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Big Girls Don't Die

Page 4

by Crystal Jordan

  I threw my head back. “Andre.”

  My hips arched hard as I tried to press closer. His tongue swirled down between my legs as his lips closed around my clit before he sucked hard on the nub. I screamed, and my hands slipped on the ledge. He caught me before I fell, pulled me back into the water, and held me to his chest as I panted in fear and quivered with passion while my heart ricocheted in my chest.

  He pulled my thighs to straddle his lap and rubbed the tip of his cock against my pussy. I tightened my legs around his waist to seat myself on his dick. My breath hissed out. He was so big, the stretch almost hurt. But, man, it hurt so good.

  His legs flexed as he pumped into me. He went slow, teased me, and tortured me. I sank my fangs deep into his neck. His big body shook as his hips slammed into mine. I sucked at his throat and flicked my tongue against the sensitive flesh.

  “Cynthiana! Je t’aime. Je t’adore, Cynthiana.” His voice was harsh in my ear.

  I released his neck to lick out to his shoulder. “Come for me, Andre.”

  My fangs bit into the muscles of his broad shoulder. He groaned long and loud as he froze against me, then he pounded forward. One, two, three short, hard strokes and he came inside me. He kept moving, kept pumping into me. I jolted when his lips touched my shoulder, kissed, licked, and then his fangs sank into my skin. Lust slammed into me as fire licked at my core. I lifted my knees to press my heels against the small of his back. His hands slid between us to toy with my clit, and I sobbed as I came again. Hard. My pussy milked him, fisted tight over and over. Still he moved, pushing me higher. We shuddered, sank our fangs deeper, drank from each other, cherished each other. Loved.

  Then my eyes rolled back, and the world went black. The last thing I felt was Andre’s arms as he cradled me to his chest.


  “Why can’t I drive my own car?” I folded my arms over my chest as I slumped against the leather upholstery of his limo. The car pulled away from the front of The Creole to maneuver through the crush of cars in the large circular driveway and down the Strip. Aunt Misty lived on the edge of town.

  “Because the mechanic still has to replace the tire.”

  “I could have done that myself.” As soon as I got my hands on a jack and tire iron. But I suspected that he’d instructed the mechanic to take his time so I’d have to spend the evening with him.

  This limo would look great as it pulled up in the trailer park. I dropped my head back against the seat and closed my eyes. Shit, I didn’t want him to see my scary aunt.

  “You are being unreasonable.”

  Maybe, but no way in hell would I admit it to him. Last night had shaken me. Somehow I’d let the man past my defenses, and now I had to deal with how to keep him from taking over my whole world. Somehow.

  “You can pay for it yourself, if it pleases you. I won’t apologize for making a phone call while you slept. I also called and had one of my servants go feed Beelzebub.”

  God, I was such a horrible cat-mommy. I hadn’t even thought about Beelzebub since I got the call from Misty. But Andre had thought of my pet. I opened one eye to look at him. “You’ll let me pay for something?”

  He shrugged. “If it’s what you want. I do have a gift for you, though.”

  “More than this?” I swept a hand down my outfit. I’d found it beside the bed when I woke up. I’m a designer. I know exactly how much these clothes cost, and I squirmed in discomfort.

  Reaching into his breast pocket, he pulled out a long slim box and handed it to me. I flipped open the lid.

  “Oooooh.” An illusion chain held a suspended cluster of sapphires. The jewels gleamed against a bed of white satin. My fingers hesitated before I let them stroke over the stones. I shouldn’t touch it. It was too much. It was sparkly and shiny, and I wanted it. Mine, mine, mine.

  I pulled back. “Andre—”

  “It’s a gift.”

  “I can’t.”

  “I can. It’s a gift.” His gaze held mine steady, and I knew this was important to him. Why, I wasn’t sure, but I couldn’t say no.

  Disappointment flashed in his eyes when I handed the box back to him. “It’s beautiful. Will you help me put it on?”

  He blinked for a moment before a blinding smile spread over his face. Yeah, so this was a win for him. I turned my back to him so he wouldn’t see my own grin. He slipped the necklace around my neck, the metal cool against my skin. He dropped a kiss to the side of my neck. “Compliments of the owner.”

  I froze as shock twisted through me. This, this was why I had so much trouble dealing with him. The possessive, I’m always right attitude. “I don’t have an owner.”

  His hands closed over my shoulders to spin me around. “Cynthiana, look at me. I’m half-black. You know when I was born. My father was also my master. If anyone knows that slavery is wrong, it’s me.”

  “And still, you make decisions for me. As if I don’t have the mental capacity to make the right choice for myself. As if you owned me. Would you like a list of examples?” I shoved his hands away.

  The look on his face was priceless. It was half pissed-off man and half bitch-slapped, naughty little boy.

  He winced and glanced away. “You’re right. I…have no excuses.”

  “Okay.” Did he actually apologize? That was what it sounded like, and I must be insane.

  “I’m sorry, cherie. For all of it.” He sat back against the seat and turned to look out the window as the lights of the Strip gave way to the streetlamps of residential neighborhoods.

  I shifted, uncomfortable with the awkward silence. Time to change the subject. “How—how long have you been in the hotel business?”

  “About a century. I bought my first in France. My father sent me there after I was turned.”

  “Why hotels?”

  He shrugged. “An opportunity presented itself, and I took it. I was better at it than I could ever have imagined. C’est la vie.”

  “How many do you own?” Okay, so I was curious about how a man like Andre became…well, a man like Andre. This stuff doesn’t come up on the first date.

  “I have The Creole in Vegas, one in Atlantic City, and a third in the works for Monte Carlo. The rest are resorts in the Caribbean, Europe and Australia.”

  “I see.” Wow. I knew he was wealthy, but…damn. The necklace shifted against my skin as I took a deep breath. I laid a hand over the chain.

  He cleared his throat. “What happened to your cousin?”

  I grinned. Looked as if I wasn’t the only one who needed a subject change. “She was in a car accident. She’s fine. Her mother overreacted.”

  “Mothers can do that. Is she all right then?”

  I nodded. “I just want to see her before I leave. Since I’m in town.”

  “You’re close to her? How old is she?”

  The grin spread wider over my face. “Desiree—Desi is ten going on forty. She’s a great kid.”

  My smile slid away as I thought of the life she had to grow up in. God, it just sucked.

  “What’s wrong, cherie?”

  Reality burned me, and it hurt to even admit this. I tried not to think about it, ever. “I—Before you turned me, her mom wanted to let me adopt her. But…well…not now. Because I’m a vampire.”

  “Her mother is irresponsible?”

  To put it mildly. “Yes.”

  He sighed and squeezed his eyes shut. “Then I have more to apologize for than I knew. This is why you were so angry with me? Not just turning you, but what my actions denied you?”

  “That sums it up nicely, yeah.”

  Pain flashed in his gaze, and he spread his hands. “It doesn’t help, but I am truly sorry.”

  Shrugging, I looked down at my lap. The anger at him slid away. Yes, he was pushy. Yes, I had a right to be angry. But in the end Misty being Misty wasn’t h
is fault. “How could you know?”

  “I hurt you.” His voice was tortured.

  I reached out and grabbed his hand. “Andre…” But what could I say? It wasn’t all right. Not for Desi, not for any of us. “I forgive you.”

  His fingers closed around mine, and I saw a million questions run through his eyes. His thumb ran down my palm and made me shiver with a need that wouldn’t quit.

  “How bad is it for your cousin? Bad enough that the state may take her away? Could you get custody then?” Those questions from him weren’t what I expected.

  “Please. What judge in his right mind would give a human child to a vampire? They think we all suck.” I pasted a look of feigned surprise on my face. “Oh, wait. Guess what? They’re right.”

  He snorted. “I can try to help.”

  “No. Please. I think I should ask Michael to help.”

  “Your brother?”

  “Yeah, he’s a lawyer. He’ll know what to do.”

  I could almost hear his jaw grind that I would ask someone before him. He released a deep breath and lifted his fingers to slide them through my hair. “Whatever you think is best.”

  Holy shit. Blow me over with a sneeze here. “Who are you, and what have you done with my Andre?”

  “I trust you to make the right decision.”

  My mouth flapped open, but nothing came out. My chest tightened at his words. Whoa.

  His lips pursed, which just brought his fangs into view. “I can change. I have a choice in this, n’est pas? I want you that much.”

  Still I just sat there while my heart pounded. Say something, Cyn! Say anything!

  He hummed in the back of his throat. “Your Andre. I’m glad to see you catching up, cherie.”

  I slapped his chest, laughing. “You are so—”

  Dipping forward to kiss me, he cut off what I intended to say. Not that I minded because, right now, I couldn’t really remember anything but how good his lips felt on mine. He licked his way into my mouth, and I bit his tongue lightly. The kiss heated as we fought for control of it, became desperate as I panted against his lips.

  His fingers lifted to stroke across my cheek, and some sweet emotion I couldn’t name spun inside me. Damn, but I craved this man more than my next breath. The thought would have freaked me out yesterday, but at the moment it just felt…right. A shiver went through me. I didn’t want to examine my feelings too closely, so I distracted myself. With Andre.

  Reaching between his thighs, I slid my fingernail up the inside seam of his slacks until I could cup my hand around his cock through the fabric. His groan vibrated against my lips. Breaking the kiss, he threw his head back against the seat. “Cynthiana, I…”

  “Yes, Andre?” My voice came out a low purr, and I let an evil grin curl my lips. I unfastened his belt and slid down his zipper, dipping my hand into his pants. My fingers curled around the hot velvet of his hard flesh, pulling his dick free. Rotating my palm over the head of his cock had him locking his jaw and gritting out a low groan.

  He swallowed and for the first time ever I watched the big vampire struggle for coherency. Power flooded my veins, and heat throbbed in its wake. I loved that I could do this to him. I doubted many could, and the thought made my smile widen. My sex was so hot and wet, I was going to scream if he didn’t touch me soon. His hand covered mine, guiding my hand up and down the long shaft. “How long do we have until we reach your aunt’s home?”

  “Ten minutes.” I glanced out the window to see where we were. “Maybe fifteen.”

  “I’ll take it.” His fingers bit into my hips as he hauled me onto his lap, parting my legs so I straddled his muscular thighs. He jerked my skirt up to my waist. Though he’d thought to get me new clothing for today, he’d forgotten underwear. His fingertips stroked deep between my legs, honing in on my clit. Then again, maybe he hadn’t forgotten anything. Bracing my hands on his broad shoulders, I closed my eyes and rolled my hips to increase the stimulation. “Andre, hurry. I want you inside me. Right now.”

  “Anything for you.” He pulled his hand away and replaced it with his cock. He nudged at my entrance, but I wasn’t willing to have any kind of delay. Now meant now. Relaxing the muscles in my legs, I enveloped him in one downward push.

  Goose bumps shivered over my flesh, and I arched into him. He lifted his pelvis to meet me halfway. Our movements were harsh, urgent. I couldn’t get enough of him. I needed this connection—even if I struggled to deny any other connection I might have with him. Our lungs bellowed, a harsh rasp of sound in the quiet interior of the limo. He filled me over and over again, faster and faster.

  “More.” My voice erupted, a rough demand, every part of me screaming for the satisfaction only he had ever given me. “Andre.”

  “Oui,” he groaned, his palms cupping my ass as he worked me harder. “Je t’aime.”

  He moved a hand inward until he could swirl a finger around my anus, and I froze with his cock buried deep inside me, shuddering when he pressed into my ass. Shock made my breath catch. A little smile kicked up the corner of his full lips. He rubbed his finger against the head of his cock through the thin wall that separated the two. I bit back a scream. Jesus Christ, no one had ever done something like this to me. It was fucking amazing. My hips bucked, moving myself on his thrusting cock, his long finger. I moaned when he added another digit, stretching me. Heat rocketed through my body, and I sobbed for air. Oh, my God. Oh. My. God.

  Clenching my inner muscles around his hard cock, I made him groan. “Merde, Cynthiana.”

  My fingers tightened on his shoulders, and my pussy tightened on his dick. Spasms built in waves, pleasure thrumming through me with every movement. I skated on the very edge of ecstasy with each stroke of his cock, each thrust of his fingers into my ass. A low scream ripped from my throat, and my hips twisted. “I’m going to…going to…”

  “Come,” he ordered, and I obeyed. I had to. I couldn’t stop myself. My head fell back as my pussy fisted on his long dick. Orgasm dragged me under until I knew I was going to die. He arched beneath me, slamming his cock inside me again and again until he froze. His come jetted into me, filling me.

  His green eyes softened as he looked at me, something tender and worshipful in their depths. He held me close as I came apart in his arms. Tears slid down my cheeks as that same sweet emotion wrenched inside me.

  Never let it end. That was all I could think. Please, God. Never, ever let this end.

  Chapter Four

  “Cyn!” Misty slurred my name so that it sounded like shin. She stumbled off the rotted, saggy plywood porch that stood outside her crappy trailer. God, it looked even worse than the last time I’d been here. “And who’s this?”

  She smiled at Andre and bent forward to give him a clear shot of her cleavage.

  Oh. My. Sweet. Jesus. He gave me penthouse suite Valentine romance, and I gave him white trash wedding.

  “This is Andre.” I smoothed a hand over my skirt to make it wasn’t hiked up around my waist still. We’d cleaned up in the car after our dirty little sexfest, but this was so not the way to enjoy orgasmic afterglow.

  He nodded to my aunt. “Madame.”

  Her grin widened as she took in his limo and expensive suit. Her hair was limp and dirty, and her nose was red and raw. She twitched and sniffled constantly.

  I swallowed, but grinned as wide as I could at him and laid a hand on his chest. “You don’t have to come in. I just want to check on Desi.”

  What I wanted was to get my little cousin the hell out of this shit hole, but that wouldn’t happen. I took a deep breath and nearly gagged on the stink of this place. Ragged weeds grew everywhere, and I was pretty sure there were landmines of dog poo hiding in the yard.

  His voice was low enough so that only I could hear while he offered an impersonal smile to Misty. “Nonsense. I won’t leave you here alone.”
r />   “She’s my aunt. Nothing bad will happen.”

  “And she’ll pull you up when you fall through the floor?”

  Good point. I’m about three times my aunt’s height and twice her weight. No way in hell could she help me up. Then again, I have a vampire’s strength now, I could get up by myself. But…I wanted him with me. “Fine.”

  His hand settled warm on the small of my back, and even that simple touch made tingles shoot up my spine. “After you, cherie.”

  I lead the way into the double-wide. The steps groaned under Andre’s weight as he came up behind me. If I was a big girl, he was a huge man. The only man I knew even close to his size was Michael.

  “Cyn, I totally thought that was you!” Desi launched herself at me as soon as I cleared the front door.

  I hugged her tightly to reassure myself that she was okay. God, I’d been so damn scared. A huge weight lifted from my chest, and tears of relief pressed hard against my eyelids. I took a shuddering breath. Then I held her at arm’s length so I could look at her, make certain she really was okay.

  She had a black eye that I hoped to God was from the crash. My heart squeezed to see it. Other than that, she looked fine. Her curly mop of black hair and café au lait skin set off her Trent-blue eyes. Michael, Misty and I had the same eyes.

  No one knows who Desi’s dad was. Not even Misty. Probably one of her johns on his sloppy thirds.

  Desi looked a lot like what I imagined Andre and my babies would look like. Not that I wanted to bear his undead offspring. Of course not.

  Okay, maybe a little.

  Could vampires even have children? I’d never asked anyone before because I was so freaked about the bride of Satan thing. I made a mental note to ask Andre or Candy, but Desi was talking a mile a minute, so I focused on her. Her sentences were peppered with dude, like, totally, whatever, and as if. I was a little worried that she picked up some of those speech patterns from me. But whatever.

  Her eyes popped wide when she peeked around me and saw Andre. I tensed. Shit. To someone as teensy as Desi, Andre would be a big, scary motherfucker. The long fangs wouldn’t help at all.


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