For the Thrill of It
Page 56
case of Communist Labor Party, 183
case of Edward Hettinger, 188–89
case of Emma Simpson, 190–92
case of Eugene Debs, 177–78
case of Eugene Prendergast, 167–68, 170–72
case of the Haymarket prisoners, 169–70
case of McNamara brothers, 180–82
case of Mont Tennes, 182
case of Oscar DePriest, 182–83
case of Russell Pethick, 185–88
case of Thomas Kidd, 178–79
case of WFM officials, 179–80
as champion of weak and defenseless, 176
characterization of Leopold and Loeb murder, 3
in Cook County Criminal Court, 183–84
critics of, 173
cross-examination of state’s psychiatrists, 348–52, 355–57
Crowe’s cross-examination of psychiatrists and, 314–15
Crowe’s enmity toward, 161, 165
death of, 447
defense of anarchists, communists, and antiwar protesters, 183
defense of Fred Lundin, 161, 221–24
defense team in Leopold and Loeb case, 240–41, 289
as determinist, 161, 175, 184–85, 195–96, 374–76
fame of, 172, 176, 178, 180, 246, 379, 422–24
fees in Leopold and Loeb case, 238, 269, 410
guilty plea for Leopold and Loeb, 282–88
habeas corpus presented for Leopold and Loeb, 230, 231–32
Haymarket bombing case, 170, 175–76
hearing on mitigation of punishment for Leopold and Loeb, 291–304
hired by Leopold and Loeb families, 143–45, 161, 196
humanitarianism of, 186
indictment against Leopold and Loeb, 232–44
influence of Altgeld’s determinism on, 174–75
insanity defense, 189–92, 269–70, 277, 278
on judicial system, 170
jury tampering scandal, 182
Leopold and Loeb enter plea, 239–42
loopholes in legal code and, 171–72, 173
loss of renown, 180–82
mental derangement (diminished capacity) as defense, 185–89
mitigation of punishment in Leopold and Loeb case, 280–304
motions considered in Leopold and Loeb case, 277–78
motive for taking Leopold and Loeb case, 196
move to Chicago, 166, 168
opposition to death penalty, 170, 173–74, 376–78, 404, 422–23
Orson Welles plays in Compulsion, 450–51
partner in Darrow, Sissman, Holly, and Carlin, 182
personality and character, 168
philosophy of crime and punishment, 161, 165, 174–75, 183–88, 192–96, 245, 250–51
plan for defense of Leopold and Loeb, 256, 267–68, 269–70, 276–79
politics, centrist, 183
politics, radical and progressive, 168–69, 179, 182, 424
on practicing law, 165–66
press and, 272, 289
on public opinion in Leopold and Loeb, 237–38, 323
public speaking/oration of, 168, 176, 223, 376–78
questioning of William Healy, 315–18
radio broadcast of Leopold and Loeb trial opposed, 276
scientism and, 192–96, 245
scientists for the defense, 245–68
Scopes trial, 423–24
summation at court hearing, 357, 369–79
threats during Leopold and Loeb case, 398
verdict in Leopold and Loeb case, 400
wealth of Leopold and Loeb families and, 234, 237, 268
writings and publications, 192–93, 194
Darrow, Jessie, 168, 178
Darrow, Paul, 168
Darrow, Ruby, 143–44, 178, 292, 410
Darrow, Sissman, Holly, and Carlin, 182
Dartmouth College, 4
Darwin, Charles, 192
Darwinism, 257
Scopes trial and evolution, 423–24
Davies, Gertrude, 249
Davis, Edwin, 220
Davis, H. I., 188
Day, James, 430–32
death penalty
age as mitigating factor, 361–63, 402–3, 412
arguments against, 173–74
case against Carl Wanderer, 213–14
case of Eugene Prendergast, 167–68, 170–72
case against Thomas Fitzgerald, 199, 201
case against Walter Krauser and Bernard Grant, 359–62, 413–14
Cook County list of men executed, 363, 372
Crowe as proponent for, 197, 213–14, 372, 388–89
Crowe seeks in Leopold and Loeb case, 161, 233–34, 235, 238, 243, 287–88, 290, 358–59, 371–72, 388–89, 417–18
Darrow’s campaign against, 422–23
Darrow’s opposition to, 170, 173–74, 189, 376–78, 404, 422–23
as deterrent, 216, 417–18
diminished-capacity defense, 186–88
executions in Cook County jail, 169, 201
guilty plea and, 372
hanging as means of, 167, 169
Haymarket bombing case, 169
Hoyne seeks in Pethick case, 186
Illinois law on, 358
Judge Caverly and, 240
juveniles executed, 362–63
mitigating factors, 361–63, 391
public demand for, Leopold and Loeb case, 319–23, 392–93
sanity necessary for execution, 296–97, 396–97
Debs, Eugene, 177–78, 379
Degnan, Suzanne, 436
Democratic Party (Chicago), 6
Chicago Daily Journal and, 218, 464
Darrow and, 168
Denby, Edwin C., 55
Deneen, Charles, 204, 219
DePriest, Oscar, 182–83
Detective Story Magazine, 71
determinism, 161, 174–75, 184–85, 195–96, 216, 374–76
Detroit Free Press, 413
Deutsch, Armand, 78
Dever, William, 15, 140, 219–20
Devoorde, Philip Van, 19
Dew Drop Inn (Leopold and Loeb stop at), 84–85, 133
Dewey, John, 36
DeYoung, Frederic Robert, 18, 240
Dick, Paul, 251
Dickens, Charles, 34
Dix, Dorothea, 257
Doherty, Jim, 425
Dolginoff, Stephen, 451
Donkar, Ed, 255
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, ix Douglas School, 30–31, 309
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 35
Drake, Glenn, 24
Duffy, Tom (Red), 425
Dunham, Charles, 274–75
Durand, James, 341
Eagle Harbor (Michigan), 29
Eagle River (Michigan), 29
Eckstein, Frederick, 20
Edfeldt, David, 232, 282
Edgewater Beach Hotel, 391–92, 399
813 (Leblanc), 35
Emory, Elwood, 24
endocrinology, 194, 247–51
adrenal glands, 248–49
endocrine glands and mental health, 249–51
interstitial sex glands, 249
Jones metabolimeter, 251–52
Leopold’s pineal gland, 253–54, 331, 334
Loeb’s low metabolism, 251, 254
pancreatic glands, 249
pineal gland, 248, 331, 334–38
pituitary gland, 248, 331, 345
plethysmorgraph, 252
testing of Leopold and Loeb, 251–56, 328–34, 335–38
thymus gland, 249
thyroid gland, 248, 249, 331
Victor X-ray machine, 252, 336–38
Englund, Sven, 77–78, 91–93, 127–30, 233
Enright, Maurice (Mossy), 295
Errico, Thomas, 363
Erselen, F. C., 275
Ettelson, Samuel, 6–10, 12–15, 17–18, 240
evolution, 423–24
Ewing Avenue police station, 105
drop from Leopold�
��s clothes, 87
found at crime scene, 11, 12, 13, 25–26, 87, 103, 104, 105, 118, 119, 233
Leopold questioned about, 110–11, 112, 113–15
linked to Leopold, 131
Fabre, Jean-Henri, 195
Fennessy, Mike, 207
Ferry, Asa, 275
First Principles (Spencer), 192
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 321, 449
Fitzgerald, Thomas, 197–201, 206, 209, 372
Fitzmorris, Charles, 217–18
Ford, Henry, 55
Foreman, Gerhart (Leopold’s maternal grandfather), 30
Francis Parker School, 33
Franks, Bobby. See also murder of Bobby Franks
body discovered, 10–12, 96
cause of death, 11, 12, 234
collection of poems in his memory, 4
discoloration on body, 11, 12, 17, 86
Ellis Avenue as site of abduction, 19, 23
funeral service, 24–25
at Harvard School, 4, 5, 102
home (Ellis Avenue), 4, 6, 12, 24, 81, 393–94
identification of body, 13–14
kidnapping of, 4–26, 81–83, 85
as Loeb’s second cousin, 81, 83, 102, 142, 157
personality, 5
police protection of family, 21
reward offered by family, 20
sexual abuse alleged, 380–83
threats against family of, 21
victim by chance, 81–83, 157
Franks, Flora, 4, 6, 7, 13, 14, 17, 24–25, 89, 290, 394, 405
Franks, Jack, 4
Franks, Jacob, 4, 5–6, 7, 12, 21, 89
appearance, 240
on Caverly decision to allow psychiatric evidence, 307
in court, 240, 290, 306–7
court testimony, 290–91
ransom payment, 13–14, 95–97, 100
sale of home, 393–94
statement after Leopold and Loeb confessions, 138
testimony before grand jury, 233
threats during Leopold and Loeb case, 393–94
verdict in Leopold and Loeb case and, 404–5
wealth of, 6, 16
Franks, Jacob, Jr., 4–5, 6, 17
Franks, Josephine, 4, 6, 21
Freud, Sigmund, 265, 420–21
Gaensslen, Bessie, 417–18
Geary, Eugene, 295–99, 396
General Managers’ Association, 177, 178
George, Henry, 169
Gertz, Elmer
attorney for Leopold’s parole hearings, 439–43
lawsuit against movie Compulsion, 445–46
Gibbs, Charles, 301
Gill, John B., 171
Glenn, Otis, 18
Glueck, Bernard, 262–64, 265, 420
psychiatric examination of Leopold and Loeb, 263–64
testimony, 306, 323–27
Goettge, Frank, 55
Goldstein, Alvin, 101–2, 103, 120, 463
Gore, Edward, 320
Gorman, Al, 207
Gortland, James, 111
Grand Jury proceedings, Leopold and Loeb case, 232–35
foreman of jury, 235
recommends no bail, 237
Grant, Bernard, 359–62, 413–14
Grant, Mary, 414
Great Northern Railroad, 177
Greshan, Edwin, 13, 14, 120, 291, 399–400
Grimm, Herman, 35
Groesbeck, Alex, 55
Grogan, Bernard (Barney), 208–9
Guenther, George, 212
Guggenheimer, Untermyer, & Marshall law firm, 418
habeas corpus for Leopold and Loeb, 118, 120, 128, 143, 151, 230, 231–32
Hall, James Whitney, 214, 253, 270, 278
Halldorson, P. J., 273
Hamilton, Patrick, 449–50
Hancock (Michigan), 29
Hansen, Mary, 167
Harding, Warren, 209, 218
Harris, Adele, 139
Harris, Samuel, 79, 139
Harrison, Carter, 166–68
Hart, Pearl, 275
Hartman, Irving, 19, 21
Hartnett, Charles (Gabby), 395
Harvard School, Chicago, 32–33, 34, 78, 99
Bobby Franks at, 4, 5, 102
boys targeted by Leopold and Loeb, 68, 78–81
gray Winton automobile at, 19
Leopold attends, 32–33
Leopold takes boys birding, 105
Putthammer at, 107
search for Bobby Franks and, 6–7
teachers questioned, 16–18
Harvard University, 26, 105–6
Haymarket bombing case, 169–70, 175–76
Haywood, William (Big Bill), 180, 181
Healey, Charles, 183
Healy, William, 260–62, 265, 374, 420
psychiatric examination of Leopold and Loeb, 261–62
testimony in court hearing, 305
Hearst, William Randolph, 463
Hegewisch police station, 12
Heirens, William, 436
Heredia, José Maria de, 73
Herndon, William, 67
Hessville, 146, 147, 149
Heth, Lloyd, 214
Hettinger, Edward, 188–89
Hickson, William, 214, 253
Hirsch, Emil, 139
History of French Literature from the Earliest times to the Great War, A (Dargan and Nitze), 73
Hitchcock, Alfred, 450
Hoffman, Frederick, 235
Hoffman, Peter, 239–42, 244, 282, 290, 397–98, 399
Hohley, Louise, 230, 231
Holgate, Thomas, 275
Hopkins, Jacob, 277
Hotel LaSalle, Chicago, 111–12
Hoyne, Maclay, 182, 186, 208
Hubinger, Albert, 142
Hughes, Michael, 8, 129, 132, 136, 141, 145, 146–47, 155, 233–34, 399
Hulbert, Harold, 246–56, 374
psychiatric examination of Leopold and Loeb, 251–56
report, 312, 345–46, 354, 384, 385, 387
testimony in court hearing, 327–34
threats against, 398
Hunt, Bernard, 90
Hyde Lake, 68–69, 113
Hyde Park State Bank, 65–66, 67
Igoe, Michael, 208–9
Illinois Central Railroad, 155
Illinois Northern Hospital for the Insane, 155, 192, 392
indictment against Leopold and Loeb, 232–44
defense table, 240–41
eleven counts, murder charge, 234
prosecution table, 240
sixteen counts, kidnapping charge, 235
spectators at hearings, 239–40
Individual Delinquent, The (Healy), 261, 305
Insanity and the Law: A Treatise on Forensic Psychiatry (Krohn and Singer), 153, 355–57, 366, 367, 368
insanity defense
admission of responsibility by Leopold and Loeb, 158–61
case of Carl Wanderer, 212–13, 214
case of Edward Hettinger, 189
case of Emma Simpson, 190–92
case of Eugene Geary, 295–99, 396–97
case of Eugene Prendergast, 167–68
case of Frank Lowhone, 300–302
case of Warren Lincoln, 271
Crowe investigation of, 271–72
Crowe moves to block use in Leopold and Loeb case, 151–61, 236
Darrow rejects in Leopold and Loeb case, 278
Darrow’s use of, 189–92
Illinois law and, 154, 270, 284, 294–95
McNaughten rule, 154
Stanford White murder and, 268–69
temporary insanity in Leopold and Loeb case, 154
William Alanson White and concept of insanity, 266–67
intelligence tests, 262
International Association of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers, 181
I Ragionamenti (Aretino), 125–26
Jacobs, Walter, 141
Jarecki, Edmund, 237
Jeffrey, Bert, 24
Jewish Dail
y News, 419
Jewish People’s Institute, 221
Johnson, Frank, 109–10, 111, 142
Johnson, Jack, 241–42
Joliet Prison, 184, 189, 407, 427
Leopold and Loeb incarcerated in, 426–28
Leopold and Loeb sent to, 403, 406–9
warden, 408
Jones, Horry, 335
Jones metabolimeter, 251–52, 335–36
Kansas City Post, 411
Kaub, Arthur, 319–20
Kemp, James, 97, 101–2
Kenna, Michael (Hinky Dink), 208
Kidd, Thomas, 179
Kipke, Harry, 56
Klon, Joe, 20
Knowles, Victor, 439
Korff, Paul, 11–12, 25, 115
Kramer’s Restaurant, 74
Krauser, Walter, 359–62
Krohn, William, 152–53, 349, 355, 366, 420
interview of Leopold and Loeb, 156–61, 350
testimony in court hearing, 339, 367
Krum, Morrow, 146, 148–49
Ku Klux Klan, 322–23
labor movement Darrow as attorney for, 166, 176, 179–82
Darrow defends Debs, 177–78
Darrow defends McNamara brothers, 180–82
Darrow defends Thomas Kidd, 179
Darrow defends WFM officials, 179–80
shuns Darrow, 182
Lake Michigan and Lake Superior Transportation Company, 30
Laune, Ferris, 429–30
Lawes, Lewis, 422
Lawson, Victor, 463
Leblanc, Maurice, 35
Lejeune, John Archer, 55
Leopold, Babette (grandmother), 30
Leopold, Florence (mother), 29, 30, 31, 47
Leopold, Michael (brother), 110–11, 143, 230, 306, 399, 437
Leopold, Nathan
activities after the murder, 89–90, 98–99
admission of responsibility for crime, 158–61
alcohol use, 58
alibi, 116–17, 119, 127–28
appearance, 29, 50, 280–81
arrest, 26
atheism, 138, 148, 341
attends Dargan lecture, day of murder, 72–74
attitude during questioning, 114, 117
autobiography of, 465
blood washed from car, 91–93
Bowman-Hulbert examination of, 246–56
boys targeted by, 78–81
braggadocio of, 52
breakfast while in custody, 145
called Babe, 50, 139, 145, 149
car of, red Willys-Knight, 56, 65, 75–78, 89–90, 127–28, 129, 233
car rental for murder, 65–68, 74, 76–78, 291
celebrity of, 395–96, 407
confession of, 133–34, 145, 146–47, 161, 235–36, 270
in Cook County jail, 228, 232, 247, 288, 340–41, 394–96, 405
in court, behavior, 240–41, 306, 332, 333
death of, 447
death of mother, effect of, 47
detectives bring in for questioning, 108, 109–11
disposal of body, 84–87