Broken Ever After

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Broken Ever After Page 9

by Natalie Graham

  Oh God… What if he really did like someone else and they were talking right now? How could I be such an idiot? How could I show him what I felt for him when he wants someone else? I bet he’d been laughing at me so hard the entire time. How could I let myself go with him? “Idiot, idiot, IDIOT!” I slapped the palm of my hand on my forehead willing the idiocy out of myself. I was about to start calling myself an idiot again when my phone started ringing.

  “Hello?” I said sounding more brusque than I’d meant.

  “Hey, you ok?”

  “Yea, why wouldn’t I be?” I felt like hitting myself in the head again.

  “I… don’t know?” I could hear how guarded he sounded, on full alert for the switch in my mood.

  “How did your phone call go? Did you ask her yet?” I could hear his soft chuckle.

  “Not yet and so far it doesn’t feel to be going so well so I’m just going to come out with it. Olivia Stevens, would you be my girlfriend?” I sat in stunned silence on the edge of my bed holding my breath. Was he actually asking me? But I thought- “Liv?”


  “Did you hear me?”

  “Yes, I just- I… erm…”

  “Do you not want to be?”

  “Oh God, yes, you know I do!”

  “You do? So what’s wrong?”

  “I just thought that- you didn’t call right back… I thought that maybe you-”

  “You thought I was calling someone else?” He laughed. “No, Angel, I was just trying to tease you.”

  “You left me for fifteen minutes just to tease me? So there wasn’t someone else?”

  “No, now I think about it, it was pretty dumb to wait that long.”

  “Ya think?” I laughed nervously. “I was so worried; I thought there really was someone else… I’ve been pacing up and down my floor for the last fifteen minutes wondering who it would be! You’re such an arse!” I laughed again, feeling relief wash over me.


  Friday came and my dad had to go across the city to a big cardiology conference; he’d left early in the morning and had arranged that after school mum and I would be going to a hotel and spa for the weekend, down in West Sussex.

  Mum liked to go every few weeks and I’d been with her a couple of times which was nice at the time, but I wouldn’t be able to talk to Jamie properly for the next two days. I’d explained to him after class that we’d booked to go a couple of weeks ago as Lily was going out of town with her parents and Violet was staying with Megan so I wasn’t exactly welcome there.

  “Go and relax, have fun.” Jamie said.

  “How can I relax if you’re not around or I can’t talk to you?”

  “We can still text. You know you will only be an hour and a half away, it’s not like you’re going to the other end of the planet.” He laughed at me and I smiled up at him.

  “I know… I’m being an idiot, but I can’t help it.” ‘Overly Attached Girlfriend’ sprang to mind and I giggled. “I should get home and pack. I’ve no idea where my bikinis are though.” Jamie inhaled deeply and closed his eyes tightly.

  “You are not wearing a bikini.”

  “Says who?”

  “Me” He opened his eyes to glare down at me.

  “What am I supposed to swim in and go for a massage? Should I go naked?”

  “Only female masseurs are allowed to touch you.” I sniggered; oh this is going to be so much fun. “I mean it Liv, it’s not funny.”

  “We’ll see.” I tiptoed to reach my lips up to his; he leaned down and gave me a quick peck on my lips. Not exactly what I wanted. “You aren’t in a mood with me, are you?” He scowled down at me. “If I promise that no men will touch my body can I have a proper kiss?” I whispered into his ear before pulling the lobe into my mouth to gently suck it. “I can’t leave without feeling your lips on mine once more.”

  Hearing his groan, I smiled and kissed across his cheek back to his lips. I ran my tongue over his bottom lip and it parted from the top as he exhaled; I dipped my tongue into his mouth and claimed him with my lips.

  He snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me hard against him; laying my palms flat against his chest I ran my hands up over his shoulders and down his arms feeling his muscles flex as he gripped me. I moaned into his mouth as he dipped me backwards and began trailing kisses over my neck. “Jamie” I sighed his name, loving the growl he made in response. “Jamie, stop… We need to stop.” He softly placed his lips to mine once more then stood me up and rested his forehead against mine, both of us a little breathless. “I really need to go now; we need to leave before traffic gets too crazy”

  “Call me when you get there though, ok?” I nodded and kissed him one more time, picked up my bag and headed out of the door.

  I got to the main entrance of school to see my Mum parked outside practically bouncing in her seat waiting for me. She rolled down the window.

  “What’s taken you so long? Hurry up will you?” I jumped in the car and buckled up my belt.

  “Sorry, I didn’t know you were coming to get me.”

  “We’d never get there if I waited for you to walk home. I have my bag with me, you need to run in and quickly change and pack a bag so we can head off.”


  We arrived at the beautiful sixteenth-century building turned hotel and spa a couple of hours later and checked into our rooms. We both had our own master suite, I refused to share with my mum, telling my dad that I needed to be alone to study.

  When we’d finished breakfast the next morning mum and I went for a swim. I liked to swim most days at the local pool but with so much revision and exam prep to do for music and art I hadn’t been going so it was nice to get back in the water.

  Once we were finished with our swim we were spoilt with a morning of pampering. I picked a body massage which was done with brushes and warm oils; I smiled as I picked it remembering Jamie’s warning about having men touching me, which was lucky as the guy that was doing them was incredibly hot. And to my disappointment, eyeing up one of the other guys.

  After lunch we went to the salon for a luxury pedicure and manicure, followed by having our hair washed and dried with a slight trim for my long hair which was very close to my rear, now I had perfect loose curls that just reached my waist.

  Mum disappeared for a reflexology treatment so I stuck on another bikini and went to sit by the pool with my notes, my tablet and my phone to call Jamie. I regretted going there as I had no intention of swimming again and ruining my hair, so the warm water was taunting me as I sat back on a lounger.

  Getting comfy, I picked up my phone to call Jamie but he wasn’t answering; I scowled down at the screen in frustration. What was he doing? Of course he couldn’t always take my calls when I rang but I said I’d call him about this time and he had said he’d expect my call. I threw my phone down on the towel beside me and picked up my iPad.

  “That’s a terrible expression for such a pretty face.” I smiled as I recognised Jamie’s voice. I looked up to see him stood in the doorway, wearing just a pair of white board shorts decorated in large blue flowers, the white contrasting against the slight tan of his skin and a towel slung over one shoulder. He slowly walked over to me and stood beside my lounger looking down at my bikini clad body. “I thought I said no bikinis?”

  “You also said no men could massage me.” I smirked at him as I saw his jaw tighten. “He didn’t actually touch me, it was with brushes… and I so wasn’t his type so I figured that was ok. You would be more his type” I grinned. His jaw relaxed slightly as he shook his head and looked about the pool sides.

  “Is your mum here?”

  “Nope” I looked up at him smiling. He leant down over me and pressed his lips to mine and sat down on the lounger beside me. “What are you doing here?”

  “I missed you, I wanted to see you.”

  “So you decided to drive to a spa?”

  “Well guys can get treatments here can’t they? Maybe I wanted a m
assage or something.” He frowned and his shoulders visibly shrank at the thought of being massaged by men so openly attracted to other men. I giggled taking that in, a crazy football mad, math geek going for a massage.

  “Uh huh…” I raised an eyebrow at him.

  “I thought we could maybe sneak for a walk, the grounds are nice here, or a drive somewhere, maybe grab dinner, if your mum is off doing her own thing”

  “I’d like that.” I smiled at him. “I just need to go and change.” I stood up and turned to the door to see my mum stood watching me with her mouth open and arms folded. “Shit” I whispered. Jamie’s head snapped up to see me looking over at my mum.

  “Ahh fuck!” I muttered under my breath. “Hey Mum, you finished already?” I said trying to sound nonchalant.

  “Mm hmm”

  “Mum, this is… Mr Matthews, he’s my maths teacher from school.”

  “Yes, I thought I recognised you.” Mum looked him up and down and blushed looking back to me. Nothing made my mother blush; she’s a nurse so there is nothing she hadn’t seen. I felt a little twist of possessiveness creep through me as my mum stood there all hot and bothered over my man.

  “Jamie, please… It’s a pleasure to meet you again, Mrs Stevens.” Jamie extended a hand to her to shake. “I’m here with my mother; it was her birthday yesterday so this was my treat. I just bumped in to Olivia while she was studying, I offered to help while we are both left to our own devices.” He flashed her his panty dropping smile. She’s a goner!

  “Oh, erm, yes, well… that’s an excellent idea, if you don’t mind helping her of course.” She blinked up at him. Oh for heaven’s sake mum!

  “Not at all, it’s my pleasure to. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll just go and change and meet you out in the hall in about ten minutes, Olivia?” I nodded and he walked out of the pool room.

  “Well that was sweet of him. Is that the Mr Matthews that Uncle Aussie was always teasing you about?” I blushed scarlet and my mum nudged me with her elbow. “Your dad called, he finished his piece earlier than expected and he’s on his way over; he wants to take me for dinner as he can’t get our anniversary off, will you be ok here?” She looked behind her, presumably to see if Jamie was still stood there.

  “Sure, I’ve got plenty of studying to do; I can get myself something to eat from the restaurant.” I smiled at her.

  “Are you off to get changed too?” She looked at me sceptically, her eyes skimming over me stood in front of her in just an emerald green bikini.

  “Yes, of course, I was just heading up.”

  “I’m glad he’s off to get changed… There’s only so long I can take looking at that body of his. No wonder all of you girls have a crush on him.” She chuckled and began walking off to the reception area. “I’ll probably see you in the morning, honey, don’t study too hard.”

  I grabbed my things from the lounger and headed to the stairs; I stepped out on to my floor and was grabbed from behind. I shrieked and dropped all of my things on the floor as a hand came up around my mouth. I was struggling to get away but I couldn’t move from the iron grasp around my stomach.

  I only relaxed when I heard Jamie whisper “It’s me” in my ear and felt his lips as he kissed my neck.

  “You scared the shit out of me!” I turned around and slapped him on his bicep, then shook my hand out as it hurt me more than him. He let out a low laugh then looked up and down the hall.

  “Where’s your room?” I nodded my head across the hall and began picking my things up from the floor. Jamie immediately took them from me along with my room key and headed over to the door that matched the number on the key card. “Shit… Are you sharing with your mum?” He looked pissed off with himself for not asking sooner. I gave him a shy smile, averting my eyes from his “No” I whispered. He quietly sighed with relief before opening my door.

  Jamie walked through and dumped my things on the table and walked back as I closed the door. My heart was beating so fast, my breathing sped up too in anticipation as he stalked towards me. He’d changed into light pair of linen shorts, a white t-shirt and white Converse.

  He stopped just in front of me, lifted his hand to my chin forcing me to look up at him and gently placed his lips against mine. I wound my arms around his neck, while his snaked around my waist then down to lift me up; I automatically wrapped my legs around him. Pushing me roughly against the door he deepened our kiss, his hands trailing over my skin and then he suddenly spun around and walked us easily over to the large bed, gently laying me on top of it.

  Breaking away from our kiss he leant up on his hands looking down at me with hungry eyes. With one hand he trailed his finger from my hairline, between my eyes and down my nose; I pursed my lips to kiss his finger when it landed there. One edge of his lip curled up in a smile as he kept moving down to the edge of my towel. He looked down at it as he pulled the material away from my body and slowly pushed his tongue between his lips to moisten them, taking in in the contrast of the bold, halter neck bikini top and my creamy, white flesh.

  Jamie had propped himself up above me, his hands laying either side of my torso. He lifted one hand, running it over every inch of exposed skin that he could reach, the curve of my waist, the top of my breasts, my face, my arms and legs, revelling in the feel of my smooth skin under his touch. I was cold from only wearing my bikini but his hand was so warm, I sighed and closed my eyes as I felt him spreading heat wherever his hand roamed over me.

  His lips joined his hand in his adventure across my body, setting every nerve ending that I had on fire. I wanted him so badly, I wanted to feel him. As if he heard my thoughts he pushed the hardness in his shorts against my core making me moan in to his mouth as he began kissing me again. Rhythmically he pushed against me, managing to rub against me in exactly the right way to tip me over the edge of my release. I cried out his name gripping hold of his t-shirt to pull him closer to me as I shuddered underneath him. I opened my eyes to see Jamie looking down at me, completely bewildered.

  “You’re so beautiful when you come.” He whispered against my lips with a smile; I blushed and returned his smile. I couldn’t believe he’d just made me come through three layers of clothes. “The way you arch up and bite your lip as you tremble…” I sucked my bottom lip into my mouth and ran my tongue over it feeling the dips in the skin where my teeth had been moments before. “You have no idea how gorgeous you are, do you?” I shook my head and he sighed. “Go change and we can get out of here, before I’m tempted to do something that I don’t want you to regret” He pulled away from me and stood up, I looked down and smiled at the bulge in his trousers. “Unless you’ve changed your mind?” He added as he saw my smile.

  “No, I didn’t.” I said as he took my hands to pull me to my feet.

  “Hmm… Pity.” I stepped around him to pick an outfit from the wardrobe.

  “What should I wear?” I looked back at him, saw his smirk and turned away shaking my head. “Never mind” I pulled out some denim shorts, a white tank top and a black cardigan to match my black Converse. I twirled my finger in the air looking at him, signalling for him to turn around.

  “Seriously?” I nodded and he obliged in turning around for me.

  “I’m not an idiot, Jamie… away from the mirror” He sighed and let out a soft chuckle and turned a little more. I swapped my bikini for white lace panties and a bra; I pulled my shorts on and caught him peeking in the mirror again. I shook my head slightly and carried on getting dressed. He turned as I lifted my Converse to the bed and sat to put them on. “Where are we going?”

  “We can go for a walk, or go find some food somewhere?” My stomach answered him with a rumble; I blushed as he laughed at it.

  “Can we please go and find something to eat? I don’t think I can stand the wait for food again, I’m starved right now.” I threw myself back on the bed dramatically poking at my stomach. “See?”

  He planted a swift kiss on the exposed strip of skin between my shorts and t-s
hirt. “Come on then.” He laughed as he took my hand pulling me to the door. He shoved my room key in his pocket. “What do you fancy?” I couldn’t help the grin that appeared on my face.

  We headed out a few hundred yards down the road to a fast-food place; I was too hungry to sit around waiting for a restaurant to serve proper meals so I jumped at the chance of a quick burger and fries.

  After we finished up our meals we drove around to find a supermarket. Jamie noticed a DVD player in my room so we agreed to buy a couple of DVD’s to watch and spent a while debating which ones to get. I made him promise not to pick anything scary; I didn’t mind watching scary films with my friends as I knew they didn’t think it was funny if I hid behind a pillow as they often did it too, but I didn’t want to hide for half of a film with Jamie.

  “What did you pick?” I asked him as I kept browsing for a film that wasn’t too girly for him.

  “It’s a surprise.” I looked at him with a raised eyebrow as he hid it behind his back. That meant it was going to be scary as hell, I knew it.

  “Hmm… If I have nightmares because of it, I. Will. Kill. You” I said, scowling at him. He laughed at me and pulled me into his side.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe, baby.” He planted a kiss on top of my head.

  “Right… Avengers Assemble it is then. If you’ve picked something to scare me shitless, I need Thor, Tony Stark and Steve Rogers to make me feel better again.” I picked up the DVD and threw it in to the basket he was holding; he gave me a small laugh and pulled me to the popcorn.

  “What? One man isn’t enough for you?” I looked up at him to see him wink at me. I shook my head as I grabbed a bag of popcorn, some crisps, sweets and some cans of Coke. “Are you hungry again? Or did you invite more than just me to your room?”

  “What? I like food when I watch movies, ok?” I shrugged at him and pulled him towards the till. “Besides… Who said you’re invited? You’re just buying the snacks and DVDs.”


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