Broken Ever After

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Broken Ever After Page 10

by Natalie Graham


  Back at the hotel we headed upstairs separately in case either of my parents were wandering around the hotel. I entered first and made it up to my room before realising that Jamie had my room key in his pocket; I sighed and leaned against the wall waiting for him to follow me up. I heard laughter that sounded suspiciously like my mum coming from the stairwell, oh shit! How do I explain Jamie having my room key? I dived to the other end of the corridor knowing they didn’t have to go that way and hoped they didn’t see me. When they turned from the stairs to head to their room I ducked to hide in the stairwell.

  I held my hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing. My mum was an awful drunk; my dad was half carrying her to their room. I could guarantee she’d be asleep in approximately twenty seconds after entering her room.

  I felt fingers pinch my behind; I yelped as I jumped and span around to see who it was. I smacked Jamie hard and put my finger to my lips to warn him to be quiet.

  “What are you doing?” He whispered.

  “My parents just came up, I had to hide and duck in here when they went that way; my mum is wrecked!” I whispered back as I peered around the corner. I waited a minute and I was glad I did as my dad came out and walked a few rooms down to knock on my door. “Shit! I need my key” I held my hand out to Jamie. “Wait here!” I ordered him. I stepped out from the stairs and pretended to be shocked to see my dad standing at my door. “Oh hey Dad!” I called to him.

  “Hello, sweetheart. Where have you been?” He asked looking around me; mum had obviously told him I was with the biggest crush of my life.

  “I was studying. Didn’t Mum tell you?”

  “Ah yes, she mentioned something. Where are your notes?” Shit. Think! Think!

  “Mr Matthews kept them to go over them. He wanted to check I had everything right. Where’s Mum?”

  “Passed out.” He sighed. “I told her not to have another glass of wine.”

  “When does she ever listen?” I laughed.

  “Yes, you definitely get your stubbornness from her.”

  “I’m not stubborn!” He raised an eyebrow at me. “Hmm… Never mind. Did you want something? Did you wanna come in? I was just going to head to bed; my brain hurts from all of the maths. We can maybe watch TV if you want?”

  “Oh no, sweetheart, not if you’re going to bed. I may go myself actually.” He stretched and yawned, then bent down to press a kiss to my forehead.

  “Night Dad.”

  “Love you, Princess.” Oh god, I really hoped Jamie wasn’t listening to this. Dad turned to go to his room and I called out to him a little louder than was really necessary so Jamie heard what I was doing.

  “Oh dad… I gave mum a book to bring as it wouldn’t fit in my bag, can I come look for it?”

  “Sure honey.” He turned and opened his door for me and I quickly placed my key in the lock for Jamie to get in. I wasted a couple of minutes looking in mum’s bag to give Jamie time to get into my room safely. I heard a door click down the hall and hoped to God that it was him.

  “I can’t find it; I must have already got it but I didn’t see it in my things. Oh well, I’ll go double check before I head off to bed. Thanks Daddy.” I tiptoed up and kissed his cheek.

  “Night, night.” I closed the door quietly behind me so I didn’t wake my mum. My door was latched open and I dived inside making sure to lock it behind me.

  “Oh my God!” I sighed as I pressed my back to the door, grinning wildly at managing to sneak around my parents.

  “I already told you, Princess, your parents have the worst timing.” He laughed from his position in front of the TV as he set up the first DVD. I kicked my Converse off while scowling at him and hit the light switch; I drew the curtains so the room was dark apart from the glow from the TV as the first credits rolled through.

  “Comfy?” Jamie asked as he kicked his shoes off and copied my position on the bed – draped over a pillow at the end, leaning on my elbows with my feet swinging in the air behind me.

  “Yes thanks.” I smiled around at him as Avengers Assemble began. I was just laughing at Natasha Romanoff trying to encourage Bruce Banner to join her when I felt Jamie’s foot brush against mine. He stroked his foot up against mine a couple of times before I pushed mine back against him. I felt him move to look at me but I kept my eyes forward on the TV pretending to be engrossed in the film, but it was too hard to concentrate with his gaze on me and the small contact that his foot provided.

  We kept our feet entwined; stroking them against each other occasionally and I managed to regain my focus on the film. A little while later Jamie shifted closer to me on the bed and draped his arm over my back, gently rubbing up and down the curve of my spine as I sat propped up on my elbows over a pillow.

  I sneaked a glance sideways at him and shifted my eyes back as I saw him look round to me again; I couldn’t help the smile that crossed my face so I looked back to him shyly. He gave me a really warm and soft smile in return, not one that I saw often, only if we were laughing about something and afterwards he would just look at me and smile, or if I had gotten something right in class and he was pleased.

  “I want to kiss you.” He whispered as he looked down to my lips. I pressed them together, anticipating the tingling that his lips always left behind. He slowly leaned closer to me, gently pressing his lips to mine; I turned on my side so that I could face him with my body and wound my arms around his back to pull him closer to me.

  Our legs wound around each other’s; he flipped me over on to my back and my hands found their way underneath his t-shirt. I ran them over the smooth skin of his back pulling him closer to me again; trailing my nails from his shoulder blades down to the top of his shorts, evoking a shiver from deep within him. He nestled himself between my legs and let out a low growl in to my ear as he pushed himself against me.

  Jamie began kissing down my neck to my shoulder the point where the shoulder strap of my tank top was resting against my skin, then kissed along the lines of the material across to my other shoulder and up to my ear. I opened my eyes sensing darkness in the room and noticed the DVD had finished playing; I let out a soft chuckle.

  “What’s so funny?” Jamie murmured in my ear.

  “We only watched half of the DVD.” I smiled up at him. He looked towards the TV and smirked down at me.

  “So we did.” He pressed his lips to mine softly. “Do you want me to put the other one on?” I nodded my reply and he pulled himself away from me, running his hands down the length of my body as he rose. I was made aware of a pressing need in my bladder and leaped up to the bathroom; I yawned and told Jamie I was going to change for bed. I changed into a nighty and grabbed the bathrobe from the hook tying it tightly at my waist. I went back into the bedroom to find Jamie laying in my bed rather than on it and noticed his t-shirt and shorts sat neatly folded beside the bed.

  “Why are you in my bed Mr Matthews?” I asked him with a playful tone and a wry smile.

  “Hmm… The question is Miss Stevens, why are you not in your bed?” He asked boldly. I walked over to the other side and Jamie pulled the duvet down for me to climb in. I slowly untied the belt of my robe and let it slide from my shoulders to land at my feet on the floor. Jamie’s jaw tightened and he ran his hands through his hair pleading quietly “Oh God, please help me” as he took in my choice of sleepwear.

  I had a silk, pale pink nightdress on, which just about covered the top of my thighs; he slowly exhaled as I climbed into the bed beside him, leaving a noticeable gap between us. He pressed play on the remote control and lifted his arm up along the pillows settled behind us and curled his fingers around my neck. “My side is cold, come and keep me warm.” I looked over at him, smiled sardonically and scooted over to him anyway, snuggling into his side. His arm slipped down to lay across my shoulders and his other hand took one of mine to hold in his lap.

  “I swear to God, if this is the least bit scary I will kill you Jamie Matthews.” He chuckled and p
ulled me closer to him. Sensing that it probably was a horror of some sort, I pulled my knees up to my chest and brought the duvet up to tuck under my chin. As soon as it started I recognised it as Paranormal Activity; I’d watched it late one night with Lily and Violet at my house, well, we watched the first thirty minutes before we got too freaked out. That night we each slept on my sofa together under my big duvet with all the lights on, just in case something happened in the house and we’d be close to the front door to escape. “Why did you pick this? I hate this film!” I pulled the duvet up so I could hide my face behind it.

  “You’ve seen it?”

  “Erm… The first thirty minutes I think. Lily made me turn it off.” He laughed at me. “And then I made Violet turn it off because I was too scared to go near the TV while it was still playing.” He laughed even louder and hugged me tightly.

  “I’ll keep you safe, Angel” He placed a kiss on my forehead and looked back to the TV. We settled into watching the film, I kept turning my face into Jamie’s bare chest when I sensed something bad was about to happen, concentrating on the fresh scent of him; he smelled like perfectly ripened oranges, it made my mouth water thinking of freshly squeezed orange juice sliding down my throat.

  I had an unnerving desire to lick his chest to see if he tasted as good as he smelled, but kept it bolted firmly down in my mind; I swallowed hard as the desire almost got the better of me. I looked back at the wrong time and jumped, much to Jamie’s amusement.

  I drew the line at footprints appearing in the flour on the floor with no one there to make them. I turned my body around to face him and cuddled more into his side. “I am seriously going to have nightmares tonight.” I said as I shielded my peripheral vision from the TV with my hand.

  He laughed quietly. “I can stay with you if you like? I can keep you safe, here in my arms.” He said so softly in my ear. My insides twisted, heating up at his words. Spending the night here in Jamie’s arms was my idea of heaven. Falling asleep tucked into his embrace was what I’d dreamt of for so many nights.

  “Ok.” I said so quietly, I wasn’t sure I’d actually said it, but his answering smile told me that I had. He lifted my face to meet his with his finger underneath my chin.

  “Olivia” He said in a strained whisper. The effect was like dropping a heavy stone into a smooth pool of water, the ripples of his desire coursed through my body in giant waves. My eyes met his and he pulled me closer to kiss me. He deepened our kiss, his tongue expertly working against mine. I fell back against my pillows but I wasn’t sure if I’d pulled him or if he’d pushed me down.

  Immediately his hands began to wander down the length of my body to the hem of my nighty gathering the silky material in his fist, slowly pulling it up as he kissed me. He let go of the pink silk as it reached my waist, his hand skimming back down my body to the white lace panties I’d put on. He firmly ran his thumb up and down the delicate material, that flimsy barrier between me and him, eliciting a soft moan from me into his mouth. I felt his lips curve up in a smile against my lips as he kissed me.

  I turned my head away from him, giving him better access to my neck. I felt his firm kiss press against the soft, sensitive skin and gasped as a shiver ran though me. With thumb still running up and down me, he sighed a heavy, shaky breath over my neck.

  “I can feel how wet you are through your knickers.” I writhed underneath him, clawing at him to be closer to me, my legs pulling at him to be between them. I wanted him pressing against me again like he had before we went out, I wanted him to be inside me, I’d never been more sure of anything in my life. “Olivia, you’re driving me crazy. I need you. I need to be buried inside you.” That was all I needed for my decision to be final. I needed him too. I pulled my nighty up over my head and threw it to the floor.

  “Jamie…” I moaned against his lips. He quickly undid my bra, throwing it away, then pulled the white lace that was my panties down my legs. His hand ran back up my inner thigh, his thumb stroked up the outside of my opening once more before he pushed two fingers deep inside of me, my back arched up from the bed pushing my chest to his, forcing me to be closer to him. Jamie sat back on his heels and began tugging his boxers down over his hips. He grabbed my hand and brought it down on the hardness standing proudly between us.

  “I need you Olivia. Feel what you do to me.” He made my hand stroke him up and down. His head fell backwards as he sighed loudly. I looked up at Jamie but didn’t see him. My legs closed automatically as a knot of fear rose in my stomach, twisting, screaming at me to run away. ‘Feel what you do to me’ echoed through my brain. No, no, not that. Dark brown eyes stared down at me. I was a little girl again. A terrified little girl that wanted to run away.

  I pulled my hand away from him. “Please don’t” I managed to choke out.

  “What? Did I hurt you?” He pulled his hand away from me, looking down at me worried. I shook my head to tell him no.

  “I can’t.” I covered my face with my hands. I couldn’t tell him the real reason I needed to stop. “We shouldn’t be doing this, we can’t. This is too far.” I shoved the heels of my hands to my eyes holding back the tears that threatened to fall. “I’m sorry.” I managed to choke out before a tear escaped, landing in my ear.

  “Angel, don’t cry. We’ll stop. It’s ok, we’ll stop.” He leaned down, capturing my tears with his kisses. “I didn’t mean to push you. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry”

  “You should go.” I whispered.

  “No, I want to stay. Please let me stay. I’ll just hold you while we sleep. That’s it. Please. I’ll even get dressed again, please.” He begged me.

  “Ok.” I sniffled.

  “I’ll give you a minute.” He stood from the bed pulling his underwear back on and walked into the bathroom, not bothering to close over the door properly. I smiled as I heard the shower switch on and Jamie curse. Cold shower.

  I stood up from the bed pulled on my robe and gathered my discarded pieces of clothing, putting them into my bag along with other bits and pieces so I didn’t need to pack in the morning. I folded and re-folded my clothes several times trying desperately to rid myself of the horrible visions behind my eyes. I grabbed some clean underwear, pulling it on to feel less exposed. I noticed Jamie’s neat pile of clothes again and picked up his t-shirt to inhale his delicious orange scent.

  I dropped my robe again and pulled on his shirt, wrapping my arms around my stomach to hold the material to me. I heard a sigh behind me, spinning around to see Jamie’s silhouette in the glow of the bathroom light, leaning against the wall with a towel around his waist.

  “You look even hotter in my shirt than you did in your nighty and that’s saying a lot.” I gave him a small smile before walking over to him and wrapping myself in his arms. His skin was cold and covered in goose-bumps. He shivered feeling my warmth pressed against him.

  “Are you mad?”

  “No Angel, I’m not mad. Not at you at least” I looked up at him confused. “I’m angry at myself; I knew I was going too far when you’d already said you want to wait.” He squared his shoulders, standing taller. “That was inappropriate of me. I took advantage and shouldn’t have.” He sounded every bit of Mr Matthews my math teacher, which made me realise I was right to stop him before we did something stupid.

  “I wanted to… I just…” Choked? Fell apart? Wimped out? Led him on? Let him down? “Remembered we shouldn’t” He nodded at me.

  “Want to get in bed?” I looked down at him in his towel wondering if he was getting in, in just that and swallowed nervously. “Don’t worry, I planned on getting dressed. Well, ‘til you stole my shirt.” He smirked at me.

  “You want it back?” I asked as I grabbed the hem.

  “No, you can keep it.” He leaned down and kissed my cheek, before walking over to his shorts, dropping his towel so I had a perfect view of his sexy behind. I braced myself against the wall and sighed, taking in the view of his back as he stood and buttoned his shorts. He turned around g
rinning at me. “Enjoying the view?” I blushed and looked away.

  I walked around the edge of the bed back to my side and hopped back into bed. Jamie stood beside the bed just looking down at me as I tucked myself in. “Are you not getting in?”

  “I’ll just be a minute, ok?” He bent down and kissed my forehead and walked out of the bedroom door, reappearing two minutes later holding a pile of something in one hand; as he drew closer I saw it was his clean clothes for the morning and smiled. He’d changed into a pair of grey pyjama bottoms with a matching t-shirt. He climbed into bed beside me and tucked me under his arm, into his side. “Are you ok, baby?”

  “I am now” I said as I settled into him, my cheek resting on his shoulder, facing into his neck so I could breathe him in. He smelled just like my favourite shower gel of Japanese Cherry Blossoms, he smelled like a beautiful spring day filled with sunshine; I inhaled deeply loving the scent of me on his skin. “You smell good.”

  He laughed softly. “I smell like you.”

  “Precisely” I laughed back and pressed my lips to his jaw, making my way up to his lips.

  “You need to stop doing that if you want me to keep any sort of control over myself, Angel.”

  “I’m sorry” I pressed my lips lightly to his once more and tucked myself back into his side, wrapping my arm around his stomach.

  I slept soundly, waking up with my alarm at eight in the morning. I was lying on my side with Jamie pressed along my back with his arm slung over my hip. I reached over to knock the alarm off on my phone and twisted out of Jamie’s arm. I quickly headed to the bathroom and brushed my teeth before going back to bed. Jamie’s beautiful green eyes blinked open and took a second to focus on me.

  “Good morning.” I smiled up at him. He groaned and rubbed his eyes, making me chuckle. “Oh, I forgot, you’re not a morning person are you?” I laughed again.

  “Is it even morning yet?” The heavy curtains blocked the daylight out of the room, only a light glowing in the bathroom, illuminated the room.


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