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Black Lace [Internet Bonds Series Book 7]

Page 10

by Christy Poff

  "Mister Carrington?"

  "Yes?” he answered, looking at the doctors who joined them.

  They explained everything to Reed then advised him the next two days would be critical.

  "Did you reach her family?"

  "They're on their way in from Merion, I think."

  "If they have any questions, page either one of us."

  "Thank you."

  "I'll keep an eye on her as well."

  "When can I see her?"

  "She's in recovery right now. As soon as we get her into ICU, I'll let you in for a few minutes."

  "Thank you,” Reed said, holding his impatience. He wanted to see her now but the staff had their jobs to do and in no way would Reed do anything to jeopardize his mistress’ life.

  Reed waited until he was alone before he allowed his legs to give up their fragile support. He fell to the couch, shivers running through him.

  He pulled the radio from his pocket.

  "11C to 11L."

  "Go ahead."

  "Call my cell."


  A few moments later and more than likely against hospital policy, Reed answered his cell phone.

  "Reed, what the hell is going on?"

  "Chelsea was beaten. She's in critical condition in recovery."

  "Man, I'm sorry. What can I do?'

  "Can you come over to Jeff? I need to talk to you."

  "I'm off in an hour,” Dan said.

  "Fine, I'm in the surgical lounge waiting for the Strawbridges to get here."

  "Anything you need from here?"

  "My backpack is by the desk."

  "You got it."


  He ended the call in time to hear a commotion out at the desk. He looked up to see an older couple, the man wanting information.

  "My name is Martin Strawbridge. Our daughter..."

  "Mister and Mrs. Strawbridge, my name is Reed Carrington."

  "So you're the reason Chelsea's been a stranger at home."

  "I'm sorry, ma'am. I didn't..."

  "It's good to finally meet you."

  "Same,” Reed agreed. “I hate the circumstances though."

  "Do they know anything yet?” Martin asked.

  "Not yet."

  "What do you think?"


  "Chelsea said you had a run-in with Sommersby's daughter."

  "If you could call it that,” Reed stammered, startled by Strawbridge's straightforwardness.

  "No worry,” he said. “Our daughter told us there had been some trouble and it sounds like you got the upper hand. If I know Jocilynne, she's out for revenge."

  "Sir, I..."

  "Please, it's Martin,” the man said. “If she's the reason my daughter is here then I want her prosecuted. I know Chelsea would never blame you and, if you're worried about us, we agree with her."

  "I don't know what to say."

  "What's been happening?"

  Reed explained everything the doctors told him, Madeline Strawbridge visibly shaken.

  "If you have any questions for either of them, they want you to page them."

  "How long have you been here?” Madeline asked.

  "I came in with her."

  "Then you saw her at the gallery?"

  "Yes, ma'am."


  "I don't think Reed needs to go through it again, Maddie,” Martin said.

  She nodded.

  "From what you've told me, you saved her life."

  "The police got there then called me."

  "But you stayed with her until the medics arrived."

  "Yes, sir."

  "Did she know you were there?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "Good, I'm glad she wasn't alone."

  Reed nodded then sat down, his legs weak again from the images of Chelsea at the gallery, ones he'd never forget. Never before had he ever experienced this sensation but with Chelsea here in the hospital, it had become more evident.

  "I can't lose her,” he whispered.

  "Neither can we."

  Madeline put her arm around Reed, comforting him.

  "She told us about you,” she said. “You've made her very happy."

  "I want to marry her if she'll...” Reed started before breaking down in tears.

  "I'm sure you'll make her very happy,” Martin said. “But first, we have got to get her well again."

  * * * *

  Chelsea finally felt warmth. Her head remained in pain but not like it had before. It hurt to swallow but she couldn't be sure if the reason had to do with the cording used to strangle her or the huge tube in her throat. She noticed a stinging sensation on her left side but the huge feeling of their baby's loss overwhelmed all of it.

  She remembered the joy she'd felt when Judith Hamlin gave her the news. She planned to tell Reed as soon as she saw him but ... Now, she lay in a strange place in pain with things stuck into her. She figured they'd hooked her up to IVs and something to help her breathe. The long tube in her throat made her uncomfortable, her mouth dry. She wished it was Reed's cock instead.


  Images of his gorgeous body restrained and totally aroused only for her helped to ease her trepidations over her situation. As long as she could focus on him, she'd be able to endure anything.

  Suddenly, she felt her chest tighten before convulsions took over. Buzzers went off signaling a problem. She had trouble breathing despite the machine. She couldn't control herself, her body out of control.

  Help me, please...


  * * * *

  "Code blue—recovery. Code blue—recovery."

  Reed looked up, fear overwhelming him.

  Several nurses and another doctor ran by the lounge heading for the recovery room. He went to the hallway, stopping one of the nurses.

  "What's wrong?"

  "We don't know, sir."


  "A woman."

  "Oh, my God,” he said, leaning against the wall. How much more...

  * * * *

  Doctor William Macy entered recovery with two nurses behind him.

  "What do you have, Raines?” he asked.

  "Cardiac arrest."

  "I'll take it from here,” the cardiac specialist said. He ordered several medications, the dosages added to Chelsea's IVs. She stabilized, Macy checking her over again, pleased with her condition.

  "She's a little more stable. Let's get her into ICU where we can monitor her better."

  "Yes, Doctor Macy."

  A few minutes later, Chelsea Strawbridge arrived in the intensive care unit. Macy assigned one nurse to care for her exclusively.

  "Her parents and fiancé are here. They've been told they can see her. Let her fiancé stay with her as long as she's stable. I think he can help her recovery."

  "Yes, Doctor Macy,” she said, noting his instructions on their patient's chart.

  * * * *

  Reed paced while Martin comforted Madeline. He stopped when Dan Wheldon called his name.

  "How is she?” Dan asked, handing Reed's backpack to him.

  "Not good,” Reed answered. “She just went into cardiac."

  "Shit, man, I'm sorry."

  "Dan, I'd like you to meet Martin and Madeline Strawbridge, Chelsea's parents. This is Dan Wheldon, my best friend and lieutenant."

  "Chelsea told us about you. She said you made her feel very welcome with the guys from your shift."

  "She's a gem."

  The Strawbridges left Reed and Dan alone to talk.

  "Do me a favor, call me off shift for the rest of the week."

  "Anyone special?"

  "Wickersham and tell him what's happened. He'll be able to take care of things for me."

  "Should I go to your place and get clothes..."

  "Dan, this is where I say—we've got to talk."

  Reed explained everything to his friend hoping Dan would understand. Dan listened intently, never saying a word which worried Reed. />
  "So you're a rich kid playing firefighter?"

  "No, I'm the same working stiff you've always known but I've got a private life I've kept secret because I want to be taken seriously."

  "And you live in a huge mansion in Fairmount Park?"

  "Yes, you'll see the place when you go up to get my things. Just beware of the cat—he can be standoffish or take to you in an instant."

  "Answer me one question—why?"

  "I grew up wanting to fight fire. I hated the society crap and have shied away from it unless I had to be there and then I hid from the press. I value my friendships with you and the others and found the only way I could do it was by neglecting to tell anyone the truth."


  "Would anyone have taken me seriously if I had told the truth?"

  "True but..."

  "The Manayunk address belongs to a friend of mine from college. He thought it was the only way, too. He tried running EMS and they looked at him as if he had three heads. Now, he's an ER doc in Cheltenham."

  "Wow,” Dan said. “Oh, shit!"


  "What if the Sommersby bitch..."

  "She already has. I figure she's behind Chelsea's attack."

  "I almost suggested her to Nicholson."

  "What did he say?"

  "He said it looked like a personal attack. Nothing taken just the attack on Chelsea..."

  "Damn her!"

  "What are you going to do?"

  "Stay here until Chels is better or she kicks me out."

  "You don't think..."

  "If Lynne did this to her, it's because of me. That means it's my fault. If she chooses to blame me, I'll have to live with it."

  "Damn!” Dan cursed. “Now, I understand why."

  "And it's between us?"

  "You got it."

  "Does this change anything?"

  "Hell, no!"

  "Good, do me another favor."


  "Leave the Jag alone—she's my baby."

  "Not the Chevelle?"

  "She's second. The Jag's the one I drive in—speed's phenomenal, smooth ride, comfort..."

  "Damn, you really did go all out with this..."

  "Yep, and you know something? I'm glad you know. I hated keeping it from you."

  "It pisses me off though."


  "We could have had some great parties at Carrington House—I've seen the floor plans."

  "Well, keep it to yourself."


  Dan left with Reed's house keys and a list of what Reed needed. He planned for several days at least and if he needed to, he could go to Chelsea's place. Thank God she'd given him the key.

  Reed rejoined Chelsea's parents. In silence, they waited for word.

  "Dispatch to 11C, your status?"

  "Off radio and off duty."


  Reed shut the radio off and put it in his backpack. At the moment, the job was the last thing he cared about. Deep in thought, he went over everything again. If Lynne Sommersby had done this to Chelsea—or had been behind it—she'd get away with it thanks to Daddy's lawyers. She'd always remain a looming threat over them unless someone stopped her. Why did I ever get involved with her? Why can't she leave me be?

  His thoughts turned to Chelsea. Will she make it? Will we still have a life together? Will she marry me? God, I can't lose her—not now, not ever!

  Doctor Raines entered the lounge, everyone looking to him for answers.

  "We're moving her to ICU. If you'll follow me..."

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter 7

  Reed waited while Chelsea's parents spent time with their daughter. He stood up when the nurse escorted them out of the room.

  "She's liable to remain like this for a while due to the head trauma and there's really not a great deal you can do for her at this point. We can call you when her condition changes."

  Reed could tell Martin didn't like the subtle way the nurse told them to go home. He wondered what the real story was.

  "Sir, why don't you go to Chelsea's to wait for news? I have to go back to my station and can stay there if you'd prefer."

  "Nonsense on your bunking out. Chelsea wouldn't like it at all,” Martin said, his wife agreeing with him.

  "Thank you, sir, but..."

  "It's settled. We'll see you back at her apartment,” Madeline said, effectively ending the conversation, “or we'll be at home."

  Reed nodded unable to understand what had just occurred.

  As soon as the elevator door closed, the nurse reappeared.

  "The doctor would like you to sit with her for a while. He feels your presence can aid in her recovery."


  "Do you love her?"

  "I do."

  "There's his reasoning."

  "I don't understand,” he told her. “I just want to be with her."

  "I understand and so does the staff.” She motioned toward the door to Chelsea's room and Reed cautiously went inside. He went over to her bedside, pulling a chair over. He took her hand feeling no heat between them, something which terrified him.

  "Chelsea, I'm here and I'll be here when you come back to us. I love you, Mistress."

  He thought he felt a slight pressure on his hand from her index finger but figured he imagined it. He held her hand and talked to her, hoping he'd be able to get through to wherever her mind had fled to.

  Talking to her helped distract him from everything the doctors had Chelsea hooked up to. The one bothering him the most helped her body respirate. He understood everything that had been done but didn't understand why Chelsea needed it in the first place. Why, if this had been done by Lynne, did it have to happen to the woman I love and need? This caused him the most heartache. She'd been so strong for him and now someone's malice had made her so vulnerable. She'd sworn to protect him but their roles had changed, Reed becoming an extremely protective master.

  "I love you, Mistress,” he kept repeating, praying his love would get through to her.

  Reed fell asleep holding her hand, his head on Chelsea's leg.

  * * * *

  Jocilynne Sommersby paced. She then decided she needed more information on Chelsea Strawbridge and her relationship with Reed. No way would a hunk of a guy and hard-headed, more than likely stupid fireman ever get one over on her without payback. It just wouldn't happen.

  Deciding what she would do, she called for one of her father's drivers to bring the limo around to the front of the mansion. She got in then told him to take her into Center City.

  "Leave me off here then drive around,” she directed when he pulled to a stop at a traffic light on Chestnut Street.

  "Yes, ma'am,” he acknowledged.

  She got out, waited for traffic to pass then walked toward Chelsea's on Chestnut, blending in with other pedestrians. Finding an alley, she slipped down it then found the door she sought. She knew the place was alarmed but it didn't matter—she had to get inside. She found the fire escape and climbed the steps until she found an open window.

  Slipping inside the building, she went downstairs to the second floor where the private residence was. Finding the door open, she slipped in then started her search. She began with the desk finding one of Reed's departmental memos with his address on it. So that's where you live...

  Jotting down a Manayunk address on a nearby pad of paper, she ripped the top sheet of paper off and shoved it in her handbag. She looked further seeing nothing before heading to the bedroom.

  The first place she went to was the closet. She could always judge the competition by what they wore. Their taste had never let her down. Throwing open the closet doors, Lynne groaned. The first thing she spied was Reed's uniform. Cursing, she pushed it aside, checking out his clothes and getting ideas.

  She looked over Chelsea's, despising what she saw—a sea of black and black lace. Low-class ... Then she considered Chelsea's lineage and sniffed.

  "He deserves better than you."

  She continued her tour of Chelsea's apartment then left the same way she entered. She knew she had her work cut out for her but she had set her sights on Reed and would have him until she tired of him. Then Miss Lowlife can have what's left.

  On Chestnut, she signaled her driver then directed him to take her to King of Prussia. She needed to go shopping while formulating her plans.

  * * * *

  Deep in the darkness of her mind, Chelsea Strawbridge felt Reed's presence. She couldn't begin to understand what had happened to her, the entire event coming back as a blur.

  She slowly realized she had help breathing thanks to a long hard tube in her throat. She knew what she wished filled her as deep as this thing did and another realization scared her—how bad off am I?

  Chelsea tried to move but couldn't, feeling as if something held her in place. Trying desperately to get someone's attention, she lifted her index finger though it didn't move far because she knew Reed's hand gripped hers.


  She heard Reed's gorgeous voice, relieved.

  "Let me get the doctor for you,” he said.

  She felt the absence of his warmth when the pressure from his hand disappeared. She prayed he wouldn't be gone long.

  "I think she's coming out of it. I swear she moved her index finger."

  "Let me check,” Doctor Macy said.

  Macy checked her vitals, pleased with her progress. He told the nurse to set up a nasal oxygen tube to replace what he removed from her throat.

  "Yes, Doctor."

  "Now, Chelsea, let's ease that tube out of your throat and make you a little more comfortable,” he told her.

  She gasped the moment the end of the tube cleared her lips. Immediately the nurse put the lighter weight tubing on her, Chelsea calming some.

  "Reed?” she whispered.

  Macy looked at him, Reed coming back to her side.


  "I'll leave you two alone,” Macy said. “Call me if you need anything."

  "Thanks, Doc,” Reed said, refusing to take his eyes off Chelsea. Once the door closed, he relaxed.

  "My God, I thought I'd lost you."

  "What happened?"

  "Somebody attacked you."

  "I remember that,” she said, “But here ... How long?"

  "It's Tuesday morning, Mistress. You went through surgery, cardiac arrest..."

  "The baby?"

  "I'm so sorry,” he said, his hand going to her stomach.


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