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Pirates of the Storm (Stranded In Time Book 1)

Page 11

by Fletcher Best

  “GENTLEMEN!” Captain Jamison’s voice boomed out. “Whilst you do not see eye to eye…”

  “Fuck ye, Jamison, it’s yer fault I be lacking me eye!” Craig retorted.

  “My apologies, Captain Craig, I did not mean to offend and as always, I do regret the Panama incident. I simply meant although there is disagreement, the raid was still successful. John, we did bring back a good profit despite the fact that the methods were distasteful.”

  “Aye,” Coxen agreed, somewhat calmer.

  “And James, you and your men are all returning able-bodied, thanks in no small part to John and the fighting abilities of his men.”

  “Aye,” Captain Craig acknowledged.

  “So, will you two call a truce and agree to continue with this partnership?” Jamison asked.

  “Aye,” the warring Captains replied reluctantly.

  “Good, then shall we all return to our ships and prepare to sail for Diente Malo?”

  “Aye,” the other two Captains agreed.

  Jeff and the others on the ship relaxed and returned their long guns to the storage locker. Shortly thereafter they greeted Captain Coxen and the other members of the raiding party from the Wandering Wench. Coxen was still muttering under his breath as he brushed past the crew and headed to his cabin. The men set to work unloading the spoils of the raid from the longboats. As Jamison had said, it looked to be a pretty good haul to Jeff. Along with casks of rum, there were boxes and sacks of jewelry, fine silver, some gold coins and even a few bars of silver and gold. If the other two crews were unloading similar items to their respective ships, the raid had apparently been pretty successful.

  Even so, the Captain had seemed quite upset and Jeff was curious to know what had transpired. So, after the cargo was stored, he made his way to the Captain’s cabin and knocked lightly on the door. “Enter, Mr. Greene!”

  Jeff opened the door and stepped in, “How did you know it was me?”

  “None of the others would be so bold as to bother me when I am in such a mood.”

  “I’m sorry, Captain. I’ll leave.”

  “Don’t be silly, Mr. Greene. Do come in. Would you care for some rum?”

  “No thank you, Captain, I just came to find out what happened on the raid.”

  “What happened is that Craig and his crew have not a sensible mind between them. After we overcame the sentries, they ran amok on the settlers. While our crew and Jamison’s were raiding the treasury and the Governor’s residence, they set about pillaging the settler’s homes, raping the women, killing the men and setting everything afire. This is exactly the mindless barbarism we spoke of that drives the settlers to join in the fight against us rather than simply locking themselves in their homes and waiting for us to take what we want and leave. While Jamison is right that we did have a successful raid this time, I fear that our work may be cut out for us in the future. Craig is young and foolish and he is going to cost us men and profits. He is simply bad for business and after Diente Malo, I think it will be time to take our leave of the Grand Booty and her crew.”

  “I’m sorry, did you say Grand Booty?” Jeff asked, snickering.

  “Aye, Craig’s ship. Why is that amusing to you, Mr. Greene?”

  “Well, in my time, ‘booty’ is a term used to refer to the butt, or… arse, I guess as you would say.”

  The Captain’s mood suddenly shifted and he let out a hearty laugh. “So, what you are saying is that in your time, the name of Craig’s ship would translate roughly to ‘Large Arse’?”

  “That’s what I’m saying,” Jeff said breaking into a full laugh himself.

  “A fitting name for Captain Craig’s command!” Coxen blurted out through bursts of laughter. The two laughed together for a few moments before regaining their composure. “Thank you, Mr. Greene for lightening my mood. But now I must ask you to take your leave so we may both get some sleep. We sail at dawn for Diente Malo and with any luck we’ll be able to reach the settlement within two days and conclude our business with Captain Craig very soon.”

  “Good night, Captain,” Jeff said as he stood up and walked to the door.

  “Oh, and Mr. Greene, do practice your sword play as much as possible before we reach Diente Malo.”

  “Expecting trouble, Captain?”

  “No, not really. I was just thinking that there would not be much else requiring your attention and you can’t be too well-prepared.”

  “Of course,” Jeff nodded. “Sleep well, Captain.”

  “And you, Mr. Greene.”

  Jeff made his way to the crew quarters. Most of the crew there, including Robinson, were already asleep in their bunks and Jeff slipped into his as quietly as possible. Although Coxen had tried to dismiss it as nothing more than being prepared, Jeff could not help but be concerned with the Captain’s advice to practice his swordsmanship. He couldn’t help but feel that the Captain was expecting trouble and that he might be called upon to use his sword in a kill or be killed situation. While he had realized the risks to himself when he chose to join Coxen’s crew, the reality was only now hitting him that he might have to kill someone, and possibly several someones in the very near future. Though he was bone tired, this thought kept him awake for some time before he finally drifted off into a fitful sleep.

  The next day, Jeff awoke before dawn and made his way to the galley for a quick breakfast to fuel himself for his sword practice. Jenny prepared him a plate of food and, after checking the entry to the galley to make sure she was not seen, gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Jeff ate quickly at the galley table as several other members of the crew filed through for breakfast, so there was little time for conversation with Jenny. When he finished his meal, she was still occupied with serving the others, so he simply waved as he departed. As he stepped out on deck, the Captain was just relieving Crabtree at the wheel. The first mate looked exhausted as he trudged past Jeff toward the crew quarters to grab a few hours of sleep. Jeff followed him below deck and retrieved his sword as the big man collapsed into his bunk and started snoring almost immediately.

  As Jeff headed back out on the deck, Harrison was waiting for him. “The Captain wishes me to continue yer trainin’, Mr. Greene. Are ye ready to proceed?”

  “Yes,” Jeff nodded.

  “Very good, defend yerself!” Harrison yelled as he drew his sword and charged. Jeff surprised himself at how quickly he drew his own sword and was able to ward off the attack. For several minutes, Jeff was able to hold Harrison at bay. “Hold!” Harrison finally shouted out as he stepped back and lowered his sword. “A fine defense, Mr. Greene! Now we must work on yer offense.” For the next hour, Harrison drilled Jeff on various slicing and thrusting maneuvers before calling a break. “Take a few minutes to capture yer breath, Mr. Greene. Ye have earned it. When ye are rested, ye shall have some sparring matches to apply what ye have learned.” Jeff nodded breathlessly and plopped down on the deck.

  Though he was tired, he was pleased with the progress he was making. Harrison disappeared below deck and shortly returned with a couple of thick sticks that were approximately the same length as Jeff’s sword. “The best way to learn be to fight full-out. Ye can’t do that with a blade. So, here be yer sword for the sparring,” Harrison explained holding one of the sticks out. Jeff stood up and took the stick from Harrison. “Now, ye shall be fighting as if this be for yer life. Full swings, full thrusts. I be doin’ the same as will the others ye spar with. Protect yerself at all times and continue the fight until I say ‘hold’. Ready?”

  Jeff raised his stick in a defensive posture and nodded. “Ready.”

  Jeff’s initial sparring session with Harrison went reasonably well at first, but eventually the experienced swordsman got the better of him and delivered a stinging blow to Jeff’s sword arm. “Ye just lost yer arm, Mr. Greene,” Harrison commented, “Catch your breath and I’ll find ye a new opponent.” A few minutes later, Jeff was engaged in battle with the other Stevens. This match went better for Jeff and he ulti
mately was victorious when he lunged forward and thrust his stick into the other Stevens’ gut. Harrison nodded his approval and called a break while he selected the next opponent. After a few hours and several opponents, Jeff was bruised all over from strikes and thrusts he had absorbed to multiple areas of his body. Overall though, he had fared pretty well for a beginner. He had lost 6 matches, won 8 and had managed a draw in his last match with Pike when both men were so evenly matched that they both were gasping for breath when Harrison finally ended the duel.

  Harrison relieved Jeff of his practice sword and congratulated him. “Not bad, Mr. Greene. Get yerself some food and drink and collect yerself. We shall continue after ye have eaten.” Jeff wearily made his way to the galley where Robinson was waiting for him with a plate of food and an already cut-open coconut to drink.

  “I hear you have acquitted yourself well, Mr. Greene. Eat well now, for if I know Harrison, the rest of your day will only get harder.” Jeff smiled weakly and took a seat at the table. He was exhausted and sore all over, but the food tasted good and he was just happy to have a rest. Several other members of the crew filed in and out for lunch, some of whom had been Jeff’s sparring opponents. Each man looked at him with respect and some offered words of encouragement, but Jeff was too tired to really respond.

  Shortly after Jeff finished eating, Harrison ducked his head into the galley. “Ready to resume yer practice?” he asked.

  “Sure, why not?” Jeff replied as he dragged himself to his feet. He looked over at Jenny and she winked at him as he trudged out.

  Out on deck, Harrison handed Jeff his practice sword. “Ye look tired, Mr. Greene. Be ye able to continue?”

  “I’m not sure…”

  “Wait here, I have something that will help,” Harrison said as he turned and headed below deck. A moment later, he returned with a handful of leaves. “Chew these thoroughly but do not swallow them.” Jeff took the leaves and stuck them in his mouth. The flavor was neither pleasant nor unpleasant, but after a minute or so his mouth started to feel slightly numb. After a few minutes he felt somewhat more energetic. Harrison could see the effects on Jeff’s face. “That be better?” he asked.

  “Yes. Is this coca?” Jeff asked, basing his question on his knowledge of herbal medicines.

  “Aye, that’s what they called it in Panama. Now, spit out the leaves and prepare to defend yerself.”

  Jeff walked to the rail and spit the leaves out over the side. As he turned around, Harrison was already attacking and he thrust his stick into Jeff’s midsection. “Ooof!” was all that Jeff could say as he doubled over in pain. “Remember, Mr. Greene, defend yerself at all times. When ye be ready, raise yer sword and we begin again.” A minute or so later, Jeff felt like he could breathe again and he raised his sword. This time, he was ready for Harrison’s attack and he was able to hold off the master swordsman for well over a minute before Harrison called a halt. “Excellent work, Mr. Greene. Ye now are as good as any man on this crew in a fair fight. Now, collect your breath and wits. It be time fer an unfair fight!”

  Harrison turned and went below deck, returning momentarily with two more sticks. “Mr. Graves! Mr. Pike! Would ye do the honors of introducing Mr. Greene to an unfair fight?” The two men approached and each took a practice sword.

  “Two against one?” Jeff asked tiredly.

  “Aye. Raise yer sword when ye be ready,” Harrison nodded. Jeff took a deep breath and raised his practice sword. Graves and Pike raised their swords and began to circle him. The two men suddenly converged on him and although Jeff successfully blocked Graves’ attack, Pike’s wooden sword landed a painful blow on his lower back. “Hold!” Harrison yelled. Jeff winced with pain as he rubbed his back.

  “Mr. Greene, when ye have more than one opponent, ye cannot wait fer them to advance on ye. Ye must advance on them! Observe…” Harrison gestured for Jeff to step aside as he stepped between Graves and Pike. “Gentlemen, attack at will.” The two men raised their practice swords, but before either one could attack, Harrison moved quickly at Graves, knocking his practice sword from his hands and then spinning to intercept Pike’s attack. Graves scrambled to collect his sword as Harrison parried a slice from Pike and then kicked his legs from under him. As Pike landed flat on his back on the deck, Harrison once again turned towards Graves who had just picked up his practice sword. Before Graves could move to block it, Harrison landed a thrust with the end of his stick hitting Graves in the gut. As Graves doubled over and crumpled to the deck. Harrison charged at Pike who had just regained his feet. Before Pike could raise his weapon, Harrison smacked him in the side of his sword arm. “As ye can see, Mr. Greene, ye can fight two, but ye must take the fight to them. If ye give them the opportunity to time the attack, they shall quickly defeat ye.” Jeff nodded in understanding.

  Harrison turned his attention to Graves and Pike, “Gentlemen, can ye continue?” “Aye,” Both men muttered, still stinging from their wounds. “Good. And ye, Mr. Greene?”

  “I’m ready.”

  “Fight!” Jeff raised his practice sword and quickly advanced on Pike who was the closest to him. As he and Pike’s sticks collided in front of them, Jeff could hear Graves’ footsteps fast approaching him from behind. Jeff shoved Pike backwards as he spun around to meet Graves’ attack. Graves had his sword overhead for a downward slice, but Jeff simply side-stepped as he struck his practice sword across Graves’ abdomen. Graves’ momentum carried him forward and he collided with Pike. Before the two men could untangle themselves, Jeff moved forward and knocked Pike’s stick from his hand and held the end of his own to Pike’s throat. Just then, a firm blow from Harrison’s stick slapped against Jeff’s buttocks.

  “Hold!” Harrison yelled out, standing behind Jeff. Jeff rubbed his stinging buttocks as he glared at Harrison.

  “What the hell was that?”

  “I told ye, Mr. Greene, this be an unfair fight! I also told ye not to let yer guard down until I called the contest over. Always stay sharp to what be happenin’ around ye.” Jeff was still angry, but he realized that Harrison had just taught him a very valuable lesson. “Ye should be proud, Mr. Greene. Ye have done well. I fer one be proud to fight at yer side!”

  “Aye,” Graves nodded in agreement.

  “As be I,” Pike acknowledged.

  Jeff’s training continued for the next few hours with various other crewmen and in various scenarios. By the time the sun was beginning to set, he was thoroughly exhausted and was bruised, and sore to the point he could barely move. “Ye have learned well, Mr. Greene!” Harrison said, “Would ye like some more o’ me salve to soothe yer pains?”

  Jeff thought about it for a moment, weighing the smell to pain relief ratio the salve presented. But he realized that if he was to be able to even move, let alone fight if need be anytime in the next week, he’d better take every advantage available. “Yes, Mr. Harrison, I would appreciate your salve.”

  Harrison had anticipated this response and handed Jeff the canister. “Use what ye need and return the rest to me on the morrow.”

  “Thank you,” Jeff replied, steeling himself for the smell as he pulled off the lid.

  “We’ll continue yer practice at dawn,” Harrison said as he turned to depart. The pungent odor of the salve was already making Jeff slightly nauseous, but he dipped his hand in the canister and began smearing it on his bruised and swollen body. Once again, the salve started working its magic and Jeff’s pain started to fade. He closed up the canister and stowed it beneath his bunk before heading to the galley for some food.

  “No!” yelled Jenny before he even made it through the galley door. “Be off with you and your foul stench! I shall bring you your dinner out on deck. Or, better yet, I’ll find someone else to bring it to you. Begone!” Jeff could tell she was not joking, so he quickly turned around and headed back out on deck.

  A short time later, Harrison delivered a bowl of food and a coconut to Jeff along with a message. “Mr. Robinson wished me to tell ye t
hat ye be not welcome in the galley nor elsewise in his presence whilst wearing me salve.”

  “I guessed that,” Jeff nodded.

  “Eat well, Mr. Greene, ye be needin’ yer strength fer the morrow,” Harrison said as he turned and walked away.

  Jeff had not realized how hungry he was until he took the first bite of food. Though the smell of the salve was not exactly beneficial to his appetite, the exertion of the day combined with the tastiness of Jenny’s meal had him gulping down his dinner. By the time he finished eating, the salve had taken full effect and Jeff was amazed by the fact that not only was the pain and soreness mostly gone, but even the bruises and swelling had gone down significantly. If the opportunity presented itself, he would have to find out what the ingredients of the salve were. If he could figure out a way to overcome the odor issue, he realized he could make a fortune on the stuff if he ever made it back home.

  Jeff laid back on the deck and looked up at the sky. It was now getting dark and the stars were beginning to come out. The idea of going home was starting to feel like a pipe dream. When he decided to go along with Coxen and his crew, his initial thinking was that he’d have a better chance of finding the right kind of storm to transport him back to his time. But the words of the old men back in Port Royal were starting to sink in. The chances of him ever getting home were slim at best. All he could do is try to make the best life possible here in this time and hope that maybe he’d get lucky someday and find a way…

  Splash! His thoughts were rudely interrupted as the salt water hit him full in the face. Jeff sat up, sputtering and wiping the stinging water from his eyes. Splash! He was hit again, as Jenny emptied the second bucket of water on him. “What the hell!” he cried out. Jenny laughed, “Just making you fit for company, Mr. Greene. I had to do something to rid you of that horrid stench!” Jenny took a long deep breath through her nose. “Better, but I think another couple of buckets are in order…” “Wait, don’t bother. I’ve got a better idea,” Jeff said, scrambling to his feet. He walked around the deck with Jenny following him at a distance with some curiosity.


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