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A Dubious Position (A Colton Banyon Mystery Book 7)

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by Gerald J Kubicki

  “Oh, my God,” Mandy exclaimed. “What should I be doing?” She said in a panicked voice.

  “You need to do your exercises while I do this mission. I can handle everything, but you also need to be quiet,” he told her. Banyon then reached into his satchel and handed her his I-pod and ear plugs. “Wear these,” he ordered. He didn’t want her to hear him talking to Wolf.

  “Yes, sir,” she replied and saluted him again.

  “And please put your swim suit back on,” he added as he pointed to the very small clump of shiny cloth near his desk.

  “Maybe I don’t want to,” she teased. “Just knowing that you are watching me exercise excites me.”

  “I’ll be watching the monitor,” he said dryly.

  “But not all the time,” she quickly replied.

  “It’s an order,” He said sternly. After making a little girl face, she complied and proceeded towards the open area in his office while inserting the ear plugs.

  Chapter Eleven

  Mandy was, of course, right. Banyon could not keep his eyes off of her. She now appeared to be doing some sort of cheerleader exercise. She kept her hands on her hips as she performed high leg kicks, squats and even splits on the rug in front of his desk. At one point, she moved to the front of his desk and shook her hands like she had pom-poms in them, but it was her upper body that jiggled. Banyon could see she was very excited and so was he. A broad grin dominated her young face. He knew he wouldn’t touch her, but she sure was fun to watch. You'd better watch out when I get home Loni, he thought. I'm going to twist your little body into a pretzel.

  Suddenly, Banyon's computer screen came on. He was now looking inside the situation room. He had a clear view of a large seven foot by seven foot monitor divided into four boxes. In a row running down on the right-hand side of the main monitor, he saw several smaller monitors with several faces visible, including his own. He realized there were many people involved in this extraction and they were all watching from remote locations. No one from the room was visible, but he could see movement in the shadows and hear people talking in the background.

  “Nice to see you could make it,” he heard the President say. “Do you have any updates for me?”

  “Let me get back to you in a second," Banyon told him. He had been so busy with the provocative Mandy that he had forgotten to check with Wolf. Banyon quickly pressed the escape button and addressed Wolf.

  “Wolf, are you there?"

  “All these women around you are going to get you into trouble someday,” Wolf reprimanded him.

  “I understand. I don’t need a lecture right now, okay,” answered a frustrated Banyon. “Do you have any updates?”

  “Only that there are seven man at the safe house now,” Wolf answered. “The seventh man is a Mexican official from the immigration/travel department. He’s the one who provided the names of the girls to be kidnapped.”

  “I'll pass it on to the President,” Banyon told him. He noticed that Mandy was still exercising, but now she had a slight pout on her lips. He waved to her and quickly hit the escape button. He reported to the President on all he had learned.

  “We are taking him out, too,” the angry President ordered. “I want as many of these scumbags eliminated as possible.”

  Banyon watched the four split-screen monitors. One was an overhead view from a drone or satellite. It showed the building to be invaded. The second monitor was a side view of the front of the house, clearly taken from a surveillance vehicle across the street. The third view was from the head cam of the lead SEAL. Banyon could see he was on the move by the constant jiggling of the camera. His view was of the back of the house. It was clear the SEALs would access the building from the back. The camera stopped as a small wall came into view. Across the opening Banyon could see five other SEALs crouched by the wall. The fourth view was actually a picture of the heat signatures of all the people in the house. It was a downward looking view, and could only have been taken from a drone.

  There were thirteen signatures in all. Some appeared prone on beds. Banyon was sure they were from the girls. In the background, Banyon could hear several people talking. The commanding voice of the President was giving orders. The President had a military background. He knew how to run an operation.

  “We go on my mark,” the lead SEAL said. He had ten highly-trained men all wearing Mexican police uniforms, but they all had on Kevlar vests and utility belts containing unique weapons, if needed. Their main weapon was a silenced machine gun just like the type the cartel used. The guns had been confiscated during previous drug raids and had only the prints of gangsters on the handles. The SEAL team all wore special gloves.

  Banyon heard, “Roger,” ten times.

  “Ready, and go,” the leader said.

  As the SEALs entered the backyard, Banyon could see a man sitting on a chair by the back door. The Mexican was only semi-alert with his gun by his side. Banyon could now see over the tip of the lead SEALs gun — the silencer was attached. As soon as the Mexican went for his gun the leader spoke.

  “Hey Poncho, it’s time to meet your maker.” The gun suddenly spit out a bullet and the Mexican went down. “First target down,” the SEAL said, “six more coming.”

  The SWAT leader quickly reached the back door, quietly opening it. Banyon could clearly hear the shuffle of several feet in the background. As soon as the door opened two of the screens on the big monitor changed. Two other SEALs activated their head cams. Banyon watched as they crowded through the open door.

  Three men went left, three men went right; the leader went straight down a hallway with four men in tow. Everyone seemed to know their job. The camera on the right found a closed-door. It was thrown open. Inside were two Mexicans sound asleep on filthy cots. Two shots prevented them from awakening ever again.

  “Two more hostiles down,” one of SEALs reported.

  Meanwhile, the SEAL leader was working his way up some rickety stairs. Upon reaching the second floor his men spread out. There were four doors closed along the upstairs hallway. Each SEAL took up a position at a door. The leader took the first door. Banyon could see down the hall as each man acknowledged that they were ready. A hand signal told them to break into each room. The SEAL leader kicked his door in and entered a shabby looking bedroom. There were two beds. Strapped to the beds were two young girls. An older man with a beard, a very hairy, naked body, and a grin, was attempting to get on top of a young girl. The SEAL leader grabbed him by his neck, throwing him against the wall. He then shot him between the eyes. Banyon quickly heard three more muffed shots telling him all the hostiles were dead. This was now a rescue mission.

  “All hostiles down,” the SEAL leader reported.

  Banyon heard more men running up the steps. Soon, all three cameras showed SEAL members cutting the ropes which tied the girls and placing blankets around their naked bodies. The girls were then slung over shoulders and were rapidly taken outside the back door. There now was a van waiting with the side door open. The SEALs deposited each of the girls gently on the floor of the van. As soon as all six were safely on board, a medic appeared and pulled the door shut.

  “Get them to the plane as fast as possible,” the SEAL leader ordered. The van disappeared in a cloud of dust. With everybody watching the monitors, the SEAL leader spoke. “We go after the cartel leader next.”

  Banyon pressed the escape button and whispered, “Wolf update?” he looked over his computer screen to see if Mandy was watching him, but she was busy doing yoga. He realized she was very flexible.

  Wolf replied immediately. “The cartel leader is at his home. It is just three blocks away. He has two personal bodyguards and six armed men guard the exterior of his estate. They all have machine guns. Colt you might want to pass on that the cartel leader is just finishing up a call with someone from the United States. That person gave the cartel leader the assignment of capturing the Presidents granddaughter.”

  Banyon quickly pressed the escape button. “
Mr. President,” Banyon interrupted the subdued celebration going on, in the situation room.

  “Yes, Colt,” he said. “Do you have something more to add?”

  Banyon quickly told him what he had just learned. The President placed orders with the SEAL team to make sure to get the cellphones of the cartel leaders. He desperately wanted to know who had planned the kidnapping of his granddaughter.

  “Roger that,” came the reply.

  The monitors suddenly refreshed, there were four new boxes. One was a satellite image. It showed the estate of the cartel leader. It was a walled compound with a sturdy iron gate in front. The villa was a large, two-story, pink stucco building. It had red roof tiles. Everyone knew there would be many places to hide in a house that big. Also many places to set up a defense. And, if, someone hit an alarm, the SEAL leader understood it would only take five minutes for help to arrive. The infrared image monitor showed nine men in the villa complex. The third monitor was an additional shot of the front entrance to the estate. The SEAL leader’s camera had been turned off as he was now inside of a van being transported to the new site.


  While the SEAL team was in route, the President spoke. “What's the status of the takedown of the corrupt police chief?”

  Another voice replied from inside the situation room. “Our female decoy has gotten him to leave his office and walk with her to the park. He thinks she has damaging information about the cartel and wants to hear what she has to say. Our sniper is about a half a mile away, with a clear view of the park. When the sniper has a clear shot, he will notify her. She will enter the concrete bathroom in the park, leaving him completely exposed for the shot.”

  “Make sure it happens that way,” growled the President. “I want no slip ups on this one. He must go down. There is nothing worse than a corrupt police official.” Everyone in the room quickly agreed.

  The voice continued. “We have a van onsite. They will recover his body and bring it to the home of the cartel leader. He will be dumped inside the front yard near the house. There will also be a bank statement in his pocket. It will make a connection between him and the cartel very clear. When the Mexican police investigate the murders, they will think a rival cartel did the damage.”

  “I want to send a message to all the scumbags in Mexico. The United States will not only protect itself, but will also take revenge on those who threaten us,” the President slammed his fist to emphasize his determination.


  The SEAL team’s leader’s camera came to life as he exited the van. His men spread out to their assigned jump-off positions. Four of the six cartel guards were targeted in seconds. Everyone was ready — they just needed the go-ahead.

  Banyon whispered once again, “Wolf, any updates?”

  “The guard on the right wall has spotted one of the SEALs. He is about to pass on the information to the cartel leader.”

  “SEAL on the right wall location has been spotted by the guard. You need to take him out now,” Banyon screamed.

  “Take out the guards,” the SEAL leader calmly ordered. Within seconds he began to receive acknowledgment from each of his men as they took out the guards with their silenced machine guns. All four guards had died without making any noise.

  “Four hostiles down. Five more coming,” the SEAL officially reported to everyone listening.

  When the SEAL team regrouped along the front wall, one of the SEALs attached an acid mixture to the front lock on the gate. Within seconds the acid had burned through the mechanism. The SEAL leader was able to push open one door. Ten SEALs rushed the front door knowing they could face enemy fire at any time. But nothing happened, all was silent. Another mixture of acid was applied to the large double-wooden doors of the villa. Soon the SEALs pushed it open and peered inside. Once again two additional head cams came on as the men stealthy slipped into the house.

  Suddenly, Banyon heard, “the police chief is down and currently in route to the villa. ETA is five minutes.”

  “Set up at perimeter at position A. Stop any cars that get within six blocks of the villa,” the SEAL leader ordered.

  “Roger that,” came the response.

  Chapter Twelve

  Inside the house, as before, three men went right, three men went left; the SEAL leader went straight down the hallway towards the large great room in the back of the house. They knew the cartel leader was located there. They must have tripped a silent alarm because machine gun fire suddenly erupted. Everybody went to ground.

  “Report,” Banyon heard. The airwaves were suddenly full of reports. But none of the men could see any hostiles. The SEALs were trapped. They were unable to move forward from their cover. Something had to be done soon or the mission would be a failure.

  Banyon sang out. “They are all in the kitchen hiding behind the marble counter tops. The teams on the right and the left should be able to outflank them and get clear shots.

  “Roger that,” the SEAL leader replied. “I’m setting the charges now” The leader opened a closet door. He threw in the satchel he had carried into the house. He had the remote detonator in his pocket.

  Banyon watched the second screen on the large monitor as the camera moved forward slowly, eventually rounding a corner. He could now clearly see five Mexican-looking men with machine guns positioned behind a kitchen island. Their guns were trained on the hallway, but could only see a portion of it as the island was off-center. They didn’t sense any movement to their right as the SEALs took up positions. On the Leaders orders, the SEALs quickly opened fire and all five of the Mexicans were dispatched.

  “Five hostiles down,” a SEAL reported. The three cameras started to jiggle as the SEALs ran to the kitchen to make sure the men were dead. They began to collect cellphones and any other cartel related materials.

  “Got some papers and ledgers here,” a SEAL reported. “Found them on the coffee table in the great room.”

  “Look for more evidence. Team one, you check out the office. Team two go and toss his upstairs bedroom. I want to be out of here in three minutes,” the leader said as he rifled through the pockets of the five men.

  “We have three Mexican police cars heading our way,” the lookout down the street announced. “They are about two minutes from the entrance.”

  “Stop those cars,” the leader shouted into his communications gear.

  The lookout was the same sniper who had taken down the police chief. He was set up his gun on top of a building, about two blocks from the villa. He had a clear view of the two roads leading to the compound. He quickly took aim and shot out the right front tire of the first police car. He then repeated the process. All three cars ground to a halt. He had no desire to kill policemen, even if they were corrupt.

  Nine Mexican police officers poured out of the cars searching the skies for the sniper, but he was too far away for them to see. Realizing the sniper only meant to slow them down; the policeman began jogging towards the compound. It would take them some time to cover the distance. By then the SEALs intended to be gone.

  “Mission accomplished. It will take them at least ten minutes to reach the villa. I'm bringing in the police chief now,” announced the sniper.

  “Roger,” the SEAL leader acknowledged. He took one more look around the house, he then said, “Okay, everybody out.”

  The SEALs exited the front door, just as a black van pulled up. It was driven by the attractive woman who had actually been the decoy for the police chief. The side door flew open and the sniper dragged the body of the dead police chief inside the grounds of the villa. Three of the SEALs dropped their guns on the ground around the entrance. There were blood stains on two of the handles. The blood belonged to Danta Lopez and one of his henchmen. Lopez was the former boss of the cartel. He was in FBI custody, but no one in Mexico knew that. It was meant to lead the Mexican police on a lengthy wild goose chase.

  A second van followed immediately to extract the SEALs. As they cleared the gate in the front of t
he villa, one of the SEALs turned to look up the street and noted the policeman were still two blocks away.

  “Initiating the final phase,” announced the SEAL leader. He then extracted a remote from his pocket and unceremoniously pressed the button. The explosion was relatively small, but it had been a device designed to create a fire, not blow up the neighborhood. The entire house was now in flames.

  “Home James,” the leader said to the female driver. She didn't think he was very funny.

  “You're not out of the woods yet,” reminded a voice over the speakers. “Let's not be too jovial until you are over international waters. It still will take fifteen minutes to reach the private airport and another ten minutes until you are safely out of the country.”

  “Roger,” replied a more subdued SEAL leader.


  Now, Banyon observed the real workings of the federal government. In the situation room there was some clapping, some high-fiving and some cheering, but it only lasted a few seconds, as the President began to speak.

  “I want a complete communications blackout of all the events which have taken place in Mexico,” he said to everyone in ear shout. He then spoke to the Press Secretary. “Neil, prepare a statement which says, we are shocked and outraged by the events of today. We do not condone the use of violence, in any form, for any reason, other than our national security.”

  “I'm on it Mr. President,” the Press Secretary replied, but then sheepishly asked, “But don’t you think the wording is a little strong? It almost sounds like a veiled threat,” the Press Secretary questioned.

  “I want it to sound that way, Neil. We have the perfect opportunity to strike deadly blows to all the scumbags in the cartels. Let’s hope they think we have a phantom, former drug cartel leader taking out his competition for revenge. I want each of the cartels to know they may be next. We have the perfect platform to make that happen,” the President slammed a desk with his fist to emphasis his determination.


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