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Best Served Cold

Page 7

by Rebecca Deel

  “Don’t ask for much, do you? Give me the names.”

  “Will Riley, Mike Daniels, Eric Green, Gage Yates, and Pete Kelly. And, Z, no tracks. I don’t want these men to know we’re looking at them. The last thing I want is for you to draw the attention of the feds.”

  “I’ll be careful. Nate, Stella is a federal cop. Is this related to a case?”

  “Possible. But she’s worked over two hundred cases. Even with Fortress resources, it’s too much information to weed through.”

  “Let me run the marshals first, see if there’s an overlap. Then I’ll check for connections between her cases and these men. Maybe we’ll get lucky.”

  Maybe. He hated to make the next request, but Nate wouldn’t risk Stella’s freedom by not checking out her partner. “One more name, Z.”


  “Deke Creed. He’s Stella’s partner. I think he’s clean, but I have to be sure. Deke knows her well enough to frame her for murder. If he’s the leak, I can’t think of a better way to escape justice than to point fingers at Stella. She doesn’t have a family to protect. Deke, on the other hand, has a wife and twin daughters. Wouldn’t take much to justify a frame job.”

  “Understood. Want me to call you when I finish with Creed?”

  He thought about that a minute. “If you find anything, I want a verbal report before you send the documentation. Everything else goes straight to my Fortress email.”

  “Copy that.”

  “Hey, you heard anything from Remy Doucet?” Durango had teamed up with Doucet and his partner, Lily Stanton, on a rescue mission. Doucet had taken a bullet to protect Josh. Durango owed Remy a favor.

  “The Cajun is recovering fast. In fact, he and Lily got married last weekend.”

  Nate froze. “Are you serious?”

  “Oh, yeah. Remy asked me to make the travel arrangements for their month-long honeymoon.”

  “Fast work on Doucet’s part.” A surge of longing rolled through Nate. He wanted that kind of permanent relationship. He was tired of being alone, coming home to an empty house after a day at Personal Security International, Durango’s bodyguard school, or after returning from a Fortress mission. The woman he wanted to come home to was Stella Grayson.

  “G.I. Jane won’t find a finer man than Remy. She deserves the best.”

  No argument from him. Lily was a skilled operative and it had been obvious Remy was nuts about her. “Sounds like a story behind your statement.”

  “Too long to tell this time of night. The abridged version is Lily was abandoned as a baby and her mother was a victim of Montgomery, the guy your team went after in Mexico.”

  He whistled softly. “Josh mentioned her background was rough, but didn’t give details.”

  “She hasn’t been comfortable talking about her childhood. That may have changed, though. Still, might be smarter to leave gossip to someone else.”

  “I’ll keep the story to myself. If she wants the news told, she can tell it herself.”

  “Wise decision.” Zane chuckled. “Lily is the last person I want to cross. She has a mean streak.”

  Nate blinked. That was saying something considering Zane had been a Navy SEAL before joining Fortress Security. Might be a fantastic idea on Nate’s part to stay on Lily’s friend list.

  “If you think of something else I can help with, send a text or email. I’ll shift some of my other work to another tech. I want to help your lady, Nate.”

  “Appreciate it, man. Later.”

  He shoved his cell phone in his pocket and scanned the monitors. Movement in the far right monitor snagged his attention. As he watched, the heat signature moved through a stand of trees. Not an animal. This heat signature walked on two legs.

  Adrenaline rushed through his bloodstream. Someone was heading toward the cabin.


  Nate took the stairs two at a time. He stopped in front of Josh’s door and knocked.

  A rustle of movement from within followed by a low masculine murmur, then Durango’s team leader opened the door and stepped into the hall. He yanked on his shirt. “Sit rep.”

  “Male intruder in the northern quadrant. He’s moving this way at a fast clip.”

  “Only one?”

  “That’s all I saw, but we don’t have full camera coverage.”

  “Let’s find out what he wants.” Josh crossed the hall and tapped on Alex’s door.

  Durango team’s sniper stepped into the hall fully dressed with his Go bag in hand. “Heard the commotion out here and figured something was up.”

  “Unannounced visitor coming in. Ivy awake?”

  A nod. “Tying her shoes.”

  “Same with Del.” Josh turned to Nate. “Wake Stella. I’ll alert the others.”

  Nate knocked on her door. He opened it a crack and said, “Stella.”

  Feet hit the floor and footsteps moved toward him. “What’s wrong?” She opened the door wider.

  Seeing her fully dressed made him smile. She’d gone to sleep ready to run if necessary. “An intruder heading this direction.”

  “What’s the plan?”

  “You’re not ready for a physical confrontation. Will you stay here to help protect Del and Ivy?”

  She closed her eyes, distress clear on her face. “They shouldn’t be here. I’m endangering them.”

  Nate stepped into the room with Stella and closed the door. “Baby, they insisted on coming. Josh and Alex wouldn’t have brought them if they believed their wives were in danger, no matter how much they pleaded. This is about you. This guy expected to catch us sleeping and he doesn’t know the full team is here. We have the advantage. I wanted you aware of what’s going on in case this clown slips past us.”

  “Fat chance of that happening.”

  “Probably not, but I don’t want to dig my way out of the dog house because I left you out of the loop. You’re not fragile. You’re trained and fully capable of protecting yourself and the others, but I want you to have more time to recuperate before you’re involved in another confrontation.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. “You’re a very smart man,” she whispered and brushed a kiss across his lips. “Should I keep watch in the security room?”

  “Sounds like a good plan.” He led her into the hall to join the others.

  Of the people gathered in the hallway, Deke struggled the most to wake up. “Like old times,” he murmured. “Have to admit I was hoping to avoid a repeat of middle-of-the-night visitors.”

  “No lights,” Josh said. “Our visitor doesn’t know we’re aware of him. I want to keep it that way. Deke, Rio, and Quinn will remain here with the women. We don’t think there’s more than one, but we can’t be sure. I’d rather have extra firepower to protect Del and Ivy just in case we’re wrong.” He turned to Stella. “Man the security room with Deke. Keep Del and Ivy with you. Rio and Quinn, you’re on perimeter watch.”

  “Copy that,” Quinn said.

  “Suit up. Probably overkill. Do it anyway.”

  Two minutes later, Durango was dressed in protective gear, weapons ready, Fortress comm systems operational. “Deke, Stella, extra communication gear is in the security room. All microphones are live until I countermand that order. Let’s bag this guy.” Josh leaned down and kissed his wife. “We’ll return soon. Stay inside the cabin with Stella and Deke.”

  “We’ll be fine. Come back to me safe.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Ivy wrapped her arms around Alex. “Same for you, love. No scratches.”

  “I hear you, angel.” He dropped a kiss on her lips. “We’ll be back before you know it.” Alex turned, eyed Quinn. His spotter gave him a salute.

  With that glance, Alex had given Quinn the responsibility of protecting Ivy. Nate cupped Stella’s nape, leaned down and kissed her. “Be safe, sweetheart.”

  “Watch your back. We have a conversation to finish.”

  Amusement made his lips twitch. Yep, he’d aggravated the beautif
ul marshal with the delay of that discussion. He didn’t want to talk about their future when they had so many people around and were in the middle of a murder investigation. Their focus had to be on finding the killer so Stella would have a future, hopefully with him. His girlfriend’s life was on the line. If she went to prison, she’d be a target. The muscles in his neck tightened. He wouldn’t allow that to happen, no matter what it took. He followed his teammates downstairs.

  Nate, Josh, and Alex stepped outside and strapped on their night vision goggles. As one, they set off for the northern quadrant of the property.

  “Subject is still on course for the cabin,” Deke murmured through their ear pieces.

  “Does this guy really think we’re that stupid?” Alex whispered.

  “Can’t be the smartest dude around if he’s coming after one Delta soldier, much less five,” Josh answered.

  “No one knew about you and Alex,” Nate said.

  “Wouldn’t be a stretch. Not if the intruder knows anything about Durango. Deke, position?”

  The marshal rattled off coordinates a quarter of a mile away. Josh signaled Nate and Alex to spread out. Anticipation built in Nate. If they captured this guy, Nate would persuade him to talk. Delta trained him well in interrogation techniques. He wouldn’t hesitate to use everything in his arsenal to get answers.

  He and his teammates moved through the shadows without a sound, alert for wildlife and their human quarry. Minutes later, something brushed against a tree trunk or a rock and caught his attention. He stopped, listened. The sound came again.

  Nate shifted direction. He circled a rock outcropping to slip behind whoever or whatever was nearby. He paused, listened. Footsteps. Human, then. Satisfaction curled in his gut. He’d heard fabric brushing against an object. They were dealing with an amateur. “Moving in,” he whispered into his mic.

  “Copy,” came Josh’s response. “Coordinates, Deke?”

  The marshal updated the information as Nate stalked his target. Three hundred feet to his right, a shadowy figure emerged from behind a bush, still heading for the cabin.

  Nate waited for the man to pass his position before circling behind him. With silent steps, he closed the gap between himself and the intruder. When he was close enough, he tackled the man from behind. Within seconds, Nate immobilized him, secured his wrists with zip ties, curses spewing from the intruder’s mouth.

  “Subject is secured,” Nate murmured. Over his ear piece came Stella’s soft, “Thank goodness. You better not have any new bruises, Nate.”

  He grinned as Josh and Alex strode out of the trees, weapons drawn. “Copy that.”

  “Frisk him,” Josh murmured.

  He patted the man down and came up with a wallet, Glock 17 along with a couple magazines, a Smith and Wesson knife, and a thin wire, all of which he tossed toward Josh and Alex, scowling. The wire was long enough to use as a garotte. Not the standard weapon of a common thug, yet another indication of his true intentions.

  “Get him up.”

  He yanked the other man to his feet and turned him until his face was illuminated by the moonlight. Nate glanced at his teammates. Each gave a slight head shake.

  “Who are you?” Josh asked.

  The intruder’s answer was a glare.

  “Doesn’t look like he wants to cooperate,” Alex said. “Not the friendly sort, is he?” He scooped up the wallet, searching for ID. His gaze speared the stranger. “You’re not very smart, are you, Lance Cannon? Carrying ID is plain stupid.”

  “Running his ID now,” Deke murmured.

  “Don’t know what you’re talking about,” the stranger said.

  Josh’s face hardened. “You’re trespassing on private property.”

  “Call a cop,” Cannon drawled.

  “There’s no one around for miles and I’m betting no one knows where you are.”

  Nate had to admire Josh’s careful words. No matter if the guy went to the authorities, there were no obvious threats. Durango’s leader was cagey.

  The smirk faded from the other man’s face. He glanced from Alex to Josh. “Hey, I’m out for a walk. I got lost.”

  “You often go for a walk with a gun, knife, and garotte, Cannon?” Nate pressed hard on a pressure point in his lower back.

  The man groaned as his legs folded from the excruciating pain. Nate adjusted his hold, forcing Cannon to stay on his feet. “Answer my friend’s question. Why are you trespassing?”

  Cannon remained silent.

  A glance from Josh, and Nate forced the intruder to his knees. He pressed on another pressure point, this one near his shoulder blade. Cannon gasped, sweat beading on his skin. “You don’t want to make me mad,” Nate murmured close to the man’s ear. “I’ll get the information anyway, but it won’t be pleasant.”

  “Please.” Cannon’s voice broke.

  “Talk.” He pressed his thumb deeper into the nerve.

  Sobs broke the silence of the night. “All right.”

  “What do you want?” Josh asked again.

  “Some guy called, offered me $10,000 to kill some woman at a cabin not far from here.”

  His jaw clenched. Nate would put this man in an early grave before letting him so much as lay a finger on Stella. More pressure made the thug scream.

  Josh signaled Nate to ease up. He didn’t want to. This scumbag had been sent to kill his girlfriend. Josh or Alex would have been as ruthless if their wives had been the target. “Your target’s name.” he demanded.

  “No name, just an address.”

  A sick feeling settled in the pit of Nate’s stomach as his friends’ faces darkened with anger. Cannon had no idea there was more than one woman at the cabin. He could have targeted Del or Ivy by mistake.

  A soft, “Oh, no. Nate.” The anguish and tears in Stella’s voice came through the comm system.

  “Steady,” he whispered. They would move the women immediately. The cabin’s location had been compromised. He had anticipated that eventuality, just not this fast. More evidence of a leak in the law enforcement circle. When this clown didn’t report he’d been successful, more potential assassins would be sent. If they didn’t plug the leak fast, one of the hired killers would succeed.

  Deke’s harsh voice came over the comm system. “Cannon has an outstanding warrant for his arrest. Murder for hire.”

  “Who issued it?” Josh murmured.


  “Who hired you?” Nate asked.

  “I don’t know, man. Just some guy on the phone.”

  “You always take a contract offered by anonymous callers? It could have been an undercover cop or someone with a vendetta against you.”

  “Being nosy would get me killed.”

  “But you don’t mind doing the killing?”

  A shrug. “Nothing personal.”

  He leaned close, dropped his voice to a harsh whisper. “It is to me.” He looked at Josh, his eyebrow raised. A nod from his unit leader and Nate knocked Cannon out.

  “Rio,” Josh murmured. “We need something to keep this guy under for a while.”

  “Already on the way. Be there in five.”

  “Deke, take over perimeter watch.”


  “What are we going to do with him?” Alex asked. “Much as I’d like to drop him off a cliff, we can’t put our cops in jeopardy.”

  “Cal Taylor will take him off our hands,” Nate said.

  “I’ll call him.” Stella’s voice was thick with tears.

  His gut clenched. He needed to get back to her. “Josh?”


  He took off at a fast jog, passing the medic who carried his mike bag. Minutes later, he sprinted up the porch stairs and into the cabin. He stripped off his vest as he walked to the security room. Glancing through the doorway, he saw Deke, Del, and Ivy, but no Stella. “Where is she?”

  “Upstairs,” Ivy said. “She’s pretty upset.”

  He raced to her room. Nate pushed open the door, scann
ed until he saw her sitting against the wall on the floor, her arms wrapped around her knees, head bowed.

  His heart clenched at the sight, made him want to pound on the person responsible for Stella’s misery. He’d get that chance, he promised himself. Once the traitor was behind bars, Nate planned to take Stella away for a few days and help her forget the betrayal.

  He sat next to her and wrapped his arms around her. She immediately turned into his embrace.

  “Nate,” she whispered, her face streaked with tears.

  “I know, baby. As soon as Cannon’s in police custody, we’ll change locations.”

  “Where can we go? I can’t leave the area.”

  “Let me worry about that.” Nate had a couple ideas, but wanted to run them by Josh before he acted on them.

  “Separate me from Del and Ivy. Please, Nate.”

  “Sweetheart, look at me.” He waited until her head lifted and her gaze locked with his. He wiped the tears from her face with gentle strokes of his thumbs. “Do you trust me?”

  “You know I do.”

  “No one will touch Del and Ivy. We’ll protect them. If Josh and Alex feel it’s too dangerous, they’ll find a way to get them out of here.”

  “If I lost them…”

  “Shh.” He kissed her, his touch as soft as butterfly wings. “You won’t.”

  “You should all leave me.”

  He stilled. “Did you think we’d leave you at the first sign of trouble?”

  “Of course not. But Josh and Alex would never forgive me if anything happened to their wives.” She kissed him. “If I lost you, I’d never recover.”

  “Then you understand exactly how I feel. I won’t walk away from you. To do that would destroy me, baby. We’ll outsmart the people behind this. By the time we’re finished, they’ll wish they had never looked in your direction.”

  He stood. “Pack your gear, Stella. We leave within the hour.”

  As he passed Josh and Alex’s rooms, he saw their wives also packing. On the stairs, he reactivated his mic. “Josh.”


  “The women are packing. We need a place to relocate.”


  “Two. Eli Wolfe or a Fortress safe house. We need to be off the grid and with nine of us, we’ll draw attention.”


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