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Negligee Behavior

Page 12

by Shelli Stevens

  He took a deep breath, braced his hands on the desk and faced Sebastian.

  “If you weren’t my friend I’d be knocking you out cold, instead of trying to rationalize with you.” Sebastian folded his arms across his chest. “You are out of line, Marco.”

  The anger that had lowered back down to a simmer, flared right back up.

  “Yeah? Well, why don’t you tell me what the hell were you doing hitting on her?”

  “Hitting on her? I wasn’t hitting on her. We were having a bit of a chat.”

  “Bullshit. You couldn’t take your eyes off of her—”

  “Because she looks amazing, Marco. And I’ll wager you didn’t even take the opportunity to tell her that.”

  The words died in his mouth and his jaw hung slack. What could he say? She did look amazing. He just resented like hell that other men were noticing it.

  “I was treating Brandy like I treat every woman, mate. I’m a bit of a flirt. It’s common knowledge.”

  “You were whispering in her ear. That goes beyond your usual level of flirting.”

  Awareness dawned in Sebastian’s eyes followed by amusement.

  “Ah, I see.” He nodded. “You know I could be a nice bloke and tell you what exactly I was whispering into her ear, but I don’t think I will. You’re being a complete ass and deserve to fester in your jealousy.”

  Son of a bitch. Marco ground his teeth together and fisted his hands.

  “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you? What this is doing to me?”

  “You’re doing this to yourself, mate. Nothing is any different from yesterday except for what Brandy’s wearing.” Sebastian turned and headed for the door.

  “And be warned–if I hear you refer to her as a two-dollar whore again, I will hit you next time. She’s a nice lass, Marco, and you’d better treat her as such.”

  Sebastian gave him one last pissed off look, and then left the office.

  Damn. Marco spun the chair around and stared out the window. He’d completely lost it. With Brandy and with Sebastian. And over the stupid fact that she’d put on new clothes and gotten her hair cut.

  Closing his eyes, he shook his head. He should apologize, but he’d probably get within an inch of her and kiss her senseless.

  He thrust a hand through his hair and groaned. Getting through this night was going to be hell.

  “He hates it.” Brandy rushed behind the counter up front and grabbed a cocktail napkin to dab her eyes.

  Val came up beside her and gently turned her away from the customer side of the bar.

  “You don’t want the customers to see you cry.”

  “Thank you.” Brandy sniffled. At least someone was still thinking like a professional.

  She’d completely lost it. Thank God she’d managed to stay somewhat composed when she was in the office with Marco.

  “He doesn’t hate your outfit, kid.”

  “Yes, he does.” Brandy gave a watery laugh and looked over at her. “And why do you keep calling me kid? I’ll be thirty the day after tomorrow.”

  “Wow, really?” Val’s eyebrows rose. “You’re younger than I thought. See, I told you it was the cat shirt.”

  Younger than she thought? Dear God, was it really that bad? “Well, apparently I should have kept the cat shirt. Marco won’t even let me work tonight.”

  “He has no choice. He’s hard up for waiting staff, and you’re not dressed any differently than me.”

  “Yeah.” She sniffled. “And I told him that.”

  “Oh, I gotcha. Is that when he called you a two-dollar hooker?”

  Her shoulders quaked as she dragged in a quick breath. “H-he called me a whore, not a hooker.”

  “Same thing.” Val laughed. “Hey, kid, look at me.”

  Brandy looked to the left, not wanting to see the other woman’s amusement.

  “No, no, look at me. I want you to understand something.” Val grabbed her chin, turning her back until their eyes were level. “What just happened in the office is a good thing.”

  Brandy shook her head. “I’m sorry, how could any of that have been a good thing? I did this whole makeover so he’d like me more, not less.” She shut her eyes and curled her fingers until her nails bit into the palms. “I just can’t get the whore comment out of my head.”

  “Okay, yeah, the whore line was a bit much. And he did go a little caveman on you for a few minutes. But do you realize why?”

  “Because maybe I do look like a whore?” She opened her eyes.

  “Don’t you say that. Don’t you ever say that. You look like me.” Val grinned and then winked. “Sure, it’s a little sexier than you’re used to, but around here you fit right in.”

  “Then why was he so mean to me?”

  “Because he likes you. And he liked you even before you had the makeover.”

  “No.” Brandy’s pulse slowed and then sped back up to double-time. “Do you think so?”

  “Of course. That’s why he flipped out on you. He liked you before, when you weren’t flaunting your goods to the world. But now that you threw on some clothes that say ‘hey I’m sexy’, he knows other men are going to figure out what he saw before you changed.”

  Brandy shook her head, but some of what Val said actually made sense. Though she still wasn’t one hundred percent convinced he liked her before or after the makeover.

  “So what do I do?”

  “Just go to work as usual and know that you look totally hot. And then at the end of the night you reap the rewards in tips.”

  It sounded simple enough. “Okay. I can do that. I hope.”

  “You can. And be prepared for men to flirt, because they’re gonna be on you like flies to honey.” Val gave her a teasing frown. “Just don’t take all my tips.”

  “I won’t. I promise.” Brandy sniffled again, a little less shaky now, and dabbed her eye one last time. “Thanks, Val. I needed that.”

  “Good.” Val patted her shoulder and turned back toward the floor.


  Pausing, Val turned back around and lifted an eyebrow. Brandy hurried over to her.

  “But what do I do about Marco?”

  Val gave a slow smile. “Let him come after you—and he will. But don’t let him off the hook too easy. The man did call you a slut.”


  “Right. And be sure to flirt with other men. That’ll really get his boxers in a knot.”

  “Oh…” Brandy’s cheeks warmed. The image of Marco in boxers, with no shirt on flitted through her head. Not that she’d ever seen him in such a state, but the idea of it was quite…sexy.

  “Ahh, look at that, I see where your mind went. You dirty girl.” Val grinned and nudged her in the ribs. “Yeah, you two are perfect for each other. I gotta get out on the floor. Those people are beer guzzling, nacho addicts.”

  “Okay, thanks, Val. I’ll be out in a minute.” She pressed her hands against her cheeks and took a deep breath.

  The door to the kitchen swung open and Sebastian strode out. His gaze immediately sought hers and then he came over to her.

  “How are you doing, luv?”

  “I’m fine.” She gave him a less wan smile. “Thank you, Sebastian. Is he still…?”

  “Being an ass? Very much so. But he’ll get over it.” He winked. “Are you okay to work tonight?”

  “Okay? What do you mean?”

  “If you’re too upset, I completely understand—”

  “No, not at all. Val had a nice little chat with me, and I feel much better.”

  “Male jealousy is the equivalent to PMS in my opinion. So just go about your business until his cycle passes.”

  Brandy burst into laughter and pressed a hand against her belly.

  “You’re a funny guy, Sebastian. Why are you single again?”

  Her words coincided with Marco coming up front again. His jaw hardened and he turned right around and returned to the kitchen.

  Sebastian followed her stare. “Ah, t
he man has terrible timing.”

  Sebastian was right about Marcos’s timing. She never flirted, and he’d caught her doing it twice with Sebastian now. But the man was practically a professional flirt. A woman got in his presence and couldn’t help herself. It certainly didn’t mean anything. Sebastian didn’t make her blood heat the way Marco did.

  Sebastian turned back to the counter where a customer waited. “All right, luv, time to get to work. If you need a few minutes, please feel free to take them.”

  Maybe she should take this time to call her parents. She had yet to even check in with them. And if Gordon contacted them first they’d probably flip out. Her phone, where was it? She looked back at the office and groaned. Oh right. Back with him.

  Taking a deep breath, she pushed through the double doors and walked back toward the office. She kept her head held high and her stomach sucked in—she still wasn’t quite used to how tight the new clothes were.

  She pressed her lips together and tiptoed inside. Maybe she could grab her purse without alerting him to her presence. Kneeling down, she slipped her hand into the straps and lifted it onto her shoulder.

  “If you insist on flirting, could you not do it with Sebastian?”

  Crap. He hadn’t even turned around. Damn. Her reflection was glaringly obvious in the window.

  “I wasn’t—”

  “I should have been clearer about the rules we have at Dante’s. We don’t encourage dating amongst the employees.”

  Seriously? He was seriously going to throw that at her? She braced her hands on her hips and glared at his back.

  “Oh really? It sure didn’t seem to matter to you last night when you were feeling me up in the parking lot.”

  “Yes. About that.” He turned around, his expression cool and unreadable. “A mistake. It won’t happen again.”

  Ouch. She tried not to visibly react, even as she wondered how could he sound so calm about what had happened between them? Stare at her like they’d never even met.

  This was absolutely ridiculous. Ever since the makeover she’d felt a little different. A little more confident and daring. With the conversation with Valerie still fresh in her mind, she lifted her chin and decided to gamble.


  He blinked, obviously shocked. “I’m sorry?”

  “I’m calling bullshit on you.” She stepped forward and jammed a finger into his chest.


  “Bullshit on everything.” She took a deep breath and plunged on before she lost her nerve. “You don’t think I look like a whore, you think I look hot. And it pisses you off.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Now hold on—”

  “And you know what else pisses you off?” she went on, gaining more confidence. “The idea that other men are going to be hitting on me tonight.”


  “So here’s the deal, buddy.” She slid her finger up his chest and then placed it against his lips. “Either step up to the plate or accept the fact that others will.”

  Before he could respond– not that he could with his jaw hanging open–she turned and left the office with her purse in hand.

  Her heart pounded double-time, and she hoped to God she hadn’t just made a major mistake.

  She started to head outside, to call her parents real quick, when Sebastian waved to her from across the bar.

  “What’s up?” she called out, heading towards him.

  “I lied. We’re about to get slammed. I know I said feel free to take a few minutes, but can you start now?”

  The phone call would have to wait. She slid her cell back into her purse and nodded.

  “No problem. Let me just drop my purse in the back room again and I’ll be right out.”

  She took in a deep breath, wishing she didn’t have to go face Marco so soon. She’d wanted to leave him to stew in those parting words.

  Tiptoeing back through the kitchen she peeked around the door, saw Marco’s back was to her, and tossed her purse on the floor and ran back to the front.

  Chapter Eight

  True to Valerie’s prediction, Brandy was indeed popular. The realization came not even an hour into her shift, and Brandy had already made fifty bucks in tips.

  “How about another beer, cutie?”

  Already on her way back to the bar, she stopped and smiled at the customer leaning against one of the pool tables.

  “A lager?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “You got it.” She grinned and resumed her trip to the bar.

  Sebastian was busy serving up a customer, but she squeezed her way in and set down her tray.

  “I need a lager and two Cosmos.”

  “Sure thing, luv.”

  “Thanks.” She put her hand on her hip.

  The place had slowed a little, but still held a few dozen people. Not bad for a Sunday night, she assumed.

  “How are you doing out there?”

  She turned back to Sebastian and smiled. “I’m doing great. Although my feet are starting to hurt a little.”

  Sebastian leaned forward to peek over the counter at her feet. “I do not envy you in those heels, luv. Though they look mighty sexy on you if I do say so myself.”

  “You’re good for my confidence, but stop flirting and make my drinks,” she said and gave him a big grin.

  “Is that so?” He lifted an eyebrow as he started mixing the drinks. “Have you seen Marco since…”

  “No. I think he’s keeping his distance. I told him he needed to step up to the plate.”

  “Step up to the plate?”

  She wrinkled her nose. “It’s a baseball term. Don’t you watch baseball?”

  “Can’t stand the stuff. I only watch football—ours, not that thing you Americans call football.”

  “Soccer?” She rolled her eyes. “You’re going to have to convert, buddy. You’ve been in America how long?”

  “Five years.” His smile dimmed some.

  “What brought you over here again?”

  “My wife. Well, she’s in the process of becoming my ex-wife,” he said, and she didn’t miss the way his jaw tightened. “In any case. I’m here now.”

  Nice job pushing him into that emotional minefield, Brandy. She cleared her throat and tried to backpedal from an obviously sore subject.

  “Well, Sebastian, if I didn’t want to sleep with Marco so bad, I’d probably do you.”

  Her attempt at shocking him worked. He threw back his head and laughed.

  “Thanks, I needed that.” He set the beer and the Cosmos on the tray.

  “Me too.” She grinned and took the tray from him. “Thank you.”

  “Behave out there, luv.”

  “I can’t make that promise, but thanks for trying.” She winked and turned away.

  Her stride back onto the crowded floor had a confidence-induced swing. She could feel her butt doing that ultra sexy swish she’d always seen on other women, but never noticed on herself.

  She did enjoy this. Allowing herself to loosen up a little and explore this new part of her.

  After dropping off the Cosmos to a couple of rowdy twenty-something women, and collecting money and tips, she headed back to the pool table to drop off the beer.

  “Well thank you, cutie.” The middle-aged man took the beer from her and handed her a twenty. “If I tell you to keep the change will you give me a kiss?”

  He had several friends sitting around him, all who laughed and poked each other at his comment. Obviously the man was trying to be impressive with his buddies.

  “Well, I can’t show customer favoritism, can I?”

  The group of men laughed harder and the customer pushed the money back into her hand and shook his head with a sheepish smile.

  “You keep the change. You earned it. What’s your name anyway? Are you new?”

  “Brandy. And yes, I’m new. Enjoy yourselves, boys.” She spun away, congratulating herself on earning her biggest tip of the night so far.
  The next two hours passed in a blur, and her stack of tips grew steadily thicker.

  By last call her eyelids felt as if there were dumbbells attached to them, and her feet were swollen around the strap of her heels. She was relieved when the last customer left a short while later. She lifted one leg and jerked off the heel, rubbing the arch of her foot.

  “The price of looking sexy.” Val sat down across from her and started counting her tips. “The longer you wear them though, the easier it gets.”

  Brandy winced and glared down at the offensive shoe. There was no way that vicious heel was going back on her foot tonight.

  Thank God Val had helped her pick out some comfortable clothing to just relax in during the off-hours. Because flip-flops and those pink sweats sounded positively orgasmic right now.

  “So Brandy, where you staying tonight?” Val asked, rubber banding her wad of cash together.

  Wasn’t that the question of the hour? Ignoring the sinking of her stomach, Brandy glanced towards the kitchen. Marco had remained back there most of the night. No doubt avoiding her. Way to step up.

  “The past couple of nights I’ve stayed with Marco.” She sighed and set her foot back down on the floor. “But it’s probably time for me to just check into a hotel.”

  “Nah. Don’t check into a hotel. Come crash at my place. Slasher pretty much lives there now, but he’ll stay out of your way.”

  Brandy’s hand fluttered to her throat. “Slasher?”

  “My boyfriend. His real name is Stan, but he gets all pissy when you call him that.”

  “Oh right. The great sex guy who inspired you to call in sick to work.”

  “That’d be Slasher.” Her smile turned wistful. “The man could fuck his way out of murder rap.”

  “Oh. He sounds like…quite a fucker.” She giggled and rubbed her foot harder. “I think I’m going to have to wait tables on my knees tomorrow.”

  Val grinned. “Well, men do love a woman on her knees.”

  “Who’s on their knees?”

  Brandy looked up and found Marco crossing the empty floor towards them.

  “Brandy’s going to be tomorrow.” Val stood up and stuffed her tips into her purse. “Or maybe tonight if you get back on her good side. Running to the bathroom, be back in a few.”


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