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Page 9

by Will Brown

  “I have to tell you, I have put my heart right into your hands. Can you please take care of it?” she asked.

  Q caressed her face and then gave her another hug. “I’ll see you later this evening and tell everyone back at the hotel I said hello. I’m sorry I didn’t get to spend more time with them, especially since you bought them up for the party.”

  “Don’t worry about it. We took care of our business so they’ll be fine. I’ll call once I get settled and we can meet before I leave. In the meantime, I’ve got to talk to my cuz.”

  Before Q could say another word, Desiree was getting in the car and rode away, leaving him to go back inside to talk to Trey and JJ about T-Bird and Darnell and especially to hear what they had to say about her opinion on the matter. Regardless, her mind was made up and Desiree was right.

  I Want to Know You Better

  Jay Jones, better known as JJ, is only 38-years old. A very successful sports and entertainment attorney. He has a list of A-status clients. JJ grew up in a single parent household, with three brothers, Terrance, Duane, and Maurice. He also lived right down the street from Trey. In order to keep them out of trouble, their mother would involve them in sports camps, music, and theater workshops. Their environment didn’t leave them a choice but to take advantage of after school activities that would help them make a name for themselves.

  They eventually became known as “the Jones boys.” JJ and his brothers were instrumental in leading their schools into a variety of final playoffs. Needless to say, their talents helped to perfect Trey and Q’s game as well. JJ also tried to the play trumpet, but learned early on, that he didn’t have the nitch to be a good player. But that didn’t stop his love for jazz music. His room was totally covered in pictures of his favorite music pioneers and sports teams.

  It wasn’t until he joined the student council that he found his true calling. Everyone had confidence in him and would let him take center stage whenever the student body needed a spokesperson. When he wasn’t preoccupied with playing the trumpet or sports, he was always thinking and planning his next move.

  Some of the most talented guys he knew who'd had all the opportunity in the world to be the greatest athletes and musicians, didn’t see their dreams come to fruition. However, JJ was determined to be different. Those people allowed themselves to become distracted by hanging with the wrong crowd and subsequently ended up either on drugs, as dealers, in jail or dead.

  In most cases, once you chose that life, there was no turning back. You were either in or out. It was either survival with your crew or you might as well be dead. Those who chose to chase the money game and the hustle only brought sorrow to their families.

  One of JJ teammates, named Ricky really knew how to ball on the courts. He was destined for the NBA, but Ricky couldn’t keep his head on straight. He was responsible for getting three of his brothers and sisters shot down in a drive by over drugs, right in front of their house. The shooters were really after him, yet he wasn’t even there. All because he took over another dealer’s corner across town to sell drugs. In retaliation, the dealer and his boys took their anger out on Ricky’s family after finding out where he lived and shot up the whole house. It was senseless to lose an entire family over drug money.

  When Ricky heard what happened, he went crazy, killed the dealer, his boys and everybody in the dealer’s family. That episode stayed in the news for almost a week. A month later he was killed in a shootout with the police in a pool hall downtown when they attempted to arrest him.

  If that wasn’t enough, JJ’s brother Duane, played football and would hang out with Tommy Boy. He was an excellent running back, but a heroin addict. He would go uptown to do business with the Dominicans. They had so much control, if you didn’t know anyone on the block, you couldn’t get in. Tommy Boy made his connection and was able to get consignment to maintain his habit, while dealing on the side. Needless to say, there are laws to the drug game. You pay your bills or lose your life. He decided to skip town and not pay his bill and traveled south to North Carolina.

  After being there a month. it didn’t take long before he decided it was time to come back after running out of product to manage his habit.

  That was his worst mistake. He hooked up with an old friend who introduced him to a new contact, not knowing the connection was still tied to the Dominican gang he had skipped town on. When he met with Tommy Boy,the Dominicans were waiting and stabbed him thirty times.

  So choosing a better life came easy for JJ and his brothers. They all received numerous scholarships for college and made it out of the ghetto and the street life, just as Trey and Q did. JJ’s oldest brother Terrance was drafted as quarterback. Duane got an offer to coach basketball for a high school. Maurice became an actor and moved to L.A. It was hard work and took sacrifice, but they all were enjoying the benefits, by staying determined. Later they bought their mother a new house in North Carolina to get her out of the city. The more JJ became involved in public relations, the more he realized he wanted to become a lawyer. After receiving a master’s degree and preparing to take his boards, he worked at a law firm with clients who were predominantly entertainers and athletes. While there, he created a strong list of contacts and networks. JJ quickly made a name for himself because he had a charismatic personality and a sound reputation.

  After creating his own firm, he began visiting record companies and nightclubs to look for new artists who needed representation. T-Bird came up with a brilliant idea. She convinced him to open his own nightclub to allow entertainers to do showcases.

  He along with his brothers, T-Bird, Trey and Q, brainstormed the idea for months before developing the most unique venue in the metropolitan market. Finally, he was able to find the perfect location. A dilapidated building that used to be a factory, right in the middle of downtown and near the interstate. In no time he renovated it into a three story entertainment mega complex and created an entertainment dynasty. Now he’s moving forward with the woman he loves, his wife Vivian. Vivian was like a dream.

  When they first met she was employed at a law firm as a legal secretary while he was doing business deals in Los Angeles. After numerous correspondences with the firm and negotiating a contract for an artist he was representing, JJ talked to Vivian regularly. They never saw each other in person and Vivian was determined to put a face with the voice on the other end of the phone. Having access to his files was definitely an advantage because she knew exactly when JJ would be arriving into L.A. to do business. She arranged a lunch date with him while a music symposium was planned in the city. JJ was reluctant in the beginning, not wanting to create any conflicts with regard to his business dealing.

  Vivian relocated to L.A. from Austin, Texas while getting her Master’s degree in Media Arts. She wanted to live on the West Coast to break into Hollywood while sharpening her skills editing film scripts for casting companies. Ultimately, her goal was to possibly become a casting director. Her law was marketing casting equipment and arrange their first meet at the acting audition. He took a seat unnoticed admiring her talent. After a few minutes he walked over.

  “Excuse me but do you mind if I have a few of those brochures? I have a few artists who may be interested in these.” JJ was hoping Vivian would recognize his voice.

  “How many do you need?” she asked, as she handed them to him.

  “I don’t know. Just a few,” he replied. She then handed them to him. It wasn’t until she was actually about to walk away that she realized she was talking to JJ.

  “Why did you play me like that? I was really trying to be professional especially with some agents present.”

  “I couldn’t help it. You were working so hard trying to keep a straight face. Please forgive me. I hope I’m not too late,” he said.

  “Too late? You’re actually early. I was looking forward to being finished by the time you arrived," she said.

  “Well, I finally I get to put the face with the voice and what a face it is I must say,”
JJ said.

  “Thank you. I’m glad I didn’t disappoint you. Well, if you’re ready, I have a nice place in mind for lunch. I’ll be just a few more minute. Can you wait?”

  “Sure, go right ahead.. I’ll be fine,” JJ said.

  Soon after, she walked over to JJ.

  “I’ve got a nice ride for us up in the valley. My car is parked in the back.” She drove them to the north side of town to Mucho Burritos for tacos and refried beans.

  “I don’t want to go overboard trying to impress you, so I thought it would be easier if I kept it simple,” she said.

  “I’m liking it already,” he said. After having lunch and good conversation, Vivian prepared for the drive to Santa Monica, to meet with friends.

  “I’m sure you probably looked at my schedule, but I’ve shifted things around to spend time with you.” JJ said.

  Driving up the coastline, they listened to the radio as T-Bird’s single had already reached LA. They talked about their careers and the excitement of living on the West Coast.

  Vivian had indeed done her homework and had already met JJ’s brother, Maurice. They'd briefly met backstage on a sitcom she was editing. JJ couldn’t believe it and was planning to see Maurice after spending time with her. The Pacific Ocean was an awesome sight as they drove through the mountains, as the waves slammed into the bed of rocks. Finally, after an hour’s drive they arrived at her girlfriend’s house.

  She owned a vineyard and opened a bottle of vintage wine, afterwards planning to meet with friends to attend a private party on a yacht. Everyone on board was smoking pot. JJ attempted to find a place to sit and relax, when the woman walked over and passed him the joint.

  “You’re not from here are you?” she asked. “Here, have some, it’s really good.”

  “No thanks, you go ahead. I'll just have some more wine.” Vivian then walked over embarrassed. “Are you comfortable JJ?” she asked.

  “Thanks baby, I think I will have one more glass of wine.”

  As the yacht arrived back at the dock, JJ used this moment to cue Vivian to let her know it was time to get away, while everyone continued getting high. Vivian walked over to her girlfriend and told her they were ready to leave.

  Once on the dock, she apologized for her girlfriend not making her aware of what type of party they were attending. It was already 4 a.m. as they drove back to her place in L.A.Vivian lived in a nice, two-bedroom Spanish style villa near north Hollywood. As soon as they arrived, Vivian could see he was tired so she directed him to the extra bedroom. Immediately, he climbed into bed and fell asleep.

  The next morning, Vivian called the office to tell her boss she would be late. She then walked into the room carrying a glass of orange juice, dipped the tip of her finger into the glass and rubbed his lips, attempting to wake him.

  “Okay, wake up Mr. Man. I already called the office to tell them I would be late, so you’re going to have to make it worth my while.” JJ smiled while reaching for the glass.

  “I guess I was more tired than I realized. So where are we going for breakfast?” he asked.

  “Get up. It’s already made and waiting for you in the kitchen. I don’t want you missing your 12:30 appointment. Your towels are in the bathroom for a shower, so hurry up I’ll be waiting when you’re done.”

  “Thanks. I had a nice time last night at the party with your friends. Don’t worry about the pot smoking,” he said. “I did feel a little uncomfortable but I can’t hold you or your friend responsible for other people's actions.

  "I’m really glad we met and I have to say, you look as good as you sound on the phone. You appear to be a nice guy so far. So who’s the lucky woman that has your attention or is it too late to ask that question?”

  JJ leaned forward. “I thought about it a few times," he said. “But with my traveling so much, business and owning a nightclub, keeps me busy.”

  She looked at him. “It sounds like an excuse to me. Go ahead and take your shower so you can eat..we can talk more later,” Vivian said.

  Time had slipping away and Vivian had to get prepare to leave and get to the office. There was no way she was going to walk in with him.

  “I have to leave now. Here’s a present for you. It’s just a picture from my bio. A little something for you to think about and a token of our friendship. I’ve already arranged a cab to get you to your car. I’ll see you when you arrive for your 12:30 appointment.”

  “Sure, that’s fine,” he replied.

  By the time he arrived at the firm, Vivian was seated at her desk. As he walked in, she smiled, knowing they had been together the night before, watching him walk into the conference room to represent his artist and complete his contract negotiations.

  Finally his business was complete. The only thing on his agenda was meeting his brother Maurice and then seeing Vivian before leaving for his flight. Maurice hadn’t been home in a year because of business. Even though JJ was in L.A., they barely saw each other because of conflicting schedules. Sitting down over lunch, they began to catch up.

  “Do you remember meeting a young lady by the name of Vivian at any of your auditions?" JJ asked.

  “I sure do. She’s the new buzz out here. I’m surprised that she isn’t getting more work by now. Man she’s hot. Do you know her?”

  JJ then told him how they met over the phone and had been on a date with her the night before.

  “Bruh, that girl is a diamond that fell off somebody’s necklace. If I were you, I think it would be to your advantage to pick it up off the ground before someone else does. So are you getting ready to hit that or what?”

  After listening to Maurice’s advice, JJ was excited to see her again. JJ was scheduled to take the red eye, but not before calling Vivian and asking her to meet him at the airport for cocktails.

  “Vivian, I had a great time. Thank you for allowing me to stay at your place overnight. I was thinking, if you don’t have any objections, I’d like to fly you out to N.J., meet my friends and enjoy my side of town.”

  Thrilled, she took a deep breath before responding. “Thank you JJ. I’ve never been North before," she replied.

  “So it’s a done deal?" JJ asked.

  “Sure, I mean yes. Just let me know the best time to make plans and I’ll be glad to come.”

  “Good, we’ll work out all the details later,” he said. The announcement was then made for his flight. Taking one last look through his briefcase to be sure he had his boarding pass, he saw the picture she’d given him. She walked him to security and they said goodbye.

  As the plane left the gate, he spotted her standing at the window waving and hoped he’d see her again real soon...

  Back in New Jersey, The Tea Pot was exploding with its new success. It had become the ultimate entertainment complex and made JJ a household name in the music, sports, and media industry network on both the East and West Coast.

  After tying up a few loose ends, he was finally able to tell Trey, Q, and T-Bird about his encounter with Vivian and that he wanted them to meet her. JJ knew that once they met her, they’d welcome her into the family.

  As the week moved forward, he called to invite her out to New Jersey for the weekend. However, things didn’t work out quite the way he planned. Before he could even say anything, she excitedly told him how she was preparing to come to NYC to do a role in a new movie along with his brother Maurice. Lost for words, he listened and finally gathered his composure before responding.

  “Well, what can I say? I was about to invite you here, but I see that’s all been taken care of. I get to see you and my brother. How in the world did all this happen?” he asked.

  “I was helping a producer edit one of his manuscripts when he told me about another film he was doing and that I’d be perfect for a role in it. So, I told my casting agent and we were able to make it work. I didn’t even know about your brother being involved until my agent showed me the list. I still can’t believe it,” she said.

  “So what’s going
to happen to your job?” JJ asked.

  “I’m leaving the firm. I was only working there to connect with agents in the business; to help me get the best bookings and auditions possible. So I’ll arrive on Friday. Will I be able to see you?” she asked.

  “Don’t even worry about that. Just say the word and I’ll be there. I can’t believe my brother didn’t call me and tell me the news," JJ said, disappointed.

  “Maybe he wanted to surprise you,” she asked.

  “I didn’t think of that but it’s a good point. So where will you being staying?”

  “All I know right now is that we’re scheduled to arrive in midtown. I was hoping maybe you could give me some suggestions where to go and I can have it worked into the budget. I’m sure they won’t have any problems with that.” JJ was still trying to digest their conversation.

  “Well, don’t worry about all that right now. We’ll work out the details after you arrive.”

  After looking over her schedule and the lines she needed to learn, nothing was going to be as planned. Everyone went right to work after meeting the rest of the actors on the set. Unbeknownst to her, JJ was already planning a dinner party for her and Maurice at the club along with the rest of his family. While there he was able to show Vivian and Maurice the entire club. She’d never seen anything like The Tea Pot before, even living in L.A. Nothing could compare to what The Tea Pot had to offer.

  The time was running short planning to get back into the city. JJ was not going to let Vivian go without taking her for a tour of Trey’s company, showing off Q’s planes and also the studio where T-Bird would be rehearsing for her tours. Vivian couldn’t believe the level of relationships he had established with his closest friends and family.

  Q arranged her transportation back into the city. Vivian and JJ schedules were in total conflict, seeing each other sparingly. Needless to say, everyone admired Vivian. After two years of dating, JJ decided it was time to ask Vivian to marry him. What better timing, while calling him to ask if he would accompany her to visit her family in Austin. She had already told them so much about him, so he agreed. The invitation actually gave him the opportunity he needed to propose to her in front of them all.


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