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Fire Master Rising (Winters Saga Book 3)

Page 14

by Jami Brumfield

  His words were spinning her mind out of control. No man had ever spoken to her like this before. She didn’t know what to say.

  “When you told me you kissed Lucky, and you wanted to see where it might lead I felt something I’ve never felt before… jealousy maybe. I don’t know, but I knew I needed to win you back.”

  “I… wow. I just don’t know what to say to that.”

  “Just say you’re willing to give us a chance.”

  “I am. Lucky and I have already decided to stop the flirting, and I’m refocusing my energy on becoming your wife only there needs to be one thing we do first.”

  “What’s that?”

  “We need to make sure the right person is brought to justice for the massacre. The other day on the phone you mentioned that evidence can be made to make people look guilty. What did you mean by that?”

  “I have people doing their own investigation in the matter. Violet was a friend at one time, and I don’t think she was the perpetrator in this mess.”

  “You never said anything.”

  “No. Perhaps I should have, but I wanted to have something to present before I did.”

  Savannah pulled him away from the entryway to the shop so she could talk with fewer ears listening. “I had a vision.”

  “The psychometry?”


  He ran his hands up and down her arms. ‘Tell me in your mind.’

  ‘I think Abigail, Francesco, and Josephine might be involved.’ Tingles shot over her skin as he leaned down and gently kissed her neck.

  ‘Act normal, my sweet. We’re just an engaged couple sneaking a private moment after a few months apart,’ he told her as his teeth grazed her neck. ‘Go on.’

  ‘We’re looking into it now. The problem is the evidence against her, while circumstantial, is pretty damning.’

  ‘Tell me what I can do to help.” He kissed her wrist.

  Chapter Twenty


  HUNTER CHECK ON FREYA, WHO was sleeping well. He had Sundae to thank for that. After all the terrible things that little girl had seen, Sundae was able to help her work through the pain in her dreams without her actually feeling it. It was a remarkable gift his friend had.

  Just in case, he turned on the nightlight Willow had loaned Freya, and headed toward the door. By now, the rest of the group should be gathered downstairs. After the trial closed for the day, everyone went their separate ways, and did their own investigation. The plan was to get together tonight and compare notes.

  “Hunter?” Freya’s sleepy voice broke into his thoughts, and froze his steps toward the door.

  “Hey there, little girl. I thought you were sleeping?”

  She grinned, and rolled over on her stomach to get a better look at him. “I was, but you think loud.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I can hear your thoughts.” She offered a sheepish grin, and rubbed her eyes.

  “You’re telepathic?”

  She nodded. “I have been since I was old enough to understand words.”

  “And you never told me?”

  She shrugged. “No need to. It’s why I picked you.”


  “Because you are kind, loyal, and you keep your promises. Becky doesn’t.”

  Hunter knew he should be upset that she hid something so important from him, but instead, his heart was warmed. She was opening up to him, learning to believe in him.

  “So are your sisters. And they love you. They just worry about you.” She put her head back into her pillow. “You need to trust in them like they trust in you.”

  Hunter smiled. He couldn’t believe he was being schooled by a seven-year-old, but she was right. He’d trusted Savvy and Rebecca all his life. There was no reason not to do so now. “You’re very smart for someone so young.” He grinned as he opened the door.

  She shrugged. “That’s what war will do to kids, I guess.”

  Hunter chuckled. “Wise beyond your years, kiddo. Get some sleep, and I’ll see you in the morning.”

  She mumbled something into her pillow, and he headed down the stairs. He’d have to talk to her about keeping secrets tomorrow, but tonight she needed her sleep. They were going to start fire training in the morning, and attend the trial in the afternoon.

  As he made his way toward the kitchen, he heard Gabriel, Savannah, Rebecca, Lucky, and Persephone chatting. When he turned the corner, and entered the room, he also saw Georgie, Kia, Sundae, Grandmother, Jackson, Elizabeth, Maverick, Mystery, Miracle, and Viktor. The room was beyond full capacity even though it was built as big as a commercial kitchen.

  “Oh good, we’re all here.” Rebecca smiled when he joined them.

  “How is Freya?” Grandmother Catherine asked.

  “Fine. She’s got a busy day ahead of her tomorrow, we both do. Our trainer should be arriving in the morning, and of course, the trial later.”

  “It’s going to be a lot busier than any of us imagined, I’m afraid,” Savannah added. She tossed a glance at Rebecca who nodded as she sipped her tea. Savannah took a deep breath, and began explaining herself. “I believe everyone has been brought up to speed with the vision I had today. Has anyone been able to find evidence to prove it?”

  Jackson started off by shaking his head. “I spent most of the day focused on Celestia, and while she has her hands in some dirty deeds, I didn’t see any connection to the vision unless you count the connection between her and Francesco.”

  “Everyone is going to have some kind of connection to that man,” Catherine agreed. “It doesn’t make them guilty of genocide.”

  Lucky pushed off the counter, but kept his arms crossed over his chest. It couldn’t be easy for him to see Viktor rubbing Savannah’s shoulders just feet away from him. He held it together despite his discomfort. “I spoke to my mother. It was more of a yelling match, actually. She didn’t admit anything, but she also knows my ability to tell when someone is lying. She knows how I interrogate people, and she knows how to sidestep the questions in order to come out smelling like a rose.”

  “I have a meeting scheduled with Francesco tomorrow morning,” Catherine piped up next.

  “And I’m planning to meet up with Abigail for lunch. We have a truth serum we’ll slip into their drinks, and we’ll record the conversations,” Elizabeth said.

  “My family’s enforcer did some digging, and she found a large payout had been made from the Authority’s coffers to the League of Shadow Assassins around the time of the massacre. It’s the closest physical evidence we could locate. On the other hand, there were no large payouts to an assassin group I know of from Violet or her vampires,” Viktor reported.

  “It’s something,” Savannah agreed.

  “But not much,” Lucky pointed out. “If we’re going to put the right people on trial then we need something concrete.”

  “What about the person Francesco called?” Savannah asked the group.

  No one spoke, and most shrugged.

  “I think you’re going to have to find a way to either get the coin back for another vision or find something else that is connected.” Hunter joined the conversation.

  Maverick cleared his throat uncomfortably. “On a side note, I’ve found evidence that there is the possibility of another child from our donated genetic material.”

  “What?” Elizabeth looked genuinely shocked.

  Hunter, Rebecca, Savannah, Mystery, and Miracle all turned angry glares in their father’s direction.

  “I had nothing to do with additional offspring. I had no idea,” he insisted.

  “Do you know who or where they are?” Hunter was the first to find his voice.

  “No. I need to do some further digging, but I figured you would all want to know.”

  “Which means the prophecy could be something to consider,” Miracle added.

  “I’m researching it. There isn’t much to go on, including where it came from, but the issue I have is it states the siblings will b
ring down the powers. Plural. Does that mean the COS is involved somehow?”

  “I can’t see how the COS would be involved in genocide over mixing of the races. It falls under one of their primary mandates. The Authority strives for purity, and the COS strives for diversity.” Viktor defended his organization.

  “But there could be a connection,” Lucky stated, his words clipped and cold.

  “There could be. I can do some quiet digging,” Viktor offered.

  “No sense in endangering two vampires in this mess. I’m already knee-deep in the garbage. Let me continue the deep dive into the organization.” Maverick chose his words carefully.

  “No offense, Maverick, but your place in the organization may not allow you access to what you’re looking for. I have people in the council I can look into.” Viktor’s smile was cool and confident. His tone held no sarcasm. His words weren’t meant to hurt, they were meant to help.

  “Two heads are usually better than one.” Savannah agreed with her fiancé.

  “I can’t really argue with that logic.” Maverick reluctantly nodded. “If we take it at different levels we may find more success.”

  “I already have my investigators poking into the matter. I must admit, I have two reasons to help in this matter. I’ve known Violet for many years, and I believe in my princess and her gift. I do not know if you’re concerned about my loyalty, but as you all know, we’re getting married, and the plan is to have a real partnership relationship, not just a marriage of convenience.”

  Everyone in the room was silent for a moment. Hunter could feel the anger vibes coming off of the wolves and Lucky, but no one managed to speak their minds. He found Viktor’s honesty refreshing.

  “Well, it looks like we have a real plan in place. Maybe we should call it a night so everyone can get rested for tomorrow.” Rebecca finally broke the uncomfortable silence.

  “Good idea.” Savannah agreed.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  WHEN REBECCA WOKE UP, GABE’s side of the bed was empty and untouched, and left her with an anxious feeling. Since they decided to make a go of their relationship, they had never spent a night apart. After last night’s meeting, he decided he wanted to make sure the perimeter was secure, and had promised to come to bed when he was through checking it out. But the separation wasn’t just because of his safety concern, he was also upset over the way the meeting went, how there were too many people involved in the plan. He was worried about her safety, and in turn, his own. A hollowness pierced her heart knowing that the issues were coming between them. The prophecy, and the fact that his father and friend’s deaths were linked to her becoming a werewolf, was a new layer of tension added on their shoulders. They’d talked. He knew she’d had no idea what would happen if she survived and became a werewolf. He said he understood, and didn’t blame her. He said he needed to get some air, and went for a run, a werewolf run. Then he messaged her using their mental mate link that he was going to make sure the perimeter was safe.

  She knew he was on a wolf run, and being born a wolf, his need to connect to his animal was more primal than hers. As an enforcer, he had the ability to change anytime of the month, not like the betas that changed only on the full moon. She figured he was still connecting to nature, and working through the shock.

  Rebecca didn’t like it, but she knew she needed to give him his space. She wanted to reach out to him using their mating link, but decided against it. He needed time to come to terms with this new information. And in truth, she couldn’t blame him. She went through similar emotions when she thought her parents were killed. She only hoped when he did come back, things wouldn’t be different between them.

  The hasty rap on the door startled her back to the here and now. Thankfully, she was wearing her bed shorts and t-shirt because Jackson waltzed right into the room without waiting for an invitation. “Geez, Jacks, you could’ve waited until I got out of bed.” She tossed a pillow at him, and he ducked out of its way.

  “I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. Last night was pretty upsetting.”

  “Yes, I’m fine,” she lied, “but, while I love how close we are, and have no problem with you coming into my bedroom without being invited, Gabriel might mind it a teensy weensy bit.”

  “Checking on you wasn’t the only reason why I came in here.” He had the good sense to look a little guilty. It was all Rebecca really needed to move forward.

  “Oh, what’s wrong?”

  “Remember the war I mentioned before?”

  She sat up and leaned forward, interest piqued. “Of course, it’s the reason why you said I needed to build up the pack.”

  “Yes, well, you and Savvy, you’re on opposite sides.”

  “Savannah and I may have our differences right now, but we’re working on it. She isn’t evil anymore, Jacks.”

  “Neither side of this war is evil, Becks. It’s just two different viewpoints. It’s not about werewolves and vampires anymore, it’s about the Convent of Souls and the Authority, more specifically, the mixing of species. You and Savannah have made waves, and the balance between the opposing sides has lost its safety zone. Not to mention, this new prophecy information, and how everything seems to be connected to the wolf massacre.”

  “We’re not mixing species. I’m with Gabe, a werewolf, and Savannah is with Viktor, a vampire. All is right with the world.”

  “It’s your genetics, all five of your genetics. When the convent made you, they unlocked sequences that allowed you to blend powers. It’s why you and Rebecca still have witch powers even though you’re both a vampire and werewolf. It’s why your wolves, Georgie and Sundae, still have their powers because they were infected by you. Your spliced DNA flows through them.”

  What he was saying made sense, and allowed dread to climb up her spine. “Did you see this in a vision?”

  “Bits and pieces. The rest…,” he sat down on the bed, “the rest I pieced together.”

  Rebecca sighed heavily. “Okay, so you saw the war again.”

  Jackson shook his head. “No, this is much worse. Now, it has become an inter-dimensional war. We need to stop alternate world Brick and Ophelia before things get worse.”

  “Right. Ophelia is in Protector jail, and we’ll deal with Brick after we take care of the trial, and make sure the right people pay for the pack massacre.” Rebecca hopped out of bed, and headed toward her closet to change. It’s not that she was shy. Jackson had seen her completely naked after her first transformation. She was even getting used to transforming back into human form in front of her pack on the full moon nights after their run. It’s just that now that she was Gabe’s, and he was hers, she felt the need to be discreet when it wasn’t a run night so she shut the closet door for a little privacy.

  “No, Becks. I think I had this premonition because we’re supposed to do something now, not later.” He spoke through the door.

  Rebecca slipped on her bra and underwear before opening the door. “No.” Then she slammed it shut again, and proceeded to put on a pair of ripped stone-washed jeans. As she slipped the tank top over her head he opened the door, and walked right into the closet.


  “Sorry, Becca, you know I’m not looking, but I need you to look at me for a moment.”

  Rebecca finished slipping on the tank top, and pushed her blonde hair out of her eyes. “What?”

  “I saw Hunter’s, Savannah’s, and your death.” He waited for that to sink in.

  It did, like a punch to the face, and the weight of what he was saying forced her to sit down on the dressing stool in the center of the closet. “O-kay.” She spoke barely above a whisper. So now it was Violet’s life or her own. By the Gods, worse still, her sister and brother. Even Siren was torn at this point. “What am I supposed to do with that, Jackson?”


  Rebecca nodded her head. “Fight.”

  “It was Ophelia and Brick who killed you.”

‘Kill or be killed,’ Siren echoed in her mind.

  “Why? Isn’t Ophelia in Protector jail?”

  “She gets out.”

  “And attempts to attack me again? Didn’t she learn the last time? Why would she take the chance again?”

  “I don’t know, but I have a feeling it is because you’re in her way.”

  “My pack?”

  Jackson nodded.

  “You think she…they want to come here and take my pack’s place?”

  “I think so.”

  “Kill or be killed,” Rebecca stated with no emotion at all. ‘For once, you are right,’ she told her wolf silently. But she didn’t know if she had it in her to kill someone in cold blood. She even let Davon go without killing him. How was she going to kill Ophelia and Brick--the alternate Brick, but still Brick?

  “Where do we begin?”

  Jackson shook his head. “You have the centuries-old, strategizing, war hungry alpha in your mind.”

  ‘Know the enemy,’ Siren’s voice echoed in her head.

  Rebecca nodded. “Okay, Jackson. I need you to get Hunter, my mother, Brick, and Freya to my office for me.”

  He grinned. “You got it.” He headed toward the door, and then turned around, rushing up to her, and embraced her in a hug. “I can’t lose you! I won’t let that vision come true, Becks.”

  Rebecca hugged him back. “We all die. I just plan on living a long, long life before I do.”

  He kissed her cheek and said, “Good, because I think I’d die of a broken heart if I lost you.”

  “No pressure,” Rebecca joked, even though the pressure increased. She was trying to lighten the mood, but they both knew it wasn’t a laughing matter. He offered a weak smile and left the room.

  She sighed heavily. ‘Gabe?’ Rebecca knew he needed space, but he needed to know about the situation. He needed to know why she wouldn’t be at the trial tonight. ‘Gabriel, I know you’re upset, but I need to talk to you.’


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