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Sin and Magik

Page 30

by Sin

She was so different from the other virgins brought before him, so outspoken, so strong willed, so incredibly beautiful that he could scarcely breathe when he’d seen Andrija dragging her in behind him. Her pierced pink nipples swayed as the chains around her waist jingled, creating a vision so erotic that none would ever compare to it. He knew that he had to have her. No small sample would do.

  The revelation that Sabian Antistitas lived should have stopped the burning hunger to claim her and make her his for all eternity. It didn’t. It had been said long ago that he was to wed the Sacerdos, the high priestess of the Sabian Antistitas. News had spread throughout the lands. It was so many moons ago that he could scarcely remember, let alone keep track. At the time, the thought of bedding females period was intoxicating. The harem had been passed down to him and he’d had it stocked with new additions. It had been his first step into manhood.

  Seeking pleasure from so many willing mouths, cunts, and asses was so easy. At a mere click of his fingers he had them there, touching him, sucking him, fucking him. All of it had been so overwhelming that the very thought of having only one woman had been something he laughed off. Forgetting about the Sabian Antistitas, Jakov had left them with a group of guards overseeing them and had not looked back.

  Then, twenty years ago when news of an attack on Sabian brought with it tales that the entire race of Sabian Antistitas were annihilated, wiped out in but three short hours, Jakov had felt grief for the first time in his life. He’d wept for the life of a woman he did not know, had never met and was not even sure existed. He’d led the battle against the army that had invaded them.

  One by one, Jakov had cut through the enemy, each swipe of his sword dedicated to the one chosen to be his wife. The one he’d laughed at the idea of settling down with. The one who he fully believed dead. But now, as his mouth drank of Dijana’s honey filled lips he felt that fire again. He’d thought it dead.

  Jakov had been positive that he would never find a wife since the day the news of the attack reached him. After the battle when the enemy had been defeated and Jakov’s hands bloodied, he thought the feelings he’d been experiencing would simply vanish. For the most part, they did. He’d buried them deep, not letting them out. But the minute Dijana lifted her hand in the air and sent Andrija into the air with nothing more than a flick of her wrist, hope had surged through him.

  At that moment, her golden hair had laid in waves over her back, dusting the top of her luscious, perfect ass and had called to him on a primitive level. The ceremony drums had beat madly in his head. Jakov truly believed Dijana to be the one he’d lost so long ago. When he asked of the Sacerdos, he’d assumed she’d shout out that she was the high priestess, confirming why it was he wanted to see her lavished in his riches, cared for, under him with lust-filled eyes and swollen with his child.

  When she didn’t profess to being the Sacerdos, Jakov’s insides had clenched tight. By law he was to try to find the Sacerdos, see if she lived and claim her. It mattered not if he cared for her, only that she was who she was. After seeing Dijana, Jakov cared not for the law, the old stories and prophecies. He cared only for her.

  Her tongue ran over her lush bottom lip as he wrapped his arms around her slender frame. When her soft breasts pressed against his chest, his cock sprang to life and demanded to be freed. In no position to argue, he reached down and moved his wrap to the side, allowing his shaft to bob freely.

  Dijana broke away from the kiss and glared down at his penis. Her jaw dropped and her face reddened. “Your serpent’s monstrous. It will never fit within me. See,” she said looking up at him. “This is why you should select someone else to be your queen. I neither like you, nor can physically accept you.”

  Jakov grabbed hold of the chain around Dijana’s waist and pushed the thin veil of material that covered her pussy out of the way. She’d been shaved clean, just as he liked his women to be. “My serpent? Hmm, I like the sound of that. I’m assuming since your dislike of me is great that my serpent is poisonous in your mind. Would you like to suck out the toxins? Free me of my evil? Use you body, that of healer, to filter it out?”

  “No,” she whispered, her breathing irregular, her breasts heaving forward, testing his will.

  “I am sure that it will fit in you, wife.”

  “I’m not your wife!” she cried out, attempting to back away from him.

  He held her tight and looked at Andrija for assistance. Andrija nodded and moved in to aid him in subduing Dijana. She would take his “serpent” as she liked to refer to it, he would see to that. She’d been attracted to him when she believed that he was not the king, and he knew that she’d desire him again--very soon. No woman had ever resisted him.

  Dijana fought against Andrija’s hold on her, causing her breasts to bounce uncontrollably. Jakov seized hold of one and brought his mouth to it, taking her nipple and running his tongue over it. Sucking. Pulling. Nibbling on her soft flesh. It went hard under the touch of his tongue and he moaned at how truly delectable she was. At the rate he was going, he’d end up spending more time fucking his own wife than his harem.

  Ridiculous notion.

  A man needed to bury his cock in a variety of pussies or risk it falling off. At least that’s what he liked to tell himself.


  The door to the chamber opened and several men entered. They never questioned what he was about to do to the woman before him or why she was there. They simply formed a line and waited for instructions on what to do. Jakov waved his hand over Dijana’s head, sealing her power with his own. Now, as her husband he could do so and successfully hold her power down for periods.

  “Take her and chain her in my sleeping chambers. I wish to fuck my new bride this fine day.”

  They looked at one another, shocked. He nodded to them. “Yes, indeed. I have claimed a mate. The official announcement will come later, but according to our ways, she is my wife now, and I shall take what is rightfully mine--her.”

  Without question, they grabbed the outraged Dijana and dragged her toward the door. She kicked and screamed as she went, visibly trying to draw on her power. Two guards were repelled away from her by an unseen force and he couldn’t help but laugh. She was so spirited, so strong-willed and so not the one he was to have taken. How she had managed to pull forth any type of power, let alone enough to knock two men over, was a mystery he fully intended on solving.

  The sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach caught his attention. He’d been disgusted by the idea that he had to select a wife. Long ago he’d resigned himself to the fact that his true mate was dead, murdered along with all the other priestesses by the outsiders’ armies. He’d given up hope of ever actually loving the one he’d be tied to for all eternity. Sure, Dijana was a priestess but she wasn’t the Sacerdos, the high priestess. Why did he still desire her so?

  You do not just desire her. You are consumed by her.

  “I‘ll never submit to you ... you ... monster! You will not take my virginity! Do you hear me? It’s a gift that you don’t deserve! You stood there pretending to be a decent man but you’re just what I suspected you were--an animal.”

  As the door closed, Andrija turned to face him. “Brother, you cannot force yourself upon her. If she is unwilling then you should allow her to leave. So many others desire nothing more than to please you. She is not the Sacerdos. Let us find her. You will be able to take your true mate and end the charade that we have been forced to put you through.”

  Jakov was stunned by Andrija’s bluntness. Rarely, if ever, did Andrija question his decisions. There was something about the way he’d said it all--a challenge perhaps? His brother had never thought to issue one before, why now? It hit him then. “Andrija, you have feelings for her.”

  When Andrija didn’t immediately deny this charge, Jakov saw red. A jealous rage swept through him. He wanted to hit something, anything, preferably his brother. “You are not to be in her presence. Am I clear?”

  “Why? Are you afrai
d that I will let her go? That I will not make her live like an animal? That I will not do to her what so many other men have tried? Are you truly that concerned that I may free her?”

  “No, brother, I am afraid that you will never let her go.” He turned and stormed out of the room, needing fresh air to clear his mind. Dijana had been such a shock to his system that he could no longer think as a king should. And it was clear that his advisor was in no condition to advise on the situation.

  Chapter Three

  Dijana tugged on the chains that held her wrists and ankles. She could move only a tiny bit and wasn’t strong enough to break them. Something had slammed down hard on her, forcing her power into a painful state of submissiveness. It needed to be free. She needed to be free. As weak as she was, she’d never be able to break the restraints and handle all of the guards. She had more guards surrounding her than the pyramid of Thoesia, Hafaco’s greatest high priest’s home. Apparently, the king thought she was a flight risk. He was correct.

  The guards stared at her, with her legs spread and breasts in the air, but didn’t say a word. She couldn’t recall a time in her life when she’d been more humiliated. Once she’d caught her own hair on fire while trying to mix a remedy for stomach aliments, but that didn’t even compare.

  The mortification of being chained to the king’s bed created an endless flow of unshed tears. They welled in her eyes, waiting for an opportune moment to be free. The door to the room opened and her breath caught in her throat. Jakov would surely claim her as a husband did a wife. Biting her lower lip to keep from crying, Dijana tried to see past the wall of guards before her.

  “Leave us,” a husky voice said.

  The guards looked at one another and then turned to go. Andrija moved past them and stared down at her. His brows met and he shook his head. “I am sorry. I did not know that he would behave this way.”

  The dam broke loose and her tears fell down her cheeks. “He’s an animal. How can you stand to serve him?”

  “I do not serve him. He is my brother.”

  The resemblance was undeniable. How she had missed it before was unknown to her. Andrija’s hair was as black as Jakov’s and he too wore it in a long braid. He did not dress in the fancy red robes that Jakov did, but rather, just a dark green wrap around his waist. A gold snake piece of jewelry fastened his wrap closed, and a matching snake band wrapped around his upper arm. He was so modest in comparison to the king, and she found that oddly comforting.

  Andrija took another step toward her and reached his hand out. She thought at first that he was about to free her, but when he touched her breast, she knew otherwise.

  “You seek to pierce me with your serpent as well? I’ve done nothing to you. Just let me leave ... please.”

  “Shhh,” he hushed, sitting on the bed next to her. He caressed her breast gently and rubbed his finger over the ring in her nipple. “Do you wish for me to remove these?”

  What she wanted was for him to set her free. That didn’t seem too likely to happen. The fact that he seemed concerned with her well-being could play to her advantage. She batted her eyelashes and wiggled beneath his touch. If she had to use sex to free herself, then she would. And, the satisfaction of knowing that Jakov wouldn’t be the one taking her virginity made it all worth it.

  He tweaked her nipple again and his nostrils flared. Her body responded to his touch. Shivers of delight spread like wildfire through her body and she jerked on her chains. “Ahh, Andrija ... please....”

  “Please what? Please let you go?” he asked with something close to sadness in his dark eyes.

  Dijana spoke without thought. “No, please touch me again.”

  Andrija dropped his head and took her nipple into his mouth. His tongue darted in and out of the gold ring, flickering over her erect nipple, causing her to pant under his touch. She tried to reach out to free his hair from his braid, but could not. The chains confined her. Andrija slipped his other hand between her legs and cupped her shaved mound. She cried out as he rubbed a sensitive spot between her folds. “Ahh ... what...?”

  He lifted his mouth from her breast. “You are so wet, and your clit is so responsive. How is this so? It is swollen already and I have but barely laid my hands on you. You are a rare find, Dijana, rare indeed.”

  He rubbed faster and she dug her heels into the bed, trying to hold off something big that threatened to consume her. Andrija slid a finger into her channel and she bucked under his touch. Never before had anything crossed that threshold and now all she could think about was having more put inside her. She contracted around him, her vaginal muscles fighting against the intrusion, as the rest of her basked in the glory if it.

  Andrija withdrew his finger quickly and stood, leaving her body in a state of arousal. “I must go. Jakov has forbidden me from being in your presence for this very reason. He sensed that I am drawn to you and he will not share you.”

  “He shares his other women?”

  “Yes. His harem is often offered to the service guards who have performed well in battle. Jakov often watches as the women perform various acts of sex on the men. Often, the women will drop down and pleasure him while the other guards are fucking in the same room. I have not, as of yet, participated in one of his group sessions but I must admit, they do look intriguing--especially now that he has something I desire.”

  Dijana gulped. “I am to be offered to the guards?”

  Andrija shook his head and glanced quickly toward the door. “Someone approaches. I shall steal in to see you as soon as I can.”

  Tears ran down her cheeks. “Take me with you, please.”

  “I cannot. At least not yet,” Andrija said, reaching into his wrap and pulling out a small cloth. He unfolded it quickly and leaned down to her. He pressed a tiny morsel of something close to her lips.

  “What is it?” she asked, unsure if he was trying to poison her or not.


  Her eyes widened. The fruit of niloticaou was illegal to possess. As healers, they were often raided by the guards for stashes of it, and if they found it, death was often the punishment. It was said to hinder a woman’s ability to conceive, at least for short periods of time, allowing women to be as free with their sexuality as they wished without the worry of creating a child. The women of Hafoca were not permitted to be free with their sexuality, not unless a man said it was okay to do so. “No, you could be killed for having that.”

  He smiled. “It is from the king’s personal stock. He feeds it to his harem so that he does not impregnate anyone of a lower caste, and so that the guards he allows to fuck them do not create bastard children.” He looked toward the door. “I must go now! If you eat it, no one will be able to get you with child right away.”

  The idea of being forever tied to the king because she held his child within her womb terrified her, but the thought of him allowing his guards to pleasure themselves with her body and creating a life scared her even more. She lifted her head and took the morsel from Andrija’s hand. Its bitter taste was hard to accept and for a moment, she feared that she’d vomit.

  “I must go,” Andrija said, backing quickly into the shadows.

  Chapter Four

  Jakov pushed on the door to his chamber and did his best to remain calm. His earlier run in with Andrija had left him with the urge to kill something, anything. He’d never felt such raw hate, such jealousy before. Being over five-hundred years old and immortal, he’d slept with hundreds upon hundreds of women. One of his greatest pleasures was to stroke his cock or fuck a harem girl from behind while he watched the other women being mounted by several men. But now, the thought of any other man touching Dijana drove him mad.

  Is she truly my chosen one? My mate?

  He stepped into the room and found Dijana spread eagle on his bed. Large gold chains attached to shackles on her wrists and ankles. The scrap of material that had covered her sex was gone, leaving him a view of her pussy spread open. His cock jerked and ached to be
buried in her. Instantly, he was hit with guilt for having had her chained to his bed. She was so strong willed that she would not let him have her any other way.

  The rise of the red moon was a week away and if he did not create an heir prior to that time, he would never have one. That meant something to him. He wanted a child--a son who was of noble blood and who would one day rule his kingdom. If he was lucky enough to fill Dijana’s womb with his child, then she would forever be responsive to his seed, allowing for the possibility of more children. And, just maybe, she’d be happy too.

  Seeing his blonde goddess of a wife spread out, her bronzed skin glistening and her pussy opened to him was too much. Jakov ripped the robe from his body and unfastened his wrap quickly. He needed to be buried in her. To make her his. Always. Forever. She’d come to love him, he hoped.

  Love? Why do I care if she loves me?

  Dijana stared up at him, her blue eyes wide. “Don’t do this, please.”

  “You are my wife, and if I want to place my cock within you, I will.”

  The muscles in her neck moved as her gaze ran down the length of him. She licked her lips and he knew then that regardless of how much she pretended to dislike him, she desired him. “You want me.” He took a deep breath in. The shifter side of him kicked in and the bull wanted to surface, wanted to claim her for its own. “I can smell your desire for me.”

  She shook her head no, but the cream running down from her parted nether lips said yes. He climbed onto the bed and bent down to draw in her scent. This was his mate, his wife and the smell of her cream drove him wild. The urge to fuck her was great. He wanted nothing more than to plant his seed in her and watch it grow.

  Jakov placed his head between her parted thighs and ran his tongue out and over her pussy. His insides tightened and his chest felt heavy. Having never experienced desire in its purest form, he was out of control and on the edge of shifting. Taking her in bull form could tear her in two if she was not prepared for it and he’d never forgive himself if harm came to her.


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