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Sleepless in Manchester

Page 11

by Woods, Karen

  Lesley dragged her feet underneath her bum cheeks. She loved a love story more than the next person and she was hanging on her every word. “Why, what gives you that impression?”

  Fallon opened her eyes wide and lifted her hand up to stroke her neck. “I don’t know, I just feel that something is on the cards. I’m quite good like that.”

  Lesley looked gobsmacked, her eyes were wide open. “What, can you predict the future and shit like that?”

  Fallon raised her eyes; her face was blank for a minute, she looked surprised. “Yeah I think so. I kind of get a feeling when something is going to happen. I’ve been right loads of times in the past you know.”

  Lesley was sucked in by her friend’s secret powers, she seemed edgy. Fallon closed her eyes as she played with her fingers. Her chest was rising slowly and her nostrils were flaring slightly. She looked like she was in a trance. Fallon could see herself stood in a white wedding dress and she was gliding down the aisle towards her true love. She screwed her eyes up and she was finding it hard to see the man who was stood at the altar waiting for her. This vision was always the same; she could never see who was at the other end of the church. Lesley punched her in the arm, and brought her back to reality.

  “What can you see for me, am I going to stay with your Billy or what?”

  Fallon smirked. She knew her friend believed that she could predict the future. Lesley looked desperate for the answer and sat cracking her knuckles. Taking a deep breath, Fallon closed her eyes again and held her head back on the seat. Lesley was watching her face and seemed fascinated by her. Fallon’s face dropped, she could see her best friend sat in the corner of a room and she was holding her hands up over her head, she was crying. The room was dark and she could only see the terror in her friends’ eyes. Lesley’s voice could now be heard. “Fucking hell, what can you see? Tell me, tell me.” Fallon opened her eyes slowly and took a few seconds to speak; her chest was rising at speed, her face seemed to have lost its colour. Fallon could see Lesley was waiting for the answer, pulling at her clothes she spoke.

  “Yeah, you and Billy are going to be happy, nothing to worry about,” she lied.

  Lesley gasped. “Really. Orr I just knew he was my Mr Right.”

  Fallon looked hot, was she actually predicting the future or was it her mind playing tricks on her. Ever since the rape she’d been feeling strange and sometimes when she closed her eyes she could visualise different situations before they even happened. She’d always had this gift, but these days she was getting better in her predictions. Goose pimples were appearing all over her pale skin. Slowly she rubbed at her arms. Reaching over to Lesley she smiled as she patted her shoulder. “You deserve to be happy and I just hope our Billy is your Prince Charming.”

  Lesley chuckled. “Me too, I thought he was having me over at first, but if you’ve seen it in the future, who am I to argue with you?”

  Fallon inhaled deeply, “Me and my fucking big mouth,” she thought, “why didn’t I just keep my big trap shut!”

  A few hours later and the train was rolling through the London suburbs. The girls entered Euston train station in a rush. Fallon ran from the platform closely followed by Lesley. Dalton had told them he would meet them outside and she was desperate to see him. Her eyes lifted to the large clock on the wall facing them. The noise of people talking was deafening. “Orr, Lesley I’m so excited to see him, how do I look?” Fallon patted her clothes down and twisted her skirt around so it sat right on her waist.

  “You’re fine, just relax and chill ya beans,” Lesley chuckled. Fallon stood outside the train station and her eyes were all over the place searching for Dalton. All the women who walked past seemed in a rush. Their perfumes hit her nose as they hurried along. They all smelt of money and success. A female stood near Fallon, and she was using her mobile phone. Her accent seemed weird and she nudged Lesley in the waist. “Listen to her voice; she sounds like someone out of Eastenders,” Lesley held her ear closer and screwed her face up. The girls were in a different world now and they were both finding out that there was a big wide world outside Manchester.

  Lesley was giddy; she held a mischievous look in her eyes. Dropping her case to the floor she swung her arms out to the side of her and started dancing and singing, she was kicking her legs up and down. “Consider yourself at home. Consider yourself, one of the family, check me out Fallon. I’m the Artful Dodger.” Fallon covered her mouth with her hand, she was giggling. The woman at the side of them snarled at Lesley and started to walk away with her phone still in her hand; she held her nose up in the air and blew a hard breath. Lesley carried on for a few more seconds until the woman had gone. “Fucking toffee-nosed bitch. Did you see her face, the miserable cow? Her face would have cracked if she’d raised a smile”

  Fallon held her stomach laughing. “You’re such a mad- head Lesley. I hope these Londoners are ready for you.”

  “No one will ever be ready for me,” she sniggered.

  The sound of a car honking its horn in the distance could be heard. Fallon swivelled her head. “Dalton, is it Dalton?” she asked in a distressed tone. She could see a car facing them and the love of her life was waving his hand out of the passenger side window. “Orr he’s here Lesley. Look over there,” she pointed her finger in the distance. Lesley clenched her teeth together. If the truth was known she secretly wished he wouldn’t turn up and then they could have spent their time alone enjoying a bit of sightseeing. Fallon was like a greyhound out of a trap, she was dragging her case behind her, and sweat was visible on her brow. Once she was at the car she swung her arms around Dalton’s neck. “Oh I’ve missed you so much.”

  A single tear fell down her cheek and she felt safe again. Craig Jones had killed her inside and it was only now when she was in her boyfriend’s arms that she could feel her heart beating again. Fallon had already decided she would never tell him about the rape. She wanted him to believe that she was still pure and belonged only to him. He would have gone mental if he’d ever got a whiff of her secret. Her knuckles were turning white as she squeezed him with all her might, her face was creasing at the sides. She loved him so much. Lesley was at the car and she was stood at the back of it with Brian. Fallon gripped Dalton’s hand and he pulled her case towards his Dad.

  “Hello sweetheart,” Brian sniggered. “How was your journey?”

  “It was great” Lesley answered, “it doesn’t take long to get here does it?”

  Brian nodded as he hoisted the worn suitcases into the boot of the car. “Well I’m sure Dalton’s going to look after you both while you’re here, he’s taken a couple of days off work so he can show you around.” Dalton was sat in the front of the car. Both girls sat in the back and they were more than excited. Dalton seemed distant; Lesley noticed it straight away but didn’t say anything to her friend. She was going to keep a close eye on him for sure. He was definitely up to something.

  Brian took the girls on a tour past Buckingham Palace, they seemed mesmerised by it. Lesley wound the window down and hung her head out as they passed the palace. Cupping her hands around her mouth she began shouting, much to the amusement of the tourists. “Ay, Lizzy, I hope you’re in. Put the kettle on for me and my mate. Mine’s a coffee with one sugar, get your posh biscuits out too. I’m Hank Marvin.”

  Brian was sniggering, Lesley was always the life and soul of the party and he loved her outlook on life, she didn’t have a care in the world. Dalton turned his head to the back seat and tried to raise a smile. Fallon rested her hand on his shoulder; slowly he brought his hand back and stroked her fingertips. The journey took about twenty minutes. As they pulled up, Maria rushed to the front door. She looked like she’d had a makeover and every hair on her head was neat and tidy.

  Fallon shot a look at Lesley and whispered under her breath as they got out of the car. “Here we go; I see Mrs Bouquet is out in her full glory today.”

  Lesley linked Fallon’s arm, she needed her support. This was going to be a long da
y. “Just smile and take it on the chin, she’s the one putting us up here after all, without her we would never have been able to come.” They trudged up the long grey path, Brian and Dalton were getting the girls’ belongings from the boot of the car. To Fallon it felt like the walk of death, she could feel Maria’s eyes all over her like a rash.

  “Hello honey-bunch,” Maria said. Fallon walked over to her and kissed her on the cheek. She was so false and today she could have got an Oscar for her performance. “Come in girls. My home is your home, and I want you to treat it that way while you’re here,” Maria held the front door open wide, and wafted her hand at the side of her urging the girls to come inside, she was loving every minute of showing the house off. As Fallon walked past Maria she looked her up and down and her face creased at the side, it was obvious she wasn’t impressed with her clothes. Kirsty was so much better with her fashion sense. Maria’s voice was high pitched as she shouted back to her husband. “I’ll take the girls to the garden for refreshments. Will you put their cases in the guest room upstairs?”

  Brian nodded; he knew his wife was putting on a show as per usual. Dalton was walking at a snail’s pace, it seemed like he didn’t want to go inside the house, and he was hesitating. Betrayal was written all over his face. Chewing on his fingernails he headed to the garden to join the girls. The smell of lavender hit his nose as soon as he went into the garden. It was sweet and calming. Birds were tweeting in the nearby trees. They all seemed to be gathering to watch how Fallon coped with her boyfriend’s mother, jumping from branch to branch with excitement.

  Lesley and Fallon sat on the wooden chairs. Maria had already told them how much they cost and how they were featured in a glossy magazine. Lesley raised her eyes as she took in the surroundings. With a low voice she kicked Fallon’s leg at the side of her to get her attention. “Fucking hell, this is like something you see on the telly. It’s like a show home innit?”

  Fallon dipped her head and covered her mouth with her hand. “Tell me about it. I feel skanky, like I don’t belong. This bitch has always had the knack of making me feel worthless.”

  Lesley blew a hard breath and screwed her face up. “Ay, don’t you ever feel like that. We’re just as good as this shower of shite,” she shot her eyes across to Maria making sure she couldn’t hear her. “Fuck her, the posh bitch,” she held her hand out and wafted it about in front of her face. “Fuck me; I’m sweating like Gary Glitter on a kiddy-fiddling charge.”

  The southern sun was beating down on them, they were frying. The girls could see Dalton heading towards them holding two glasses with straws sticking out of them, Lesley smirked. “Sit back and enjoy the ride, let’s get pampered.” Fallon raised a smile, but she felt intimidated by the whole experience. Dalton passed them their drinks and sat down next to Fallon. Maria’s heels clicked along the wooden decking as she joined them. She’d just been chasing a bird off the bright green lawn. Fallon prepared herself, she sat up straight and she was conscious about the way she was talking.

  “Oh what a glorious day, isn’t it girls”, Maria sang in a high-pitched voice. The sun was just above their heads and Fallon was squinting. Lesley kicked her shoes off and started to take her jacket off. “You’re dead right Maria; I’m sweating like a camel’s arse-hole, I am.”

  Fallon smirked at Dalton, and bit down onto her lip. Lesley didn’t care how she spoke and held nothing back. Checking him out in more detail Fallon could see all the designer labels on his clothing. His hair was cut different too; it was spikey on the top and cut short at the sides. Fallon reached her hand over and touched his hair. It felt hard and sticky. “What’s with the new hairdo?”

  Before he could answer Maria jumped in. “It was a bloody expensive that was. You went to Tony and Guy, didn’t you son?” Dalton nodded, his cheeks turning red.

  Lesley nearly choked on her drink. “Tony and Guy? Whatever happened to Chris The Barber on Lightbowne Road?” Lesley was bubbling with laughter and Maria snarled at her. How dare she make fun of her son’s hair?

  “We live in London now Lesley and Dalton has changed a lot since his days back in Manchester. All the top hair salons are up here, why don’t you go and have your hair cut while you’re here,” she took a deep breath. “I mean, by the looks of it, it hasn’t had a good cut in years.”

  Lesley gritted her teeth; if Maria had been anyone else she would have rammed her fist right into her posh face. Sighing, she defended herself. “Oh, I might just do that if I find the time Maria. Fallon’s brother has treated us, so we’re not short of cash, are we Fallon?” Fallon was ready to burst out laughing, she loved that her best friend had shot the cocky bitch right back down to the ground. Everyone was talking now as they sat around the table. Fallon couldn’t wait to get Dalton on his own, she was craving his love and she was desperate to feel his lips on hers. Finally she asked “Dalton where’s the toilet?”

  He stood to his feet. “Come on, I’ll show you.”

  Maria sprang up; she was more than ready to give Fallon a tour of each room inside the house. She’d been cleaning all morning and she wanted to rub Fallon’s nose right into her new abode. Dalton held a flat palm towards his mother with a sour face. “Where are you going? I do know where the toilet is you know.” Brian grabbed his wife’s hand.

  “Come and sit back down, hostess with the mostest. You can show Fallon around later.” Maria looked deflated and sat back down under protest.

  Lesley could see her mate was wanting some time alone with Dalton and she took over the conversation. “So who does the gardening Maria? It’s like a nature park in here.” Maria was as proud as a peacock.

  “I do it all Lesley. I do it in my spare time. See those pink flowers over there,” she pointed in the corner of the garden.

  Lesley sat up in her chair and stretched her neck out; she could see Dalton and Fallon leaving the garden, she turned her head back to Maria. “What, the big massive ones?”

  Maria grabbed her hand. “Come on I’ll show you them.”

  Brian sighed and looked at the young girl, he was secretly glad his wife was off his back and she was boring someone else for a change. Reaching down on the floor he picked up his newspaper and went straight to the horseracing pages at the back of the paper. As he watched his wife step across the garden, he settled down to study the horses. Brian was a gambler and Maria didn’t have a clue he was spending more than he should have on his four- legged friends. He was spending more than he earned and he was heading for disaster. The women talking at the other side of the garden could be heard.

  Dalton waited outside the toilet for Fallon; he was leant against the wall banging his head slowly against it. Once she came out he grabbed her by the hand and pulled her along the landing towards his bedroom, laughter could be heard. He knew more than anyone that he had to snap out of the daft mood he was in. This girl was the love of his life, and he knew she could smell a rat a mile off. There would be no pulling the wool over her eyes for sure, she was a wise head. “Come on; let’s go in here for a bit of privacy.” Fallon smiled and her heart melted. She’d been waiting for this moment since she arrived. As the bedroom door opened she felt an ache in her heart. She wished this was her life and that she lived in this house. The smell of flowers was present in the room, it all smelt so fresh and clean. Closing the door behind him he jumped onto the double bed. Fallon joined him. Their lips connected and they both shared a moment. Dalton looked worried and he pulled away from her; he was cracking his knuckles nervously. Fallon screwed her face up and looked at him in more detail.

  “What’s up?”

  He looked nervous and held his head back; his chest was rising in and out at speed. Was he going to confess all his sins? Fallon grabbed his hand. “Have I done something wrong?”

  Dalton gulped. “No, have you eck, it’s just....,” he blew a hard breath and gritted his teeth together. Looking deep into her eyes he knew he could never tell her the truth. He loved her too much to hurt her. A mobile phone starte
d ringing in the room. Fallon’s eyes shot about the bedroom and her eyes were wide open. Dalton stood up and walked to his jacket hung on the side of his chest of drawers. His hands were trembling; he thought he’d turned the phone off, his face was stressed. Digging inside his coat pocket he pulled out a silver Nokia phone. Fallon looked gobsmacked. If he had a phone why hadn’t he told her about it? She knew she couldn’t ever afford one, but at least she would have known she could have contracted him at any time she needed too. Dalton scanned the screen on the mobile phone. Kirsty’s name was flashing. He sighed and shook his head. He’d already told her he was having a few days away with his mates. What was she playing at? Fallon was getting up from the bed and he knew he didn’t have long. Quickly he bumped the call off and kept his finger on the power button. The phone was switched off. He could feel her warm breath on his neck.

  “Since when did you have a mobile phone?” Dalton struggled to find the answer and looked blank.

  “Erm, I only got it the other day. We all got them issued in work. To tell you the truth I feel a right dickhead with it. I don’t even answer it.” Fallon held her head to the side, she was examining every inch of his face, he was lying and she knew it. Walking back to the bed she plonked back down and watched him eagerly, he was acting so out of character. Something had changed.

  Dalton jumped on Fallon and tried his best to diffuse the situation. “Kiss me, you sexy girl. I’ve missed you so much.” Fallon was like butter melting into his arms. That was all she needed to hear. He made sure the bedroom door was locked and they both stripped off and dived into bed. There was so much passion between them and it wasn’t long before they were having sex. Fallon’s eyes were wide open and she noticed his sexual habits had changed. Dalton had never done half the things that he was doing now. He seemed more experienced. His hips were gyrating and his kiss was slower than usual, he was even using his tongue. Was she being silly, or was she imagining it all? Digging her fingernails into his back she tried to wipe the vision from her mind. Dalton lifted his head up and she could see he was getting ready to come. Her concentration was broken and an orgasm was a million miles away from her body. She faked it. Groans of enjoyment filled the room and within minutes two naked bodies lay sweating on the bed.


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