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Now long afterward, in the days of Kirjalax,1 the Emperor of Miklagarth, there were numerous troops of Varangians in that city. It happened, one summer, when the emperor was on some warlike expedition, that the troops slept in their tents, with the Varangians keeping watch and guarding the king. They lay on the ground outside the camp. Between them, they divided the night into watches, and those men who had had the watch lay down to sleep. All were fully armed. It was their custom that everyone who lay down to sleep had his helmet on his head, his shield over him, and the sword under his head, with his right hand resting on its hilt. One of their comrades who by lot had had the watch during the last part of the night, awoke at dawn, and found his sword gone. But when he searched for it he saw it lying far from him on the ground. He got up and fetched it, thinking that his companions who had had the watch, might have played a practical joke on him by luring it from him. But that they denied. The same occurred three nights in succession. Then he himself marvelled greatly, and so did others who had seen it or had heard of it, and he was asked what that might signify. Then he told them that the sword was called Hneitir and had belonged to Saint Óláf and had been wielded by him in the Battle of Stiklarstathir, and he also related what had happened with the sword afterwards. In time, this was told to King Kirjalax. He had the possessor of that sword called to his presence and gave him gold for tenfold the value of the sword. The king had the sword carried to Saint Óláf’s Church which is maintained by the Varangians and hung it up above the altar. Eindrithi the Young was in Miklagarth at the time these events came to pass. He related them in Norway, according to the testimony of Einar Skúlason in the drápa2 which he composed about Holy King Óláf, where this occurrence is mentioned.
Chapter 21. Saint Óláf Gives Victory to the Varangians
The following happened in Greece, the time King Kirjalax ruled there and was on an expedition against Blokumannaland [Walachia]. When he arrived at the Pézína Plains,1 a heathen king advanced against him with an irresistible host. They had with them a company of horsemen, and huge wagons with embrasures on top. And when they prepared their night quarters, they drew up their wagons, one beside the other, around their tents, and dug a large moat outside of that, so that altogether it made a strong fortification like a stronghold. The heathen king was blind. And when the Greek king arrived the heathens drew up their battle array on the plain outside the rampart of chariots, and the Greeks drew up theirs confronting them. They rode one against the other and fought, and the outcome was unfortunate for the Greeks. They fled, after losing many men, and the heathens won the victory.
Then the king drew up an array of Franks and Flemings, and they rode against the heathens and fought them, and they fared like the former, they lost many killed, and all fled who escaped from the battle. Then the king of the Greeks grew wroth with his warriors, but they answered him, asking him to use the Varangians, his wine bibbers. The king replied that he did not want to ruin his most precious troops by pitting a few men, though brave, against such a large army.
Then Thórir Helsing, who at that time commanded the Varangians, made this answer to the king: “Even though there were burning fire before us, yet I and my troops would leap into it if I were sure that it would procure peace for you, sir king.”
The king replied, “Pray then to Saint Óláf, your king, to aid you and give you victory.”
The Varangians numbered four hundred and fifty [540] men. They made a solemn vow, promising to erect a church in Miklagarth, at their own expense and with the support of good men, and have that church dedicated to the honor and glory of Holy King Óláf.
Thereupon the Varangians ran forward on the plain, and when the heathens saw that, they told their king that still another force of the Greek king was advancing—“and,” they said, “this is but a handful of men.”
Then their king said, “Who is that princely man riding on a white horse in front of their band?”
“We do not see him,” they said.
There was such a great difference in the numbers between the two hosts that sixty heathens fought against one Christian, but none the less the Varangians most gallantly advanced to do battle. But as soon as they met, a fear and terror descended upon the heathen host so that they took to flight immediately, and the Varangians pursued them, quickly slaying a great multitude. But when the Greeks and Franks, who before had fled from the heathens, saw that, they joined in the pursuit with them. By that time the Varangians had gotten into the fortification made by the wagons, and then there ensued a great carnage. And during the flight of the heathens, the heathen king was captured and brought along by the Varangians. Then the Christians captured the tents of the heathens and the rampart of wagons.
The Saga of Magnús Erlingsson
Chapter 1. Erling Skakki Assumes Leadership
After Erling had ascertained what the plans of Hákon and his followers were, he sent word to all chieftains whom he knew to have been trusty friends of King Ingi, also to the body of his followers and retainers who had escaped, and to Grégóríús’ housecarls, and set a time for their meeting. And when they came together and had held a council they agreed at once that they should keep together, and they bound themselves with fast agreements to stick to that. Then they debated whom they should choose to be king. Erling Skakki spoke and inquired whether the chieftains and other landed-men were agreeable to electing for king the son of Símun Skálp, who was also the son of King Harald Gilli’s daughter and to have Jón Hallkelsson head their forces. Jón declined. Then they asked Níkolás Skjaldvararson, the sister’s son of King Magnús Barelegs, if he wished to be leader of their forces. He answered to this effect, that it would be his advice to elect as king a person descended from the royal house, and to let that man who had the necessary qualifications for that task be leader of their forces, because then it would be easier to collect an army. They inquired of Árni, the husband of Queen Ingiríth, if he was agreeable to have one of his sons, brothers of King Ingi, elected king. He answered that the son of Kristín, and daughter’s son of King Sigurth, was by birth best entitled to be king in Norway. “And,” he said, “he will have with him, for administering the country, a man who is in duty bound to be counsellor both for him and the kingdom; and that is his father Erling, a man wise, determined, much tested in battle, and an excellent ruler. Nor will he fail in this business if [only] luck is on his side.”
Many were well agreed with this proposal. Erling made this reply: “It would seem to me that most of the men who have been approached about this matter are unwilling to undertake this responsibility. There seems to me an equal chance, now that we engage in this business, whether they that would hazard to lead our forces will also achieve royal dignity; or whether matters will turn out so—as has been the case with many who have engaged in such risky business—that through it they have lost, both all their possessions and even their lives. But if success should crown this undertaking, then perchance there may be those who would like to have had this opportunity [to make good]. And then he who has ventured to undergo the risk must take strong precautions against incurring the opposition or enmity of those who now go along in this action.”
All promised to join the league in complete good faith. Erling said [further], “I will say this of myself, that I would almost prefer death to being subservient to Hákon. And although this plan of ours seems to me extremely risky, yet would I rather take the chance of following your judgment. I shall take upon myself the leadership of our forces if that is the wish and desire of you all, and if you will promise upon your oath to stick to this agreement.” All were agreed, and it was decided at that meeting to elect Magnús Erlingsson king. Thereupon they summoned an assembly in the town [of Bergen], and at this assembly Magnús was elected king over all the land. At that time he was five years old. Then all present who had been followers of King Ingi, swore him allegiance, and each of them retained the same position and title he had had under King Ingi.
Chapter 2. Erling Seeks
the Help of King Valdamar
Erling Skakki prepared for his expedition by mustering ships, and took along with him King Magnús and all those retainers [of Ingi] who were there. With him were Árni, Queen Ingiríth’s husband, and Ingiríth herself, the mother of King Ingi; also, her two sons. Also, Jón Kútiza, son of Sigurth Stork, the housecarls of Erling, and likewise those who had been the housecarls of Grégóríús. Altogether they had ten ships. They sailed south to Denmark and sought out King Valdamar and Búriz Heinreksson, brother of King Ingi. King Valdamar1 was a close kin of King Magnús. Ingilborg, King Valdamar’s mother, and Málmfríth the mother of Kristín, the mother of King Magnús, were sisters, being the daughters of King Harald of Garthar in the east. He was the son of Valdamar Jarizleifsson. King Valdamar received them well, and he and Erling spent a long time together in meetings and making plans, the upshot of which was that King Valdamar was to lend King Magnús all the support from Denmark which he would need to take and to maintain possession of Norway, against Valdamar’s obtaining that dominion in Norway which his earlier kinsmen, Harald Gormsson and Svein Forkbeard had had; that is, all of Vík up to Rýgjarbit. This agreement was confirmed by oaths and special covenants. Thereupon Erling and his fleet made ready to leave Denmark and sailed from Vendilskagi [the Skaw].
Chapter 3. Erling Attacks the Town of Túnsberg
In the spring immediately after Easter King Hákon proceeded 1161 north to Trondheim. He was then in possession of all the ships King Ingi had owned. Hákon held an assembly in Kaupang and was accepted as king of the whole country. He appointed Sigurth of Reyr earl and gave him an earldom.
Thereupon Hákon and his army returned south and all the way east to Vík. The king sailed to Túnsberg and sent Earl Sigurth to Konungahella to defend the land with part of the army, in case Erling should come from the south.
Erling and his fleet arrived at Agthir and immediately sailed north to Bergen. There they killed Árni Brígitharskalli, a bailiff of King Hákon, then put about to the east from there in order to encounter King Hákon. Earl Sigurth had not become aware of Erling’s coming from the south and remained in the east at the [Gaut Elf] River, while King Hákon was at Túnsberg. Erling moored his ships at Hrossaness,1 remaining there several days. King Hákon made ready for the battle in the town [of Túnsberg]. Erling moved up to the town. They took a merchant ship, loaded it with wood and straw and set fire to it. The wind blew toward the town, and the merchant ship drifted up to the town. Erling had two cables fastened to the merchant ship and secured to two skiffs that were rowed in the same direction as the ship drifted. But when the burning ship had approached close to the town, the men rowing the skiffs held it by the cables so it would not set the town on fire. The smoke drifted so thickly toward the town that the men on the piers, where King Hákon had arrayed his troops, could not see anything. Thereupon Erling brought up all his fleet from windward of the fire and had his men shoot at the troops on the piers.
Now when the townsmen saw that the fire approached their houses and many were wounded by arrow shots, they held a council and sent the priest Hróald Longspeech to ask Erling for quarter for themselves and the town. And as soon as Hróald informed them that quarter would be given they forsook the ranks of King Hákon’s men. But when the force of townsmen had left, the ranks on the piers were thinned out. Then some of King Hákon’s men encouraged them to make a stand, but Onund Símunarson, who then commanded the greater part of the troops, said, “I will not fight to help Earl Sigurth gain power, seeing that he is not present himself.” Then Onund took to flight, as did all the army, together with the king, and escaped into the country. Very many of Hákon’s men fell there. About these events the following verse was composed:
599. Not e’er for the earl, said
Onund, would he battle,
from the south ere Sigurth
sailed with all his housecarls.
Briskly debarked Magnús’
brave men up the town street,
while King Hákon’s hawks2 as
hurriedly absconded.
Thorbjorn Skakkaskáld puts it this way:
600. Readily, roomy Túnsberg,
ruler, within, didst thou—
were reddened beaks of ravenous
ravens—gain the victory.
Townsmen feared the flight of
flashing, deadly arrows,
feared the fire and eke the
fierce bow-bending king’s men.
King Hákon took the mountain road to Trondheim, and when Earl Sigurth learned that, he sailed north outside the skerries with all the ships he could procure, to join him.
Chapter 4. Hákon Escapes to Trondheim
Erling Skakki captured all the ships in Túnsberg which had made up King Hákon’s fleet, among them the one named Bœkisúthin, which King Ingi had possessed. Thereupon he proceeded to subject to Magnús the whole District of Vík as well as all the districts to the north of it, wherever he went; and during the winter he resided in Bergen. Then Erling had Ingibjorn Sipil executed. He was a landed-man of King Hákon in the Fjord District to the north. King Hákon remained in Trondheim during the winter, but in the spring following he summoned a levy and prepared 1162 to proceed south against Erling. At that time there were in his company Earl Sigurth, Jón Sveinsson, Eindrithi the Young, Onund Símunarson, Philippús Petrsson, Philippús Gyrtharson, Rognvald Kunta, Sigurth Cape, Sigurth Doublet, Frírek Kœna, Áskel of Forland, Thorbjorn, the son of Gunnar the Treasurer, and Strath-Bjarni.
Chapter 5. Erling Spreads the Rumor that He Will Stay in Bergen
Erling was in Bergen with a large army. He took the measure of putting an embargo on all merchant ships intending to sail north to Kaupang, because he thought that, with ships sailing between the towns, Hákon might too soon find out about his purpose [and] that the townspeople of Bergen would find it more advantageous to obtain the wares on these ships, even though they bought them more cheaply from the owners than they [the owners] might think reasonable, “rather than to have them fall into the hands of our enemies and opponents, to be of use to them.” Now ships were gathered in the town, because many arrived every day and none left. Then Erling ordered his lightest ships to be drawn ashore and had the rumor spread that he intended to stay there and defend himself with the support of his friends and kinsmen.
But on a certain day Erling summoned the skippers to a meeting and there gave permission to all skippers of merchantmen to depart to wherever they wished. Now as soon as the men in command of the merchant ships lying there, all ready to depart with their wares, were given permission by Erling to leave—some had bought goods, some had other errands, and there was a breeze favorable for sailing north along the land—all those ready to sail had left before early afternoon, those with the fastest ships pushing on, each vying with the other. And when this flotilla arrived in Mœr to the north, they encountered King Hákon’s fleet. He himself was there, gathering troops and getting his ships ready, summoning landed-men and the levies. For a long time he had not had news from Bergen, but now he learned one and the same thing from all the ships coming from the south, which was that Erling had drawn his ships up on land in Bergen and that they would have to find him there. They told him that Erling had a large army there.
From there, Hákon sailed to Véey Island and sent Earl Sigurth and Onund Símunarson into the Raums Dale District to recruit for him men and ships. And likewise he sent men into both North and South Mœr. And after King Hákon had remained a few days in the market town [of Véey], he put out again, sailing somewhat farther to the south, thinking that in so doing they could accomplish their business more speedily and that auxiliary troops would join him faster.
It was on Sunday that Erling had given the merchantmen permission to leave from Bergen, and on Tuesday, as soon as the matins had been sung, a signal was given by the trumpet on the royal ship summoning both troops and townsmen to launch the ships that previously had been pul
led ashore. Erling called a meeting with his troops and the levied men and informed them of his intentions. He named the men to captain the ships and had the list read to those enrolled on the royal ship. The meeting ended with Erling ordering everyone to betake himself to the station in the ships assigned to him. He announced that any person remaining behind in the town when his ship Bœkisúthin put out should forfeit life or limbs. Orm, the king’s brother, sailed at once in the evening, and most other vessels had been set afloat before then.
Chapter 6. King Hákon’s Fleet Is Taken by Surprise
On Wednesday, before matins had been sung in the town, Erling departed with all the fleet. They had twenty-one ships. There was a brisk breeze from the south along the coast. Erling had with him his son Magnús. Many landed-men were along, and they had a picked crew. When Erling was sailing north, outside the Fjord District, he sent a skiff from the inner passage to the estate of Jón Hallkelsson and had them capture Níkolás, the son of Símun Skálp and Máría, the daughter of Harald Gilli, and they brought him with them out to the fleet, where he was put on the royal ship. Friday, early at dawn, they sailed into Steinavág Bay.
King Hákon was anchored then in the harbor called———,1 with fourteen ships. He himself and his men had gone up on the island to divert themselves, and his landed-men were sitting on a certain rise. They saw a boat rowing toward the island from the south. Two men were in it. They bent down to the keel in rowing and rowed with all their might; and when they made land they did not fasten the boat but took to their heels. Now when the chieftains saw that they said to each other that these men might be able to give them some information. They got up and went toward them. And as they came upon them, Onund Símunarson asked them, “Can you perhaps tell us about Erling Skakki, running as you do?”