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The Gargoyle’s Passion (The Gargoyle Awakens Book 2)

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by Ginger Devine

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Lucien demanded, “You might not be able to leave without my help.”

  Margaux nodded, too overwhelmed by his presence to reply.

  Aime couldn’t wait any longer – she blurted out, “We can set you free from the Château!”

  He turned quickly, his tail whipping around him like a snake. “How?!”

  She hesitated, then replied, “You have to have sex with one of us.”

  “What do you mean? We've already done that. Or don’t you remember? To me, it seems like yesterday.”

  She became excited as she shared with Lucien her discoveries. “We've learned that your curse might be broken completely if you reconnect with your true love. As much as we wish that was one of us, it's not. But passion can still free you – it will break the bond that keeps you imprisoned here. You will be able to leave the roof, but we don't know how far you can go. Or if you have to return when the sun rises.”

  “How is that different than what happened between the four us the last time we were together?” Lucien asked.

  “We had a LOT of fun, and we all came. And came. But we didn’t have sex in the way that is defined in the Codex.” She paused, “You have to, umm, put the big guy inside one of us.”

  They all looked at Lucian’s erect, throbbing staff. It was huge. Intimidating. Exciting.

  Lucien turned away as he said, “I can't ask you to do this.”

  Elyse spoke up, “I think we want to, but the question is, can we?”

  Lucien looked at her questioningly.

  “You are much bigger than any man any of us has ever been with. I'm not sure that,” she gestured toward his sex, “is going to go in here,” as she pointed back at herself.

  Margaux interjected, “I'm willing to give it a try! I've been practicing since I found out about this!”

  “Do you really want to do this?” Lucian asked her.

  “Oh yes. I do. I've been visualizing success while experimenting with zucchinis, cucumbers, and once, a spaghetti squash.”

  Aime interjected, “This is only going to free you from the Château every 10 years on the solstice. I think. There’s a lot more to decipher in the codex. This isn’t a cure for the Curse, but it might be better than being stuck on this roof.”

  Elyse added, “There's more research that we can do, but we need time. At least we can give you this now and so the next time you awaken you will be able to leave this place.”

  Lucien’s shaft, which was almost angry in its hard desire a few moments before, was now limp, although still impressive even in its less aggressive state. He slumped over, dejected.

  “I can't ask this of you. I feel hopeless. I am trapped. But I am not so far from human that I would coerce a woman into pleasuring me for my own gain. I have nothing to give back to you.”

  He moved to the pedestal from which he had descended earlier, sitting on the edge with his head in his massive palms.

  Aime quickly replied, “You're not taking anything from us, we want to give you something. And we may take something in return.”

  “What would you take?” he asked warily.

  “The experience, the passion, making a fantasy come true!”

  Margaux added, “The orgasms! None of us have ever had an experience like the night we had ten years ago. We don't want to force you to give us that pleasure again, we will help you whatever you decide, but don’t forget that you are our”

  “I just think about your tail and I come, no matter where I am! No one has ever touched me in such a hot, sensitive way. I miss it…I crave it.” Elyse said before falling next to him on the ledge, her head laying against his bicep, bulging even while he was still.

  Margaux moved to his other side, trailing her hand across his face as she said, “It drives me wild to think about your tongue inside me while I had your cock in my mouth. WILD.”

  Aime stood in front of his bowed head, adding, “And I love to think of sliding along your shaft, bursting against you as you climax between my breast. I’ve never come so hard.”

  The women were getting hotter as they talked about the last time they had spent the night with Lucien; they began taking off their clothes as their searing memories made them overheated.

  Aime continued, talking faster, “Oh, I can barely stand to be this close to you and not touch you, not have you touch me, wherever you want!”

  Lucien suddenly stood up straight, his full throbbing erection back in top form, swaying in front as he inhaled.

  “If this is what you want, truly, it would be my honor and pleasure to pleasure you. However you like.”

  Margaux walked over to him and pushed gently on his shoulders, saying, “Well, I have some ideas. Lay back.” Lucien leaned back on the ground, cushioned by his folded wings, with his head in Elyse’s lap. Margaux straddles his waist, her back to his chest. She began running both hands up and down his erect member, then bending it slightly until it pushed against her sex. Grasping it in her hand she rubbed it back and forth, casing Lucien to groan and shift beneath her.

  Aime crouched between Lucien’s legs and began running her tongue along his shaft as Margaux rubbed against the tip. When Aime reached the top, she moved her tongue to Margaux’s clit, finding her love button just as Margaux starts to ease onto the huge staff.

  Margaux cried, “Oh Aime, don’t stop!”

  Just then, Aime felt an electric shock of passion that made her gasp; Lucien had slid his tail between her legs, gently yet insistently tapping against her throbbing sex, making her wet with desire. She began groaning as she imitated Lucian’s searing touch by doing the same to Margaux. Margaux, breathing heavily and crying out with pleasure, leaned back against Lucien so that her head was resting on his shoulder as she pushed him further inside of her.

  Lucien flung his head back against Elyse’s stomach as he writhed in pleasure. Elyse shifted so that she was kneeling and straddling Lucien’s head, looking down at both Lucien and Margaux as they moved in tandem with desire.

  Lucien’s opened his eyes to see her above him, her naked breasts inciting his passion to even greater heights. He reached up to caress them as his inhumanly long tongue moved towards her juicy sex as it hovered just above his mouth. He licked her until she was moaning, leaning back against the wall bordering the edge of the roof to keep from falling onto the threesome in front of her. Then he plunged his tongue into her, making her cry out again, “Yes, yes, yes!!!”

  Margaux stared up at Elyse’s heaving breasts as she was sliding slowly onto Lucien’s cock, Aime helping by licking his shaft to make it even more smooth, until suddenly Margaux knew that Lucien was completely inside her; desire came crashing over her in a way that she’d never felt before. She screamed “I’m coming! I’m coming!” as Aime continued to caress her clit.

  Unable to control his desire any longer, Lucien roared as he erupted a moment later, losing control as he felt Margaux’s sex clenching him so tightly it almost hurt.

  At the same moment, his tongue thrust deeply into Elyse as his tail plunged into Aime, causing both to join in the outbursts of desire, so intense that no voice is discernable from the others in the chorus of searing passion being sung by the four of them, now made one in their shared pleasure.

  Afterwards they lay together breathing heavily. Margaux said, “I'm going to have to start working out,” as she rolled off Lucien.

  “What? Why?” asked Elyse.

  “Because I need to be in better shape in ten years when we do this all again!”

  Lucien stirred, then sat up. It was still dark out, but there was a thin line of violet on the horizon, reminding them that it would rise soon. “We have about an hour until I am again imprisoned. Shall we test the legend?”

  The women looked at one another, suddenly worried. They had only a brief description in a 1,000-year-old manuscript to support their theory that Lucien could break his bond from the roof by flying away, and now that he was ready to try it they didn't know
if they should trust it.

  “Maybe you should...”Amie began, with no time to finish before Lucien leaped over them to stand on the edge of the roof. He turned to them and said, “Thank you, beautiful women. You are my joy, for however long I live, and the last graces I shall think of to comfort me when I die.”

  Then he jumped off the roof. They screamed and ran to edge, looking down for his shattered body.

  …when a black shadow flew past them, so swiftly that it blew their hair back, making them blink.

  They yelled over one another;

  “Was that?”

  “Did he?”

  “It worked?!?!”

  They could see his silhouette crossing back and forth across the widening purple line. And then they heard it; another roar, this time one of joy, of freedom, of escape! They watched him soaring up so high that they lost sight of him, then swooping down to fly by the roof of the tower to scare them.

  And just as suddenly as he had leapt off the roof, Lucien was again standing next to them on the edge of the precipice, doing something they had never seen before; he was smiling. For the first time they saw his resemblance to the man he once was.

  “You've freed me for a night, and I'm forever grateful. But now I can feel the pull back to my place on the roof.”

  “We'll see you next time, in ten years!”


  “Of course we will - we might have the answer to the curse then!”

  “You might. But you must live your lives. You must be the women you were tonight in the light of day. With someone you choose, someone you desire. This is not a life for such beautiful, vibrant, amazing women.”

  “But we love you and we want to help you.”

  Lucien moved towards the barricaded entrance to the stairwell and moved the large urn so that the door would open. “I am forever grateful for these two nights with you, and for the freedom you’ve given me. But you shouldn't hoard your passion for one being, to indulge only once every ten years. Give it to someone who will return it, and more, every day. Don't come back. Live and love. I will know you are happy and it will comfort me the next time I find myself on this roof. And I'll know that I have the freedom to leave for one night thanks to three gorgeous, passionate women who love me. As I love them.”

  The first rays of the sun shot through the sky just then, turning Lucien back to stone as he reached his arms out towards them, the smile still on his face.

  “At least we left him in a good mood for the next ten years,” said Margaux, gazing at Lucien’s stone manhood striking out toward the sky. “I sure will miss that guy.”

  “Today is the first day of our search for our own Lucien, “replied Aime, “preferably without a curse.”

  Elyse opened the door to the stairs, saying, “There’s an entire Château down there full of men and women with questionable standards who are looking for love - let’s get started!”

  Who will help Lucien finally break the curse? Find out more in book three of

  The Gargoyle Awakens series: The Gargoyle’s Savior.




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