Page 97
Gaut Elf River, Sweden: xiii, 48, 70, 72, 85, 87-88, 200, 244, 293-295, 298, 322, 344, 376, 408, 435, 543, 557-558, 603, 622, 624, 634, 678-680, 721, 740, 770, 791, 816
Gauthild (wife of Ingjald): 37, 42, 44
Gauti Tófason: 344
Gautland (Gotland), Sweden: 28, 37, 72-73, 83, 102, 167-168, 295, 303-304, 307, 309, 321, 331, 334-336, 340-342, 350, 409, 413, 448, 457, 463, 569, 573, 634, 636-637, 678, 738, 768, 804
Gautland, East: 41, 315, 343
Gautland, West: xiii, 28, 41-42, 70, 306, 315, 332-333, 402, 408, 446, 449, 678
Gautrek the Generous: 37
Gaut the Red (fosterson of Thránd of Gata): 409, 432-433
Gautvith (fosterbrother of Ingjald): 36, 41
Gefjon (a goddess): 9
Geigath (a warrior): 25
Geira (daughter of Búrizláf): 162-164, 169, 230
Geirfith (Spanish earl): 257-258
Geirmund: 178
Geirskogul: 126
Geirstatha-Álf (Óláf, son of Guthröth): 48
Geirstathir, Norway: 49-50
Geirsver, Norway: 407
Geirthjóf (king of Saxland): 32
Gellir (son of Thorkel Eyólfsson): 9, 398, 412-413, 424, 450
Gersimi (daughter of Freya and Óth): 14
Gerth (wife of Frey): 14, 143
Gesta Danorum: 499 n
Giantland: 9
Gillikrist. SEE Harald Gilli
Gilli the Lawspeaker: 396-397, 409, 429-430, 432-433
Gimsar, Norway: 207
Gimsey, Norway: 781
Gísl (son of Vísbur): 17
Gizki, Norway: 415, 535, 678
Gizur Goldbrowskáld: poem by, 497
mentioned, 496, 513
Gizur of Valdres: 184
Gizur the Black: 302-303, 305-306, 309
Gizur the White: 215, 217, 227-228, 301
Gizur Thorvaldsson: xv
Gladhome: 76
Glaelognskvitha: 525, 530
Gljúfra Fjord: 741
Glóth (a bell): 561
Glúm Geirason: poems by, 100, 103, 117, 128, 131, 140, 153, 156
Glymdrápa (a poem): 65, 351
God Home (Svíthjóth the Great): 13, 15
goði (temple priest): xi, 215 n
Godwine (son of Wulfnoth): 641-642, 651
Gói (month): 315
Golden Horn (harbor in Byzantium): 589
Gold-Harald (son of Knút Gormsson): 142, 149-154
Gondul (a valkyrie): 125, 251
Gorm the Old (Danish king): 56, 61, 149-150, 400
Göta Elf. SEE Gaut Elf River
Gothey Current: 214
Gothey Islands: 212-214
Gothgest (a king): 33
Gothnarfjord: 601
Gotland (island): 21, 164, 222, 248, 297, 315, 477, 486, 560
Gráfeldardrápa, by Glúm Geirason: 103, 153, 156
Grágás: 554
gram (chief of harrying expedition): 21, 107
gramir (members of harrying expedition): 21
Grankel: 364, 422-423, 459, 507
Granketil. SEE Grankel
Grani (a skald): 601
Granmar (king in Suthrmannaland): 39-42
Grav Dale: 803
Great Guild, the: 665
Greece: 697, 787
Greek Sea: 579
Greenland: 218, 228, 329, 393
Greenland Sea: 330
Grégóríús (son of Dag Eilífsson): and King Ingi, 768-782
mentioned, 739, 756, 761-764, 784, 789-790
Gréloth (wife of Thorfinn Hausakljúf): 351
Grenland, Norway: 138, 675
Grenmar, Norway: 70, 279
Grey Holm: 745
Grímkel (St. Óláf’s bishop): 288-289, 527-528
Grímnismal: 76 n
Grím of Víst: 741
Grím Rusli: 813
Grimsby, England: 98
Grímsey Island, Iceland: 394-395
Grím the Good (son of Thorgils Hálmuson): 501, 522-523, 528
Grislupollar: 257
Grjótar, Norway: 274
Grjótgarth (father of Hákon): 64, 69
Grjótgarth (son of Hákon): 68
Grjótgarth (brother of Sigurth): 133-134, 141
Grjótgarth (son of Olvir of Egg): 457
Grjóthgarth the Brave: 227
Gróa (wife of Earl Dungath): 351
Grœningar, Norway: 472
Grœninga Sound: 765
Grundtvig, N. F. S.: xxv
Grýting (king in Orka Dale): 62-63
Grýting, Norway: 207
Gulathing Assembly: 196-197, 669
Gulathing Law: 104
Gullvarth (the gate of Miklagarth): 698
Gunnar of Gelmin: 275
Gunnar of Gimsar: 737
Gunnhild (mother of Eyvind Skáldaspillir): 129, 363
Gunnhild (daughter of Búrizláf): 162, 175, 224-225
Gunnhild (daughter of Knút): 262, 555
Gunnhild (daughter of Earl Svein): 267, 609
Gunnhild (daughter of Sigurth): 268, 397, 618
Gunnhild (wife of Simón): 753, 784
Gunnhild (mother of Gyrth): 770
Gunnhild Kingsmother (wife of Eirík Bloodyaxe): sons of, 100-124, 128, 130-135, 139-142, 145, 149, 151, 154, 163, 218-219, 272, 307, 351
mentioned, 86-87, 94-95, 99, 103, 123, 128-129, 131-133, 136-137, 145-147, 152-154, 156, 196, 218, 398
Gunni Físs (son of Guthorm): 724
Gunnlaug Leifsson: xviii
Gunnstein (Karli’s brother): 392, 403, 405-408, 420-421
Gunnvaldsborg Castle, Spain: 257-258
Guthbrand (a hersir): 52, 59-60
Guthbrand Kúla: 185, 187, 200, 397
Guthbrand of the Dales: 137, 369, 370-374
Guthbrands Dale, Norway: 52, 60, 62, 87, 271, 273, 278-279, 310, 311, 313, 369, 374, 389, 397, 453, 473, 701
Guthbrand Skafhoggsson: 700, 785
Guthbrand the White: 180
Guthini, Earl (son of Úlfnath): 445
Guthlaug (king of Háleygir): 25-27
Guthleik Gerzki: 297-298
Guthmund (son of Eyólf): 638
Guthmund, Bishop: 814
Guthmund (Eyólfsson of Mothruvellir: 215, 330, 394-395
Guthmund Eyólfsson of Skapti: 239, 396, 398
Guthný (Snorri’s mother): ix
Guthorm (son of Guthbrand): 52
Guthorm (son of Sigurth Hart): 54, 59-62, 73, 77, 82-83
Guthorm (son of Harald Fairhair): 73, 83, 85, 87-88
Guthorm (son of Eirík Bloodyaxe): 95, 112
Guthorm (son of Sigurth): 268, 314
Guthorm (son of Sigurth Eysteinsson): 351
Guthorm (father of Ívar and Hárek): 99
Guthorm (son of Thórir of Steig): 596
Guthorm (son of Ketil Kálf): 618-619
Guthorm (son of Harald Flettir): 724
Guthorm Ásólfsson of Reine: 660, 736
Guthorm Graybeard: 716, 758
Guthorm Gunnhildarson: 612
Guthorm Sindri: 90, 101-102, 113, 116
Guthríth (daughter of Guthorm): 596
Guthríth (daughter of Birgir): 747
Guthröth (king of Scania): 43
Guthröth (son of Hálfdan Whiteleg): 45
Guthröth (son of Eirík Bloodyaxe): 95, 156, 218-219
Guthröth (of Guthbrands Dale): 271, 310-311, 313
Guthröth (king of the Hebrides): 784
Guthröth Bjarnarson: 89, 94-97, 128, 132, 137-138, 140-141, 144, 154
Guthröth Ljómi (son of Harald Fairhair): 80, 81, 83, 87, 89
Guthröth Skirja (son of Harald Fairhair): 77
Guthröth the Generous (son of Hálfdan): 48-49, 51
Guthrún (wife of Orm Lyrgja): 189-190
Guthrún (daughter of Járn-Skeggi): 208
Guthrún (daughter of Nefstein): 660
Guthrún (daughter of Thórth Fólason): 678
Guthrún (daughter of Einar): 742
Guthrún of Saltness: 819
Gýlaug (son of Guthlaug): 27
“Gylfaginning” (“The Duping of Gylfi”): xv
Gylfi, King: xvi, 9-10
Gylling Island: 214
Gymir (father of Gerth): 14
Gyrgir (Greek commander): 579-581
Gyrith (sister of Grégóríús): 770, 780
Gyrth: 646
Gyrth (son of Harald the Redbeard): 48
Gyrth (brother of Harold): 658
Gyrth (son of Law-Bersi): 736
Gyrth Ámundason (fosterbrother of Ingi): 768, 770, 780
Gyrth Bártharson: 746
Gyrth Kolbeinsson: 741, 747, 748
Gyrth Lawman: 770
Gytha (sister of Óláf Kváran): 171-172, 534
Gytha (daughter of Eirík): 61, 76
Gytha (daughter of Svein Forkbeard): 224
Gytha (daughter of Gytha): 445
Gytha (sister of Earl Úlf): 445
Gytha (daughter of King Harold): 702
Hadd the Hard: 74
Haering Island: 214
Hafrsfjord, Norway: 74, 76
Hagbarth (a sea king): 23 n, 25, 27
Haka Dale, Norway: 59
Haki (a sea king): 25-26
Haki (son of Gandálf): 53
Haki (a berserker): 54-55
Haklang: 75
Hákon (a friend of Gunnhild): 145-146
Hákon (king of Sweden): 678
Hákon (son of Pál): 688
Hákon, Earl (son of Ívar the White): 609, 612-616, 626-629, 633-634, 637-638, 812
Hákon, Earl (son of Earl Eirík): 224, 262, 265-266, 270, 274-275, 278, 293, 399, 402, 436-437, 451-452, 460-461, 468, 470, 473, 476-482, 486-487, 505
Hákon, Earl (son of Grjótgarth): 63-64, 68-69, 91-92, 100, 107
Hákon, King (son of Magnús): 668-670
Hákon, Lay of: 120
Hákonardrápa, by Guthorm Sindri: 101
Hákonarhella, Norway: 124
Hákonarmál, by Eyvind Skáldaspillir: 120 n, 125
Hákonar saga Hákonarsonar: xxiv
Hákon Fauk: 701, 723
Hákon galinn, Earl: xii-xiii
Hákon Hákonsson: xxiv
Hákon Maw: 741, 748
Hákon Pungelta Pálsson: 741
Hákon Sigurtharson, Earl: and Gunnhild and her sons, 134-142
and kings of Denmark and Norway: 145-160, 163-168
fights the Jómsvikings, 181-185
chased by Óláf Tryggvason, 188-193
mentioned, 173-181, 186-187, 194, 216, 218, 221, 272, 351, 398
Hákon the Broadshouldered: as king of Norway, 768-796
mentioned, 753, 763
Hákon the Fourth (king of Norway): xiii-xvi
Hákon the Good (son of Harald Fairhair): as king of Norway, 96-127
mentioned, 92, 128-136, 151, 153, 204, 206, 271, 289, 307, 364, 413, 552, 699
Hákon the Mighty (or the Powerful): xxiii, 3-4, 13, 398, 609
Hákon the Old: 145-147
Halar, Denmark: 448
Háleygir (people of Hálogaland): 25, 27, 120
Háleygjatal (Enumeration of the Hálogaland Chieftains): xix, 3, 12 n, 134, 180
Hálf (a mythical hero): 20
Hálfdan (son of Fróthi): 27-28, 33
Hálfdan (brother of Guthröth): 43
Hálfdan (son of Guthröth): 48-49, 51
Hálfdan (son of Sigurth Hrisi): 200
Hálfdan (son of Sigurth and Ásta): 268, 314-315, 612
Hálfdan, Earl (grandfather of Eyvind Skáldaspillir): 193, 363
Hálfdan Goldtooth: 44
Hálfdan Hálegg (Longshanks): 80-84, 88, 315
Hálfdan the Black (father of Harald Fairhair): xvii, 3, 51-59, 71, 104
Hálfdan the Black (son of Harald Fairhair): 73, 85, 87-88, 90-91, 93-94
Hálfdan the Generous and the Stingy of Food: 47-48
Hálfdan the White: 73, 85-88
Hálfdan Whiteleg: 44-46
Hall (son of Authun Hallson): 769
Hall (son of Thorgeir Steinsson): 748-749
Halland: 101, 104, 563, 618, 625, 632, 635, 670, 718, 812
Hallath (son of Rognvald): 79, 82
Halldór: xxii, 757
Halldór (son of Guthmund of Mothruvellir): 215, 228
Halldór (son of Snorri Gothi): 583-585, 587, 608
Halldór Brynjólfsson: 409, 662, 764, 768, 778-780, 782, 817
Halldór of Skerthingstethja: 190, 207
Halldór Sigurtharson: 737
Halldór Skvaldri: poems by, 690-694, 696, 717, 719
Halldór the Unchristened: poems by, 229-230, 236, 240-241, 243
Hallfröth Óttarsson. SEE Hallfröth Vandræthaskáld
Hallfröth Vandræthaskáld: poems by 163-164, 168-169, 215-217, 233, 237, 241-242
Hallkel Húk (son of Jóan Smjorbalti): 707, 757, 764-765, 770
Hallkel of Fjalir: 227
Hallkels Inlet: 179
Hall of Seven Kings: 38
Hall of Sítha: 4, 209, 398
Hall Ótryggson: 638-639
Hallstein (from the Fjord District): 227
Hallstein Hlífarson: 227
Hall Thórarinsson: 4
Hallvarth (an Icelander): 356
Hallvarth Fægir: 745
Hallvarth Gunnarsson: 761-762
Hallvarth Háreksblesi: poem by, 463
Hallvarth Hikri: 785
Hallvarth Skálk (kinsman of Eystein): 52
Hallveig (daughter of Orm): xii, xiv
Hálogaland: 25 n, 33, 77, 86-87, 142, 157, 177, 180, 199, 209, 211-212, 220-221, 227, 244, 363-365, 379-380, 391-392, 403, 419-422, 449, 458-459, 492, 507, 509, 549, 660, 671-672, 699, 701, 741, 817
Háls, Denmark: 152-153
Hamarsfjord: 743
Hamthir: 38 n
Hangrar, Sweden: 539
Hanssøn, Laurents: xxiv
Hár (Óthín): xvi
Harald (1st son of Hálfdan the Black): 53
Harald (Gold-Harald, son of Knút Gormsson): 142, 149-154
Harald (son of Svein Forkbeard): 175
Harald (son of Knút and Emma): 262, 542, 555
Harald (son of Harald Kesja): 705
Harald (son of Sigurth Haraldsson): 815
Harald (king of England): 445
Harald, Earl (son of Thorkel the Tall): 478, 525, 732
Harald Fairhair, King: unifies Norway, 59-78
and his sons, 79-95
mentioned, xvii-xix, 3-4, 57, 95-100, 105, 115, 120, 128-129, 132, 154, 187-188, 193, 200, 202, 268-272, 307, 350-351, 357, 363, 415, 507, 539
Harald Gilli: shares kingdom with Magnús, 715-724
as sole ruler of Norway, 731-735
mentioned, xvii-xviii, 707-711, 748, 750, 757-758, 789
Harald Goldenbeard (king of Sogn): 53
Harald Gormsson (king of Denmark): and Earl Hákon and Harald Greycloak, 149-154
mentioned, 103, 114, 142, 161, 163-164, 166, 168, 173-175, 195, 224, 226, 272, 307, 398, 790
Harald Grenski (father of St. Óláf): 138-139, 154, 185-187, 196, 200, 245, 254
Harald Greycloak: 95, 100 n, 103, 119, 124 n, 128-141, 144, 151-154, 156, 398
Harald Hardruler: travels abroad, 577-590
rules Norway, 591-640, 644-646
harries in England, 647-651
fights King Harald, 652-657
mentioned, xx, xxii, 268, 314-315, 389, 489, 658, 660-662, 667
Harald Hein (son of Svein Úlfsson): 666
Harald Kesja (son of Eirík the Good): 740
Harald Lúfa. SEE Harald Fairhair
Harald Maddatharson: 753
Harald of Vík: 760
Haraldsdrápa, by Einar Skúlason: 723
Harald Sigurtharson, King: xix, 4, 362, 488, 500-501
Haraldskvœði (Lay of Harald): 72 n
Haraldsstikki: 650
Harald the Redbeard (king of Agthir): 48, 51
Harald Valdamarsson (king of Hólmgarth): 702
�rek (son of Guthorm): 99
Hárek Gand: 54
Hárek of Thjótta (son of Eyvind Skálda-spillir): 199, 210-212, 363-364, 368, 391, 422-423, 448-449, 458-459, 482, 487, 507-508, 510, 516-517, 549
Hárek the Keen: 227
Harmfjord: 672, 674
Harold, King (son of Godwine): battles of, 651-653, 656, 658-659
mentioned: 641-644
Harthanger District, Norway: 136, 141, 763
Harthangerfjord: 136, 152
Hastings, battle of: 658
Hathaland, Norway: 45, 49, 52, 57, 60, 77, 81, 87-88, 271, 273, 310, 314, 374, 398, 640, 819
Haug (St. Óláf’s estate): 366, 550-551, 577
Haugar, Norway: 94
Hauga Sound: 94, 297
Haugathing Assembly: 715, 810
Hauk (a merchant): 209
Hauk (from the Fjord District): 227
Hauka Dale, Norway: 4-5
Haukbcer (Óláf the Gentle’s farm): 667
Hauk Hábrók: 92-93
Hauksfljót, England: 98
Hávarth (from Orka Dale): 227
Hávarth (son of Thorfinn Hausakljúf): 351
Hávarth Klíning: 770, 777
Hávarth the Hewer: 182, 184
Hebrides: 76-79, 99, 169, 188, 362, 551, 675, 677, 683, 707, 751
He Dale, Norway: 369
Hefring Head: 669, 671
Heimdall (a god): 10
Heinrek Strjóna: 263
Heinrek the Halt: 785
Heithabýr Town (Heithabý): 168, 561, 604, 698
Heithmork, Norway: 45, 49-52, 58, 60, 87, 137, 244, 271, 279, 286, 310-314, 374, 397, 453-454, 457, 473, 640
Heithsævis Assembly: 375
Heithsævis Law: 104
Heithumhæri (Rognvald): 50
Hel (goddess of the nether world): 20-21, 46-47, 638
Hel (the battleaxe of Óláf and Magnús): 562
Helga (daughter of Andréás Brúnsson): 724
Helgaá River: 442-445
Helganess, Denmark: 570, 590, 592
Helgi (son of Hálfdan of Hleithrar): 33
Helgi Starason: 764
Helgi the Keen (father of Sigurth Hart): 54
Helsing (son of Gandálf): 53
Helsingjaland: 76, 105-106, 140, 287-288, 413-414, 504, 537, 540, 546, 578
Helsingjaport (Hastings), England: 658
Heming (son of Earl Hákon): 159, 243
Heming (brother of Sigvaldi): 175
hendingar (rimes): 84 n
Henry (son of William the Bastard): 689, 694
Henry, Emperor: 694
Henry the Generous (Heinrich of Saxland): 555
Her Dales, Finnland: 250
Herdís (Snorri’s wife): x-xi
Herey Islands: 179, 428, 470
Herlaug (king at Naumu Dale): 64
Herlaug (son of Earl Hákon): 68
Hermóth (the messenger god) 126
Hernar, Norway: 410
Herness the Large: 731
Heroic Legends of Denmark, The: 499 n
hersir: 63
Herthla, Norway: 743