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A Dubious Position (A Colton Banyon Mystery Book 7)

Page 17

by Gerald J Kubicki

  Bart was busy thinking and did not quickly respond. While he was considering his options, Banyon’s office was filling up with people. Eric charged in first, followed by Heather and Mandy, Edger soon loped in, and several others gathered in the hallway. Despite the warning Banyon gave over his Bluetooth, no one was heading for the exits. Everyone looked apprehensive, but no one moved.

  “You said the bomb will be detonated by remote control, right?” Bart suddenly asked Banyon.

  “Yes,” Banyon replied wondering where Bart was going. “The Mexican is supposed to hit the remote as soon as he is out of the explosion range.”

  “Good,” Bart uttered. “We can handle this.”

  “Are you kidding?” Banyon asked.

  “Not at all. We have planned for this situation,” Bart said with confidence. “Timmy, please get your laptop and station yourself in the lobby. As soon as you see the van, hit the jamming device.”

  Timmy got Colt’s attention by waving his hands in the crowded room. “Colt, just so you know,” Timmy said. “Once I hit the jammer, all electronics will shut down, that means you will lose your screen to the situation room, but also it will render any remote control device useless.” He turned on his heel and was gone.

  “Oh,” Banyon croaked. “How long before I can reboot?”

  “I can answer that,” Beth suddenly spoke up. “It will take fifteen minutes to defuse the bomb.”

  Banyon looked at her with a questioning look. “How do you know?”

  Bart quickly jumped in. “Beth’s special talent is defusing bombs. She is the best in the world. If she says fifteen minutes to defuse it, it will be fifteen minutes. You can take that to the bank.”

  “Then I’d better notify the President to stall the rescue,” Banyon muttered mostly to himself. He sat back down at his desk, took a deep breath and pressed the escape button on his computer. He addressed the President with everyone standing in the room. He raised his hand for silence as he talked to the leader.

  “Sir, I’m going to be tied up with this bomb threat for a half hour. I won’t have access to the internet. I suggest you postpone the rescue until I’m back on line.”

  “I see,” said the President. The disappointment was evident in his voice.

  “It can’t be helped, sir. The lives of many people are at stake,” Banyon offered.

  “The choppers will be running low on fuel by then,” the President quickly responded as Banyon heard someone tell him in the background.

  “But can you postpone?” Banyon pressed.

  “We’ll make due, these men are SEALs,” the President proudly said. “But you had better be back by then.”

  “Yes, sir,” Banyon responded and pressed the escape button.

  Meanwhile, Bart was issuing orders. “Beth, go get your gear. I want that bomb defused in record time. Be ready down in the lobby to go to work.”

  “I will do my best. Just don’t yell at me like Colt, over there does.” She left the room moving faster than Banyon believed possible.

  Bart continued, “Andre and Guido, draw guns from the armory and take up a position outside. When the Mexican starts running, grab him.” When Banyon questioned him with a look, Bart told him, “the chef and the Brooklynese orator.”

  “Then what?” Banyon heard in his Bluetooth as one of them asked.

  “We’ll have to find a way to take down the guys with the machine guns,” Bart commented as he thought. “But I don’t want a firefight against machine guns, especially when there are so many people around.”

  “I think I have a better and safer plan,” Banyon suddenly spoke.

  “Well let’s hear it?” Bart said.

  “Bart can you impersonate me?” Banyon asked.

  “I did the mold yesterday. It will take me five minutes to put on the finishing touches. Why do you ask?”

  “Good,” Banyon said. He threw him the keys to his Jaguar. “Give me your keys,” he requested. Bart drove a Honda.

  Bart gave him a questioning look. “Why, my car?”

  “Here’s the plan,” Banyon explained. “I’m going to have Mandy and Heather distract the machine gunners long enough for you, looking like me, to reach the Jaguar. Take Andre and Guido with you. Then head for my house in Barrington. They will undoubtedly follow thinking I’m going home and then I can slip out when I’m done with the President and drive your car to the airport.”

  “And the Mexican?”

  “Heather and Mandy can catch the Mexican.” He looked at the two women who were bobbing their heads emphatically. “They will already be outside.”

  “Sounds good so far,” Bart said.

  “On the way, call the police and have them be ready to ambush the shooters. It will take about twenty minutes for you to get there. There will be plenty of time.”

  “Or, we can take them out ourselves,” Bart said brightly.

  “That’s your call,” Banyon told him. “The keys to the house are on the key chain, but Bart, don’t wreck my home, please.”

  Bart chuckled. “Well, you see it’s like this, I don’t like people who try to blow up my office,” Bart responded. “There is a measure of revenge to be gained and we won’t wreck your house, either.”

  “It will also draw the watcher,” Banyon continued. “I don’t want him following us to the airport and possibly notifying anyone where we are going. He will follow you.”

  “The plan sounds solid to me,” Bart exclaimed. “Does anybody have any objections?” he yelled into the room. When no one answered, he shouted, “Let’s do it then,” and started to leave the room.

  “Okay,” several people said.

  “Oh and Colt,” Bart stopped and turned to him.


  “The cost of all this is going on your bill.”

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  A few minutes later, at the offices of Dewy & Beatem, Banyon and Eric stood alone on his balcony looking out at the parking lot. There were five other balconies facing the front of the building. The men could hear people talking around them on the other balconies. Everybody had turned out to watch the show. Eric had a pair of binoculars trained on the two Effort men in their car.

  Below, in the lobby, Banyon watched as people lined up for their part of the play. The entire front of the building was all one way glass, so the shooters had no idea of the backstage for the show. Banyon saw Timmy with his laptop; Beth now dressed in a sliver bomb suit, Guido and Andre looking mean enough to bite someone’s head off, Bart now looking surprisingly like Banyon and the two girls, Heather and Mandy. Mandy looked his way and waved. Heather carried a purse with two guns secreted away, just in case. The players were ready, the audience had front row seats and the real danger of a bomb blowing up the building wasn’t even a concern — assuming everyone did their part. All of the actors were wearing their Bluetooth communicators.

  “Go, first act,” Banyon said into his Bluetooth. Mandy and Heather quickly made their way out the front door. They were still dressed like they had been earlier, so Banyon knew the men would notice. The women walked lazily towards the mall and away from where Banyon had parked his car. They appeared to be two friends going shopping.

  “Their looking at the girls,” Eric said as he watched.

  “Second act,” Banyon spoke into his Bluetooth.

  Mandy suddenly appeared to stumble and drop something on the ground. Both girls bent over from the waist while keeping their legs straight, like only very fit women could do.

  “They’re leaning forward in their seats,” Eric reported. “They’re taking in the show. We’ve got them hooked.”

  “Act three,” Banyon ordered. Bart and the two other men shuffled out the door, quickly heading for the green Jaguar. They were more than halfway there before the man in the passenger side of the car saw them. He immediately started to get out of the car and raise his machine gun to fire, but Bart was already at the car and piled inside. Eric watched as his partner grabbed his coat and pulled him back

  “Act four is a go,” Banyon announced. Bart now had the Jaguar running and sped out of the parking lot. Mandy and Heather were already hidden behind some bushes at the corner of the lot.

  “Come on, take the bait you bastard,” Eric cried out like an angler hoping the fish would bite.

  Suddenly, there were cheers on the other balconies as the Effort men backed up their car and took off after the Jaguar. Almost immediately, the Homeland Security agent fell into line behind them. Banyon breathed a sigh of relief, but it was short lived.

  Eric followed the small caravan out of the mall area with his binoculars. Suddenly, he announced a sighting. “Blue van just turned into the parking lot.”

  “Act five, Timmy do your thing and jam the electronics,” Banyon quickly said.

  Shortly Timmy replied. “Done.”

  Everyone watched the van approach the Dewey & Beatem parking lot slowly, as if making sure of the address. The blue van pulled into a handicapped space right near the front door. A few people began to back up, but most stayed their ground. The driver, a small Latino, bolted from the truck, leaving the door open. He ran as fast as he could towards the mall area.

  “Act six,” Banyon yelled into his Bluetooth. Mandy and Heather emerged from their hiding place. The man saw them and tried to outrun them before they could cut him off. Mandy stepped out of her high heels and took off after him.

  People on the balconies were cheering and screaming “Go, Mandy go”, like they were watching a track meet. The Mexican never stood a chance. Mandy closed like a tiger chasing a water buffalo. When she was near, she pushed him in the back, throwing him off balance and headfirst into the hard tarmac. He skidded to a stop, using his face as the brake. Mandy was immediately on him and kneeled on his back. She yanked back his head using his hair, and everyone heard her talk through her Bluetooth.

  “Going somewhere, scumbag.” Mandy said into his ear. “How does it feel to be run down by a little girl?”

  Heather was now alongside her with her gun drawn. She moved so the Mexican could see the gun. The remote control device was still in his left hand and he glowered at her with hatred in his eyes. The he pressed the button.

  Nothing happened, but Heather rewarded his act of courage, by batting the remote away from him with her foot. It landed a few feet away. She then kicked him square in his bloody face, and for a second, his eyes rolled back into his head.

  “Act seven,” Banyon spoke into his Bluetooth.

  “I’m sure you know the drill, hands behind your back, asshole,” Heather spat out in a very threatening voice. Mandy quickly restrained him in zip plastic cuffs and they began walking the woozy man back to the office. Heather picked up the remote along the way. She raised it above her head for everyone to see.

  Act eight was Beth’s part. She bolted out the office door with her bag of tools and ran around the van to the open door. She dropped her bag and climbed into the front seat, disappearing from view. Banyon was tense and prayed the van was not booby-trapped. She was out in seconds.

  “I’ll have this bomb defused in less than five minutes,” she calmly spoke. “They must have been in a big hurry to build this bomb, there are no safety measures. I just have to cut a couple of wires.” She then collected her bag and returned inside the van. Everyone on the balconies remained silent and waited for her to signal.

  Meanwhile, the two girls roughly pushed the Mexican through the front door. Once inside, two men grabbed him. Both girls looked up at the balcony where Banyon and Eric stood. This time Banyon waved with a smile on his face.

  “What do you want to do with him?” one of the two guards asked.

  “Bart wants to interrogate him when he gets back. I don’t think he means to be gentle with him either,” Banyon told the guard.

  The Mexican’s head quickly snapped up. “I know my rights, man. I want a lawyer”.

  “Well my friend, that only applies if you are arrested by law enforcement,” Banyon said from the balcony. “We are private citizens, but I assure you a lawyer will be present in the room with you shortly.” The guards took him away. When he started to protest, he got a punch in his midsection to shut him up.

  While Banyon waited for the bomb to be defused, he realized the two women had entered the balcony. Mandy stood right next to him. Heather stood by Eric. Timmy was standing behind them with his laptop open and ready to end the jamming as soon as he got the all clear.

  “Did we do good?” Mandy asked as she looked up at him.

  “You guys were great,” Banyon said. He then reached over and patted Mandy on her back with affection.

  “Lower,” she immediately responded. Then she looked at him and said “Oops, sorry”, then added, “Daddy” with a tilt of her head.

  “Danger makes me so hot,” Heather breathed. “I need a shower. How about you Mandy,” she said seductively.

  “We can change into our disguises for the trip at the same time,” Mandy noted with excitement.

  “Okay,” Banyon said oblivious to the implied sex of the conversation. “But be back in my office as soon as you can.”

  Heather grabbed Mandy by the hand and began to lead her off the balcony. She turned to Timmy. “Are you coming?” she purred.

  A suddenly nervous Timmy replied. “No man, I’m done doing that anymore.”

  Banyon turned just in time to see a look of concern cross Heathers face as she lead Mandy out the door.

  At that moment Banyon sensed movement by the van and saw Beth give the thumbs up. “I’ve defused the bomb,” she announced into her Bluetooth.

  There was loud applause. The play had ended.

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  “Stop the jamming, Timmy,” Banyon ordered. “And get me booted up to the situation room. There are several lives at stake.”

  “Be done in one minute,” the geek replied. He was already at Banyon’s desk, pounding on the keyboard.

  While he waited for Timmy to do his magic, Banyon dialed Bart. He wanted to fill him in on their success. “Bart the bomb has been defused and the Mexican is waiting for you in the interrogation room.”

  “Great job Colt,” Bart answered.

  “How are things going on your end?”

  “Your car has a lot of power,” he said. “It has a real smooth ride too. I might have to get me one of these.” Banyon was beginning to understand, Bart was very cool customer under pressure.

  “Do you have a plan for when you reach my house?”

  “I do, but I’d rather not discuss it on an open line,” the lawyer said. “We’ll be there in about six minutes. I’ll call you when we are headed back.” Bart then hung up the cellphone before Banyon could ask anymore question.

  “You’re in,” Timmy shouted.

  “Okay, you can go and watch Heather now,” Banyon told him.

  “No, not doing that anymore. Did you see her reaction when I told her no, man? I’m winning,” he gushed as he danced out of the room.

  Banyon just shook his head as he was sure Timmy was making a beeline to the showers. He jumped to his desk and immediately saw his face on a side monitor.

  “I’m back, Mr. President,” he quickly said.

  “That’s great,” The President replied from off screen. “I trust your other crisis is concluded?”

  “No harm done,” Banyon told him.

  “You only took fifteen minutes,” the President noted.

  “We had a good plan and everybody did their jobs,” Banyon replied.

  “Okay, people, the rescue is back on.” He heard the President say as he clapped his hands. Immediately there were many voices talking.

  “How is this going down?” Banyon asked.

  “The SEALS are going to be deployed over the water. They all have scuba gear and will swim to a rock outcropping, just three blocks from the house. We have two zodiacs following them in in ten minutes. They will do the extraction.”

  “Are you going to use the ‘Danta Lopez’ cover?”
/>   “We didn’t have time to get the men any guns or blood to leave as evidence,” the President lamented.

  “Leave a note in Spanish,” Banyon said. “Have it say something like ‘Danta Lopez was here. You should be afraid.’”

  “I like it,” the President responded and gave the order to someone in the room.

  “Is there anything happening we should know about,” the President asked with concern.

  “Let me check, be back in a minute,” Banyon informed him and hit the escape button on his computer.

  “Wolf, I need an update?”

  “Glad to see you’re okay, Colt.” The spirit said cheerfully. “There are now only four men with the girls. The girls are tied to chairs in an upstairs bedroom. They have been stripped, but no harm has come to them, yet. The four men are policemen and are lounging on couches downstairs. They are waiting for a Chinese man. He intends to buy the girls and spirit them out to a ship. It is eight miles out from the beach.”

  “What’s the name of the ship?”

  “It’s named ‘the Charming’ and is out of San Francisco,” Wolf informed him.

  “Who is the owner?”

  “His name is John Chang. He is onboard. He is the leader of the triad in San Francisco and a well-known killer. He is also an opium dealer, with a taste for young girls. When he is done with them, he just throws them over the side.”

  “Any innocents on the ship?”

  “No, there is just his crew of seven. They are also his henchmen. He has sent one of his men, in a speedboat, to collect the girls. He is just leaving now.”

  Banyon pressed the escape button and brought the President quickly up to speed on the house and the ship. He listened as the President had several loud discussions with people on his staff. Then he was back.

  “We know this guy,” the President announced. “He is on one of our most wanted lists. We didn’t know about his tastes in women, though. We are going to destroy him and his ship. I have vectored one of the helicopters to his coordinates. Satellite images will soon show on the top left monitor.”


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