Sleepless in Manchester

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Sleepless in Manchester Page 29

by Woods, Karen

  The woman looked at her a bit longer than she should have, she was studying her face. Sipping on her drink she replied. “It’s got to be a man that’s making you leave. Go on, tell me I’m right?”

  Fallon looked surprised. Did this woman hold magical powers that she could read her mind? Slowly she nodded her head and pressed her lips firmly together. “How do you know that?”

  The woman chuckled loudly and everyone was looking at her. “I’ve been there and done that love, bought the t-shirt and watched the DVD.” Fallon sniggered; this woman was just what she needed to lift the dark cloud hanging over her head. “I’m a good listener if you want to talk about it,” she whispered as she nudged her in the waist.

  Within minutes Fallon was telling the complete stranger her life story. This woman couldn’t judge her and she felt at ease telling her all her problems. Once she’d poured her heart out the woman sighed. “Bloody hell, that’s such a sad story.”

  Fallon agreed. “I know, tell me about it.”

  The lady tapped her finger on her front tooth, she raised her eyebrows. “Do you want my opinion love?”

  Fallon took her time to answer. Did she really want to go through this again? Fallon looked hot and played with the cuff of her coat. “Go on then.”

  “I’m a great believer that love conquers all,” Fallon looked white in the face; she’d heard the exact words from Dalton many years ago. Was this a sign that she should go and find him? The woman continued. “Fate is a funny thing, sometimes you have to go all the way around a mountain before you reach the top. It’s better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. Well, that’s what my old grandmother used to say to me.”

  Fallon’s stomach churned, her eyes were drawn to the clock not far from her. Staring at it she could see the date underneath it. Not only was it her birthday, it was the day the pact was made so many years before. Fallon gripped the woman’s hand and everything seemed clear in her head for the first time ever. She told her all about the meeting place and what was decided between them when they were younger.

  The woman placed her hand over her mouth. “See its fate. Don’t miss this chance. You need to go and see if he turns up. Bloody hell, I want to come with you too, I feel involved.”

  Fallon stood to her feet; she held the woman’s shoulder. “I can’t thank you enough, you’re right. I need to go don’t I and see if he turns up. If he doesn’t, at least I’ll know, one way or another won’t I?” They shared a hug and Fallon said goodbye. For the first time in ages she was smiling. This time she was letting her heart rule her head and not the other way round. She ran from the train station as if her life depended on it.


  Dalton sat on his motorbike and revved the engine. The heavens opened and the rain was pounding hard on the pavements. Slipping the visor down over his eyes he set off onto the main road. The traffic was busy and he was weaving in and out of it, he was driving like a mad man. Manchester city centre was busy and he sat waiting at the traffic lights. “Come on you bastard lights, change, change.” Dalton pulled off and he swerved to miss a car that pulled out from a side street. The bike overturned and his body went flying into a bollard.

  People started gathering around the casualty. They were shouting at each other. “Somebody phone an ambulance, quick he needs help.” A passer-by looked frantic as he dialled the emergency services.

  A young man came to Dalton’s side, he was surprisingly calm. “Can you hear me mate?” There was no response. Slowly he pulled the helmet from the injured man’s head. Dalton’s eyes were flickering rapidly, he didn’t look good. The man slowly took his gloves off and he noticed a silver chain fall onto the floor. Picking it up, he spoke to Dalton. “I’ve got your necklace pal, don’t worry I’ll stick it in your back pocket.”

  Dalton was coming round, he was in a panic. Holding the man’s hand he tried to lift his head up. “Please help me, I need to be somewhere by three o’clock. What time is it now?” The man tried to calm him down but Dalton was trying to stand up. The sound of sirens blaring could be heard. The medics were at Dalton’s side and a large crowd was watching their every movement. Placing him on a stretcher they put him in the back of the ambulance. Dalton was declaring he was fine, but nobody was listening. The ambulance set off towards the hospital. Sitting up on the stretcher Dalton grabbed the hand of the medic at the side of him.

  “Please, please. I need to see if she’s there.”

  The ambulance woman thought he was rambling on after the pain relief she’d just given him. She’d seen it so many times before in the past. Holding his hand, she softly stroked his fingers. “We’re going to the hospital. Once you’ve been checked out you can go to your meeting, but at the moment your health is more important.” Dalton gritted his teeth together and fought the effects from the drugs he’d just been given. Tears were falling rapidly from his eyes and the medic stopped what she was doing and sat by his side. Dalton was pouring his heart out.


  Fallon was minutes away from the school. She looked flustered but she was still running. Reaching her destination her eyes scanned the area; she couldn’t see anyone except a man walking a dog in the distance. Walking up and down she was talking to herself.

  “You fool Fallon. Why did you ever think he would remember?”

  Her legs seemed to fold under her as she plonked herself on the concrete floor just a bit away from the roadside. Opening her hand you could see the silver necklace in her sweaty palm. Checking her wristwatch she held her eyes to the sky. “Just once God, just this once let me be happy.” Her head sank into her hands and she was heartbroken. People in the street were walking past her and they looked at her as if she’d lost the plot. There she was with her bags at the side of her just sat waiting around. The sound of passing traffic could be heard. A lone pigeon hopped about in front of her. Fallon watched it and shook her head. “Well, it’s over. He never turned up. Why did I ever think I would have a happy ending?” She stood up and blew her breath; dropping the necklace from her fingers she watched it hit the kerb. The rain was still falling but it had calmed down. Pulling her hood over her head she hooked her bag over her shoulder.


  Dalton sat with the ambulance team and the sirens were blaring as they approached the school he used to go too. It took a lot of persuasion but they’d agreed to take him to the location he’d requested before he went to hospital. The driver had just parted from his wife and knew more than anyone how it felt to have a broken heart. Dalton had hurt his shoulder but apart from a few cuts and bruises he was out of any danger, he’d had a lucky escape. The female medic sat chewing her fingernails, she loved a good story and this was right up there with the best of them.

  All the medics seemed excited and although they knew they were breaking work regulations they wanted to see a happy ending. The ambulance pulled up and the back doors flung open. Dalton struggled to stand up but with help from the woman at the side of him, he left the vehicle. Staggering with his arm strapped up he searched the area, there was nobody about. The ambulance crew were all stood watching him. The female whispered to her workmate. “Orr it’s such a shame isn’t it. I was hoping she would be here.”

  “Fallon!” Dalton screamed at the top of his lungs. The rain fell onto his face and he dragged at his clothes.

  The ambulance crew slowly walked to his side. “Come on son, at least you tried. Let’s go and get you sorted out.” Dalton seemed in a trance and his legs were buckling. Slowly he was being escorted back to the ambulance. His head was low and his eyes seemed empty. Taking a few steps a shiny object on the floor caught his eye. Bending slowly his fingers trembled as he picked it up.

  “She was here, she was here. Look this is the other half of the necklace.”

  The medics looked gobsmacked as he pulled the other half of the heart from of his pocket. Watching him slide the two hearts together the woman shed a tear at the side of him. Dalton walked slowly to the side of the ambulance; h
e had a gut feeling that it wasn’t time to go just yet. His eyes strained in the distance, he could see someone walking towards them. The sound of his breathing could be heard.

  “It’s her,” he whispered, “She’s come back.”

  Everyone’s eyes shot to the woman approaching. Their hearts were in their mouths. They could see she was searching for something on the floor. Dalton closed his eyes and his face creased up. Walking slowly he went to meet her.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Fallon mumbled. “Why didn’t I just take it with me? I mean, why do I still want it after all these years. You’re such a soppy cow you are Fallon.”

  Her eyes met a pair of black shoes on the ground and slowly her head lifted. No words were spoken; the two of them just stood looking at each other. Tears fell on their cheeks and Dalton shook his head slowly. “I knew you would come.” She gasped her breath and her chest was rising up and down at speed. Dalton held his hands out and you could see the pain in his face as the love of his life stood in front of him. Fallon closed her eyes as the rain dripped from her nose. Slowly she went towards him. Sinking her head into his chest she seemed liked she was going to pass out. The ambulance crew were cheering in the background and they were hugging each other and jumping about.

  “Why did you come back Fallon?”

  Staring at him she smiled. “I came back for my necklace. When you weren’t here, I just, well, I gave up.”

  His arms tightened around her. “Fallon, I swear to you now, I will never hurt you again. I love you with all my heart, and I’ll never stop loving you. Can we start again?”

  Fallon swallowed hard and for a moment it looked like she was going to walk away. Opening his hand she took both the necklaces. Seeing the two hearts joined together as one she smiled. “Love does conquer all, doesn’t it Dalton?”

  He opened the clasp on her chain and put it back around her neck. Fallon did the same with his. “Together forever ay?” he whispered. Fallon smiled and for the first time in ages she was really happy. They shared a long passionate kiss.

  The sound of clapping from the ambulance crew could be heard and they were smiling from ear to ear. Walking towards him the medic told him that they had to go. Fallon listened to Dalton’s story about the accident and chuckled loudly. “Fucking hell, now I definitely believe in fate.” The couple walked to the back of the ambulance and Fallon joined her true love on his journey to the hospital. Love did conquer all.


  Fallon smiled as she walked down the aisle to marry Dalton. Her steps were hurried and she couldn’t wait to join her husband-to-be. Maria sat with Brian at the front of the church and you could see their hands locked tightly together. They looked so in love. On the opposite side of the church was Beryl and Bob. Fallon’s mother looked a lot better these days and she seemed her old self.

  Bob had been sober for months and his days of drinking appeared to be over. Beryl was his addiction now and after hours of heart to hearts with her he’d promised that the drink was gone forever. They seemed to be getting on like a house on fire and many a night they would sit up until the early hours talking about days gone by. Beryl had been wrong about her heart though, her first love was just a fantasy that she’d made up in her mind to escape reality. When all was said and done, the man at her side was all she ever wanted, she’d been a fool.

  Lesley watched Fallon marry her childhood sweetheart. Her heart craved the love of her Billy, but she knew that would be years away. She’d tried to meet men in the past, but nobody compared to the love of her life. Gripping her son’s hand tightly at the side of her she whispered in a low voice. “Now that’s a happy ending son. One day we’ll have one too don’t you worry.”

  Denva looked at his mother and smiled. “I know Mam, I know we will.”

  Word on the street was that Craig Jones committed suicide whilst inside the jail where he was carrying out his sentence. Billy always smiled when he spoke about the inmate’s death and something in his eyes told you he knew more about it than he was saying.

  Life for the family just got better and better over the years. None of them were sleepless in Manchester anymore, well, except for Lesley, the poor soul. Love is a strange thing to ever understand, and I believe that love does move in mysterious ways.

  Sometime in your life you’ll meet your soul mate, never let them pass you by. Grab them with both hands and hold onto them forever. Life’s too short for regrets.





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