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Royal Arousal: A BBW & Royal Romance

Page 3

by Lana Love

  “Dayum, Sophie. You absolutely need to have a fling with this Gabriel. You’ve never been like this about a guy, ever.”

  “I don’t know. I think I’d feel funny. I mean, he has such a playboy reputation. You know how I am and how I feel about guys like that.

  Maggie snorts with laughter, her blonde curls bouncing every which way.

  “Sorry, but that is exactly the reason you should fuck him! Because he’ll be gone soon and he’ll be easy to forget.”

  “I suppose.” I can’t admit it to Maggie, yet, but something about Gabriel pulls me to him. As much as she thinks he’d be easy to forget, I don’t think so.

  I look down at my drink and discover it’s empty. Shit. I shouldn’t buy another one…but dammit, I need something to take the edge off.

  “What’s not funny, though, is that you’re charging him a fortune to be a date for this gala gig. That’s awesome!”

  “That’s true. It’s going to pay for the trip, the Accademia, and there will be plenty of money left over. I’ll even be able to afford to travel around a little, which will be amazing because I visit more museums and see the originals of all the paintings I’ve been studying all these years. I really can’t believe it!”

  The money from this thing with Gabriel will be life changing. I’ll be able to attend the program I want, and not be in massive debt, plus it will give me a cushion for when I come back, so that I can work on building my brand and selling my art. Though there is a tiny voice in my head that thinks this deal is weird and a little shady, like I’m taking advantage of him.

  Yet attending the Accademia will be a crowning achievement in my education and training. They only accept five students per year, out of the hundreds that apply. Even if I end up having to teach, instead of being a working artist, the sacrifices I’ve made to go to the Accademia will be so worth it.

  “Do you think he likes you?” Maggie’s eyes drill into me. I think she suspects that I have a crush on him, though I’ve tried hard to hide just how much of a crush I have.

  “Hardly,” I say, thankful for a distraction from the group of rowdy bankers at the next table. “I’m just some little employee he’s hired to do a job he needs done. Besides, me? And a prince? Are you out of your mind? One, all princesses are underfed stick figures; two, I don’t believe in rags-to-riches stories.”

  “I think the lady doth protest too much,” Maggie laughs.

  I shift in my seat. I think back to the dance class and our kiss, and my body heat rises. His kiss… It was the perfect amount of him teasing me and leading the kiss and letting me kiss him, too. I was so sexually keyed up after I left the dance studio…

  “Besides,” she continues, draining her glass of wine. “Of course he’s hot for you. You’re a babe!”

  There was definitely…something happening between us when we danced. It was intoxicating to be in his arms, feel his muscles ripple as we danced. And the way he touched me after the instructor left? It was pretty damn clear he had some other dancing in mind – and I didn’t want to say no! But he has a reputation as a total playboy, sleeping with any pretty girl who crosses his path, his every move and piece of arm candy documented in great deal by the tabloids. Ugh. He may be sexy as hell, but he’s so not my type!

  I look down at my body and sigh again. I don’t know how Maggie thinks that I’m his type. It’s not that I hate my body, but more that it never seems to be fashionable to look like an actual woman, with curves and softness. “And, I don’t want to be just another conquest. I don’t give a damn if he’s a prince!”

  “Yeah, sure.” Maggie stares at me with her blue eyes, like she knows that I’ve been fantasizing about Gabriel. “You should totally bang him!”

  “Yell it louder, why don’t you?” I slump in my seat and glance around our table. Maggie makes fun of me for not sleeping around, but I can’t help it. It’s just never been my style. I know it sounds old fashioned, but I don’t understand the appeal of sleeping around. Besides, I don’t feel confident enough to just reveal my body to any old guy.

  “Ah, Sophie, no one cares. Any girl would give their right arm to bang a prince!”

  I scowl at her, then grab my beeping phone from my purse.

  “Oooh, it must be him! The way your face just lit up!” Maggie laughs.

  “I…yeah. It’s him.”

  “What does he want? Whisk you away to Paris for the weekend? Ply you with champagne and caviar, take you on a private tour of the Musee D’Orsay?”

  “Ha! I wish. No,” I look back at his message. “He’s just confirming I’ll be at our next dance lesson.”

  “Does he have any prince friends visiting him? You two could set me up. I’d get to fuck a prince and we could finally double date!”

  “You’re terrible,” I tease, though I smile at her and laugh with her.

  “How’s the painting going?

  “Oh, I can talk about something not-Gabriel now?” I tease Maggie and laugh when she rolls her eyes at me. “It’s going well, though I need to get some gold leaf and that’s massively expensive. I’m trying to figure out if I can fake the effect with some gold paint and shellac or something.”

  “Sophie.” Maggie shakes her head and looks at me like I’m a third grader. “Why not just buy it? You’re about to have a fat, fat paycheck from Prince Hottie. There will be plenty of money leftover after you pay for the Accademia, so why not? You can do just about anything with a hundred grand!”

  I swirl the ice cubes in my glass and think about this. “I guess you’re right. I’m just so used to being so frugal, I haven’t even thought about that.”

  “Of course I’m right!” Maggie’s smile is dazzling. I’m going to miss her so much when I’m gone. She’s been my best friend for years and it feels like life is balanced when we’re together. I’ve never met anyone else I feel like I can trust the way I trust her.

  “I do feel weird taking his money, though. I mean, yeah, it will take me to the Accademia and give me a better shot at being a working artist, instead of having to teach bored high school kids with no passion about art.”

  “See, and there you go. You’re making the right decision. I’m not even sure why you’re still working at the coffee shop! Can’t you just get an advance and tell our boss to take a hike?”

  “If only! One day, Maggie, one day. One day we’ll both tell him to take a hike!”

  At home, my mind is buzzy with alcohol and the pleasure of an evening off with my best friend. I look at the easel holding the painting I’m working on, the urge to squeeze in a little work before bed nagging at me.

  A cold breeze comes in through my open window and I rub my arm. The dance class comes rushing back to me, Gabriel’s strong body, the way my body felt when he touched me in a very not-waltzing kind of way.

  I strip off my clothes and slide between the threadbare sheets on my bed. Licking my fingers, I pinch and pull at my nipples, gasping as I imagine Gabriel’s mouth is sucking at my breasts. My back arches and my body shudders, my senses coming alive and my mind imaging Gabriel’s strong body moving over mine, with mine. I slide my other hand between my legs, my fingers sliding through my wetness as I massage my clit.

  My orgasm comes fast and powerful, and I turn my head into my pillow, pretending it’s Gabriel’s body and that he’s wrapping his arms around me, holding me as my orgasm pulses and rockets through my body, holding me when I feel so exposed and raw.

  I know I shouldn’t, but I want Gabriel. I want to know how he would touch me, what it would be like to do more than kiss him.

  I want Gabriel.

  Chapter 6


  Are you sure you don’t want to show me around one of the staterooms?”

  Dominic just had to go and tell everyone I’m a prince. I hate when people use me as social currency. Now, I have yet another anorexic model rubbing up against me like a drunk alley cat, waiting for me to outstretch my hand and scratch her itch or, better yet, gift her some diamond jewe
lry – preferably a wedding tiara.

  Nearly any guy in the world would kill to be where I am now – on a huge yacht with a bunch of models dancing around in bikinis. Models who are quite literally up for anything, especially any rich man with a dick they can tempt. This is the third girl who’s tried to pull me into a conversation, and then pull me into a bed, in the last hour.

  But, once again, I’m bored.

  “No,” I say, when I realize she isn’t going anywhere unless I do something. I hate feeling like a piece of property someone has claimed dibs on. “But Mathias over there, I bet he’d be up for showing you around.” I try to gently push her away from me.

  The model’s nostrils flare as a puffy snort comes out of them. Clearly, she’s not used to be ignored or denied.

  Truth be told, I’ve never been a fan of models. Too many bones sticking out and I’d rather go out with a woman that will actually eat her food. Plus, women like Sophie just feel better when you hold them.


  A slow smile spreads across my face and I realize I’m counting the hours until I can see her again. I know she doesn’t like me that much, but that’s part of her charm. After years of women throwing themselves at me, it’s fun and refreshing to actually have to chase a woman and win her over.

  And man, her womanly curves are sexy as fuck. Now that’s a body I’d love to get lost in, for a very, very long time.

  Fucking fuck fuck.

  That beeping sound means it’s my father, King of Roquefleur. This is not a Skype call I can miss.

  “Hello, Son.” My father’s lined face doesn’t smile as he addresses me. He’s wearing a sash over his jacket, which tells me he’s just on his way to or from an official function.


  “I’ll get straight to the point. Are you ready for the gala?” My father’s voice is crisp and clipped, and he doesn’t even try to hide the scowl creasing his forehead. He’s long made it clear I’ve never been quite the son he wished he had, but I’m the oldest son and the rules of royalty are such that even though we don’t see eye-to-eye, I’m still the next in line for the throne.

  “I am, Father, yes. I’ll be taking my girlfriend, Sophie.”

  “This is news.” The sound of relief and curiosity edge into his voice. “Son, this is quite unexpected. We all know that you’re not one to keep a girl around for long. You have an actual girlfriend?”

  “This one is different, father. She is truly capturing my heart.” This isn’t exactly a lie.

  I pause as the thought of Sophie in my life on a more permanent basis. She’s challenging, intriguing, intelligent, and absolutely sexy. I love how she just doesn’t automatically defer to me.

  “Tell me about this Sophie. What family is she from? Have we met her?”

  “Actually, no. She’s someone I met here in Seattle.” I know this isn’t going to go over well. My family is all about marrying strategically and combining forces to become an unstoppable force – and he hates Americans.

  A harsh bark of a laugh escapes my father’s mouth. His mouth turns into a grimace after he stops laughing.

  “So she’s just another one of your playthings, is she?”

  At this, a surge of indignation rises in me. “No, she’s not. I really like her,” again, not a lie, “and I feel we have a serious future together.” Okay, not sure about that last part, but the idea of someone like her, as my partner for the long haul? Oh, hell yeah.

  “Gabriel. Please. You know dating commoners or Americans is never a good idea. Certainly you can do better than that.”

  “Father, I will date whom I please, regardless of their family lineage or nationality.”

  The more my father challenges me on Sophie, the more I want to see her. I can’t deny I’m pleased that now that I’ve found someone I really like, it goes against everything Father sees as right in our world.

  I need to see Sophie. Now.

  My father continues his lecture about the importance of the gala and the painting we’re lending to the Pacific Art Museum.

  “Keep me posted on how things progress with the gala preparations. And find a suitable companion for the gala. None of this commoner nonsense.”


  With a beep, my screen goes blank. I quickly pull up Sophie’s phone number and tap the phone to call her.

  “Sophie, hello.” My stomach tenses when she answers, scared she’ll say no. “Are you free this afternoon?”

  “I… I guess. Yes. I’m just working on a painting, but it can wait.”

  “Good. I’ll send my driver Aston to pick you up in about forty-five minutes. Can you be ready then?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  It takes me ten minutes to find Dominic, secreted away in the movie theater. He has one of the models on his lap and he’s removing her bikini from her surgically enhanced chest.

  “Dom. I need a favor.”

  “Anything. Just go ask Charles, my butler. He’ll hook you up.”

  “Thanks. I’m going to borrow the helicopter. I’ll catch up with you later this week.”

  “Yeah, sure.” Dominic buries his face in the model’s breasts and the model coos with delight.

  I find the pilot, frantic to see Sophie again. As the helicopter takes off and heads back to shore, I hope my crazy plan will help win her over.

  A quick call to my pilot ensures the private jet will be ready when I arrive at the airfield. Just one more call to make, pull a few strings, use the old royal connections, and then I’m going to do my damnedest to make Sophie happy.

  Chapter 7


  I jump at the sound of my apartment intercom buzzing.

  “Yes?” My voice squeaks.

  “Miss Benjamin? I’m here to pick you up, on behalf of Prince de Montmorency. Whenever you’re ready.”

  “I’ll be right down.” I check my hair and makeup for the millionth time, take a deep breath and go downstairs.

  The chauffeur is standing next to a massive stretch limo and waiting when I step outside. I appreciate that there isn’t any judgment on his face, when it’s obvious I’m not his normal clientele.

  “Help yourself to anything you like.”

  I marvel at the luxury. Fine leather seats. A selection of drinks and top-shelf liquor tucked away in a mini-fridge. A nice fruit and cheese platter with cheeses I’ve never even seen before. I can’t imagine how spoiled someone would be if they travelled like this all the time. It must be so expensive! Though I suppose if you’re the Prince of Roquefleur, you can damn well buy whatever it is you like.

  What makes me smile the most is the air conditioning! I’ve been cooped up in my studio all day, sweating like a racehorse as I paint. After I showered and dressed for today, I opened the door of my refrigerator and freezer and just stood there, trying to stay cool. Once I get paid for this gig, I’m totally buying an air conditioner.

  This is such a bad idea. Right?

  But here I am, wearing a dress I’ve been saving for something special, on my way to a date with a freaking prince!

  I toy with the idea of asking the driver to turn around and take me home, certain that this is a bad idea, but before I can even decide, we’re pulling up at a security gate outside a small airfield.

  The driver makes his way across the airfield, clearly familiar with it. I suppose if I had a private jet, I’d use it all the time, too…

  “Here we are, Miss Benjamin. The Prince is waiting for you just over there.”

  I glance in the direction the driver gestured at and my heart flip flops in my chest.

  I thank the driver and start walking to where Gabriel is standing, watching me. Despite the heat, he’s wearing dark jeans and a white linen shirt. He looks casual and happy, like perfection.

  “I’m really glad you could make it.” His face lights up as he walks to meet me. Seeing how obviously happy he is to see me makes my knees go weak.

  “Thank you for the invitation. I admit I’m intrig
ued about this secret trip you planned. Any hints?”

  “Not yet. It wouldn’t be a surprise otherwise. I will say we’ll be flying for a while, but I guarantee that you will be pleased at the destination. It is very special.”

  As charmed and intrigued as I am, I suddenly question whether or not this is a good idea. I rushed so much to shower and dress, that I didn’t even text Maggie to tell her what I’m doing. God, I hope I’m not making a colossal mistake!

  “Well, I suppose I can trust you…”

  Gabriel laughs and it’s like my body doesn’t know whether to relax or be scared. As he leads me onto his plane, I realize that I really like him. Away from his friends, he always seems like he’s genuinely pleased to see me. Sure, we’ve messed around a little, but…I just assumed that was lust. Could he really, seriously, like me?

  I sink into a plush leather seat. An attendant makes sure we’re buckled in, then we’re quickly taxiing down the runway and then airborne, as if everything revolves around our schedule. Once we’re airborne, the attendant returns and brings champagned, and a platter with caviar, little triangles of toast, and a dish of crème fraiche.

  I could get used to this.

  For once, there is a silence between us and it doesn’t feel awkward. I’m realizing I don’t resent him like I originally did when he showed up that night at the coffee shop. Then, it seemed he was playing up a playboy prince persona, but now? Now when we spend time together, he just seems like a normal guy. Filthy rich and royal, but he’s grounded and…kind of nice.

  “I know this will seem terribly rude, but I had a taxing morning. Do you mind if I take a nap for a bit? It’s not because I’m bored with you or don’t want to talk. I’d just like to rest up so I’m fully present for you when we land. It’ll be a few hours until then. There is a selection of movies, music, or reading material, if you like.”


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