicia—the maid who’d reluctantly become her nanny—had retired a few years ago. Ella might hate her parents and her hometown, but she didn’t hate Alicia. The woman had been the closest thing to a mother she’d had.

  If it had been up to Cecilia Davenport, Ella would have simply run wild. And without Alicia’s influence, she really might have gotten in with a bad crowd. Drugs, dangerous sex, wild nights and fast cars. Why not? Isn’t that what happened to kids with too much money and too little supervision?

  But Alicia had stepped in, partly out of necessity and partly out of love. She’d never criticized Cecilia—at least not to Ella’s face—but she’d taken up the slack. And to this day Ella could remember with stunning clarity how completely humiliated and ashamed she’d been when the apartment manager at Shane’s apartment had called Ella’s house and told Alicia—whom he’d assumed was her mother—that thirteen-year-old Ella had been tossing water balloons into the pool and he didn’t appreciate the damage it could have caused to the drain system.

  Alicia had sat her down, given her a lecture and then grounded her. She hadn’t had any real authority, of course. Ella could have done whatever she wanted and just thumbed her nose at the maid. But she’d taken the punishment. Reveled in it, actually. And for the first time in her life she’d really and truly felt loved. For the first time she’d believed that she, like Cinderella, would come through a hideous childhood to find happily ever after waiting on the other side.

  “I do miss her,” Ella said. “But I hate going back there. You know that.”

  He nodded. “I know. And I understand. I just thought since I was going to be there now that maybe it would be a little less hideous.”

  Ella shrugged, not really wanting to talk about it. “Christmas is months away, Shane. My winter clothes are still in plastic tubs. Can’t we talk about this later?” She managed to keep her voice calm, but inside she was screaming for him to change the subject. Because the subject was just too tough to bear.

  “We can,” he said. “But I’d like something to look forward to.”

  Ella bit her lip. The truth was she did want to go back, at least a tiny bit. She didn’t want home or even Houston. But she wanted to see Alicia and she knew that by December she’d be going crazy to see Shane again. But she didn’t want to get stuck in close quarters with him. This night was trying enough. And she didn’t want to see her mother. The whole situation was one big balancing act. Add the holidays on top of that, and she was afraid everything would topple over under its own weight.

  Better to go on her own terms if she was going to go at all. And better to go soon, because once her internship started, she intended to devote every ounce of energy to making a stellar impression on her advisor.

  “Maybe next weekend,” she said, taking the plunge. “I could help you unpack.”

  Shane stared at her, a question in his eyes.

  “What?” she demanded. “Too soon?”

  “Not at all. I was just wondering about Tony. He’ll be back by then.”

  “True.” She frowned. “But he’d probably rather me visit now than during the holidays. I mean, I’ve got family up here now.” She thought of Leah and Matty. They were already talking about watching White Christmas and The Bishop’s Wife while they all sat around and strung popcorn. Ella’s mind was filled with images of happy family stuff—spending time with her new sisters and parents as they started new holiday traditions, drank eggnog and decorated the house.

  “So you’re not coming for the holidays,” he said.

  She frowned, irritated by the accusing tone in his voice. “I already told you. I’m not sure. I have to talk to Tony. And Texas isn’t home anymore. New York is.”

  “Fair enough. In that case, I get to ask another question. Do you love Tony?”

  “What? Sorry, Charlie, but it is so not your turn to ask a question. It’s mine.”

  He shook his head. “You didn’t answer about Christmas. I get another shot.”

  “I did so answer. I told you I didn’t know. That’s an answer.”

  He made a noise like a Jeopardy! buzzer. “Nope. Sorry. Thanks for playing.”

  “Shane…” Irritation flooded her voice, but she couldn’t help it. He wasn’t playing fair.

  “Just answer the question, El. That’s what this is, right? Truth or Dare? And it’s not like it’s a hard question, right? I mean, you’r
e about to get engaged to the guy. We both know what the answer should be.”

  “Right,” she said, fighting to put some force into her voice. “Of course I love him. It’s just that it’s a stupid, softball question. You do know the answer, so why even ask me?”

  Her heart pounded in her chest, and she wondered if he could tell. But it wasn’t a simple question. Love was so much more than an emotion. It was a whole life, and Shane obviously didn’t get that.

  “I know the answer,” he said. “I’m just not sure you do.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Nothing,” he said. “Not a thing.”

  “Dammit, Shane. I. Love. Tony. Just because you don’t like him doesn’t mean I can’t love him.”

  “I never said I didn’t like him.”

  “You didn’t have to say anything. And it wouldn’t matter even if you did. What I think matters, because I’m the one marrying him.”


  She didn’t even hesitate. She was on a roll. “And Tony is sweet and thoughtful and charming and he loves me, and I love him. Everything about him. His looks, his personality, his family. Leah and Matty are like sisters to me, and Tony’s parents have welcomed me with open arms. I love them and they love me.”

  “I believe you love the whole Tony package,” Shane said. “I’m just a little dubious about the man himself.”

  “Shane!” Her cheeks heated, her heart pounding against her rib cage. She wasn’t certain which emotion was stronger, anger or mortification. Didn’t matter. She was holding on to the anger and running with it. “You’re on thin ice, buddy. Just because you’re my best friend doesn’t give you the right to—”

  He held up a hand, silencing her. “You’re right. You’re right. I’m sorry. I crossed a line. Can I take it back?”

  No, he couldn’t. He’d pissed her off, questioned her choice of boyfriends. How could he take that back?

  But this was Shane. Her fabulous, fun and loyal Shane. They’d never kept secrets or drawn lines before, so how could she fault him for tripping up? She couldn’t and she didn’t. So she nodded and was rewarded with a smile that spread slowly across his face, warming her as it grew.

  “Okay,” he said. “Let’s skip the truth part. We’re not having much luck in that area. How about a dare?”

  “Sure. Why not?” Under the circumstances, performing a striptease seemed safer than talking about her love life.

  “Right,” he said. He topped up her champagne, and she drank it greedily.

  “The thing we were talking about earlier. Exhibitionism. Public displays of affection. I dare you,” he said. “I dare you to do it now.”

  “Do what?” She said the words slowly, afraid of jumping to conclusions and even more afraid that she was wrong.

  So help her, she wanted to be right.

  “Public displays of affection.” His eyes glinted with mischief and this time with undeniable desire. “You said you wanted to. You said it’s a fantasy.” His green eyes pinned her, not letting her move or run. “So how about now? Do it with me.”

  She swallowed, not at all sure she could form words. “Another parting gift? Like the photographs?”

  “If that’s what you want to call it. Sure.”

  “Oh.” Her stomach churned with nerves. She felt feverish. And wet. Dammit all to hell, she was actually wet.

  The night around them seemed charged with electricity, and with a start she realized that the song playing on the radio was “Love the One You’re With.” At the moment that sounded like an absolutely fabulous idea.

  “You’re saying that I should make out with you. On the fire escape. In public.”

  “That’s what I’m proposing, yes.”


  “You want the thrill. I’m your best friend. Isn’t that what friends are for?”

  “I…I’m not sure. I’ve never made out with any of my other friends.” Didn’t want to make out with any of her other friends. But she wanted Shane. She’d wanted him all day and now she could have him. Right there. Close enough to touch, to kiss…

  “I just don’t know. I’ve never done anything like that before.”

  “First time for everything,” he said. He inched closer to her on the sofa, and she realized she was having a really hard time breathing.

  “Shane…” But her protest was only for show. She already knew what she wanted, and that was his hands on her body, his mouth hard against hers. She didn’t know if that made her a bad person or merely human, but she was certain that if Shane didn’t touch her tonight, she’d regret it for the rest of her life.

  She did want the experience he’d mentioned, wanted to know what it felt like to be so exposed to the world, to let the city envelop them and to simply lose herself in the heat. She told herself it was erotic curiosity, but the truth was it was so much more than that. If Shane had proposed making out in a dark closet, she knew she’d jump at that chance, too. Because the truth was she couldn’t say no. Not now. She was too on fire, too curious and too downright horny to put the brakes on.

  “Come on, Ella,” he said, not realizing he’d already won. “I’m your best friend and I’m moving back to Texas in just a couple days. I won’t be able to come over and commiserate if you have a bad day at school or a fight with Tony. Or if Tony isn’t giving you everything you want in bed.” He tucked a finger under her chin and lifted her face until she was looking right into his eyes. “The dare is my present to you. An unconventional present but yours if you want it. Do you?”

  She couldn’t speak, but she could nod.

  So she did.


  SHANE WAS PRETTY SURE HE was in heaven, but he still had to tread carefully. They were playing a dangerous game of tug-of-war here. She’d come closer to his side, all right, but had he pulled her? Or had she come of her own accord?

  He didn’t know and at the moment he didn’t care. Instead he held her hand in his as he led her from the couch to the window. They climbed through, the metal grate vibrating underneath their feet as they crossed the short distance to the railing. Around them the candles stood like sentries, no longer illuminated, but the white wax glowed softly in the tiny bit of ambient light that had settled over the near-black city.

  “Shane, maybe this isn’t—”

  He pressed a soft finger over her lips, not willing to hear any protests. “My present to you,” he said.

  And then he did what he’d been imagining for so long now. He kissed her.

  When he did, he knew he’d been right all along—he was in heaven. And in Ella’s embrace he’d truly come home.

  Her lips were soft beneath his. They’d always been one of her finest features, plump and kissable. He’d imagined this moment so many times, his mouth on hers, her lips parting to let him explore, but his fantasies hadn’t matched the reality.

  She tasted sweet, like champagne and strawberries, even though they’d eaten no fruit. He wanted to drink and eat from her lips, as if they could give him all the nourishment he’d ever need.

  His hand was pressed against her back, but her hands didn’t touch him. He urged her closer, and his cock twitched with the first stirrings of a massive hard-on.

  Good God, if she wanted to stop, would he have the will to?

  It was, thankfully, a question he didn’t have to examine. At least not yet, because she moved closer, her mouth parting as her soft breasts pressed against his chest. She was warm and pliant and willing, and when she moaned, low and sexy, he wasn’t sure how the hell he managed to keep from easing her to the ground and slamming hard and fast into her, right then, right there.

  Her mouth opened with another low moan, and he slipped his tongue inside, meeting hers as they grappled with each other in a controlled passion. She wasn’t giving anything away, and at the same time he knew everything. Most importantly, he knew that she wanted him, too. Maybe just for sex, maybe for more.

  So help him, he intended to make it more.
br />   SHE WAS KISSING HIM. HELL, more than that, she was fondling him.

  Ella stroked her fingers over the back of Shane’s neck, the pressure subtle, just enough to make sure that he didn’t try to pull back. That he didn’t seek to end this kiss of theirs.

  At the moment Ella was pretty sure she’d die if he stopped kissing her.

  His hands slid up her back under her shirt, the heat generated by the friction of skin against skin driving her absolutely, completely wild. She’d known this man for years, but somehow she’d never really known him until now. Certainly she’d never felt his skin burn under her touch or felt the trill of excitement race through him. Or felt his hard-on pressed against her belly.

  Heady stuff, and she wanted it all so desperately she was almost ashamed. Almost. There wasn’t really room in her head for any emotion other than want and need and the gentle mantra of more drifting through her mind.

  “Is this what you wanted?” he murmured, his lips soft against hers.

  She nodded, her mouth not quite able to form the word yes.

  “But we’re just kissing,” he said, his voice both teasing and provocative. “Nothing particularly racy about doing that in public. Maybe you meant something with more of an X factor.”

  “X factor?” She spoke the words on a sigh, wanting his kisses, not his words.

  “Exhibitionism, I mean. Something to up the thrill factor. Something like this maybe.”

  One hand snaked from behind her to ease between their bodies. She tensed with surprise and then her body tightened even more as his hand found her breast, his thumb flicking over her nipple through the thin material of her robe.

  “Shane, I—”

  “Hush,” he whispered, then brushed his lips over hers. “Remember the fantasy. Someone’s watching. Someone in one of those dark windows is looking out here and seeing you.” He leaned close, his lips grazing her ear even as his thumb and forefinger played with her nipple. “Does that turn you on, El? Does it make you wet? Because that’s the point, right? To get you hot? That’s my present to you, and I want to give you the full experience.”


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