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Broken Ever After

Page 20

by Natalie Graham

  “One… Two… Three!” We both dived in at the same time. I saw Jamie go up for air first, breaking into a beautiful butterfly stroke. ‘Show off’ I thought. I knew my front crawl was the fastest out of my swim team so I stuck with it; I so had him beat. I pushed myself up out of the water and easily overtook him. I reached the wall at the other side and had time to turn to watch him catch up. I began cheering, telling him what a loser he was.

  “You cheated!” He shouted at me.

  “Erm how?” I stood up resting my hands on my hips again, the water lapping against my navel as I laughed at him.

  “I don’t know! I just know you did!”

  “No way! Free style, I win, you lose! Suck it up, Matthews! Unless… You want a rematch and see if I can’t take you again? Mr I-swim-everyday-you-no-beat-me-little-girl!” I said in my best caveman voice as I stretched my neck and arms out, limbering up for another race.

  “You cheated.” Jamie folded his arms over his chest and scowled at me. He was a sore loser that was clear. I swam over to him and he grabbed me by my arms wrapping them around his neck.

  “Ok, I’ll play nice; we can call it a tie and I’ll still be your slave.” I began kissing my way up his shoulder to nibble lightly on his earlobe. “What would Sir like me to do first?” I whispered seductively into his ear.

  “Mmm… Keep doing that.” I kept my lips to his shoulder, his neck and his ear, nibbling him playfully every so often. Jamie carried me over to the side of the pool and pressed me up against the cool tiles, my back arching forward away from the harsh coldness against my heated flesh, but he pushed me harder against them. He pulled away from my kisses, loosening my legs from their death grip on his waist and leaped up from the water pulling his jeans towards him. Reaching into his pocket for a condom, he sheathed up before joining me in the water again to resume kissing me.

  I gasped as he took me by surprise by sliding straight into me. Holy fuck… Having sex with Mr Matthews in a pool was probably the sexiest thing I could think of at that moment as he pulled back and slid right back into me again and again. I gasped his name and I felt a shiver ripple through his body at the sound of my moans echoing around the pool. He was going so slowly, I needed him faster, he was driving me crazy. I gripped my hands over his shoulders, feeling my nails scratch over the surface of his wet skin.

  “Jamie, faster!” I gasped. He pulled back and began thrusting into me harder and faster, the water lapping up around our bodies making waves and ripples across the pool.

  My back slammed against the tiles as he pinned me there with his hands on my waist so he could fuck me harder. I felt my insides ripple over him as I came hard; Jamie’s jaw tightened, his forehead dropped to my shoulder as he exploded, yelling my name.

  Jamie kept his head pressed against my neck as he caught his breath; I wrapped my arms around the back of his so I could hold myself close to him, I caught sight of my fingers and couldn’t help but let out a small giggle.

  “What?” I shook my head at him feeling stupid. “Tell me” I lifted my hands to show him that my fingers were all wrinkly. He laughed and looked at his own. “Hmm… We should probably get out.”

  “Ohh but I like it in here.” I pretended to pout with disappointment.

  “We should get you up to bed.” Jamie pulled away from me and I winced slightly. “Are you ok?”

  “Yeah, just a bit sore but I’m ok.” Jamie lifted me to sit at the edge of the pool.

  “Towels are there, can you grab some?” He asked as he hauled himself up out of the pool. I went and grabbed two big fluffy towels and launched one at Jamie, landing it perfectly over his head and I giggled at myself, impressed with my shot. “You aren’t a very good slave, far too disobedient.”

  “Does Sir want to punish me?” Jamie’s lip curled up in a wicked grin that sent shivers of excitement running though my body.

  “Come on you, bed!” I turned to head for the stairs when he gave my backside a loud slap; even through the soft towel it hurt a little.

  We headed up the stairs and showered together before bed, I wasn’t so nervous doing it now that I was fully awake when first stepping in with him. I grabbed my pyjamas from my bag, adamant that I was going straight to sleep, I was so exhausted. I snuggled into Jamie’s side to fall asleep with him holding me again. I had a feeling that I was dangerously close to getting too used to it and never wanting to leave.

  “Olivia?” Jamie whispered as I was just falling asleep.


  “I love you.”

  “I love you too Jamie”


  My phone woke me up the following morning. It was Steph, the policewoman calling me; she gave me a couple of hours to get ready and get home. Jamie was still out cold, so I quickly ran to brush my teeth before I woke him. Making sure that I was naked before I woke him, I threw my pyjamas into a heap on the floor then kissed him awake, from his neck and down his chest, he wasn’t waking up but my new favourite part of him was. I slipped him free from his shorts and kissed up his length before taking him in my mouth. I heard him groan as he woke and smiled to myself.

  “What the?” he hooked his fingers in my hair, his grip tightened as I quickly brought him to his release. “Fuck… Liv…” he groaned loudly as he exploded into my mouth.

  “Now are you a morning person?” I asked as I straddled him.

  “Hell yeah if you wake me up like that every. Single. Day.” He agreed putting his hands on my knees and stroked upwards in circles. One of his thumbs found the soft spot between my legs while he slipped two fingers of his other hand inside me, twirling slowly. I wanted more. I desperately needed more, I was so close. I pushed away his two fingers, slipped a condom over him and took his hard again cock inside of me.

  Vaguely aware of Jamie’s hands on my hips, I felt him pulling me down on to him. Jamie’s waist arched from the bed as he found his release once more with me. Jamie sat up and pulled me forward so we were nose to nose. “You are so beautiful, I love watching you like that.” I looked away shyly, but he pulled me back to face him. “You don’t believe me?” I shrugged my shoulders. “You are so incredible, sexy, funny, cute, smart.” I snorted.

  “I think I can argue with a few of those.”

  “You are all of those and more… confident, patient, brave, generous… loving… loved… I love you.” He whispered.

  “I love you too.” I kissed him gently on the lips. I looked at the clock and groaned. “The police called, I need to be home in just over an hour.” I sighed. I wasn’t looking forward to seeing them. “I don’t know how my parents are going to react.” I worried my bottom lip by running my top teeth over the soft surface making it hurt. “Are you doing anything this afternoon?”

  “Just marking, I’ve got loads to do that I didn’t do yesterday morning.”

  “Crap, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to take all of your time. You should have said.” I sighed. I really hadn’t meant to take all of his time. “I was just- I was wondering if I could call you if they get to be too much, or maybe come back here? I can watch DVDs while you’re busy, I won’t bother you I promise.” I asked feeling embarrassed at how desperate I must have sounded.

  “You call me when you need to ok baby? You can ring any time, I can be with you in ten minutes.”


  Jamie drove me home shortly after burning the bacon and sausages he attempted to make me for breakfast. He confessed that the only thing he could make was Stew and that was because his grandmother had taught him when he was a boy as he loved hers so much.

  “You’ll be ok baby, Steph will be there for you.” He said as he pulled the car over a few houses away from mine.

  “But I need you, not her.” I said with tears brimming in my eyes. I furiously wiped them away.

  “Today probably isn’t the time to introduce me to your parents as your boyfriend.” he chuckled and I smiled.

  “I should go in.” I sighed and looked towards my house; it looked so s
mall after spending two nights at Jamie’s. “I’ll call you later on.” I kissed him swiftly and headed into my shoe box sized house, vowing to buy myself a huge house when I turned twenty-one. I shuddered as I remembered I already had one.

  I went to my room to dump my bag and saw my mum and dad out digging in the garden to plant new flowers and trimming hedges. I sent Steph a message to tell her and Owen I was home and my parents were too. She replied saying they were on their way and they would be five minutes, I messaged Jamie quickly.

  To Jamie: I don’t remember saying thank you for saving me on Friday, so THANK YOU! And thank you for an amazing weekend! X

  I switched my phone to silent and stuck it in my pocket as I headed back downstairs. The doorbell rang as I got to the bottom step; I grabbed the handle just as my mum ran in.

  “I didn’t know you were home, sweetie.”

  “I just got back, can you go get dad?” I opened the door to let Steph and Owen in smiling at them. I could see my mum’s jaw hanging open as she took in their uniforms.

  “Olivia? Why are the police here? What have you done?” Her voice raised an octave as she glared down at me. “Can I help you?” She asked them.

  “Mrs Stevens, if you could just fetch your husband, we’d like to talk to you both, Olivia isn’t in any trouble. Please.” Owen said to mum. She looked at him unsure, but went to get dad anyway. I took Steph and Owen to the living room to sit them down; mum and dad ran in two seconds later mumbling something between them and throwing death glares in my direction. I sat between Steph and Owen given that they were the Police, I felt safer between them.

  “Right, what’s going on? Liv? What did you do?” My dad was pacing the living room floor waiting for me to answer.

  “Dad, sit down.” Owen stood up and glanced back to me as if silently asking me to give him a minute, I nodded.

  “I’m Sergeant Leighton and this is Officer Bradley. Olivia is in no trouble, she just asked us here to help explain a few things that have happened over the weekend.” He nodded at me to begin but I couldn’t. I looked to Steph nervously and she cleared her throat to talk.

  “You are aware that on Friday Olivia had her sixth-form leaver’s prom?” Mum and Dad nodded to her. “A young man tried to attack Olivia.”

  “What? Why didn’t you tell us? Why did no one call us?” Mum leaped off the sofa grabbing me by the arms and pulling me up to her for a bone crushing hug. A blanket of fear descended over me as I froze. I couldn’t hear what any one was saying, my blood was pumping so fast in my ears; I couldn’t focus.

  “Mum, let go of me” I still couldn’t move.

  “Olivia… worried about how you would react… everything… through… pressing charges… time.” Owen said.

  “Time? Time for what? Someone tried to attack her! We should have been called!” mum and dad were shouting over each other now.

  I said it louder, she still didn’t move, they all kept talking and shouting over me about what happened. “GET OFF ME!” I screamed. “GET OFF ME! GET OFF ME!” mum leaped backwards in horror not knowing what to say. She looked hurt that I wouldn’t want her near me. What is wrong with me? Steph stood up and looked me in the eye.

  “Liv, you are ok… you are ok.” She repeated over and over again.

  I stumbled back to the sofa while they continued to talk over me; Lucas had admitted to what he had done after my statement was taken and a court date would be set soon so there was nothing more for me to do. Jamie had contacted his solicitor and a restraining order was in process, so I felt a little safer. Steph said she would need to check Violet and Lily’s information as so far they hadn’t been able to make contact with them for their statement and they already had Jamie’s. Jamie… I longed to be back with him again, safe and forgetting everything that had happened. “Are we done?” I asked, wiping furiously at my eyes.

  I thanked Steph and Owen for their help and showed them out, dreading being left alone with my parents. I closed the door and tried to run up to my room but mum stopped me.

  “Sweetheart, why didn’t you tell us? We could have helped you.”

  “By doing what? You can’t always be there! No one can! You already know that! I’m never safe from anyone.” I yelled before running upstairs. I threw myself on to my bed letting the wave of emotion overtake me as I cried into my pillow. I don’t know how long I’d cried for, but it was long enough to give me a headache and for the sun to reach its midday position.

  I managed to pull myself together enough to remember my phone had vibrated with a message a while ago. It was a reply from Jamie.

  From Jamie: You don’t need to thank me, I did it because I love you x I had the best weekend too x I can’t wait to see you again, I hope everything goes ok! –J

  My phone buzzed in my hand with another message.

  From Jamie: I LOVE YOU!

  And another.

  From Jamie: I don’t think this will get old any time soon. I LOVE YOU!

  PS. Call me when you’re done.


  I smiled and dialled his number.

  “Hey baby, how did it go?” I was rendered incapable of speech as another wave of tears began. “Do you want me to come and get you?”

  “Yeah.” I managed to choke out.

  “I’ll be there in five, meet me at the main road, ok? Bring your things; you can stay with me.”

  “Ok.” I emptied my bag into my wash basket and grabbed clean clothes to stuff inside. I spied my camera bag in the corner, stuffed my laptop into the back and headed back down stairs.

  “Where are you going?” mum shouted but I shut the door and ran. Jamie was waiting just around the corner. He opened his door about to step out to open mine but I didn’t wait for him. Instead I threw myself into the passenger side, ambushing him across the centre console with my arms wound tightly around him.

  “Wanna tell me what happened?” He asked once I’d managed to stop crying. I pulled away from him and shrugged hiding my face in my hands.

  “I told them. Mum freaked out, I should have known she would.” I shook my head at myself. “She leaped at me for a hug which set off a panic attack or something… I was just stood there screaming like an idiot… Now they are looking at me like I’m eight all over again.” I heaved a heavy sigh and sat back against the seat. “I’m sorry for calling you; you only just got rid of me.” I laughed nervously.

  “I don’t ever want rid of you, I felt lost ‘til you called; I’ve not been able to work, not knowing how you were.”

  “I missed you.” I smiled over at him before second guessing myself. “Is it stupid that I missed you so much?”

  “No, I missed you just as much.” I felt my muscles relax into the seat as I absorbed his words.

  “I brought my camera, is that ok? I thought I could roam about the garden, I’ll leave you to catch up on work.”

  “Sure, it looks beautiful out there today.” he smiled.

  On the short drive back to his house I was trying to forget the last couple hours of my life, focusing on remembering all of the beautiful features around Jamie’s home, getting great ideas for angles to photograph from and what things would look great black and white; I contemplated creating my portfolio and ignoring my parent’s feelings completely by applying for a Photography course. When we got to the house I sent Jamie to his study to work as he had loads to do for the morning.

  “I’m fine! Now go!” I pushed him towards his study and took off outside with my camera.


  “You look so happy.” Jamie whispered as he watched me going through all of the photographs I’d taken around his home.

  “I am.” I smiled at him and immediately scowled as my phone rang. It was my mum. I ignored it, only for it to ring again and again. “Hello?”

  “Olivia, are you ok?” My mum sounded frantic.

  “Yeah I’m fine, why?”

  “Did you go to any of those parties you were invited to?”

  “No I
didn’t want to go in case Luke was there. Mum, what’s wrong?”

  “Olivia, Violet was attacked at one of them a little while ago. By Lucas.”

  “What?” I leaped from my seat and began pacing the floor. FUCK! “Where is she now?”

  “She’s here at the hospital; I got called in and ran into Lisa in A and E.”

  “Can I see her? Is she ok?”

  “She’s a little on edge at the moment, she’s bruised and sore; he drugged her so she’s groggy and upset. Honey, I’m sorry but she’s saying that she doesn’t want to see you. Well, anyone for that matter. Lily and Megan are with her though” I could feel my legs about to fall out from underneath me; Jamie pulled me into his lap. I set my phone to speaker and placed it on the desk in front of me, grabbing my bracelet for comfort, running it through my fingers.

  “Why? What did I do?” Why would she not want to see me?

  “Nothing, Liv, she’s just very upset at the moment.”

  “Mum. Don’t lie to me.”

  “Lucas told Violet that, if you’d just have” she sighed heavily, debating with herself if she should tell me or not. “He said if you would have just slept with him, none of this would have happened. He’s being held in custody for now.”

  “Oh” Jamie’s grip tightened around my waist, mumbling curse words into my back.

  “Are you going to be home tonight? Where are you? I know you aren’t with the girls like you said.”

  “No, I never said where I was going at all. I’m… staying where I am, I’ll be home tomorrow. I’m safe don’t worry mum. Tell Violet I’m sorry.”

  “Olivia, I don’t like it when you are being evasive. Are you ok? Are you with a boy? I’m sure I heard a boy a moment ago”

  “No I’m not with a boy. I’m fine mum. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I cut the call off before my mum could ask me any more questions and switched my phone to silent. I stood up from Jamie’s lap and tried to walk around to process my thoughts with tears steadily streaming down my face again. “Violet- went to that- party I told you about.” I collapsed to the floor on my knees and Jamie rushed over pulling me into his chest to hold me tightly. “Lucas was there. He got her. He said it was- all my fault. If I’d just had- sex with him then- he wouldn’t have to-. She doesn’t want to see me! It’s all my fault!” I cried into Jamie’s t-shirt.


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