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Give Me All Of You

Page 9

by Delka Beazer

  He could do nothing but hold onto her. He was surprised at the depth of hurt he felt for her pain, it didn’t matter that she was trying her best to gouge his eyes out.

  Finally he had to catch her wrists. She was sobbing and cursing him with every breath she took, he listened and hated himself even more.

  “Let go of me, I don’t want to ever see you again,” she screamed, her face contorted with rage.

  He closed his eyes against the pain, but nothing would stop him. In a twisted way today had been good for them.

  “I can’t do that, Mina. You’re marrying me today.”

  Her eyes glowed with impotent fury, she lunged at him, nails bared, he easily restrained her.

  “I will never marry you,” she spat her bosom heaving.

  He smiled without warmth.

  The pain on her face was terrible to behold and yet … yet he welcomed it. She’d brought so much back to his life. Pursuing her and loving her had coalesced into a new form of hope. He wanted a family again.

  Nothing, not even her rage could trump that.

  He searched her eyes carefully, waited several moments for her to calm down. “You will marry me now or you’ll never set foot onto another Bronswort property again. You’ll be barred from your home and you and your father will be on the streets before the sun goes down.”

  She stopped and searched his eyes. She recoiled from what she saw there, and he knew what that was. The implacable will he’d utilized to become obscenely rich.

  His parents’ death, her divisive relationship with her parents made them a good match.

  They had both been honed from suffering.

  She closed her eyes for a long while, then pulled in several shaky breaths. She tugged her hands from his grip, but not before he felt the fight go out of her.

  He released her and watched her walk unsteadily back up the stone steps to the church. Head high, body straight, the only sign of her suffering were her hands, they clutched the lacy hem of her wedding dress in a death grip.

  A car roared into the parking lot, the minister popped out and waved cheerily up at him.

  He lifted a stiff hand in greeting, then followed his bride-to-be to the church.

  Chapter twelve

  The moment they were through her front door that evening Mina bolted for the stairs, taking them two at a time.

  She had to get away from them. Hunter, her father.

  They had both betrayed her and she couldn’t stomach the sight of either of them for another second.

  Upstairs she slammed her bedroom door with a resounding thud, then stood staring at it, her breath coming in heavy spurts.

  She looked around in despair. She couldn’t stay here. That much was clear. She sprinted to her closet and hauled out two carry-ons. Without thought she ransacked her drawers, stuffing whatever came to hand into them.

  Minutes later, she slipped her feet into comfortable sandals and sucking in a steadying breath she opened the door and went back downstairs.

  Hunter was waiting at the bottom of the stairs, hands crossed against his chest, his broad back to her.

  Hermile was nowhere in sight, probably off reveling in finally snagging a loaded son-in-law who would save his precious business. He’d been silent the entire ceremony. She wished he’d had the decency to leave like Desiree before the ceremony began. But he’d stayed to see his master plan go through.

  She headed for the door.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Hunter asked blandly as she passed him.

  “Away from you,” Mina hissed.

  Hunter sighed and in a blink eliminated the distance between them. He was right in her space.

  She stayed put. He’d have to work harder if he intended to intimidate her.

  He stared implacably down at her but there was no anger in his eyes, “In that case I guess I’m along for the ride.” He went to stand by the door.

  Mina gaped, “you can’t be serious.”

  A slow smile split Hunter’s thin lips, “try me, sweetheart.”

  “You asshole,” she exploded and threw her bags to the ground, “why are you doing this? Leave me the hell alone!”

  A quick flash of pity surfaced in Hunter’s eyes before it was drowned out by amusement, “Can’t do that. You’re my wife.”

  Hot acid burned her throat, “You think because you own my company, that you own me?”

  He had the nerve to yawn! “No Mina, I don’t own you but I expect you to behave like my wife, not some unhinged escapee.”

  Mina sputtered, if she had a weapon she’d take off his head. “You’ve taken everything from me-”

  Hunter drew closer, “not everything Mina and please tone down the drama,” he studied her furious face, “I want this to work, you’re obviously trying to make sure it implodes.”

  “Damn straight.”

  He smiled roguishly. “Yeah. I guess I’d do the same if I were you. But I think I’ve got a trade that could give you back those things that are obviously most important to you.”

  She blinked and eyed him suspiciously. “You’re a manipulative bastard, why should I accept anything you have to offer?”

  He flashed a sly grin, “Methinks you have no choice.”

  It galled her, but it was the truth. Another deal with the devil but short of that she couldn’t see any other way out of this. A divorce would destroy her life, her father’s life. All that her family had accomplished over centuries. “What are you proposing this time?”

  “Give me a child, two would be great. I’ll leave you alone,” his eyes grew chilling, “but no divorce.”

  She sputtered, stared and generally looked the fool as she gaped open mouth at him.

  “You’re serious? You think I’d leave behind a child of mine-” The idea made her breathless with pain. Her child would endure what she had. “You can’t be so cold-blooded.”

  “I think you already know the answer to that.”

  He began undoing the buttons of his fine linen shirt, beneath the cream jacket, “preferably starting now,” he drawled, he raised a sarcastic brow at her, “the sooner the better right?”

  She suddenly felt overheated, despite the cool night, “I … I don’t want to make love to you,” she finished lamely.

  Amusement curled Hunter’s lips, but his eyes had gone black with desire, curly chest hair peeked out from the loose buttons at the top of his shirt. “Let’s call it having sex, that way its sounds a little more platonic.”

  Mina gasped, Hunter closed in and took the bags from her numbed fingers. He bent and brushed his strong lips across the rim of her ear, she shivered.

  “Come upstairs with me Mina,” he whispered in her ear.

  She followed as if on auto-pilot. She watched from a distance as she placed one foot in front of the other. Hunter confidently strode beside her, taking one long step for every two she managed.

  He stopped at her bedroom door and she didn’t wonder how he knew which room was hers. Apparently her father had not only sold her to Hunter, he’d sold the floor plan too.

  Nothing made sense anymore.

  They entered. She turned to watch as he stashed her bags in the closet and resumed undressing.

  He was so callous. He would keep using her until he got exactly what he wanted. Where would it end, would he ever be satisfied?

  Scalding tears stung her eyes, a sob built in her throat. She couldn’t stop it. It rolled out sounding like the tortured groan of a dying animal.

  Hunter stopped, looked at her, there was sorrow in his eyes. “You don’t have to believe me but I promise I won’t hurt you again.”

  She sobbed harder, wiped a long trail of tears from her cheek, “You don’t get it do you? You’ve taken everything from me. You’re a greedy, despicable bastard!” She fought to stem the tide of her sobs but she couldn’t.

  Turning her back on him, she walked to the door, “Go ahead Hunter, beggar me and my family, take it all,” She yanked the door wide and stormed thro

  Hunter stood waiting at the silent, forbidding door, thick rain pounded down on him, soaking through his already ruined wedding suit.

  He grimaced as he fingered the sodden linen. He wouldn’t be able to keep it as a memento, but perhaps it would serve as a reminder of the worst day of his life and it wasn’t over.

  He slammed his knuckles down on the door once more.

  Shuffles came from within. Moments later, a mature, stunning face emerged as the door cracked open.

  There could only be one woman whose dark beauty rivaled Mina’s delicately brown hue.

  Josephine Bronswort.

  “What do you want?” she spat, her dark gaze murderous.

  Hunter decided not to play around with this woman. “My wife,” he replied simply.

  She eyed him with disdain. “Leave or I’m calling the police.”

  He’d truly had enough drama and threats for one day. He leaned negligently against the side of the door and stared her down. “Go ahead. I’m sure Mina would love the publicity.”

  Josephine muttered some native profanity that made him smile despite himself. “She doesn’t want to see you.”

  “I know, but I want to see her and I’m afraid tonight I’m going to have my way, no matter what,” he said softly giving her a full clear look at his face.

  Her eyes flared with challenge. Mina was definitely Josephine’s daughter.

  Josephine harrumphed loudly but pulled open the door for him.

  He followed her inside the small room. It was pretty, with dainty, floral accents and pale furniture, the thick scent of flowers filled the space.

  Surprisingly she was holding a thick towel, she thrust it at him. “Here, the bathroom is down the hall to your left, Mina’s door faces it,” her eyes pleaded with him and at the same time carried a clear threat, “don’t hurt my baby anymore or I’ll never stop trying to destroy you.”

  He nodded stiffly and went to the bathroom.

  With Josephine hard on his tail minutes later he cracked open Mina’s door. She was huddle in the center of the bed, still in her wedding dress, her hair trailed like black gold over the snowy pillows.

  He eased closer to the bed, unmindful of his damp suit. He slipped into it and pulled her pliant body into his arms.

  She was warm, she fell against him heavily her body soft with sleep. He ached for her to wake up but was terrified of what would happen once she did.

  She shifted, her head fell back. He seized the chance to study her resting countenance. His heart lurched, even in sleep, the smoothness of her cheeks was tense, her brows furrowed. Her lips parted and incoherent, whispery mutterings came out, she sighed deeply and further sounds spilled from her lips, her voice was wet with tears.

  He groaned with regret, buried his face in the soft cloud of her damp hair. “Oh Mina, I never meant for it to happen this way.”

  She relaxed in his arms and her eyes fluttered open, she blinked and stared expectantly at him. There was no surprise on her face.

  Had she been pretending to be asleep?

  “You little devil,” he chuckled, relieved.

  She smiled back sadly, but her eyes glistened. She reached out to him, her fingers trailed along his jawline, he leaned into her touch, nuzzled her palm. He closed his eyes and absorbed the soft glow of pleasure which washed over his soul.

  “Do you really want me to get pregnant and leave my child behind?” her voice trembled with hurt, the depth of which he could grasp but not understand. Behind them Josephine gasped with shock.

  What was going on?

  He caught her roaming fingers with the tip of his teeth, kissed each one, and watched as her hazel eyes smoldered and hope crept back into her pale face. “I would do anything to keep you tied to me a little longer. It was the only thing I could think of.”

  Her eyes blazed with accusation. “You’re cruel,” she tried to bat his hand away but he wouldn’t let her, “you care only for yourself.”

  He laughed but it was a hollow sound, strewn with remembered fear. He studied her dainty features, traced the straight tip of her little nose, with its slight flare, “You’re wrong … I was stupid. I was desperate to stop you from leaving. I won’t try to force you to do anything else again … I’ll ask from now on.”

  He waited with baited breath. She went still but she didn’t take her hand away from his face. She chewed her bottom lip, their eyes were so close he was having trouble focusing, “then I’ll try and be a good wife to you,” she whispered solemnly.

  He released a deep breath and some of the old fear that he’d be alone … never have a real family again … disappeared.

  But there was something he wanted more than a family. “Although children would be a blessing, I want to earn back your complete trust.”

  Shadows crossed her face but she smiled impishly at him. “I think you’re crazier than Desiree.”

  He forced a laugh, “that may not be possible.”

  She joined in and he was suddenly overcome with the absolute need to make this right.

  Bending he stopped her laughter with a gentle kiss, just a quick catching of her soft lips.

  He should’ve known better. Immediately it turned into something more. He devoured her lips for several heartbeats. Then forced himself to pull away.

  She watched him with expectant eyes.

  She wanted more, as he did.

  But Josephine stood sentinel behind them.

  “This is our honeymoon,” he rasped, retreating from the bed and bringing her with him, “and I want you all to myself.”

  He faced Josephine. “Thank you for trusting me enough to let me into your home.”

  Josephine inclined her head slightly but her dark gaze was riveted on her daughter.

  Mina moved between them, hugged Josephine who cocooned her, making soothing noises into her hair.

  Long, tense moments went by before the women parted.

  Josephine held Mina’s upturned face, “Come back if anything goes wrong. I’ll be waiting right here.”

  Mina nodded, “I know,” her voice was strangled with emotion.

  Hunter reached for Mina’s hand, it settled into his without resistance. He nodded to Josephine and made his way out.

  Outside, the heavy rain had stopped, a light mist had begun falling. They walked to the car in silence.

  He led Mina to her side of the car, he didn’t want to let her go or lose sight of her for one moment.

  He’d nearly done both tonight.

  He opened the car door and she tugged her hand away, her eyes refusing to meet his.

  He wanted to ask her why but he didn’t have the right, not after what he’d put her through tonight.

  He got into his side. He reversed slowly, the rain had misted the windows, a few swipes cleared his line of vision.

  Free on the silent, small highway, he stole one last look and was stunned when their eyes met.

  He drew in a harsh breath, her eyes were hooded, mouth slightly open … there was no denying the desire pooling in their depths. He let loose a foul curse, and yanking the car into gear he took off.

  He concentrated fiercely on the road, gripped the wheel until his knuckles turned white.

  Just what kind of game was she playing? One moment she was fine with letting him hold her hand, the next she snatched it away as if he’d bitten her. Now she was watching him as though she was on fire.

  The side of his face began burning, and his shaft started to harden with a vengeance.

  He didn’t have to look. She was still watching him, every cell in his body reared in anticipation.

  He let loose a frustrated yell, she cried out beside him, he yanked the wheel hard to the right side of the deserted road. The car shuddered to a halt in front of some black shrubs.

  He turned towards her, his body coiled, anger and heat corroding his blood. The car’s dome light clearly illuminated the lust riding high on her cheeks, it fairly shone from her smoky eyes. “Mina what the hell
are you trying to do to me?”

  Chapter thirteen

  “Nothing,” Mina managed flustered. She fought to find it, to pinpoint what was happening inside her.

  She still chafed with hurt, a desperate fear of what life with Hunter would mean. He had already betrayed her in so many ways.

  She was clinging to straws with their newest agreement.

  Yet that wasn’t what held her in its powerful grip now. Something else was opening inside her. It was hungry and uncaring of her wounded state.

  After Hunter had started driving, she’d felt compelled to maintain some sort of contact with him. She hadn’t been able to stop herself from ogling him.

  It was a hypnotic mixture of both pleasure and pain.

  And then he’d caught her, as she’d known he would.

  Words wouldn’t be enough to deter him. His stopping the car made it frightfully certain that the surge building inside her would only gain momentum, become stronger.

  She groaned in dismay. Hunter’s dark eyes flashed towards her. They were hard, unflinching.

  She stared mesmerized at him, at the harsh outline of his lean profile, the slash of his lips which she couldn’t quite make out, but which she knew she’d be able to pinpoint with uncanny accuracy if she reached forward.

  She cringed against the onslaught of information that she’d somehow stored over these many months.

  Still she opened her mouth to deny it, but her body began to spasm, making her squirm in her seat, the friction brought on a rush of warmth between her legs. She closed her eyes in mortification, her body remembered its first time with Hunter, even better than she did.

  The shock of it was so disconcerting that she sucked in great gulps of humid air trying to counteract the growing pressure.

  She yelped as Hunter’s shadow loomed closer, his big, work roughened hands found her thigh. She yelped, but her body instantly began to pulse with pleasure.

  She squirmed to the edge of her seat, trying to shake him off but his hands followed her as his touch grew firmer, more demanding.

  The darkness in the car was becoming thick, she could no longer see his face clearly. His outline hovered above her, panic whetted her throat. “Hunter, please let me go,” she was begging but she didn’t care.


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