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Roping the Marshal: A Sweet Contemporary Cowboy Romance (Kester Ranch Cowboys Book 2)

Page 10

by Tori Kayson

  “Maammaaa!” Logan’s voice carried to her out the open window.

  She wrenched her head around. This time her son came to the rescue instead of the other way around.

  “I’m sorry. I need to go.” Needed to get away from Maverick, from the feelings he evoked, from the slow burn that tingled up and down her skin from his touch.

  “Yeah.” He nodded, nostrils flaring. His arms dropped away from her back, leaving her ice cold from lack. When his chest lifted and fell and his head dipped, a sudden yearning slammed into her. To slide her palms up the length of his chest and curl around his shoulders. To drag his lips down to meet hers. Powerful, and definitely unwelcome.

  “Mavvv!” Her little boy wailed. “Want Mav!” She could tell from the pitch of his voice that he was starting to get wound up.

  Maverick smiled and reached around her to open the door. He poked his head inside. “Hey little cowboy. Mama’s coming. You be good for her tonight, okay?” The tenderness in his voice reached deep in her spirit like spring’s caress after a long harsh winter.


  “That’s what I like to hear.” Maverick backed out of the car, sending her a glance that sizzled her insides. His knuckles skimmed her cheek then tugged at a strand of hair, his fingers trailing it all the way to the tip. “I’m going to hold you to that promise.”

  “Promise? Wh…what promise?” Every thought in her brain fled when he looked at her like that. A quiver trembled through her body.

  He smiled, a look that said he indeed knew the effect his fingers had on her. “Helping me prepare for the festival,” he drawled.

  “Oh. Right. The festival.” Since when had she seriously lost her grip on the English vocabulary? Who could blame her, though, with this man all up in her zone? She backed away, bumped into the car door. “Ouch.”

  “Careful, sweetheart.” He clamped her elbow and guided her through the opening, waiting until she settled in the car. Then leaned in, filling the confined space with peppermint and spice.

  Sweetheart? Toes tingled and bumps spotted her arms. She’d been better off standing outside where at least the breeze kept his scent from drifting her way.

  “Does Friday work?”

  Her mind quickly processed her calendar. So far, no commitments for that day. But then, with his silver eyes glowing at her, how could she know for certain? “I…I’m not sure. I think Friday’s good.”

  “Come for dinner then, and we’ll have the rest of the evening to figure things out.” He backed away from the car, but his alluring scent remained in the confined space. He closed the door, and she mashed the accelerator.

  Dinner and an entire evening with the lawman?

  How could she possibly expect her heart to survive? Especially when he seemed so different from her ex. Kind and gentle, playful and patient with Logan. Tender and attentive toward her.

  Mercy. What had she gotten herself in for?


  Oh yeah. He could get used to this.

  Summer leaned over his shoulder, her cinnamon breath tickling his ear. Maverick battled the urge to take hold of her wrist and press it to his lips. Not yet.

  “Oh, I love that one!” One slender finger pointed at a sketch of the Dallas skyline drenched in evening.

  Her enthusiasm thrilled him. But what ratcheted up his pulse even more was spending a Friday evening with her and Logan. The little cowboy was curled up on the couch watching a movie, cuddling a superhero blanket that Maverick had bought for him. The television played softly, its muted tones rising and falling just a bit, about as much and as often as Logan’s droopy eyelids. Sedentary for once.

  Probably because Maverick had parked himself on the rug in front of the couch and Summer cradled the boy’s feet in her lap. Was it terribly ugly of him to be jealous of the boy?

  His entire family had disappeared after dinner, giving them privacy while Summer helped him choose the sketches good enough to feature at the festival.

  He didn’t really care about showing off his sketches. He’d just as soon keep them private. But if signing up to participate in the festival lured Summer here during his last few days on the ranch, then he was all in. Especially since he expected his medical release to report back to work next week.

  He sighed. He still hadn’t come to terms with any of that yet. How could he face every day on the job without his faithful partner watching his back? Not a day went by that he didn’t battle the guilt over Sam’s needless death, blindsiding him like rogue forty foot waves, crushing him under the weight. Not only because he’d been helpless to save his partner but also because he couldn’t be in on the hunt for Sam’s killer. Would his boss allow him to work the case when he returned? Probably not.

  “What? You don’t like that one?” Summer asked.

  He rubbed a palm across his face, glancing at the sketch on his lap. Nothing but a blur. “Nah. That’s not it. Just thinking about my partner.”

  “Oh.” Summer shifted away from him and moved back against the couch. “I’m sorry.”

  Her body wasn’t the only thing that shifted. Although her words relayed sympathy, he sensed her withdrawal.

  He angled around so he could see Summer’s expression and planted a forearm along the sofa’s cushion. Just what he suspected. He’d hurt her. “No, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to zone out on you.”

  With a flick of her head, she dismissed his apology, but her lips were tight. “Your partner was important to you.”

  “Yes. He was.” He couldn’t stop the sigh that lifted his chest, but if he hoped to build any kind of relationship with this beautiful woman, he needed to make this right. His hand reached out and snagged hers, his thumb caressing smooth skin. “But you are also important.” His gaze slid to her son, whose eyelids had finally surrendered to sleep. Mouth hanging open, drool dribbling a trail down the kid’s chin. Mav couldn’t help the smile as he turned back to her. “And Logan.”

  Her face lightened, as if a tremendous load had lifted. Her cheeks rounded and her lips softened. “Thank you.”

  Soft, kissable lips. And with the little cowboy asleep—

  Before he could act, her smartphone vibrated on the coffee table next to him. A woman’s face appeared on the screen. Similar features as Summer with short blonde hair and blue eyes, but harder, with more years lining her skin. Mother? The older sister?

  “Excuse me, please. My dad’s been having some health issues lately, and my mother rarely calls except for updates. I better take this.” She scooped it off the table. “Hi Mom.”

  Silence on Summer’s end. Then she lifted Logan’s feet from her lap and stood, moving to the shadows in a far corner of the room. “He said what?...Probably just for show in front of the girlfriend…No. Definitely not.”

  Maverick didn’t try to eavesdrop, but the pain eking from Summer’s voice was unmistakable. He also caught the quick turn of her head, her gaze darting to Logan, the worry on her face. Was she checking to if her son was awake and listening? Or him?


  Summer couldn’t believe this! Her ex-husband wanted to visit Logan now? Of all the nerve! He was probably just spouting off in front of his latest girlfriend.

  “What should I tell him?” Impatience laced her mother’s tone. She still hadn’t forgiven Summer for divorcing Judd and moving to Texas.

  One of the reasons why she’d moved away from her parents. No support and constant belittling her choices and lifestyle. So what if her house wasn’t spotless like theirs or her sister’s? What was it to them if she preferred the flexibility of a photographer’s job over an eight to five? She’d never asked them for money, and she didn’t intend to start. And to stay married just because she’d be the first divorce in the family? Wasn’t her and Logan’s safety more important to them?

  Anger, not only directed at her ex-husband, but also her mother for siding with him, blazed white hot through her limbs. She stalked the length of the family room and then back again, fist clenching against her th
igh. “You don’t need to tell him anything, Mother. If he wants to see Logan, he can contact me directly.” Rather, her attorney. But her mother would never relay that message to Judd.

  “Well, there’s no need to get all huffy about it. Isn’t it great that Judd wants to see Logan? That’s what you wanted all along, so I don’t understand why you’re being so difficult.”

  Difficult? Really, Mother? Because I don’t want Judd to hurt our son any more than he already has? Or me!

  Summer steeled her spine and pressed her lips together to combat her mother’s criticism. Was she being difficult because she wanted to protect her son from life’s blows? Because she ached to keep him happy and safe?

  Even if that meant shielding Logan from his own father’s derisive attitude.

  And even stronger backhand.

  He’d hit her once. One time too many.

  Her fingertips swiped at the corner of her mouth. As if the blood still trickled from her lips, the puffy bruise still swelled her jaw.

  But when he’d hauled his arm back to strike Logan…

  Pleading hadn’t worked. Only the insistent ring tone of Judd’s boss had finally wiped the rage off her ex-husband’s face.

  A tremor rocked her torso at the memory. She wrapped an arm around her waist.

  Judd had blamed his temper on the pressures of working undercover, but he hadn’t wanted Logan from conception. Hadn’t even contested her request for a negotiated parenting plan where she retained most of the decision-making control and custody. Whether that was from lack of desire or fear of losing his job, Summer didn’t know.

  Moving to Texas meant keeping Logan safe. A two-day’s drive away from Judd’s wrath because the tight-fisted man surely wouldn’t cough up the airfare. So why ask to see Logan now? Nausea gurgled to the surface.

  “Summer?” her mother’s impatient voice dragged her back to the phone.

  “I have to go, Mother. I’ll talk to you later.” Much later. She disconnected the call, dread and fear taking turns somersaulting in her belly. Fisting her mouth, she glanced back at her son.

  The cozy scene calmed her spirit. Maverick had shifted down the rug to the other end of the sofa. His fingers smoothed her son’s hair back from his face. In sleep, her son looked angelic, what with those long black lashes draped over downy soft cheeks.

  But shouldn’t she be protecting Logan from Maverick, too? Wasn’t he cut from the same cloth as Judd? Hadn’t he just proved that his job bled into all other areas of his life? He couldn’t even enjoy a quiet evening at home.

  She sucked in a breath. That wasn’t fair. He’d lost his partner. And look at him now…he turned toward her, his face soft with tenderness.

  “Everything all right?” He even tempered his deep voice so he wouldn’t wake Logan.

  She gave her arms a brisk rub and moved back to the couch, but she couldn’t sit down, her legs still wired with nervous energy. “My parents ran into my ex-husband and his girlfriend at dinner. He mentioned that he wants to see Logan.”

  “And you don’t want him to.” Maverick studied her.

  Would he judge her? Consider her a horrible person? “He’s never been involved with his son. Ever. Why now?”

  “Do you still care about him?”

  Her head jerked back with her scoff. “Judd?” She stared at Mav, disbelief chilling clear through to her bones. She rubbed her arms again. Hugged her chest. Paced to the other end of the couch. “That died a long time ago.”

  “He could just be strutting a macho image in front of his friend. But maybe he has changed, sweetheart.”

  There he was, using that endearment again. And that tender look…almost unraveled her strict cowboy intentions.

  She crossed her arms.

  He ignored her snort and continued. “Maybe Judd realized that he wants to be involved in his son’s life in some way or form. Could be that he just needed Logan to be a little bigger and older. Or it could be that he’s finally matured.” Maverick offered. Kindness and understanding softened his tone. He brushed Logan’s hair, the movement rhythmic and soothing to her frayed nerves.

  With a palm on the rug, the part-time cowboy lifted to his feet in one athletic move. He crossed the room to stand directly in front of her, his silvery eyes intense, searching for something. “Or maybe he wants a fresh start. With you and his son.”

  “So. Not. Happening. Not with me, anyway. And I have to admit, this whole thing freaks me out. For Logan’s sake. He doesn’t really know Judd.”

  He reached out with his palms and rubbed her upper arms, his touch warming her icy skin. “Kids are resilient. Whatever happened between you and Judd—”

  “Children can’t protect themselves. That’s what parents are for. What parents are supposed to do.”

  His jaw pulsed. Face darkened to a dangerous hue. But this lawman didn’t frighten her. Not like Judd. No, Maverick only gave off safe vibes.

  A short tug of her wrist, and he pulled her against his chest. “I’m sorry, sweetheart.” He kneaded the knots of worry, his fingers dancing across her tight shoulders and down her rigid back.

  She buried her face against his shirt. His heart thundered underneath her palm, his touch comforting. Thrilling. Intoxicating. Delicious.

  Safe? If the way her body responded to him…heating and kindling parts best left dead and cold? The jellified legs. The tingle in her toes. The racing pulse.

  Mav wasn’t safe. Not. At. All.

  He was only offering comfort to a distraught single mother. And probably called all his female friends sweetheart.

  She scrounged up every thread of self-control and stepped back. Swallowed hard, already regretting the space. The disconnection. The sudden drop in body temperature.

  He gave her wrists a gentle squeeze. Then his arms dropped away, and he stuffed hands in his pockets. Glanced at the rug as if searching for a benign topic.

  She breathed deep, filling her lungs, appreciating the quiet room. Willed her legs to hold. She was a survivor. She’d be all right on the Judd front. Nothing a phone call to the attorney tomorrow morning wouldn’t fix.

  “What are you and Logan doing for Halloween?” Halloween? Yeah. A much less threatening topic.

  She met his gaze. Those silver eyes. The lips that curved up in the corners. A shiver tracked up and down her arms.

  Would she be all right when Mav left for Dallas? Not so sure. “I’m taking him trick or treating around our apartment complex.”

  “Really? What’s he going to be?” Maverick grinned. He held his hands up, palms facing out. “Oh wait. Don’t tell me.”

  She waited, but it didn’t take long.

  He glanced toward the couch, smiling. Crossed arms over that massive chest. “Hmmm…a superhero?”

  Oh that grin! Turned her insides all soft and gooey. “Yeah. A superhero. Like that was hard.”

  Chuckling softly, she wrenched her gaze away from the dimple that peeked out from the stubble lining Mav’s cheeks to check her son. Still sleeping. “He wants to wear his pajamas. I couldn’t talk him out of it.”

  His laugh warmed her belly even more than the hot chocolate she’d scarfed down a few minutes ago. “Smart boy. He has the right idea. Have you heard what the temperature is supposed to be on Halloween night?”

  “That’s all right. Anything’s better than eleven months of consistent almost ninety degree temps. That drains a person.”

  “So finding a cowboy wasn’t the only reason you moved to Texas?”

  “Mercy. Just kick a gal when she’s down, would ya?” He remembered that? She needed to watch her tongue around this man.

  He grinned. “Yeah. I pay attention, contrary to what you might think.” His warm silver gaze, vulnerable and soft, melted her to a puddle on the rug. “Mind if I tag along?”

  “You want to come trick or treating with us?” Just the thought sent daggers of fire through her veins. She wouldn’t need any help staying warm with him by her side.

  “Sure.” His chi
n hitched toward Logan. Expressions flashed across his face rapid fire. Too fast for her to identify, but when he settled on her again…tenderness? “Yeah. I’m kinda good at protection services.”

  Her chest swelled, heart singing. Honestly, she wouldn’t mind the company, and she knew Logan would be thrilled. What would it hurt?

  “Then, yes, I’d love for you to tag along.” And since he was giving up part of his evening for them… “Maybe you’d like to join us for dinner before we go? Combat the candy with something a bit more healthy?”

  One honey colored brow arched. “Dinner and candy? What more could a guy ask for? Count me in.”


  Was she making a mistake? Leading Mav on when there was zero possibility of anything developing between them?

  Summer set the salad bowl on the table and fidgeted with the napkin and silverware at Maverick’s place setting for…what? At least the tenth time. This was ridiculous. What did she care if he didn’t like her apartment? He’d probably only visit her place this one time, and it wasn’t like he planned to stick around Coldwater Ridge. Why was she agonizing over a simple meal and an escort for Halloween?

  Huffing some loose hair away from her face, she slid an oven mitt over her hand and checked the chicken enchilada casserole. The cheese was bubbling, browned to just the right golden tone. The spicy sauce drifted through the kitchen. Mmmm. She switched the oven to warm and closed the door.

  “When’s Mav coming, Mommy?” Logan whined from his vantage spot perched on the couch. His small hand bunched the curtains back, breath fogging the chilly glass.

  She plucked the mitt off her hand and tossed it on the counter. Spared a quick glance at the clock on the fireplace mantle. “Should be any minute now, sweetie. Why don’t you go wash up?”

  “But I wanna see Mav first.”

  “He’s not going to get here any quicker if you’re looking out the window or in the bathroom washing your hands. Now, please go wash up.”


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