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Give Me All Of You

Page 12

by Delka Beazer

  She opened her mouth to deny it, to throw back his unfeeling taunts in his face. She couldn’t … it was true. She wanted one last time with him before she picked up and left.

  But she didn’t want it quietly. She wanted him to burn himself into her soul, to make her remember and never forget. She raised steady eyes to his face. He was furious, a deep frown etched on his forehead, a silent snarl on his thin lips.

  Undeterred, she reached out with trembling fingertips, traced the line of his mouth. His scowl deepened, his eyes grew harder, but he didn’t throw off her touch.

  It was enough and more than she deserved. “Make me remember you. Always.”

  The walk down the hallway hand in hand was silent. Every step, the emotions she was feeling imprinted itself on her memory. She knew that she would never forget.

  She’d made her decision. He’d accepted it.

  He was a beautiful man, uncompromising, strong with just enough softness where she needed it. She reached out and touched his shoulders, he flicked a glance at her but said nothing. There was so much of him.

  He turned and lifting her hand kissed each fingertip softly. She stared in awe at him.

  By unspoken consent, they stripped off their clothing.

  Wide shoulders, long muscled thighs, narrow hard hips, there was nothing about him that was soft or dainty. Her insides began to melt. He grasped her hand and pulled her to the bed but she tore away.

  He hissed a curse but she backed away until she felt the warm wood of the wall rest against her back.

  “Here, Hunter. Like the first time. Finish what you started.”

  He didn’t need to be told twice. He barreled down on her, hiked her up against the wall, every section of her back was plastered against the cool wood.

  He held her with one arm, the other went down to make sure that she was ready. Wetness and a soft cry of pleasure greeted his fingertips.

  She threw back her head and groaned as he withdrew his finger and she felt him hard and heavy begin to sink exorable into her. Holding her breath she welcomed the rush of sensations that began to cluster inside her. She quaked around him, arms latched about his shoulders, the hard muscles of his thighs supported her bottom. She’d wondered what it would be like if he unleashed the full depth and harshness of the passion she’d caught so many times in his eyes.

  Now she knew. His movements weren’t wild, instead each stroke which deepened and plundered her was controlled, immediate and savage in their precision.

  She was being ravished and she loved it. His breathing started growing harsh, awakening the last dregs of passion he was holding back.

  She didn’t want that, clenching her muscles tightly around she goaded him into greater urgency. He stopped and gazed shocked down at her.

  “Mina, do you know what you’re doing?” he growled.

  She nodded, her tongue dry. “Make me remember you Hunter. Please.”

  A shout tore from his throat and his motion grew frantic with speed, she arched her back in an effort to absorb his storm and shoved her hips against his. It was more than she could handle, it was just what she’d craved.

  She gave it all up to him, every thrust of his hips, every rasp of his thighs, the feel of his hands cupping her bottom, all of it made her mind sing, her body throb with abandon.

  He stopped, she opened eyes she’d squeezed shut and watched him, aghast. He took her to her bed and laid her down, then covered her. Cloaking her beneath him.

  He stared silently at her, then his gaze traveled down to her mouth. She opened just in time to greet his tongue.

  He swooped inside and penetrated the secret crevices of her mouth, his tongue bathed the sides, the roof, even the smooth glide of her teeth. Tears clogged her throat.

  This was no longer sex. That she’d asked for and he’d given.

  Now he was making love to her. She caressed his face, kissed him back, wanting nothing more than to stay there in his arms. He entered her again, this time without violence or anger.

  She melted into his arms, wrapped her legs around his hips. He rocked above her, the motion slow and tender. She closed her eyes and lost herself again in his touch, the feel of him buried inside her.

  Her heart swelled along with her body, as it clutched him deep. Their mouths stayed locked, rare seconds of snatching air the only thing which parted them before they dove back in again.

  She moved and danced with him, loving the growing gasps which sprang from his mouth which matched her own, telling her that she wasn’t the only wanton, uninhibited soul on the bed. Then it all came together, the sensations which had been building, rushing towards her center, she groaned and cried out into his mouth. He heeded her with sharp, hard plunges which hurled her into the heart of the torment racking her body, seconds seemed to last forever and then the scream finally came, ripped from her throat, blowing out her senses as the climax splintered her apart.

  He was no better, the bed jerked under his growing rush to completion, his breath grew wild and jagged. Then without warning he crushed her to him, buried his face in her neck and moaned as he exploded inside her.

  She clung to him, desperate for it not to end. He rolled to the side, taking her with him, his arms still latched around her, his mouth sought hers again. She closed her eyes and offered herself to him once more.

  Chapter sixteen

  She was moving fast, the thought climbed from the recesses of sleep which held her mind under, she stirred, blinked groggily.

  Hunter’s face wobbled above her. Overhead, the roof was contorted into strange, yellow shapes which danced and swelled overhead. They were a garish orange.

  Fire. The thought rammed into her brain, blotting out every trace of sleep.

  Her home was on fire.

  She battled Hunter’s grip, he tightened it without apology, kept his eyes straight ahead. “No. Mina, I’ve got to get you to safety,” He coughed, his chest contracted against hers, the dampness surrounding her body penetrated her senses.

  She looked down, she was wrapped in a soaked sheet.

  They reached the bottom of the stairs. Hunter dashed for the door, she looked back and flinched at the horror show. Flames danced from the library and the dining room, snaked out from every opening, they writhed and lapped around the ceiling. Ominous creaks came out as the wood started to buckle under the onslaught.

  Hunter was almost through the entrance. Then it hit her.

  She fought like a maniac in his grip. “Mom. Dad!” she screamed up at him.

  He didn’t look at her. He barreled through the door and down the steps. She lost her mind, beat at his chest, she was screaming so loud she couldn’t hear the flames.

  “Put me down Hunter. Please. Please! Put me down!” she howled. Twisting around she watched the early morning sky lit up with the grisly spectacle of her home burning to the ground. Her parents in it.

  Siren were blaring in the distance, Hunter lurched with her to a spot safely away from the flames, under the same orange tree she’d stood under yesterday. Its thick, citrus scent now corroded by the hot stench of burning wood.

  Hunter dropped her unceremoniously and stole a moment to search her eyes, his were wild, fearful. “Don’t you dare move. If you come after me into that house, I’ll kill you myself, do you understand?”

  She didn’t move a muscle but she couldn’t do as he asked. “They’re my parents,” she cried, her heart twisting with dread.

  Hunter stood and turned away from her. “Yes. And you’re the woman I love.” He ran back towards the burning house.

  She screamed after him, attempted to get up and follow, the wet sheet wrapped so snugly around her body tripped her and she fell painfully, hitting her shoulder.

  The deafening blare of the fire truck streaked into the yard. More voices filled the fast receding night. Footsteps raced in every direction, a pair appeared in front of her. Hands pulled her to her feet.

  She watched helpless as firefighters rushed to her home, sagging to
her knees she watched as the fire burned her world to cinders.

  Seated in an uncomfortable metal chair, Mina clung to Hunter, unable to take her eyes away from the two identical coffins which sat so serenely on the untouched lawn of Bronswort mansion. The greenery and the gardens which they used to supply the poor with food had all escaped the fire.

  Tears trickled down her face, before she could make the attempt to wipe them away, Hunter’s hand, so big and calloused, gently brushed her cheeks, wiping away some of her makeup along with the tears.

  She sniffed and looked up into his dark eyes. He was watching her like she’d disappear at any moment.

  And she almost had if not for him. But love not gratitude held her gaze to his. “I love you,” she whispered. She’d not been able to stop saying those words for the last week, not since her parents had burned to death in the house. They’d died together, in the same room, wrapped in each other’s arms.

  A sob wracked her chest.

  Hunter simply held her. The memorial dragged on and on. Finally the coffins were laid to rest in an extra wide grave beside each other.

  Much later when the mourners were gone, she stood in the spot where her home had once been. A giant, heap of blackened rubble was all that remained.

  “Come Mina,” Hunter’s fingers intertwined with hers exerted a gentle pressure, “let’s go home.”

  “Does it ever stop hurting?” She wrapped her arms around his waist, buried her face in his chest, the clean, familiar scent of him flooded her chest, her heart. Kept some of the pain away.

  “If you’re alone it doesn’t for a long time, but you have me. You’ll always have me.”

  She searched his eyes, dark and brooding, locks of short, raven black hair skimmed his square, determined forehead. She understood now why he’d pursued her so hard, so long.

  He’d been alone, despite his money, despite his work.

  He’d needed somebody to love. A family.

  She wouldn’t have to endure the pain he’d gone through. She loved him with all her soul and then some. The hurt of her parent’s death, and her fury for that bastard Randy Joseph who’d set the fire, wouldn’t go away anytime soon, but her love for Hunter would make it bearable.

  She would heal. They both would. Together. She gripped his hand and followed him towards his car.




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