Book Read Free

Broken Ever After

Page 7

by Natalie Graham

  “I wasn’t sure you’d like it, I’ve… never done that before.” I admitted quietly.

  “That was so good there is no way that was your first time.”

  “It was, honestly. And what you did before, that was a first too.” I was glad it was dark, I was sure that my cheeks would be glowing bright red.

  “What was?” he asked me in a confused tone.

  Could I tell him my secrets? No, he’d probably run a mile if he knew how fucked up I was. “No one has ever… Erm…” I didn’t know how to phrase it. “I’ve never let anyone do that before.” That sounds right doesn’t it?

  “What?” he almost yelled and sat up from the pillow.

  “Shhh” I sat up and covered his mouth with my hand which he immediately pulled away.

  “You mean you’ve never been with anyone? At all?” I shook my head. “You’ve never had sex before? You’re a… virgin?”

  “Is that such a bad thing?” I was so hurt by his tone; did he think I was some kind of class bike? Did I give off that impression?

  “No baby, it’s not bad. It’s good. It’s so fucking good. I didn’t mean it like that! It’s just… I was shocked that’s all! I knew you had a couple of boyfriends in school, I just assumed you’d… I’m sorry I didn’t mean to sound so surprised. I mean, Liv, you’re beautiful and I hear the other girls talking about sex all the time. I just figured you had… Is that why you want to wait? Oh God, that’s why you are so upset over this Lucas crap too, isn’t it?” I sobbed into his shoulder, it wasn’t the only reason the Lucas stuff upset me, but was it time to tell him? I decided not.

  “I just wanted my first time to be… I don’t know… special I guess. I never did it with those boys because there has only ever been one person I feel like I wanted to with. One person I want to let go with…” I blushed and looked away from him again. “I was so upset in school because” I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  “Because I wanted you so badly and I couldn’t tell you. All I kept thinking was that in three weeks I’d never see you again. That was why I ran away at lunch. That’s why I was so tired! I couldn’t sleep between worrying about exams and never seeing you again. I thought if I can just get through these three weeks and go to Uni I’d be able to forget about you, but until then I couldn’t give myself to someone like that while you were still in my head and now Lucas wants to take that from me, I only want you.”

  I wiped my eyes; he was just looking at me like I’d lost the plot. But it was true, he was the only guy I ever saw, the only guy I’d ever felt like I wanted to do anything with, to open myself completely to and now he thought I was nuts! “I knew it! You think I’m crazy! I bet you are just dying to run.”

  “Shh… No I don’t. It’s just a lot to take in. I’m so happy you only want me. Look at me.” He lifted my chin forcing my gaze to his. “Because I only want you too.” He half smiled and looked away from me dropping his fingers from my chin. “I’ve wanted you for a while now but I kept telling myself I shouldn’t.” A bubble of a feeling spilled through my stomach and chest that I didn’t recognise as he said those words to me, I looked up at him and wanted to devour him, he slowly leaned towards me and gently kissed me. “Now that I know how you really feel, I want you so much more. I won’t let that little prick hurt you.” He stroked my hair and held me in his arms. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me before, I would have never have tried to do that with you”

  “I wanted you to. I really liked it.” I blushed and curled my face into his side. Who knew it would be so different and I’d enjoy that? “It wasn’t exactly something I could drop into conversation before that though was it?” he laughed at me and kissed the top of my head. I caught the glow of my clock from the corner of my eye. “Shit! Look at the time!”

  “Does that mean you are kicking me out now then?” He asked with a hint of a smile.

  “Do you want to stay? Breakfast could be awkward.” I gave him a wry smile. “It’s probably not wise for my parents to see you. I can’t believe I have to sneak you out!” he laughed again.

  “I’m so sorry; I only came over for a goodnight kiss.”

  “Probably the best goodnight kiss I’ve ever had though” I smiled and pressed my lips softly to his. I leaped out of the bed and stripped my camisole off and pulled my bathrobe on quickly. I grabbed my top and shorts and stuffed them in to Jamie’s pocket before handing him his jeans back. It felt silly to want him to have something of mine. He dressed quickly as I checked if the coast was clear; we both sneaked down the stairs to the door, looking back up with every creaky step we took.

  “Goodnight, beautiful” he bent down and kissed me passionately before heading to his car. He unlocked it and turned back to me, pressing his index finger to his lips, placing a kiss on the tip before sending it in my direction. I caught his kiss, by placing my finger to my lips like he had as I watched him hop in the driver’s seat. I locked the door again and ran upstairs eager to get back into bed. I lay on the other side from usual as it smelled so much like Jamie; I quickly drifted off to sleep, exhausted, surrounded by him.


  My alarm woke me with its annoying beep at six-thirty. I rolled over to turn it off and buried my face into my pillow. I breathed in and was struck by Jamie’s aftershave filling my nostrils; I was instantly awake and remembering what had happened the night before. It immediately improved my mood. I picked up my phone and contemplated calling Jamie to see if he would be up yet then decided against it, putting my phone back where it was while I went for a shower and did my hair trying to leave it as long as possible before I saw if he was awake yet.

  “Hello?” Jamie grumbled down the phone to me, I’d obviously woken him up, which I felt bad about but oh my, he sounded so goddamn sexy when his voice was rough and heavy from sleep. I could feel my insides clench, thinking of him whispering naughty things into my ear.

  “Good morning, Mr Matthews! God you sound so sexy in the morning.” I groaned. “You need to get up sleepy head” I teased him, while grinning from ear to ear, as he stretched and yawned.

  “Ugh, I never even went to bed, I’m lying on the sofa” I heard him shifting and sigh, I laughed at him as I fiddled idly with my pillow on my bed, imagining Jamie as he lay there looking up at me. I pulled the pillow up to my nose and inhaled his scent again; aftershave and something that smelled like oranges.

  “Well you need to get ready for work Mr Matthews, remember you said you’d catch Mr Wright before school today.”

  “Oh shit, yeah ok, I’ll go get ready now.” He yawned and I heard him stretch out again. “How are you so awake? God are you one of those horrible morning people?”

  “How can you tell? Three hours of sleep and I’m feeling bright as a button. Just wait ‘til lunch hits; I’ll be asleep with my face in my food. Or maybe you can let me nap in your class again?” I giggled remembering the nap during Monday’s lesson that had pushed us closer. “I’ll be lucky if I make it home though, you’ll probably find me asleep in the street on your way home” I started wondering about where he lived and if he lived alone. My stomach sank in a wash of confusion and jealousy.

  “I’ll keep an eye out for your sexy arse lying on the ground on my way. I feel sorry for my classes today! If only I was an English teacher or something, so I could just stick on a DVD and have a nap.”

  I could hear one of my parents wandering around in the hall; I lowered my voice to whisper to him, trying to sound sexy. “Need help waking up?” I smiled to myself as I said it, knowing he’d fall into my trap to tease him.

  “What did you have in mind?” He sounded intrigued and I could hear the smile in his voice.

  “I’m thinking something like getting undressed…” I could hear his breath hitch “and getting very wet… something… like a shower; now get the hell up!” I laughed at him.

  “You are such a tease! That wasn’t fair!”

  “Are you awake?”


ell then my mission is complete. I’ll see you later, Mr Matthews.” I blew him a kiss down the phone and quickly hung up, flopping backwards onto my bed and sighing.


  My heart was beating out of my chest as I waited outside of my classroom for registration; I was trying to join in the conversation with Lily, Violet and Megan, laughing and nodding when I needed to but I wasn’t fully concentrating on what they were actually saying. I’d just put my phone away after talking to Jamie about him going to see the head teacher this morning. He explained that he told Mr Wright about Lucas and what he was doing and he believed him. He told me to expect to be called out of one of my lessons to talk

  To Jamie: So we should be ok? I really think we shouldn’t be alone until exams are over!

  From Jamie: I can’t be away from you for two and a half weeks, it will finish me! I’d just rather quit my job!

  To Jamie: Don’t be so stupid! I’ll miss stealing sneaky glances at your sexy arse during lessons x

  From Jamie: You do that?

  To Jamie: All the time. My favourite lessons are when you do lots of writing.

  From Jamie: Oh really? You’ll like today then.

  I could hear a rumble of chatter meander its way up the hall and turned to see that Mr Matthews was doing his usual casual walk down the hall; his left hand tucked into his trouser pocket and his right swinging freely by his side. He ignored all of the girls that tried to talk to him; his eyes were firmly fixed on mine. I could feel the blush rise through my cheeks and lowered my head to break eye contact with him.

  I looked up at him through my lashes hoping that he’d looked away but he hadn’t; he gave me a small lopsided smile as he reached his classroom and let his students in. A boy from my registration class called him over to talk about a piece of homework he’d got stuck on and instead of the usual ‘see me during class’ he obliged to talk to the boy; I think only because it meant he could come and stand beside me, brushing his elbow against my arm. I looked up at him along the lines of his jaw where I’d kissed him last night and noticed that he hadn’t shaved this morning as a layer of stubble coated his skin. It added an edge to his messy bed-head hair, making him look like a bad boy; I had an urge to reach up and run my fingers over it, then my lips. I gasped quietly and quickly looked away before I acted on that urge. I felt him shift beside me, brushing against me again. “Are you ok Olivia?” I looked up at him; he was looking at me with humour behind his eyes.

  “Mmm hmm” was all I could manage to get out before I had to look away again.

  “Are you sure?” He leaned closer to me and I couldn’t help the smile that crept across my face. He chuckled and said “See you later” in a way that didn’t exactly sound like ‘see you in class’ or ‘see you around’; more like ‘I want to see you later. Naked.’ I started nervously chewing on the corner of my lip as I wondered if anyone else heard it like that. Lily turned to face me and winked before turning back around and heading into class ahead of me.

  I got to third period, which was music and was handed a note from my teacher saying that I had to go to the Head Teacher’s office; I left class to a round of ‘Oooo’s’ as people tried to guess what me of all people could be in trouble for. I heard whispers of Lucas’ name as I headed through the door and glared back at those that had said it. I was nervous on my way up the stairs and sent a quick message to Jamie to tell him I’d been called upon.

  I stood outside the door and knocked lightly; from inside I heard Mr Wright call ‘come in’ and I slowly entered his office. I’d never had any need to enter before now and was taken aback by how crowded the room felt, both sides of the room were lined with vast shelves of old looking books and filing cabinets, awards were placed up on the wall behind Mr Wright’s desk and I could see his name on them all. Sat in front of him were five photo frames with their backs to me so I couldn’t see what they held which made me curious to go and turn them all around. I looked up from the dark wood of the desk to see Mr Wright looking across to me, with his eyebrows slightly furrowed. He didn’t look angry, but I could tell he was thinking something about me, which I didn’t like.

  “Umm… Olivia Stevens? Please, come in and take a seat.”

  I turned and closed the door behind me and walked over to sit in one of the two seats positioned in front of the desk.

  “Sir, have I done something wrong? Am I in trouble?” I asked nervously as I fiddled with the hem of my skirt.

  “No, I don’t believe so. I just wanted to discuss something with you about Monday. Mr Matthews came to visit me this morning and explained a few things to me. He said that you were ill; he let you sleep in his class and woke you once school had ended. Is this correct?” I nodded. “and then what happened?”

  “Erm, he woke me up and I thought I’d just closed my eyes for a minute. I haven’t been sleeping because I’m worried about my exams. I had a headache and I just needed to put my head down for a few minutes before classes began again; Mr Matthews woke me once everyone had left, he said he’d been trying to wake me for a while but couldn’t, my mum always says I sleep like the dead.” I gave him a nervous laugh and he smiled. “He said he’d contacted my parents to see if they could collect me, but they were working; my dad is a surgeon and my mum is a nurse so they couldn’t leave the hospital and Mr Matthews said that I live on his way home so he’d take me.”

  “Is that all?” I nodded. “Right, ok.”

  “I’m sorry Sir, I don’t understand what you want to know. Have I done something wrong?”

  “I was told about a boy in your year group, a Lucas Fletcher, who was spreading vicious rumours about you and Mr Matthews; insinuating that the two of you were engaging in a relationship that went beyond the boundaries of student and teacher. You do understand the repercussions if these allegations were found to be true, don’t you? Mr Matthews would have to go before a disciplinary committee with the education board and the school’s governors; he’d be found to have abused his position of trust and would more than likely have his contract terminated. You are eighteen I understand?” I nodded to him weakly. “Technically any relationship between you isn’t illegal so he’d be spared having to deal with the police. You would be suspended, possibly facing permanent expulsion which would be a shame so close to your final exams. You’d be mocked by your fellow students, speculation and accusations following you-“

  I raised my eyebrows at him and gave a nervous chuckle. “I’m sorry.” I covered my mouth with my hand to hold in the laughter. “I’m so sorry.” I cleared my throat and lost my smile. “He’s my teacher. I know a lot of girls like him but that is just…” I was stuck for words, shaking my head and blushing furiously at how close to being right it all was. “I would never jeopardise my future, nor would I jeopardise someone’s career like that. Lucas has a grudge against me. He was my boyfriend until not very long ago, but he wanted to do things that I wasn’t comfortable doing.” I looked down away from Mr Wright’s dark brown eyes and carried on fumbling with my thumbs and the hem of my skirt.

  “I see.”

  “I think he just wants to make me suffer; he told all of our friends lies about me when we broke up and he’s doing it again. I’m really worried about this rumour, especially given who it’s about. Mr Matthews is a really great help to me, he offers me and of course other students extra help if we need it. I really struggle with maths and I’m worried that things will be strained and uncomfortable between Mr Matthews and myself now.” I sniffled and forced tears to the front of my eyes. Men can’t handle tears I’d noticed. “If I can’t talk to him for help, then I’m worried I’m going to fail. I already can’t sleep because I’m worried about failing and now if I lose my only help I’ll be well and truly f… up the creek. I’ve also noticed that Luke has been gravitating towards me a lot recently, I’m worried he’s going to try something that I don’t want, he’s tried before and his behaviour is starting to scare me quite a lot.” I sobbed. Mr Wright handed me a tissue from a box he had
pulled from one of his drawers.

  “Don’t worry, Miss Stevens, I’ll have all of this sorted by the end of the day. Mr Fletcher will be put firmly in his place and warned to stay away from you, with serious repercussions if he fails to adhere to my rules.”

  “Thank you, Mr Wright, this means more than you know.” I smiled at him weakly, trying to show I was still upset but relieved; I stood and nodded my head to him. He walked around his desk and headed to the door to open it for me.

  “Try not to worry about all of this, it will all be straightened out as soon as possible, I promise.”

  “Thanks again.” I said to him and stepped out into the corridor. I checked my watch and saw that there were twenty-five minutes left before the bell would ring for lunch. I slowly headed in the direction of the bathrooms to waste some time, before heading out to the steps to wait for Lily and Violet. Oh and Megan. I snorted. I’d rather suck up to Lucas than have to have a conversation with Megan. I made my way outside and sat down on our usual patch of grass just as the bell sounded followed by students flooding out of the doors of all of the buildings; everyone dispersing to their preferred spots or to the dinner hall. I saw some of my classmates come out so I knew Lily wouldn’t be too far behind, with Violet and Megan on her tail.

  “Olivia! What the hell was all that about?” Lily yelled as she ran towards me.

  “Did you get suspended?” Megan asked with a grin, looking a lot happier than I’d imagined she would at the thought, before remembering to keep her face straight.

  “Do I look like I got suspended?” I asked with a sarcastic tone, raising an eyebrow at how dumb Megan’s question was. “No, it was just a talk about Lucas spreading his lies.” I tightened my eyes and looked at Megan. “He and anyone else spreading them are going to be dealt with this afternoon by Mr Wright.”

  “So you aren’t in any trouble at all?” Megan huffed.

  “Why would I be? I get that falling asleep in class is quite a faux pas, but I was ill and Mr Matthews said he couldn’t wake me so…” I shrugged “What did I miss in music?”


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