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Hyacinth, Scarlet - Werewolf's Way [Chronicles of the Shifter Directive 1] (Siren Publishing Epic Romance, ManLove)

Page 10

by Scarlet Hyacinth

  He kept a tempered pace, careful so as to allow Caelyn to get used to his invasion. But his mate had other ideas. Obviously not satisfied with Graham’s choice, Caelyn pushed back against him, practically impaling himself on Graham’s dick.

  For a few moments, holding back became an impossible concept. In fact, Graham could have sworn he came a little, although the tension in his body never abandoned him, so it couldn’t have been true. He had no hope of controlling the explosive passion that now soared through him.

  With a snarl, Graham pulled out of Caelyn’s body and thrust back in, so hard Caelyn’s teeth rattled. A small part of him feared that he’d drive Caelyn away if he was too aggressive, but he needn’t have worried. Caelyn gripped the headboard to steady himself, then with a little groan of his own, pushed back against Graham.

  One would have thought that with Caelyn’s innocence and the two of them just recently becoming lovers, their coming together would be a little awkward at first. It wasn’t. There were no awkward pauses while they tried to accommodate each other’s preferences, no frustration at not finding a pace that worked for them both. Sure, Graham couldn’t automatically know what Caelyn liked, but his body was learning and tracking each and every one of Caelyn’s reactions, adapting to it. Similarly, Caelyn had an instinctive knowledge of Graham’s sexuality. Each moment became a novelty, a discovery, but also a reliving of something they almost seemed to have experienced before. Perhaps they had, in a different life, or maybe it was just the link between their souls that made it so. The reasons mattered very little. Only their beautiful union did, the connection that swelled brighter and more powerful than ever before.

  Together, they chased their orgasms as their shared passion swallowed them whole, feeding on itself like a living thing. Graham was so close he could practically taste it, the bliss of completion just out of his reach.

  And then, Caelyn exposed the white column of his throat to Graham, tilting it ever so slightly, wordlessly begging for what they both needed. Graham didn’t hesitate for one single second. He buried his fangs in Caelyn’s perfect flesh, branding Caelyn as his for all time.

  Graham had heard many descriptions of the moment when two mates finally found each other. He’d thought them overromanticized, although he’d respected the reality of the bond too much to say so outright. But as a practical, realistic person, he’d never imagined how a person could feel time stopping or their souls exploding into supernovas of emotion.

  But he felt all of that now. As Caelyn’s blood flowed into Graham’s mouth, Graham thrust one last time inside his mate’s body and came. But it was no mere orgasm. His world melted into a perfect reality, where only he and Caelyn existed.

  Wet heat splashed against Graham’s stomach as Caelyn found his peak as well. His ass tightened around Graham’s member, squeezing him of every drop of cum. But their rapture went beyond the carnal. As they shuddered through their shared pleasure, their mate bond clicked into place, binding them together for eternity. There seemed to be no boundaries between Graham and his mate, and for a few perfect moments, their thoughts mingled, until Graham didn’t even know where he ended and Caelyn began.

  Caelyn’s mind was a litany of Graham’s name, incoherent thoughts that all rotated around the same concept. “I love you so much.” Truth be told, Caelyn might not have thought it outright, but Graham still heard it loud and clear. He could see every truth in Caelyn’s heart. Memories of times foreign to Graham slipped into his mind, images of a past Graham had not been a part of. But that past no longer brought Caelyn or Graham pain. Right then and there, those sorrows no longer had power over them.

  It went on and on, and yet, it seemed to end far too soon. Even as the sexual pleasure started to dim, though, the bliss at having finally claimed his mate didn’t fade in the slightest. His wolf was practically wagging its tail in contentment, like it had just been given a bone.

  He did wince as he slipped out of Caelyn’s body, but as he collapsed by Caelyn’s side and pulled his mate into his arms, the sensation of togetherness that gripped him chased away any disappointment he might have experienced. Caelyn released a soft sigh of happiness and snuggled even closer, burying his face in Graham’s chest and inhaling deeply. “Mmmm… You smell good.”

  He didn’t even say the words out loud, but in Graham’s mind. The obvious proof of their new bond made joy swell through him. When he managed to muster an answer, it likely wasn’t one that fully conveyed the extent of his emotions.

  “Of course. I smell like you.”

  He knew he should be getting up to retrieve some sort of wash cloth to clean them up. The source of the scent that Caelyn liked so much—and wasn’t it interesting that Caelyn showed such enjoyment of it?—would soon solidify into something itchy and unpleasant.

  But then, Caelyn chuckled and relaxed, his eyes drifting closed, and Graham couldn’t make himself move. Caressing Caelyn’s hair, he watched as Caelyn drifted into slumber, a beatific smile on his face. In that moment, for the first time in his life, Graham Powers could truly say he was happy.

  Chapter Six

  A few hours later

  The surface of the pearl was smooth and flawless, a true work of art. It wasn’t Caelyn’s first time holding one. Sprites used them, too, but Caelyn didn’t have the power to create one himself.

  He did, however, know how to use it. But as he sat curled around his new mate in bed, he was almost afraid to do so. He wasn’t sure he wanted to hear what Eanera had to say. He and Graham might have been in a small hotel room, but it seemed like their nest, one Caelyn would have preferred to keep untouched by intrusions of a reality he hated.

  But they couldn’t stay here forever, so, with a sigh, he brushed his fingers over the pearl, calling forth its magic. The spell hidden within it responded, and instantly, a sphere of light appeared, crystallizing into Sari’s image.

  “Lyni!” Sari exclaimed. “Oh, my friend, it’s so nice to see you. I was so worried.”

  “Why?” Caelyn couldn’t help a small smile. “Surely your mother must have told you that it all worked out.”

  “Yes, she did, but not even she knows everything.” Sari released a small sigh. “I suppose I was worried knowing what you must have been through.” His expression of concern changed into one of curiosity. “And this must be your mate, right?”

  Blushing, Caelyn remembered his manners. “Yes. Sari, meet my beloved, Graham Powers. Graham, this is my dear friend, Sareltae Norrenddare.”

  “I’m honored, Your Highness,” Graham said.

  “As am I,” Sari answered smiling. “I’m very happy that my friend found something so special.”

  Caelyn felt Graham’s skepticism as if it were his own. He understood it, although it pained him. Sari was, in the end, royalty, and someone like Graham naturally felt wary of him. Not to mention that he looked a lot like Talrasar, something that summoned a measure of awkwardness between them.

  “Do you mean that?” Graham asked bluntly. “It doesn’t bother you that I’m ninth caste?”

  “Not the way you think it might,” Sari replied after a small moment of hesitation. “I just want Lyni to be happy, but I don’t have to tell you that the circumstances are less than ideal.”

  He was right, of course, although Caelyn really didn’t want to hear it. Graham on the other hand, seemed almost pleased with the response. “Thank you for your honesty. And yes, I’m aware of that. I can only promise you that I’ll do my utmost to take care of my mate.”

  “I’m sure you will,” Sari said. After a brief pause, he asked, “So you’ve already gone through with the claiming?”

  Caelyn nodded, unable to contain his excitement. “Yes, Sari. Oh, it was so… I have no words.”

  He shivered as the memories of what the claiming process involved. Graham obviously intercepted his thoughts, because the werewolf’s voice drifted into Caelyn’s mind. “Careful now, angel, or the conversation with your friend will be really short.”

n’s face flamed, and he couldn’t contain a small whimper. He was sure his friend must have noticed, but Sari didn’t call him up on it. Instead, he said, “Mother said I should convey to you that Mr. Powers can find his brother in the town you call your own. According to her, he is trying to organize a force so he can free you from your imprisonment.”

  “Of course he is.” Graham released a groan of distress. “He always did have more heart than sense. Likely the only reason why he isn’t already bursting into the draechen stronghold is because he knows he has to take care of the pack in my absence.”

  Graham’s obvious concern hurt Caelyn deep inside. “Don’t worry, beloved,” he said. “We’ll find them before anything happens.”

  His mate nodded and kissed his temple. “I guess we don’t have much choice,” he replied.

  “On that note, I’m forced to say good-bye right now,” Sari said. “We’ll somehow manage to keep in touch.”

  Even knowing how urgent it was for them to leave, Caelyn couldn’t help but linger for a while longer on the conversation. “Thank you again, my friend. You have no idea what your help means to me.”

  Sari beamed at him. “Don’t mention it, Lyni. Just take care of yourselves. Good luck.”

  As the light dissipated and the pearl vanished, Graham and Caelyn finally left the bed. “Looks like we have to leave earlier than I’d have liked,” Graham said as they started to get ready.

  It took great effort from Caelyn’s part to keep himself from staring transfixed at his mate’s naked body. To distract himself, he allowed his lover to go to the bathroom first, while he packed up the few items they’d retrieved from their bags and found new clothing for himself and Graham.

  Still, when Graham returned, he was smirking knowingly. Sticking his tongue out at his lover, Caelyn said, “Stop being smug. It’s not like you don’t feel the same.”

  They weren’t just words. Caelyn could actually feel what Graham did, could read Graham’s soul and sense the wolf’s passion. It was most potent during their lovemaking, but it never really stopped. It would be really difficult to focus on anything else except how much they wanted each other.

  Graham gave him a hot look, confirming Caelyn’s words. They might have fallen into each other’s arms again, but Caelyn decided they couldn’t afford the delay. Grumbling, he pushed past Graham and slid into the bathroom.

  As quickly and efficiently as possible, he washed up, wiping away the traces of his claiming. When he looked into the mirror, he froze. He looked exactly the same, and yet, he felt so very different. There was truly no turning back now. By rights, he couldn’t even call himself a Sutharlainn anymore. He’d abandoned his sprite identity for his werewolf mate.

  Intellectually, he had understood it before, but now, he fully acknowledged it. The problem was that he still remained very much a sprite. How would Graham’s family react upon meeting him?

  Warm arms surrounded his waist, and soft lips pressed against his nape. “Stop worrying. Sure, they’ll be a reluctant at first, but they’ll love you. How can they not?”

  Caelyn smiled at Graham in the mirror. “You can’t expect everyone to care about me because you do.”

  “No,” Graham answered, “but I expect them to respect my mate bond. I’m still their Alpha, and if anyone has a problem with you, he or she has a problem with me.”

  So Graham was anticipating some opposition as well. In a way, it was comforting to know that. It might have seemed counterintuitive, but it proved that Graham would be willing to face the fire of his people’s disapproval for Caelyn.

  “We’ll be fine,” Caelyn said, grinning. “I’m being stupid.”

  Freeing himself from his mate’s arms, he returned to the room and pulled on a new pair of jeans and another sweater. Soon, both he and Graham were ready. Grabbing their bags, they exited the room and headed toward the hallway.

  Graham jogged to the front desk of the motel where he handed the keys of the room to the bored woman. With that done, they left the building and walked toward their waiting car.

  “Where are we going anyway?” Caelyn inquired as he opened the trunk and placed the bag he was carrying inside.

  “It’s not an actual town,” Graham answered. “We grew up in a small settlement of werewolves in the Blue Ridge Mountains. My former Alpha always managed to hide us from draechen patrols. But when the pack grew too big, Stuart and I were forced to leave. It’s never safe to gather too many wolves in the same place. My parents still live there, though, at least, the last time I checked.”

  “The last time you checked?” Caelyn repeated incredulously. “Do you not keep in contact?”

  “We try to send messages from time to time, but it’s not always possible.” Graham shrugged. “You have to understand, we’re all drifters. It takes a great deal of effort to organize anything at all or communicate from the distance.”

  It made sense, but it was still upsetting. As he entered the car, Caelyn wondered just how many things he’d always taken for granted Graham had been denied.

  “Angel, don’t be sad for me,” Graham said as he slid into the driver’s seat. “Compared to other people, my family and I are still quite close.”

  Caelyn didn’t know if he believed that. He did realize that from now on, he himself had ended up in Graham’s position. But there was one clear positive thing in the entire situation. Graham was no longer alone. For good or ill, he and Caelyn were in this together now. And that was worth any sacrifice they had to make.

  * * * *

  A few days later

  In shifted form, Graham sniffed the air, following the scent he had caught. It had taken longer than expected for him to catch the trail of his former pack, but now, he’d finally detected them.

  Behind him, Caelyn was quiet and tense, obviously realizing that they were close to their destination and still uncertain as to how he felt about that. He remained doubtful regarding how he would be received by Graham’s family. Graham wished he could have reassured his mate, but Caelyn didn’t need white lies. Besides, between mates, just the attempt at deception would have been futile, and Graham knew all too well that what awaited them wouldn’t be easy.

  As he advanced through the forest, Graham’s wolf grew increasingly wary. He’d entered the territory of another Alpha, and if Hugh was still the man Graham remembered, he likely wouldn’t be happy at Caelyn’s presence.

  Hugh Crane had built Graham’s previous pack from nothing, and he protected it savagely. It was actually admirable of him, and in many ways, Graham still followed his example. However, he still believed that, to a certain extent, Hugh took things too far in his quest to preserve his pack. It had been exceedingly difficult for him to get used to the thought of leaving his home during his earlier years, but his focus on leading his new pack had helped him a great deal. In fact, for everyone, survival had been too important to dwell on the past. But that didn’t change the fact that their previous Alpha had pushed them away, nor did it fill Graham with any faith toward Hugh.

  To make things even worse, the day before, Graham had spotted a draechen patrol. He and Caelyn had narrowly escaped being seen, but the near disaster had them both on edge.

  In truth, it felt very strange to return here after all these years. He’d missed it in the beginning, but after that, it had become a distant memory he didn’t think about anymore. And yet, the trees, the whisper of the wind, the clear air, and the sky seemed to welcome him home.

  As it turned out, his former pack didn’t prove to be so hospitable. Out of the blue, several wolves appeared from the bushes ahead. Graham sensed them coming and, using his bond with Caelyn, said, “Stay behind me, no matter what, and don’t say anything until I can get them to listen. I’ll protect you.”

  A flash of panic coursed through Caelyn, but then, the sprite forcibly pushed it away. “Don’t worry about me,” he replied. “I’m not exactly helpless either. And besides, we haven’t come here to fight.”

  Sadly, Graham’s forme
r pack didn’t seem to agree with Caelyn’s assessment. They stalked toward Graham and Caelyn, snarling angrily and baring their fangs. Truth be told, Graham only thought they answered to Hugh, because he didn’t recognize them. That might have been because they were obviously far younger than Graham, likely born after his departure.

  Either way, Graham had no intentions of shedding blood. He snarled back, taking a leap forward. Being an Alpha meant that he was far stronger than all of them combined, and he could take them out with ease. But he hadn’t come here to fight pups.

  Growling viciously, he willed them to back down. A few of them grew a little more cautious, respectful of his size and obvious strength, feeling the reality of his Alpha nature. The others, though, weren’t so cautious.

  Graham decided to make one final attempt. “I want to speak with Hugh,” he sent out to the group. “My name is Graham Powers, and it’s very important that I see your Alpha.”

  Communicating mentally with other wolves was an ability only Alphas had. At his words, everyone froze. They couldn’t deny his authority, but neither could they let him pass.

  “I don’t mean anyone here any harm,” Graham tried again. “Just take me to Hugh.”

  For a few moments, it almost seemed that he’d convinced them. Unfortunately, Caelyn’s presence made them nervous, or better said, angry. That fury, and their youth and recklessness, won out. Ignoring his words, they lunged forward and attacked.

  There were six of them and one of him, if he discounted Caelyn’s assistance of course. But Graham wasn’t afraid in the slightest. He dodged the first assault with ease and before his foe could recover, buried his fangs in the side of the wolf in question. He was careful not to cause any lethal injuries, and this slowed him down a little, but it didn’t really matter in the end. One by one, his opponents fell, helpless in the battle against his superior strength.

  Finally, five fallen wolves lay in front of Graham. To their credit, they’d managed to cause him some minor injuries, although the wounds were practically insignificant. Wait… Five? Where was the sixth pup?


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