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Deadly Reunion (The Taci Andrews Deadly Series)

Page 2

by Manemann, Amy

  Valerie smiled brilliantly, instantly tucking her tissue back into the confines of her purse. Standing she held out her hand, giving a firm shake of mine to seal the deal. “I’ve left my card on your desk should you need to get in touch. Of course I’d be willing to help in any way that I can. Oh, and did you get your invitation to the reunion? Seating will be limited this year so you’ll need to reply back to me soon.”

  Somehow the word sucker came to mind as I glanced down at the white card on my desk. I find it hard to believe that Valerie was anything other than a mother simply worried about her missing child yet somehow a feeling of doubt washed over me. Glancing up I gave her a tight smile, replying, “Yeah sure, I’ll let you know.”

  Releasing my hand she gave a wave, replying with a toothy white smile, “Thanks Tacky, I knew you would understand.”

  I watched her walk out the door, my teeth grinding.


  “She actually called you Tacky? I can’t believe the nerve of her, especially after you agreed to help her!” Melanie said in wonder.

  I stared at her over the top of my menu, irritation still running high. Tacky Taci had been the nickname given to me in high school by none other than Valerie herself. I couldn’t help but wonder if she’d said it on purpose or if it was from old habit.

  “Sorry I’m late, the kids were being crabby. What’d I miss?” Annie breezed in, taking the seat next to mine. In honor of her recent separation Annie had decided to make a change of appearance, cutting off her dark brown hair into a short bob. It was actually pretty cute on her, complimenting the roundness of her full face perfectly. I’m thinking if Bob would have left I’d be doing a bit more celebrating then just a hair cut; like ditching the kids and heading to Vegas.

  “Oh nothing much, Taci just had a run in with Barbie Doll and the woman had the nerve to actually call her Tacky,” Melanie said huffily. Melanie never ceased to amaze me. She was all sunshine and laughs when it wasn’t serious, but if you messed with someone close to her she could get riled. Well, as riled as Melanie could muster anyway. One of the top realtor’s in Riverdale it was a rare occasion for Melanie to be seen with anything but a smile on her face. Heaven forbid she should frown and run into a client.

  Annie’s mouth dropped open in shock. “No! She actually called you Tacky?! How can you sit there so calmly, I’d be madder then hell.”

  I gave a shrug, returning to my menu. The problem was I was madder then hell, I just wasn’t going to be childish enough to admit it.

  “What’s the point? I’m not going to sink to her level by getting into the name game. It’s just not worth it,” I replied nonchalantly. The waiter came over and we all gave our orders, putting a halt to the conversation.

  “That’s pretty grown up of you Tace, I’m impressed,” Melanie remarked when the waiter walked away.

  I was impressed too. It wasn’t every day I didn’t sink to a childish level. “Maybe I’m turning over a new leaf. Besides, if I’m going to get through the McAllister case then I’m going to have to at least act grown up. I only gave Valerie a week.”

  “And the problem is…?” Annie prodded.

  I wasn’t sure what the problem was but something was definitely off about this case. One minute Valerie was blubbering like a baby, the next she was chipper and talking about the reunion. Something wasn’t adding up and my spidey senses were tingling. “I’m not sure yet, but when I find it I’ll let you know. So what’s the big news you wanted to tell us?”

  Annie got a faraway look on her face. Oh Lord.

  “I’ve met someone fabulous,” she said with a sigh.

  Melanie gave a sigh, dramatically rolling her eyes. “You and Bob aren’t even divorced yet, how could you possibly have met someone already?”

  Annie shrugged, replying, “Well, we haven’t actually met yet, I just had a dream about him the other night.”

  This drew my attention. “Was he tall dark and handsome, rich beyond belief?”

  Annie frowned in concentration. “He was tall, I’d say about five foot eight, with dark hair and dark eyes. Handsome yes, sexy definitely, can’t say about the rich part for sure.”

  “Hmm, he sounds yummy to me. Let me know when you meet him so we can take a look at him,” Melanie said with a smile.

  The waiter arrived with our food, setting the plates down in front of us. Annie and Melanie dug in right away, chattering in between bites. I stared unfocused at my meal, my thoughts still centered on the McAllister’s. I needed to get a list compiled of Samantha’s friends, family and enemies, all without Richard finding out. Not such a hard feat to accomplish; Richard wasn’t one for the obvious.

  “Earth to Taci, come in Taci,” Melanie’s amused voice broke my thoughts.

  “Huh?” I responded blankly, having momentarily forgotten where I was.

  Melanie sighed. She really hated it when she had to repeat herself. “I said isn’t that Tony Parsons ordering at the bar? I can’t tell for sure at this angle, but…No wait, it is Tony. I heard he moved back a few months ago. You should go over and say hello.”

  My eyebrows shot up, disbelief on my face. “And why would I want to do that? Tony and I weren’t exactly best buds in school.”

  That was an understatement. Tony and I gave our best efforts to make each other’s lives miserable in school, all stemming back to when he looked up my skirt at the Christmas Pageant in third grade. He told everyone about my little pony underwear; I gave him a black eye. In ninth grade I was stupid enough to let him put his hand up my shirt. He proceeded to tell everyone my actual cup size; I gave him another black eye. The feud has raged on since that time with neither side willing to back down. I’m pretty sure I owed him another black eye for something.

  I had to admit he was looking pretty good since high school though that was something I’d be keeping to myself. I’d heard he joined the fire department right out of college and had been assigned to the central fire station downtown, accounting for the nice bulge of muscles lining his arms that bulged from under the fireman t-shirt he was wearing. His hair was still as dark brown and shiny as I remembered and I wondered if his cheeks still dimpled when he smiled. However enticing old memories of him may be I think I could pass on a visit with Tony Parsons.

  “Because Tony knows Jason McAllister and maybe he can shed some light on the case for you. Jeez, don’t you pay any attention to who knows who in town?” Melanie asked incredulously.

  Actually no, I preferred to keep to myself and only write about other peoples lives. Social visits were Melanie’s ball court. “Hmm, I think I’ll pass on that lead. Besides, I’m sure there are plenty of other people I can talk to about the McAllister’s.”

  “Oh just get over yourself Taci, it’s not like this is high school. Besides, Tony is sooo hot. Maybe I can score a date with him,” Melanie breathed, giving a fluff of her hair before waving her hand frantically through the air. “Yoohoo! Tony! Over here!”

  If it was possible for me to sink into the floor I gladly would have done it. Maybe I could escape to the bathroom before he actually saw us. Too late, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I inhaled the musty scent of a man’s cologne from behind me.

  “Well, well, if it isn’t the gruesome threesome. Annie, Mel, good to see you,” he said, his deep blue eyes straying down to meet mine. “Taci, looking good.”

  I couldn’t help it, my toes curled at the compliment and a suspicious warmth flooded me. Keeping my cool I narrowed my eyes, replying, “Tony, good to see you too.”

  He flashed me a grin, the infamous dimples appearing in both cheeks. “Gee Taci, you aren’t just saying that are you? I’d hate to think that you’re still holding a grudge after all these years.”

  My cheeks flushed hotly. I was pretty sure some steam escaped my ears. Swallowing the scathing set down that had readily raced to my tongue I gave him my sweetest smile. “Of course not Parsons, I wouldn’t dream of holding any grudges against you after all this time. Besides, it’s
not my fault that you’re a pervert, I was just an innocent bystander in all of it.”

  Tony threw his head back and laughed. The sound sent a thrill down my spine and set my teeth on edge. Damn the man, did he really have to be so cute?

  Melanie groaned. “You two haven’t seen each other in what, five years and you are seriously going to go back at it like old times? Do us all a favor will you? Build a bridge and get over it.”

  Technically I saw Tony at Riverdale’s annual Spring festival after he’d moved back. Shocked at seeing him I pretended to be interested in the ball toss game to avoid talking to him. He was otherwise occupied by a flashy redhead clinging to his arm. Shocking he didn’t notice me over her big boobs.

  Signaling the waiter I asked for a to go box.

  “You aren’t leaving are you? You haven’t even eaten yet,” Annie protested.

  “Sorry, I need to get to work on the McAllister case before Owens gets back to the office. The sooner I get this behind me the better,” I replied apologetically.

  “Chicken,” Tony whispered loud enough for my ears before turning towards the other two. “Ladies I do believe that’s my cue as well. Hope to see you around.”

  “Likewise,” Melanie called to his retreating backside, disappointment evident on her face. Turning she shot me a glare.

  “What?” I asked innocently, dumping the contents of my lunch into the Styrofoam container.

  “You know what. You did that on purpose,” she accused.

  I tried to look innocent but knew it was hopeless. “Sorry, he brings out my best side. Just drop by central fire; I’m sure he’d be willing to give you a ride on his shiny fire truck.”

  Melanie stuck out her tongue even as her face brightened at the prospect; I did my best to suppress a groan. Scooping up my purse and box I gave a little wave before heading out the door.

  Exiting the café I took a left, heading in the direction of the parking lot. I loved Melanie to death but sometimes she was too much even for me. I felt kind of bad leaving Annie behind as I was sure Mel was devising ways to improve Annie’s life without my input, but it couldn’t be helped. Being in the same room with Tony Parsons was enough to get my blood boiling. Now if I were really honest with myself I would at least admit that I was attracted to the man. I knew better then to go down that road though. He’d proven countless times in the past how untrustworthy he was; some things were just better off left it alone.

  As I crossed the width of the parking lot I noticed a lone figure leaning against my car and I groaned. Perfect. Fishing my keys from my purse I closed the distance between us.

  “Forget something?” I asked, arching a tawny eyebrow when Tony gave a chuckle.

  “You really don’t like me, do you Taci?” he asked in amusement, giving me the dimpled smile again.

  Crossing my arms over my chest I regarded him coolly. “Gee, what gave you that impression?”

  Leaning forward he tapped his finger on the edge of my nose, replying, “I think you do but you just don’t want to admit it.”

  Jerking back I shot him a glare. “Don’t flatter yourself hot shot. I’m not some brainless female who falls all over some hot fireman in uniform.”

  He arched an eyebrow at that; I mentally slapped my forehead. “Hot fireman in uniform?”

  “Did you need something or are you just out here to torture me? I have a lot of stuff to do today and that doesn’t include going a round with you,” I said, abruptly switching the subject.

  Tony paused as if contemplating something, then shuttered his face. “I heard you mention working on the McAllister case and was wondering if you had any leads yet.”

  I shook my head, edging around him to unlock my car door. “Valerie approached me this morning about it and I haven’t had a chance to do too much yet. Why? What’s your interest in this?”

  Tony shrugged. “Jason and Val are good friends and I know how upset they are. I was hoping maybe you’d had a chance to turn something up that the police haven’t yet.”

  I paused, hearing the tension in his voice. We may have had our differences in the past but it didn’t change the fact that his friends’ kid was missing and he obviously was concerned.

  “Listen, I’ll do what I can to turn something up on Samantha but I can’t promise anything. Owens has been on the case since day one and neither he nor the police have gotten too far. I promised Valerie a week so we’ll see what I can turn up in that time,” I said softly.

  Tony’s eyes softened, turning my insides to mush. I was suddenly all too aware that we were alone in the parking lot and he was standing awfully close to me. He reached over and tugged a strand of hair, a slow smile spreading across his face. “I have faith in you Tace. Call me if you need anything.”

  Speechless I nodded, watching him turn on his heel and walk away. The call me if you need anything rang in my head and I felt myself flush. Giving a mental shake I cleared my thoughts. He’s just concerned over Samantha’s well being I admonished, tugging open the car door and sliding behind the wheel. It’s not like he’s giving you an open door to his bedroom I thought and flushed again. The idea of his bedroom brought on way too many illicit thoughts and I was suddenly aware that I might be treading in dangerous waters. Better steer clear of testosterone man for awhile, at least until I can talk to him without getting hormonal. Cranking the engine over, I backed out of the parking stall.


  Maneuvering the back roads of Riverdale I managed to reach the newspaper parking lot in record time. Stepping off the elevator I once again wound my way through the busy news room to head towards my office. On the way I passed Richard’s office and noted that his door was shut, the lights turned off. Strange I thought as I entered my office; I hadn’t noticed earlier if he’d been in or not but it wasn’t like him to not be in his office at least hacking away at his computer. A knock sounded on the door and Bryce Pierce stuck his graying head in.

  He looked as rumpled as ever, his once ironed pin striped dress shirt now hopelessly wrinkled and untucked from his usual pair of khaki pants, but it wasn’t anything the employees at the Times weren’t used to. Wrinkles lined the corners of wizened brown eyes, eyes that had seen their fair share of field work in their day. It was rumored that in his younger days Bryce had been quite the ladies man, something I wouldn’t completely rule out as he wasn’t half bad looking in his older years. He had a Harrison Ford with Indiana Jones sort of look about him, making me wonder if he had an alter ego lurking behind those brilliant eyes of his.

  Standing at just over six feet tall Bryce was a force to be reckoned with in and out of the newsroom, which is how he’d gained the title of the Times Editor and Chief. It was also the reason Taci had fought tooth and nail to get on staff at the Times when she’d graduated college.

  “Got a minute? Great, come to my office,” he barked before disappearing. So much for sweet ol’ Harrison Ford. I gave a soft sigh, tossing my purse and Styrofoam box onto my desk. Snapping up a notebook and pencil I made my way towards Bryce’s office.

  “What’s up boss?” I asked, entering the room and taking a seat across from him.

  “Just thought I’d give you a heads up and let you know Owens won’t be in today, he had some sort of hot lead on this McAllister case. Said he’d check in tomorrow,” he began, pausing to stare at me. The silence in the room stretched and I returned his stare, waiting for him to continue. One thing I’d learned about Bryce long ago is the man never did anything without a reason; that included being asked to his office.

  “All right, what was Valerie McAllister doing in your office this morning?” he finally gave in. Ahh, so that was it.

  I gave him a puzzled look. “Val and I went to high school together and she’s in charge of the reunion committee. She was just making sure I received my invitation.”

  Now it wasn’t a habit to lie to my boss but at least I could do it with a straight face. I had a pretty good feeling Bryce wouldn’t get all warm and fuzzy if I
told him Valerie asked me to check into the case; sometimes there were things better left unsaid.

  “Andrea said she heard crying from your office. I was just wondering if she might have passed any information on to you concerning her daughter’s case,” he continued, still eyeing me.

  I suppressed a groan. Andrea Barns was the office busybody, a.k.a. Bryce’s snitch. She did have some good qualities though, like if you wanted to get the goods on someone in house she was the one to turn to. To Bryce I merely gave a shrug. “She mentioned something about poor Samantha but we didn’t really get in to it. I could tell it was hard for her so we mainly talked about the reunion. Really Bryce, you know I wouldn’t step on Richard’s toes when he’s already working a case. If she’d passed any information to me I would have passed it on to Richard.”

  Bryce stared at me intently for a moment before giving a slow nod. “I trust that you would Taci, especially since you know how I feel about reporters withholding information from each other. Anyway I know you wrapped up the armed robbery case yesterday so I wanted to give you a new assignment. It’s nothing top notch but it’ll keep you busy for a time.”

  I visibly stiffened in my chair, distrust evident on my face. Getting a ‘nothing top notch’ assignment was never a good sign when it came from Bryce. Somehow I had the feeling I was getting the short end of the stick.

  Noticing my apprehension Bryce spread his hands wide, saying innocently, “Really Taci, it’s nothing that terrible. I just need you to do a spread on the upcoming fire and safety prevention week that’s going on down at central fire.”


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