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Magic Puppy: Classroom Princess

Page 4

by Sue Bentley

  ‘My crown!’ Kelsey gasped.

  ‘Oops!’ Louise's hands flew to her mouth as she stood up.

  Kelsey opened the squashed box and looked inside in dismay. Her crown was in pieces. ‘Oh no! Look what you've done!’

  ‘We didn't mean it!’ Anna said.

  ‘You never do! You poke into my stuff without asking me and you're always trying to tell me what to do!’ Kelsey fumed. ‘Why don't you just leave me and Dad alone?’ She knew that she was being unfair, but she couldn't help it. Tears sprang to her eyes. She grabbed the box with the ruined crown inside and fled upstairs.

  In her bedroom, Kelsey dumped the box on her bed and threw herself down next to it, sobbing angrily.

  ‘Kelsey?’ A tiny paw reached out and patted her cheek gently. She turned her head to see Storm peering at her, his little face creased with concern. ‘I will mend the crown,’ he offered.

  As Kelsey sat up, she felt a familiar tingling sensation down her spine. Big golden sparkles ignited in Storm's brown-and-white fur and his tail bristled with magical power. A big fountain of shimmering gold glitter shot towards the crumpled box.

  Crackle! The box straightened up and jumped to attention. Bang! The top flew

  open and the bits of the crown leapt out on to the floor. Swish! The bits jostled about, busily swapping places until they fitted together like a jigsaw puzzle. But beads and bit of decoration still littered the bedroom floor.

  There was a bright golden flash, which made Kelsey blink hard. When her sight cleared, she saw that the crown was complete. It glistened and glimmered all over like a pair of sparkling fairy wings.

  ‘Wow! It's even better than before! Thanks, Storm,’ Kelsey gasped delightedly, drying her eyes.

  Storm gave her a doggy grin. ‘You are welcome.’

  There was a tap on the bedroom door. ‘Are you OK?’ asked Anna.

  ‘Can we come in?’ Louise added.

  ‘Not right now!’ Kelsey said hastily. There was no way she could explain how the crown was sitting there in all its glory, miraculously undamaged. ‘I want to be by myself. I'm going to glue the crown back together and then I'll come down.’

  ‘That's OK. We understand,’ the twins chorused in a subdued tone.

  ‘We don't mean to boss you about and stuff. We just go over the top sometimes,’ Anna said.

  ‘I know. And I'm sorry I lost my temper. I didn't mean it about leaving me and Dad alone,’ Kelsey admitted.

  There was silence for a moment and Kelsey thought the twins had tiptoed away.

  She heard whispers and then Louise said, ‘We wondered if you might like two handmaidens on Wassail night. We could hold your cloak and stuff, if you like.’

  Kelsey raised her eyebrows at Storm. She knew that this was the twins' way of saying sorry. ‘OK, thanks. That sounds great,’ she said, grinning.



  Saturday morning dawned crisp and clear. ‘Perfect weather for Wassail night!’ Mr Fisher announced to Kelsey and Storm over breakfast. Storm looked spick and span and smelled of peach shower gel after the bath Kelsey had given him, although he hadn't been too keen on being bathed at the time.

  There was a knock at the front door. Kelsey's dad opened it to admit Jo and the twins.

  Kelsey's spirits sank when she saw that Louise and Anna were wearing their riding gear.

  ‘Oh no,’ she groaned softly. Beckoning to Storm, she quickly zoomed into the back garden. ‘They're going to invite me to go riding with them again. I just know it!’

  Storm looked up from kicking up his heels in the frosty grass. ‘Is that a bad thing?’

  Kelsey nodded miserably. ‘Horses scare me stiff and if the twins find out I'm a scaredy-cat, they'll never stop going on about it. I'll just hide out here until they've gone.’

  ‘I might be able to use my magic to stop you being afraid of horses. Shall I try?’ Storm woofed helpfully.

  Kelsey shook her head. ‘Thanks, but no thanks. I don't actually want riding lessons. I'm never going to be mad about horses like Anna and Louise…’ She paused as the truth of what she was saying began to sink in. She looked into Storm's calm midnight-blue eyes and she knew what she had to do.

  Kelsey went back into the kitchen with Storm in her arms. Jo was sitting at the table and her dad was making coffee and toast.

  ‘I love Saturday mornings at the stables and having riding lessons. Ponies rule!’ Anna was saying.

  ‘Are you coming with us this time, Kelsey?’ Louise asked.

  ‘Um… No thanks,’ Kelsey said. Her heart was pounding, but cuddling Storm's warm little body gave her courage. She took a deep breath. ‘Actually, horses make me very nervous. I don't really want to learn how to ride.’

  Louise looked sharply at her for a moment and then she shrugged. ‘OK.’

  ‘No problem,’ said Anna. ‘We'll go riding with Mum and then come back here, so we can all get ready for Wassail night together. It'll be fun.’

  Kelsey nodded dumbly, too amazed to speak.

  ‘Sounds good to me,’ Jo agreed. ‘All sorted.’

  Kelsey's dad smiled as he poured the coffee.

  Kelsey felt a huge wave of relief run through her. She couldn't believe how easy that had been. She glanced down at Storm, whose big blue eyes were twinkling.

  It was a clear evening and silver stars twinkled in the January sky. Kelsey's breath fogged in the frosty air as she and Storm, her dad, Jo and the twins all made their way to the old apple orchard. Kelsey wore her shining crown and cloak over her warm clothes and Storm trotted proudly beside her, wearing his smart new ruff.

  Grown-ups and kids, wearing bright costumes, were already gathering in the

  orchard. Delicious smells of roast apples, hot spiced cider and apple juice, and barbecued food filled the air. In one corner, a group of men were keeping watch over a crackling bonfire.

  The orchard was a patchwork of gold light and deep shadows. Kelsey saw Ross waiting for her by the old gate with his dad. He wore his crown and cloak. As Kelsey and Storm went over to him, Mr Kirk smiled warmly at her, looking relaxed in jeans and a sweater.

  ‘You'll never guess what!’ Ross said to Kelsey, the moment she reached him. ‘I'm going to be a puppy walker. It's a really important job. Dad fixed it up for me. Isn't that amazing?’

  Kelsey beamed at him. ‘It's fantastic. I'm really happy for you.’

  Storm wagged his tail. ‘Congratulations, Ross!’ he barked, which obviously only Kelsey understood.

  Ross laughed. ‘It sounds like Storm's pleased for me too.’ He turned back to Kelsey. ‘Maybe you could help me with the puppy walking sometimes, if you're not too busy with Storm,’ he said shyly.

  ‘I'd love to,’ Kelsey said.

  ‘The ceremony's about to start,’ said Kelsey's dad at her shoulder. ‘They're calling for the Apple Prince and Princess.’ Anna and Louise appeared and took hold of Kelsey's cloak.

  Kelsey handed Storm over to Ross. Ross's eyes softened as he stroked the tiny puppy's fluffy fur. He gave Storm a cuddle and then squared his shoulders as he handed him back. ‘Thanks, Kelsey, but it's only right for you to hold him.’

  Kelsey nodded, smiling. Ross had a new confident look on his face. He was going to be all right. ‘Here we go,’ she whispered to Storm as she and Ross took their places at the head of the procession.

  ‘This is exciting!’ Storm panted eagerly.

  As they moved through the trees people beat drums, shook rattles and banged on pots and pans. The gleaming willow

  lanterns seemed to float and dance along. Everyone began singing to wake the trees from their winter sleep. ‘Old Apple Tree, we'll wassail thee…’

  It was a dramatic moment when everyone stood clear and muskets were fired through the bare branches. Bang! Bang! Smoke drifted upwards into the cold air.

  Afterwards, Kelsey was lifted up into a tree to place cider-soaked toast on the branches. Ross had to pour cider down the tree trunk and then their part in the cere
mony was over.Then everyone joined in the festivities.

  ‘This is brilliant! It's just like a carnival!’ Ross said, munching a burger.

  ‘Told you it was fun!’ Kelsey sang out as she went off to get some food to share with Storm. She waved to Anna and Louise,

  who were taking part in a circle dance.

  Just then, Storm gave a whimper of terror and took off through the trees.

  ‘Storm?’ Kelsey noticed sinister dark shapes with pale eyes and extra-long teeth moving through the trees.

  Storm was in terrible danger.

  Kelsey hurtled after the tiny puppy, stripping off her crown and cloak as she ran. She glimpsed Storm disappearing behind a wooden hut at the back of the orchard. She pelted towards it and had just rounded the building, when there was a dazzling flash of bright golden light and a fountain of sparks.

  Storm stood there, a tiny puppy no longer, but a majestic young silver-grey wolf with glowing midnight-blue eyes and a thick neck-ruff glittering with a million tiny gold lights. There was an adult wolf beside him, with a wise gentle face.

  Kelsey knew that Storm was going to leave. She didn't want to lose her friend, but she forced herself to be brave. If Ross could be, then so could she.

  ‘Go, Storm! Save yourself!’ she said, her voice breaking.

  Storm's midnight-blue eyes softened. ‘You have been a good friend, Kelsey. Farewell and be of good heart.’

  ‘Goodbye, Storm. I'll never forget you,’ Kelsey whispered as tears ran down her face.

  There was a final flash of gold light and a silent explosion of sparks that drifted around Kelsey and sputtered harmlessly to the frosty grass. She heard a frustrated growl behind her as the fierce dogs slunk away.

  Kelsey's heart ached, but she was glad that Storm was safe. One day her magic puppy would be the brave leader of the Moon-claw pack. ‘Take care. Wherever you are,’ she whispered.

  As Kelsey walked back through the trees, she saw Ross coming towards her. His face was glowing with happiness and pride.

  ‘Kelsey! I've been looking for you. I can't stop thinking about becoming a puppy walker. It's for dogs that are going to be trained as…’

  Despite her sadness, Kelsey felt herself smiling. ‘Tell me all about it. And don't miss anything out!’

  Table of Contents


  About the Author

  Title Page


  Copyright Page


  Magic Puppy: Classroom Princess

  Chapter ONE

  Chapter TWO

  Chapter THREE

  Chapter FOUR

  Chapter FIVE

  Chapter SIX

  Chapter SEVEN

  Chapter EIGHT

  Chapter NINE




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