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A Dubious Position (A Colton Banyon Mystery Book 7)

Page 22

by Gerald J Kubicki

  There were about thirty people milling about the store, most were couples who seemed to be completely entertained. The store was clean, well merchandised, with several choices of every conceivable sexual enticement possible. Heather grabbed Mandy by the hand and immediately went to the leather section. Eric began perusing the various lotions and oils section. Banyon headed to the back of the store for the items he needed.

  He found the section and selected six boxes from the display. They were bulky boxes; he could not carry all of them. A sales clerk quickly appeared and offered to help him carry the items to the counter.

  “You must be going for a big party,” the clerk said with a slight lisp. He grabbed three of the boxes and swung his hips as they proceeded to the counter.

  “I have a special use for them,” Banyon said to deflect the clerks thoughts.

  “You’ll need some lubricant,” the clerk advised over his shoulder. “The best one is in aisle twelve.”

  “I’m good,” Banyon patiently replied.

  “You need any condemns? I see you have women with you,” the clerk knowingly offered.

  “No,” Banyon answered.

  “Perhaps, you would like some restraints. Those are my favorites.” The clerk said with enthusiasm as they passed a display.

  “Just these,” Banyon wearily replied. They reached the counter and the clerk began to ring up the purchases without additional comment. Heather, Mandy, and Eric soon joined him there to see what he was buying.

  “Oh My God, Heather,” Mandy suddenly exclaimed a little too loudly.

  “What?” Heather asked.

  “It’s you.” She pointed to one of the boxes on the counter. Banyon quickly turned the front of the box towards himself so he could see it better. He stared in disbelief. The box contained a plastic blowup doll that looked exactly like Heather.

  Heather’s face flushed, but she quickly recovered. “Well, at least, I’ll get some royalties on the sale,” she quipped.

  “Actually,” the clerk said. “I recognized her when you came in. We have a whole section of her videos in aisle eleven. Just look for Jean Anna,” he said as he leveled his gaze at the now embarrassed Heather. Eric was gone in a flash.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” Banyon sincerely told the young woman.

  “It’s alright Colt. It’s part of my past.”

  “Well, now you can compare the doll to the real woman and find out which is better,” the clerk dryly joked. Banyon turned to him with malice in his eyes. He quickly through up his hands defensively.

  “What do you need these for?” Mandy asked. “You have us.”

  He pulled both women away from the prying ears of the too attentive clerk. “These blowup dolls will be bait for the take down. From a distance, they will look real. It will bring the hit men into the trap,” he explained. “We will sit them at a table so it will look like we are having some food.”

  “I like it,” Heather said professionally. “That way there will be less chance of us getting hurt.”

  “But you forgot one thing, Colt,” Mandy told him as she read the box.

  “What’s that?”

  “These dolls don’t come with any clothes. It would be a little unrealistic for six people to be nude for an outside dinner in the desert.”

  “Your right Mandy,” Banyon said as he scratched his head. “Tell you what. They have a dress up section over there,” he pointed. “Why don’t you girls go and pick out four female outfits and two male outfits. Get ones which appear to be right for the occasion.

  “Wow!” Mandy exclaimed. “This will actually be more fun than buying shoes.” She grabbed Heather by the arm and dragged her to the clothing area. Banyon thought, that’s exactly what Loni would have said.

  “You are all kinds of kinky,” the clerk said. “Want to take me with you? Your group looks like fun.” Banyon ignored the clerk.

  “I need to make a phone call,” Banyon announced as he realized that he was alone with the clerk. It gave him the perfect opportunity to check in with Wolf. He walked out of the store, pretending to call someone on the phone.

  “Wolf, is there anything new to report?”

  “Yes,” the spirit immediately answered. “The hit team has gotten a lot bigger. Carlos has hired ten local Latinos to help with the hit. They are sending two men to watch your home tonight and plan to come after you by noon, tomorrow. You need to make additional arrangements right away.”

  “Thanks Wolf,” Banyon said and dialed the number Rebecca had given him at the airport.

  She answered on the first ring. “Wow! That was fast. I didn’t think I would hear from you until tomorrow.”

  He explained the new information, ignoring her question of how he knew about the additional men. After a few seconds, she said they would move up their plan and go to the site earlier in the day tomorrow. She told him she would have thirty SWAT men ready and would have the park closed tonight. No tourist would be present tomorrow. Banyon agreed and hung up the phone. He then went back inside to collect his people and his purchases.

  Heather and Mandy were standing at the counter smiling broadly. “When I was picking out the men’s stuff, all I could think of was the song about the YMCA,” Mandy quickly said, as she showed him what she bought.

  “I guess the dolls will look normal from a distance,” Banyon said as he rubbed his chin.

  “And for the female outfits, I chose a school girl’s outfit, a nursing outfit, a stewardess pants suit and a maids dress — without the frills,” Heather added.

  She has the same taste as I do, Banyon thought.

  “Where’s Eric?” Banyon asked as he looked around the store.

  “I’ll go find him,” Heather said with a little irritation.

  “You’ll find him in booth number twenty, in the peepshow area,” the clerk said sweetly. “He is watching one of your movies Jean Anna. I can see him on one of my monitors.” Heather quickly headed off to the back room with an irritated look on her face and her fists clinched.

  Banyon paid for the purchases. It cost him over eight hundred dollars. He and Mandy hefted the bags to the SUV. After a few minutes of waiting, a perturbed Banyon sent Mandy to find the now lost Heather and Eric.

  Ten minutes later, a frustrated Colton Banyon pushed open the door of booth twenty.

  Chapter Sixty-One

  The President of the United States hung up the phone. A smile spread over his handsome face. He quickly called his secretary and told her to send in his visitors. They had been invited to the oval office to watch the news conference. It was scheduled to start in twenty minutes. The President of Mexico would be speaking from Mexico City. The visitors were his inner circle; the people he trusted the most. Marlene Moore was now part of the group. When they were all seated, he addressed them.

  “I just got off the phone with the President of The United States of Mexico,” he announced as he planted himself on the corner of his desk. The President wanted his people to see he was calm and in complete control.

  “What did he have to say?” Marlene Moore asked.

  “Actually, he apologized. He told me this crisis has all been fostered by the drug cartels and was masterminded by a government official in Mexico.”

  “Really,” Marlene commented.

  “Yes,” the President agreed. “The man recently died during the riots there.”

  “How convenient is that?” Marlene snorted.

  “So, you didn’t have to tell him about Slezeck or Klotz?” The representative from the Pentagon asked.

  “No, it will be our dirty little secret,” the President replied.

  “What about all the sanctions he implemented this morning?” The Secretary of the Treasury asked.

  “He has rescinded them all, effective immediately. He said he would make the announcement at the news conference.”

  “And what did he say about removing the troops at the border?” The Pentagon representative asked.

  “He said, if we
start backing our people off immediately, he will order his men away from the border.

  “Good. What do you want to do?” The man from the Pentagon asked.

  “Make it an order from me, General.” The military man got up and immediately left the room to make arrangements.

  “Should we notify the media?” The National Security Adviser asked. “It would make for good press for you, Mr. President.

  “No, but leak it to a couple of Congressmen. It will be on national television within ten minutes — with each of them taking credit,” The President chuckled. “Make sure it is leaked to those who have been criticizing my handling of the crisis.”

  “Why?” The National Security Advisor was confused.

  “Because the Mexican President is going to announce at his news conference that he and I were the ones who worked out the crisis, no one else. The Congressmen will have to explain that.”

  “You are devious, Mr. President,” Marlene shouted with joy.

  “I know.”

  “But how is he going to explain all the revenge killings?” The man from the treasury asked.

  The President now came off the desk. He stood as if giving a speech. “As you know, many Mexican people believe in superstitions and powers which are unexplained. They often believe in things they can’t see.”

  “So?” The Treasury man said.

  “He is going to use that, in his speech.”


  “To explain the killings and also any future retribution.”

  “How?” They all asked at once.

  “It seems the Mexican President has found a hero. His name is Danta Lopez.” The President paused to let that sink in.

  “Do you mean the cartel leader?” Marlene inquired.

  “Yes. He told me he is going to position Danta Lopez as the new ‘Zorro’, a man who is a ghost, but fights corruption in his country.”

  “You’re kidding,” The National Security Advisor laughed.

  “Not only that,” the President pointed out. “But he has asked me if I could help develop communications with him. It seems that he has some more work for the new Zorro and no way to get in contact with him.”

  “That’s brilliant,” the National Advisor quickly said.

  Chapter Sixty-Two

  “Wolf, do you have any updates for me?” Banyon asked the spirit as he strolled along the outside of his second story patio pretending to be on his cellphone. It was a little after eight o’clock at night. They had just finished eating steaks that Banyon had in the freezer. He glanced through the glass sliding doors and noticed Eric was doing the dishes. Both Mandy and Heather had refused to do domestic work, so it left either Banyon or Eric. Fortunately, Eric offered. The girls were not visible in the house.

  “No need to worry about anything tonight,” the spirit replied. “The Kammler boys have gone home as the FBI is now watching your home. They are also watching the two watchers, sent by the hit men.”

  “Where is Carlos?”

  “He is at the Stratosphere Casino and will be there all night,” Wolf informed him.

  “But isn’t that telling me the future. I thought you couldn’t tell me that?” Banyon quickly replied.

  “He is losing big money and he never leaves the blackjack table until he runs out, or gets the money back. He is also drinking heavily. You are safe.”

  “Do you have anything else to report?”

  “Carlos has a bank account in America. He used it late this afternoon to get money for the men he has hired. I can give you the bank and account number. You should tell the FBI, they can freeze his assets tomorrow morning.”

  “Give it to me in the morning; it’s too late to do anything about it tonight. Talk to you in the morning.” He closed his phone and headed for the inside. He was two steps from the door when his cellphone rang. It was Loni.

  “Hi Loni,” he said into the phone, happy to hear her voice.

  “Colt, where are you?” Loni sounded a little frustrated.

  “I’m out,” he simply replied.

  “I tried the house phone several times. You are not there.”

  “That’s because I’m out,” he patiently replied.

  “Pramilla can’t find Eric, either,” she added.

  “That’s because he is out with me and not at home,” he carefully said. “How did your dive go?” He quickly asked to get her off track.

  “Oh God,” she gushed. “It was so great. Colt, we found the box. It only took us four hours.”


  “It is loaded with diamonds and other gems. We’re rich,” she exclaimed. “Previne says there are several antiques which can be identified, but most of the treasure will belong to us. We will even get a finder’s fee on the identifiable items.”

  “Got any idea on how much it is worth?”

  “Previne says the total value will be somewhere between two to two and a half million dollars. Aren’t you excited?”

  “That’s terrific,” Banyon sincerely replied. “When are you coming home?”

  “It’s too late to sail back tonight, but we will head home tomorrow morning, early. Pramilla said we will probably land around one in the morning Chicago time. Will you be home then?”

  “Of course,” Banyon quickly said. “I can’t wait to see you and show you how much I missed you,” he said.

  “I can’t wait either. I have so much to tell you about my adventures.”

  “How about show and tell,” he said seductively.

  “I’ve learned a few new things on this trip,” she replied, also in an equally seductive voice.


  Suddenly serious, Loni asked. “Colt, is it cheating on your mate if you slept with someone else in the same bed?” Banyon already knew Loni and Previne where bunk mates last night.

  “Well, I guess it would depend on…” But Loni cut him off.

  “Then I’ve cheated on you. I never meant that to happen,” she said with a sob.

  Banyon knew that he had to say something or Loni would become a completely uncontrollable. “I know you love me,” Banyon said. “And I truly love you, Loni. That’s what counts, don’t you see?”

  “So, you aren’t mad at me? You aren’t going to throw me out of the house?” She asked in sheepish little girl voice.

  “I don’t know if I would think the same way if there was another man involved,” Banyon pointed out. “But no, I’m not even the least bit angry with you. Just get your pretty little butt home, so that I can show you how I feel.”

  “Oh Colt, you always know the right thing to say,” she purred.

  “My guess is this experience will only add to our desire for each other,” he smoothly said.

  “I’m glad you feel that way because I have to sleep with Pramilla tonight,” she admitted with a giggle.

  “I hope you both make each other very happy,” he offered.

  “You know, they sometimes share Eric,” Loni blurted out.

  “He’s mentioned it.”

  “Previne thinks the three of us should try it.”


  They talked for another ten minutes. Banyon had the feeling the Patel’s were trying a little too hard with Loni, but didn’t say anything. He decided to have a talk with Previne in the near future. He wanted all his friends close to him, but not necessarily in the same bed. He was sure it would lead to complications, the same kind of complications as he was dealing with the ever-aggressive Mandy and Heather. They eventually hung up, without Banyon mentioning anything about all that had happened during the day. He returned to the inside of the house wondering what his definition of cheating really was.

  Chapter Sixty-Three

  “We need to have a strategy session about our plan for tomorrow,” Banyon announced. Only Eric was in the room. He was sitting on the couch, reading a magazine.

  “He’s back,” Eric yelled out without looking up.

  Banyon heard a door open in the house and suddenly he had a look of sho
ck on his face as the women paraded into the room. Heather was dressed in a nurse’s outfit. Mandy had on the maid’s dress they had purchased that afternoon. They both stopped by the couch and posed for him.

  “We couldn’t resist trying out the clothes,” Heather admitted with a giggle. “Do you like?”

  Banyon was beside himself with anger. This mission wasn’t working. These women wouldn’t stop tempting him and they were heading into imminent danger tomorrow. They could die and all these girls wanted to do was enticement him. He blew his stack and ordered them to sit on the couch.

  “Right now,” he screamed. “I have to know if you girls want to continue. I can send you both back tonight, if I have to. Don’t you realize that all of your flirting is putting us in danger? You’re not paying attention to the work, I can’t have that. You’re both fired as of this minute,” he roared at them as they cowered on the couch.

  Heather sat stoically saying nothing, but a pout formed on her pretty face. Mandy dropped to the floor — on her knees and starting crying. “Colt, please don’t do this. We’ll be good, I promise. I care too much about you to let anything happen to you. You have trusted me before, please trust me now.”

  Banyon realized his outburst had a lot to do with his conversation with Loni. His own head was spinning with carnal thoughts. His resistance was getting very weak. He wanted to punish Mandy for tempting him, but knew it was really sexual desire and how much of that was actually Mandy’s fault. His current state of sexual frustration was clouding his judgment. He was on the verge of making mistakes of his own.

  “What do you have to say, Heather?” Banyon asked roughly. It gave him time to think things through.

  “You hired us to do a job. It was to protect you. So far there hasn’t been any threat. I don’t see what your problem is with us — except maybe — you are sexually dissatisfied or frustrated. We can take care of that anytime you want.” She spoke clinically like a doctor and her words hit home.


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