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Sleepless in Manchester

Page 3

by Woods, Karen

  Dalton darted his eyes at his mother and the vein in the side of his neck was pumping. He knew her game; she was out to wind Fallon up. “Mam, will you just get out of my bedroom, can’t I just have a minute’s peace in this place?”

  His mother placed the blind back neatly at the window and crept back over the thick cream coloured carpet. She spoke in a sarcastic tone. “Oh stop being miserable, you’re all doom and gloom you lately. You need to relax and start thinking about your future. I mean,” she paused and held a cunning look in her eyes. “What’s left in Manchester for you, there’s no jobs, no nothing.”

  He bolted up from the bed and held the door open. His face was red and his knuckles were turning white. “Just get out will you.” Maria strolled passed her son with a triumphant look on her face. They could hear her footsteps outside the door. She was humming a tune as she left. Fallon looked deflated.

  In silence they both sat staring about the bedroom. Dalton knew without any shadow of doubt that his mother was a vindictive bitch and she was having a pop at his girlfriend yet again. He gripped her hand and kissed her fingertips softly. “Don’t listen to her, she’s so far up her own arse, she makes me sick with all her airs and graces.”

  Fallon struggled to smile, her heart was racing and her chest was rising with speed. “Dalton, why does she always make me feel like I’m not good enough for you? You know where my family comes from and you know we’re not rich or anything, don’t you?” Her eyes welled up and she swallowed hard as she continued. “Do you think it’s best if we just end this now and save all the heartache in the future?”

  He looked gobsmacked as the words fired from his mouth like bullets leaving a gun. “Why are you letting her get to you? I love you, and nobody or any amount of money will ever come between us.” Fallon fell onto his chest and her face was hidden away. Her shoulders were shaking and Dalton knew she’d broken. Lifting her head up, he wiped her tears away with his fingertips and kissed her lips. “I love you Fallon, and no matter what, we’ll always be together, trust me.”

  “Dalton, we’re going out now, see you later.” Maria shouted from downstairs.

  Dalton giggled as he nudged Fallon in the waist. “Yeah, see you later,” he rammed his two fingers up into the air towards the door. The sound of the front door closing could be heard. He ran to his bedroom window and watched his parents leaving. Maria was dressed to the nines and she was struggling to walk in her cream high-heeled shoes, she thought she looked like Victoria Beckham in the dress that she was wearing. Maria and Brian looked the dogs-bollocks as they made their way to their white BMW car, parked at the end of the garden path. Dalton hid his face away from the window so they couldn’t see him; you could hear the car’s engine starting up. Stood cracking his knuckles, he looked desperate to get back to his lovemaking. Sprinting back to the bed he dived onto his girlfriend. “They’re gone now, let’s get it on.” He reached his hand over to the silver stereo and pressed the play button. ‘Mariah Carey’s’ album ‘Butterfly’ started playing. It was his mother’s favourite CD and he’d borrowed it from her collection earlier in the day to set the mood for his love session. Dalton knew Fallon loved the singer’s voice and played her favourite track. If anything was going to get her into the mood this was.

  The teenagers lay kissing on the bed; they were entwined in each other’s bodies. Dalton stood up and dragged the chest of drawers in front of his bedroom door; he didn’t want disturbing by his older brother who was downstairs. Twisting the pole that closed the blinds, he made his way back to the bed, the scene was set. Yanking down his white ‘Nike’ shorts from his legs, he smiled at her. Fallon looked as if she was melting with love for him, you could see it in her eyes. The two youngsters had never had sex with all their clothes off before; usually it was a quick knee trembler whenever they got the chance. Tonight was going to be different though, he was making sure of it. Dalton rubbed at his arms as he stood naked at the side of the bed; he looked uncomfortable as his eyes shot down to his erect penis. You could see the fair hairs all over his body standing on end, he was gagging for it. Fallon stood up and slowly slid her leggings down. Dalton drooled as he saw her for the first time completely naked, she looked sexy. Looking embarrassed she quickly jumped back into the bed, she was cold. Her head was sticking out of the top of the sheets and she was trying to get warm. Dalton joined her and giggling could be heard. The music was low and the room was set for the love they were about to share.

  Looking deep into her eyes Dalton slid his tongue slowly across her lips, he loved kissing her and she always turned him on. Her lips were so soft. His heart was pumping inside his ribcage and small beads of sweat were visible on his forehead. Their naked bodies were connected and they both looked lost in the moment. Fallon’s face changed, he’d entered her. Groans could be heard and you could see the blankets moving about over his body. Her fingernails were sunk into his young pink skin and his head was held up high as his rhythm quickened. This was the first time they hadn’t used a condom. Dalton told her he would pull it out before he ejaculated, he just wanted to see how it felt without any protection and judging by his face he was enjoying every moment of it. Fallon’s face creased, she looked in pain as her toes curled up at the end of the bed. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she was reaching orgasm. Dalton quickly withdrew his penis from her and you could see him holding his penis in his hands on the side of the bed. Groans could be heard as his face surged with pleasure.

  The two of them looked hot and sweaty as they fell onto the bed. Fallon’s hair was stuck to the side of her face and she quickly pulled it away as she cuddled up close to her true love. It took a while for Dalton to regain his breath. He’d really put his heart and soul into their lovemaking and he made sure it lasted a lot longer than what she was used to. Fallon lifted her head up and pecked him on his cheek. “I love you so much.” He choked back his tears and nodded his head. “Ditto”, he whispered. He was such a loving guy; he loved fate and believed that love would conquer anything as long as two people loved each other enough. He was always positive and he was definitely a hopeless romantic. His father Brian was exactly the same as him, he was a right soppy git and he always treated his wife like a princess.

  “Let’s make a pact,” He blurted out.

  She looked blank, “What do you mean, I don’t understand.”

  He looked excited as he folded the white pillow under his head. “I watched a film last week when two people made a promise to each other that if they hadn’t found love by the time they were twenty-five, they would meet up at a certain place on a date and time that they had both agreed on.”

  Fallon screwed her face up she looked angry, she ragged the blankets back over her shoulders. “What are you saying that we’re breaking up?”

  “No you dickhead,” he chuckled. “I’m just saying who knows what’s around the corner and if we set a meeting place, and a date, no matter what happens in our lives, we both know that if we still love each other fate will bring us back together.”

  Fallon didn’t like the way the conversation was going and she felt like he was breaking away from her. She tried to look interested as she spoke. “Right, okay you name the place, and I’ll name the time and date.”

  Dalton held his head to the side, chewing on his bottom lip he piped up with his answer. “Let’s meet at our old school. We both know where that is and it’s easy to get to.”

  Fallon agreed as she tapped her fingernail on her front teeth. “Okay, right, what date can I pick?”

  She raised her eyes to the ceiling thinking. “The tenth of May shall we say, at three o’clock? It’s my birthday that day so I won’t forget?” Dalton rubbed his hands together with excitement. They both sat and discussed the year they both would reach twenty-five years of age. That was it, the date and venue were set. The two of them made the most of their time left together and they had sex again before the night was over, Dalton was like a stallion. Fallon checked the clock at the side of hi
s bed. Her body ached with love for her boyfriend as she dragged herself up from his side, her body felt heavy. “I wish this night could last forever,” she sighed.

  “Me too,” Dalton agreed.

  Fallon was ready to leave. Dalton phoned her a taxi and handed her a five pound note to pay the fare. This was normal behaviour for him; he was always concerned about her safety. The teenagers kissed until the taxi pulled up and honked its horn. As she left his side, she waved at him. Fallon was gone.

  Fallon crept into her house through the back door; she was much later than usual. She could hear the sound of her father snoring on the floor not far from her feet. Closing the door behind her, she tiptoed across the front room with caution. Inhaling, she screwed her face up. Her dad’s cheesy feet could be smelt all over the room, they smelt like mature cheddar. Twisting her head from side to side in disgust she squeezed her two fingers on the side of her nose and sneaked past him. “Stinking bastard,” she mumbled under her breath.

  Beryl’s light was still on in her bedroom, the room was dimly lit. Fallon knew she would have to pop her head inside and let her know she was back. Her mother wouldn’t have rested until she knew her only daughter was safe in her bed. Pushing the door open, she could see the shape of her mother’s body lay on the bed, she was reading. Beryl lifted her head up and blew a laboured loud breath. “Where the fucking hell, have you been? You’re over an hour late.”

  Fallon held her hands out in front of her. “Chill ya beans will ya? I was waiting for a taxi; you knew where I was anyway. I’ve been at Dalton’s.”

  Beryl sat up in her bed and straightened her nightie, her reading glasses were hanging from her nose, and she looked funny. “Well, you know what I’m like; I can’t rest until you’re all in the house at night.”

  Fallon sniggered, “Mam, our Billy hasn’t slept at home for weeks and you’ve never batted an eyelid, so don’t give me all that.”

  “He’s a lad, and he’s not going to come home pregnant is he?” Beryl darted her eyes at her daughter.

  Fallon looked uncomfortable, was it that obvious she’d just had sex. Twisting her shoulders where she stood she defended herself. “Neither will I mother. You need to be having sex to get pregnant. I’m still a virgin as a matter of fact.”

  Beryl started coughing; she was struggling to catch her breath. Fallon walked to her side and started patting her back with her hand. “You need to stop smoking you do, these coughing fits are getting worst.” Beryl looked blue as she held her hand firmly on her chest. Her clenched fist was banging against her breastbone, her eyes were watering. “Come on you bastard,” she muttered. Beryl eventually coughed up a large ball of yellow phlegm into her hand. Looking at Fallon for help she passed her an old towel from the side of the bed. Fallon was off the hook, that was all she needed, an interrogation from her mother about her sexual activities.

  Lying in bed Fallon stared out through her bedroom window. The moon looked so calming tonight and it seemed to know her pain. From an early age Fallon had always spoken to the moon as if it was her only friend. Dragging her duvet over her shoulder she tried to find sleep, she was fidgeting and restless, her mind was working overtime again. Holding her necklace out in front of her she kissed the heart shape and held it firmly in her hands. Her eyes began to flicker; she was drifting off to sleep.


  Fallon stood on Rochdale Road waiting for her best friend Lesley, her head was turning from side to side watching the traffic fly past, she couldn’t see her. Fallon felt cold as she blew her warm breath onto her hands, it had been sunny and warm when she’d left the house but a chill wind and a large black cloud had descended since then.

  Swinging her body about, she scanned the area looking for her friend, craning her neck. The roads were busy today and the noise of the passing traffic was deafening. Today was the day Dalton was leaving Manchester for good. Fallon was heartbroken. Her eyes looked sad and she felt drained. This was the day she’d been dreading for weeks. Lesley Peterson was walking towards her from the other end of the street; she had a cigarette hanging from her mouth and a thick grey cloud of smoke was circling over her head.

  Flicking the cig-end from her fingers she jogged towards her. Lesley was the same age as Fallon and classed herself as her best friend. She was a loud mouth and she’d fight anyone or anything that got in her way, nobody messed with her. Lesley was a hard case without any shadow of a doubt. Everybody in school had been scared of her back in the day, and she’d always said whatever was on her mind, no matter who she hurt. Her mouth was lethal. “Oh my God, sorry I’m late. I had to nip into the corner shop for some cigs and the guy kept me talking for ages, he was doing my head in, seriously.”

  “Come on hurry up,” Fallon moaned. “I don’t want to miss him leaving. You know how important today is for me. I’m sure you’re late on purpose.” Both the girls started heading up towards Dalton’s house. There was no talking amongst them until they reached the end of the street. The clouds overhead were grey and looked as depressing as ever. Lesley was secretly happy Dalton was leaving; she’d told her other mates that she couldn’t wait until he was gone for good. He was a prick in her eyes and she couldn’t wait to see the back of him. Fallon had spent way too much time with him anyway, and it was about time she started to have some fun with her real friends instead of wasting it on her boyfriend. Lesley was going to make sure of that. It was her quest in life; she was already planning nights out unknown to Fallon. Loads of lads fancied Fallon in their circle of friends, and now that Dalton was out of the picture she was itching to get her hooked up with one of them.

  Craig Jones had always had a crush on Fallon; he was mad for her. He was one of the top dogs on the estate and he was full of Northern attitude. He made no secret about his feelings for her either; he would have done whatever it took to get her by his side. Fallon had always thought Craig was a bit of a shady character and tried her best to keep him at arm’s length, she didn’t trust him as far as she could throw him. There was just something about him that freaked her out.

  Dalton stood outside his house watching his mother. She was putting small boxes into the boot of the car, she looked stressed. Most of the furniture had already been taken to London and all that was left were the last few boxes to be packed away. Maria clocked Fallon drawing closer from the corner of her eye. She quickly slammed the car boot shut and stood close to her son like a lioness protecting her cub. “Where have you been? I thought you weren’t going to come?” Dalton stressed.

  Fallon kept her eyes focused on Maria and answered him with a smirk on her face. “I would never have let you go without you seeing me first. You won’t get rid of me that easy.” Dalton draped his arms over her shoulder and you could see Lesley and Maria both looking uncomfortable.

  “You haven’t got long son, we’re setting off soon,” Maria piped up as she rolled her eyes at his girlfriend. “I mean, I don’t know why you’ve come here Fallon. Fancy putting yourself through all this stress, it’s pointless if you ask me.”

  “Mam, just leave us to it will you, for once in your life keep your big trap shut?” Dalton scowled. His mother huffed and raised her eyes.

  “Come on Lesley, I’ll make you a drink. You don’t want to stay here looking at these two lovebirds do you?” Lesley shook her head; she felt like a spare part and felt the same way as Maria. Fallon was a drama queen.

  Dalton kept planting kisses on Fallon’s cheek. “It will all work out, don’t worry. I’ll phone you every night, and you can come to London whenever you want,” he tilted his head to the side and opened his eyes wide. “Or, I can come back each weekend if that’s easier?” Fallon’s words were stuck in her mouth and she struggled to speak. She knew she would never have enough money for the journey down to London. She’d already checked the fares out at the train station and it was way too expensive. She nodded her head. The teenagers shared a long kiss. The minutes were passing quickly and they both looked anxious as the countdown bega
n for him to leave. The couple sat talking in his bedroom planning for the days that lay ahead.

  Maria’s voice could be heard shouting from downstairs. “Are you ready son? Your Dad’s here now. We need to make a move to avoid the rush hour traffic.” Her words crippled Fallon; they were like knives being plunged deep into her heart. As she stood up from the bed her legs shook like jelly. Taking a deep breath she walked towards the bedroom door and turned her head back.

  “I’m not watching you drive off Dalton. I’m gonna get going now. Whatever will be, will be, won’t it?” she murmured. Dalton held her in his arms. His nostrils flared as he inhaled the smell from her dark long locks for the last time. “I will phone you later, okay?” Fallon made her way down the stairs. Standing at the bottom was Maria. She was waiting, looking like a cat that had got the cream. She held a triumphant look on her face and she was loving every minute of this girl’s pain. Fallon clenched her teeth together; she wanted to wipe that false smile right off her face. Taking a deep breath, the corners of her mouth began to rise.

  Maria placed her arms over Fallon’s shoulders. She looked at her son who was making his way down the stairs. “Orr we’re going to miss you Fallon.” Before she could speak any further Fallon pulled away from her grip and began to speak.


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