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The Interview

Page 5

by Alice Ward

  He pulled me even closer, and I felt my bra slacken beneath my blouse. The sensation sent shockwaves through my nipples as the padded fabric grazed the sensitive flesh, causing me to jolt ungracefully against him. He grinned against my mouth.

  Fingers danced beneath my top, tapping up my belly, and plunged beneath the forgiving underwire. A moan rose in my throat as his nails lightly scratched my peaking nipples, and I couldn’t stop my hips from rolling of their own accord. He responded by tickling my lower lip with his tongue. Through my lashes, I spied a pleased smile where my mouth had just been.

  He was so smug.

  I was so horny.

  Desperate to hold on to the last thread of restraint I possessed, I pulled back. He didn’t pursue me, letting his hands fall from my breasts into his lap, but he trailed the same nails that had been stroking my nipples seconds before along the edge of my skirt where hem met thigh. I shuddered and closed my eyes. What were those lightning bolts he was shooting up my leg?

  “Fuck it,” I gasped and threw myself onto him again.



  “Why, Juliet, you have quite the foul mouth.”

  She bit down on my tongue. “Just kiss me, Romeo.”

  I growled and reciprocated in kind with her tongue. “Like hell am I Romeo.”

  “Then, this doesn’t make much sense, does it?” Her question was more of a panting breath than actual words.

  My dick was throbbing and ready to detonate despite having given it absolutely zero attention. The feeling of her radiant skin against my searching palms was as euphoric as any orgasm I’d ever experienced, and I was starving for more.

  “All right.” I sounded like a feral beast. “I’ll be Romeo tonight.”

  The last time I’d slept with someone on a whim, I’d been about five years younger and twice as impulsive. But I couldn’t help myself. All night, I had battled the demon of lust threatening to burst through my pants and ravage this unique find of a woman, and now that I had my hands on her, there was no stopping it.

  The truth was I genuinely liked her. She was someone I considered to be above the smash-and-dash encounter, and I knew in the recesses of my mind I probably should put an end to things before they got any more heated if I wanted to pursue something.

  What I wasn’t sure about was if I actually wanted to pursue anything more. I didn’t go out of my way to date, just like I’d told her, and I was especially apprehensive about it now that the entire country knew my face.

  I did know I wanted to taste her, to breathe her in, to take her hard.

  Grabbing her by the waist, I threw her back onto the couch and hovered over her. Every pore on her body seemed to ooze that floral aroma I’d already come to crave, and I had to know if she tasted as beautiful as she smelled.

  I seized her skirt by the waistband and yanked down. There was a pop of protest as the zipper on the side burst in two, but the sound just made me harder. Shimmying the fabric down the length of her legs, I was hyper-focused on the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and the only thing separating me from it now was a simple pair of black cotton panties.

  Sadie squirmed beneath me, helping me wriggle her free from the confines of the skirt, and I noticed tiny chill bumps rising on her now exposed thighs. They called out to me, tempting me, so I dropped my mouth to the place just above her knee and stroked my tongue over the tiny dots. The moan that spilled from her lips was almost inhuman, and it crept between the denim weave of my jeans to give my cock a squeeze. Moving up, I lapped at her until I reached the only clothed area on her lower half. The heady scent of her overlapped her perfume.

  “Ahhh.” I took in a long, slow, deep breath. She looked down at me through hooded eyes. “I can already smell how much your pussy wants me.”

  She crinkled her nose, an adorable gesture. “I hate that word.”

  “Pussy?” She nodded. I hooked two fingers into either side of her panties and started worming them down. “Oh, Juliet, you surprise me. ‘What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.’” Her jaw slackened, and I heard a thin stream of air whistle through her teeth. “And you do smell so sweet.”

  Another moan rippled from her tongue, and the blood in my cock surged. I’d always admired the power contained in words, but to witness the power my words — and Shakespeare’s — had over her was a euphoric experience unlike any I’d ever had.

  With her panties off, her most intimate of areas was bared to me, but I wasn’t finished revealing her yet. “Lift your arms,” I commanded. She did as bidden, and I slipped her blouse off. Her bra, already unhooked, rested limply atop her breasts, and I tore it from her arms without hesitation. “Now, I can see you.”

  And see her, I did.

  She was beautiful. Perfect, really. Two swells of delicious flesh peaked with pale nipples, the tips of which were already studded in her arousal, and a delicate curvature sweeping into feminine hips begging to be gripped. At the center of it all was the Holy Land, a pink, petaled pussy with swollen lips already glistening with moisture.

  I was ravenous.

  Settling between her legs, I swirled my tongue around the creases of her thighs without venturing inward. Sadie mewed like a kitten and lifted her rear to silently plead for more. I pushed her back down with the heel of my hand, shaking my head. “So eager, Miss Capulet. Hath your father failed to teach the etiquette of patience?”

  “My father’s a surgeon from Connecticut. He taught me to handle emergencies with a cool head.”

  “Methinks you were a poor student then.” I flicked the tip of my tongue over her hooded clit, eliciting a whimper from her. “Your level head appears somewhat off-kilter.”

  She was about to say something, but I stroked the flat of my tongue up her slit, not stopping until her clit was between my teeth. She groaned, her hands fisting in my hair. Watching her breasts swelling and deflating with every course of my tongue, her craving breath was a visual aphrodisiac, and I found myself tracing shapes around her folds and clit just to watch her pant.

  Something about her was far superior to any partner I’d ever had, though I was unable to pinpoint what it was because I cared very little about my own pleasure and instead was desperate to witness hers. Each rattling gasp that passed between her lips was a shot of adrenaline. Every shudder down her spine was like a stroke to my cock. Even the hues of crimson passing over her cheeks were visceral praise for my efforts. And perhaps most rewarding of all, the shine in her eyes and leap in her pulse as I played the part of Romeo hardened me to granite, and I threw myself into the roleplay without reservation.

  “I will be punished for indulging in your sweetness, dear Juliet.” My lips barely moved as I spoke against her inner thigh, but the impromptu grind in her hips told me she’d heard clearly. “We are not fated to be together, yet I cannot stay away, and I willingly drown myself in sin for a taste of your love.”

  Her panting hitched, though I detected a hint of amusement on her mouth similar to that which I’d seen when we sat across from each other in the pizzeria. “Romeo never said that.”

  “No.” My voice was little more than a growl. I pinned my eyes to hers, poised myself barely an inch above her pussy, and licked my lips. “I’m saying it.”

  Lowering my head, I feasted, plunging my tongue into her with a desperate need to taste every inch I could reach. She cried out, body thrashing at my sudden assault, but I held her down, nowhere close to sated.

  Her entire body from ass to shoulders curved as gracefully as the St. Louis Arch, and she let out a plaintive moan that filled the room as thoroughly as the oxygen we breathed. Her flavor was, indeed, as sweet as I’d told her. Cherries. Ripe, juicy, delectable black cherries. I stroked my tongue along every ridge and swallowed every drop of arousal, already craving more.

  “God, ungh, please, oh, god.” The stream of words pouring from Sadie was hardly intelligible, but I was more turned on by it than if she’d cried
out a coherent request. Her submission to the sensations was submission to me. She was mine to pleasure, mine to tease, mine to torture until her body and mind were both ready to implode.

  Replacing my tongue with a finger, then two, I turned my hand until I felt the rough patch of nerves directly behind her pubic bone. She gasped, arched again, and I began to stroke, driving her toward a climax I hoped would rock her world.

  Her clit had swollen, peeking out from the hood, needing attention. Lowering my head, I licked a swirl pattern across its surface. Her hips bucked. I grinned and switched to a zigzag, and with my free hand, reached up to mirror the motion with my fingernail across her nipple. Her moans grew louder, and she rolled her hips almost as if she was pulling away from my penetrating hand, but I refused to let her escape. Instead, I increased the pressure on her sweet spot. Her eyes rolled back in her head, and her thighs tensed on either side of me.

  “Oh, no,” I chided, slowing my movements. “It’s not time for your poison yet.”

  She hissed, actually hissed like a pissed off cat, rocking her hips to increase my speed again. I couldn’t hold back my chuckle.

  “She is a vengeful one, this Juliet, yes?” She hissed a second time, and I shook my head to antagonize her. With her need shining in her eyes, she slammed her hips down, absorbing my fingers entirely. I pulled away, withdrawing from her completely. “You will learn patience, Miss Capulet, if I must spend the rest of my days teaching you.”

  “Please!” she implored, her desperation evident.

  I didn’t respond. Instead, I took her by the hips and thrust against her. Though my pants were still on, I could feel her wetness through the fabric dampening my hungry cock. I wanted to play with her further, to drive her deeper into the chasms of insanity, but I was beginning to lose my own self-control.

  Unbuttoning my jeans, I shoved them down to my knees along with my underwear. Sadie’s eyes widened as my dick sprang free, and I pulled my wallet from my pocket, retrieving a condom. My hands shook as I rolled the bastard on.

  It was so tempting to take her bare, to feel her skin on skin. And the desire to do so didn’t go unnoticed. I’d never had sex without a condom. I’d never felt the risk worth the reward with any woman before.

  But I wanted that with Sadie. Wanted it with the woman I barely knew.


  The word was soft now, and I watched her face as I slid my cock through her wet folds, teasing the nerves I’d abused with my tongue.

  “Do you want this?” I asked her. Although her body language said yes, I wanted to hear it from her.

  There was no hesitation. “Yes.”

  I crossed her threshold with a vicious thrust, and my breath was stolen as I was enveloped by her tight body. Sadie, too, was rendered noiseless in the sudden joining, and we simply gazed at each other in awe for a fraction of a second before our senses were returned to us in spades.

  Simultaneously, moans clawed from our throats and mingled together as I started moving, pumping my hips, feeling her tight pussy muscles clamp down around me like a fist. She reached over her head and scrabbled her fingers over the cushion in search of something to grab onto, but her efforts were fruitless, and the only thing she managed to do was tear her hair free from its messy twist and fist large clumps of her tresses.

  “What the fuck is it about you?”

  I didn’t mean to ask the question. I didn’t even know I thought the question. It just spewed from my mouth before I could stop it. But once it was out there, I genuinely wanted an answer. What was it about her? Why did she make me react this way? I was so attracted to her that I would’ve easily believed she’d put me under a love spell if she told me so, and yet, even as I drilled myself deeper and deeper inside her, I still craved to know the person beneath the theater critic. That had never happened to me before. Women were either sexual companions or friends. I’d never wanted both in the same person. I’d never wanted more.

  My head rolled back as I rotated my pelvis to glide across every surface inside her, and the cry she let out was an auditory seduction. Sensual and pleasing, but urgent and needy. I slowed my movement, in awe of this connection, not wanting it to end.

  She didn’t want slow.

  She lunged upward and clutched my waist, railing me into her with more force than I’d used thus far. I was so startled by her aggression that I lost the balance I kept on my knees and dropped forward, catching myself only inches before crushing her into the couch cushions. Eye to eye, nose to nose, I gazed down at her, and then I thrust again as I crushed my lips to hers.

  Her moan swelled inside my mouth, and I swallowed, greedily accepting anything she wanted to give. She twisted and twirled her tongue around mine in a dance of impending climax. Soft fingers stroked the nape of my neck before sharp nails raked across my flesh, and she tore her face away from mine to keen her pleasure freely.

  She was so beautiful, her face twisted in the beautiful agony of oncoming climax, and I stared at her as I continued slamming my hips to hers, transfixed by the sheer beauty in her euphoric need. Even with her eyes closed and her mouth open, I could still see flashes of her traits coming through. The sarcastic smile she’d worn several times throughout the night was hidden under her gasps. The discerning gazes she’d cast me lingered on the tips of her lashes. The questions she’d asked and taunts she’d vaulted mingled in the guttural moans careening from her diaphragm. She was there, the woman I’d first met in my dressing room, but she was stripped bare both literally and figuratively, and I was taking all of her.

  That realization was enough to grip me by the balls and demand my release. I straightened to look down on Sadie’s writhing form, pressed the heel of my hand to her clit, rocking it up and down to give her that last push.

  “Drink your poison, Juliet.” I increased the pressure I was applying. “It’s time to die.”

  She didn’t die. She flew. She unraveled. It was like I could see every cell in her body separating from the others as she melted, and the explosion that took her waited just long enough for me to see her fall before claiming me too.

  Lights popped behind my eyes, and I was forced down on top of her again. She trembled violently, her voice a siren’s moan in my ear. I was awash in pleasure. Every nerve I possessed was on fire, electrocuted, drowning, suffocating… and I never wanted it to end.

  I returned to normalcy before Sadie did, and in my hazy post-orgasmic state, I watched her come back to earth. She was the picture of beauty, and I couldn’t stop myself from kissing her moaning mouth. She tried and failed to reciprocate, but I relished the struggle, loving that I’d stripped the control from someone so vibrant.

  When she finally regained some control of herself, I eased my cock from her and rolled off to the side between her and the back of the couch, removing and tying off the condom to deal with later. Neither of us spoke as our minds tried to catch up to our bodies.

  My body was telling me one thing, that what I’d just experienced was the best sex I’d ever had. My mind was telling me something completely different though.

  I wanted to see her again.

  That thought was completely unwelcome, so I banished it to the netherworld and threw an arm across her waist, letting my body do the speaking instead.



  The blank screen stared hatefully at me, the cursor blinking with repetitive reminders that I was smack in the middle of a bout of writer’s block. My review had been finished for well over two hours now, as I’d been able to punch that out without a stumble, but the interview portion was as vicious a creature as any innocent journalist could hope to encounter.

  I had all the content on my nifty little recording device — with the exception of the questions I’d never gotten around to asking — but every time I played back the exchange, I was reminded of what happened on Tate McGrath’s couch.

  Because it was right there. Recorded. All of it.

  I’d forgotten the recorde
r was still running, to be honest. The second Tate kissed me, everything became fuzzy, and I didn’t know up from down. Besides, if I was going to face the truth, I probably wouldn’t have bothered to turn it off even if I had realized it was capturing every moan, every gasp, every plea as clearly as it had captured the questions and answers I needed. As if reliving the feeling of his skin on mine and his cock buried deep inside me every second of the day wasn’t enough, I could hear it all replayed at my whim. Unfortunately, the call to listen to it over and over was stronger than I would’ve liked.

  “Knock it off.” I spoke the words aloud in the hopes that hearing them would shake me from my memory-surfing, but I might as well have snuggled in with popcorn to listen yet another time for all it did. I groaned and dropped my head into my hands.

  The part that tangled me up more than any other had come after we’d finished, when we were lying side by side on the couch naked and sweaty. Every inch of me had been alive from the orgasm Tate had ripped from my soul. I couldn’t stop my hands from twitching and my legs from trembling. No climax had ever taken me like that, not even the ones I’d caused myself, and I had to wonder if he was some kind of sex wizard to elicit that level of godly eroticism from me.

  But, somehow, lying next to him with his arm snuggling me against his body, I felt unnaturally comfortable. Here was a man I barely knew beyond bios and performances, but I felt like I belonged there beside him.

  It had freaked me out, so I’d gotten the hell out of there.

  He didn’t want to let me go, or at least, that’s how it appeared. His expression was both surprised and confused when I told him I better get home to work on the article since it was supposed to go to press in less than twenty-four hours, and he told me I didn’t have to leave if I didn’t want to.

  “There’s no rush,” he’d said. “I don’t have to be anywhere in the morning.”

  “No, I should go.” I’d never dressed so quickly or so clumsily in my life. My skirt was bunched around my thighs, and my blouse was tucked unevenly into the waistband, but I didn’t bother to fix it.


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