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Hungry For Love

Page 7

by Louise Lyons

  “Weights, I think.”

  “Okay, well if you want any help, give me a wave.” He left the room and I folded my work clothes with shaky hands. I bit my lip hard to suppress the smile that wanted to split my face in two. He really liked me, belly and all.

  “Sorry if I interrupted something.” Tom glanced at me as he toed off his shoes.

  “You didn’t!” I sounded as guilty as hell and my face warmed again.

  Tom grinned. “Right. I’ve seen the way you and him look at each other.”

  “Um…” I had no idea how to respond to that.

  “My son’s gay,” he added. “Don’t worry, I won’t say anything.”


  “Are you seeing each other?” Tom raised an eyebrow, then shook his head, smiling. “Sorry, it’s none of my business.”

  “It’s okay. We are.” I beamed. “Why he wants to be with me, I don’t know, but he does.”

  “He obviously likes you.”

  “Yeah. I always thought I’d be alone until I lost more weight. A lot more.”

  “I used to think my ugly face would put the women off, but my wife seems to like it.” Tom grinned and patted his stomach. “She’s less keen on this bit, but only because she’s worried about my health.”

  “You look good,” I told him.

  “Thanks. Well, enjoy your workout. See you soon.” Tom headed for the showers and I finished getting ready. When I walked into the main part of the gym, Luke waited for me near the pec deck, with a bottle of water in his hand.

  “I noticed you usually start your circuits on this.”

  “Yes, Ryan gave me a program to do. I never could have imagined myself doing this a few months ago.” I confidently adjusted the amount of weight on the machine and sat down. Luke stayed and talked to me while I completed two sets of ten repetitions. He passed me the bottle of water and backed away.

  “I’d better leave you to it. Saturdays are always busy.”

  “I’ll text you later?” I made it sound like a question, relieved when he nodded and smiled.

  I finished my workout in a much happier frame of mind than when I’d arrived. Luke had seen me virtually naked and hadn’t turned a hair. Maybe next time we saw each other outside the gym, we could be intimate without me freaking out about it. It was probably a blessing he’d barged in on me in the changing room, because he’d seen me by accident without me having to take my clothes off when we alone, when I’d be nervous as hell.

  I left it until late in the evening before I sent him a text. I pondered over what to say for several minutes before I settled on: Have you finished at the gym yet? x

  Yes, at home playing X-Box with Nick, x, came the reply, only a minute after I’d hit Send.

  Are you working tomorrow? Maybe we could do something if not.

  Not working. Want me to come over? Do you fancy going for a bike ride or something?

  “Damn,” I muttered. I’d considered buying a bike but never bothered. Cycling with Luke would be fun, as well as burning off more calories. There was nothing to stop me buying one now, however.

  Don’t have a bike, but meant to buy one. Can get one tomorrow. Meet me in town? I suggested. I could get the bus to town, visit the shopping center which had a decent bike shop, and get one prior to Luke arriving.

  We agreed to meet behind the Town Hall at eleven thirty, Luke on his bike and me, hopefully, with my own. I planned to head for the shopping center as soon as it opened, to give me the chance to choose a bike and have it made ready to ride. By the time I went to bed I was excited about spending a few hours with Luke, even though I was likely to end up sweaty and exhausted. He’d seen me that way countless times at the gym after all.

  On Sunday morning I reached the bike shop a few minutes before they opened and was the first through the doors at ten o’clock. The day promised to be warm and I’d dressed in one of my aerated Tshirts and a thin pair of jogging bottoms. I’d brought a small backpack containing bottles of water, cereal bars, and apples, knowing those were snacks Luke liked.

  As the first customer, I didn’t have to wait to be served. A young man was keen to help me when I explained I needed a sturdy bike for general riding. He showed me a few inexpensive models and I sat on one or two. I chose a Townsend mountain bike in plain silver with red trim. When I confessed I hadn’t been on a bike in years, the salesman recommended I buy a helmet, too, so I chose one and paid for it together with the bike. I went to look around some of the other shops for an hour while the bike was prepared for me.

  A little over an hour later, I wheeled my new bike outside and headed for the Town Hall. I hoped I wouldn’t fall off the thing and make a fool of myself in front of Luke. It was probably a good thing I’d bought the helmet, just in case.

  Luke arrived a couple of minutes after I reached our meeting place. He rode up on a smart blue and white bike with the name Kona on it. He was wearing a helmet, too, which made me feel less silly about strapping mine onto my head.

  “Hi, Sam. Nice bike.” Luke halted beside me and flashed me one of his amazing smiles.

  “Thanks. I hadn’t got a clue what to choose. I asked the man in the shop to recommend a few basic ones.” I grinned back at him and tried not to stare too hard at his body, clad in a gray T-shirt and loose black shorts. “I’ll warn you, I might fall off this thing. I should have bought stabilizers.”

  Luke giggled. “At least you got a helmet.”

  “Where do you go riding around here?” I swung my leg carefully over the bike. The man in the shop had set the seat height for me, but I was convinced it was too high.

  “Nene Park? It’s between two and three miles from here. We can just go slow and stop near the lake for a rest.”

  “Sounds great. I brought water and some snacks.” I waited until Luke pedaled away before I pushed off. I wobbled precariously for a moment, my knuckles turning white as I gripped the handlebars. The bike seemed ridiculously fragile beneath me, but I gradually picked up speed and traveled more smoothly. It reminded me of all the cycling I’d done as a teenager.

  “You okay?” Luke called back over his shoulder.

  “Yes, thanks!” I stayed behind him as we cut through the city. The Sunday traffic was light, but at first I cringed and wobbled each time a car overtook me. I heaved a sigh of relief when we turned into Thorpe Road. Luke pointed out where he lived as we sailed by, and a few minutes later we left the main road and passed the Boathouse pub. I was surprised how quickly we’d got there. It wasn’t far to the edge of the park and I felt fine. We weren’t going very fast and I was sure Luke would have raced along if he were by himself, but he seemed happy to go at my speed. Leaving the road behind, we were able to pedal side by side and talk.

  “I’m sorry I was such a prick on Friday.” I felt like I needed to apologize again, but Luke waved one hand at me in a dismissive gesture.

  “Don’t do that. I understand, but we already got past that. Let’s just enjoy ourselves. I like being with you.”

  “I like being with you too.” I smiled at him and changed the subject. We chatted about our jobs, our families, and things we’d done, and the time flew by. We’d cycled around part of the park by then and I was surprised how well I was getting on. I decided I much preferred cycling outdoors to using a machine in the gym. I wasn’t out of breath, but my legs had begun to ache a little, not to mention the fact that my ass throbbed from perching on the bike’s tiny saddle.

  We stopped by a bench, leaned the bikes against the back of it, and sat down. I unzipped my bag and passed Luke a bottle of water, a maple syrup and nut cereal bar, and an apple.

  “I noticed what you chose for breakfast that day in the gym.” I smiled at him sheepishly as he bit into the cereal bar. “I’m afraid I ate your apple that day. You left it behind.”

  “At least it didn’t go to waste.”

  We sat in companionable silence as we ate the snacks. It was already early afternoon and I wondered if he’d want to spend the w
hole day with me. Perhaps I could cook us something for dinner. I’d recently tried out a number of new recipes in my efforts to stick to my healthy eating regime.

  “What do you want to do later?” Luke tossed his apple core into the rubbish bin beside the seat. “If you don’t have any other plans.”

  “I was just thinking I could cook something for us later, if you want to come back to my place. I’ve been trying out a few new things. I got bored with chicken and vegetables, or fish and vegetables, or vegetables and vegetables.” I pulled a face and laughed. “I can make a mean paella.”

  “Sounds good.” Luke looked around him in all directions, then edged closer to me on the seat. I took a look around myself and despite it being a Sunday afternoon, found the immediate area to be deserted. I so wanted to kiss him and when I turned to look at him, he tilted his head back and parted his lips. His blue eyes sparkled as he leaned in closer.

  I pushed aside my ever-present insecurities and remembered the good things that had happened in the past few weeks. Luke’s friendliness in the gym; his willingness to go out with me on Friday night; his warm kisses, and then his not batting an eyelid when he saw me virtually naked. I slid my arm around him and closed the gap between us. Our lips met in a gentle caress and I tasted the sweetness of apple on Luke’s tongue. I lifted my free hand to cup his face, angling my head so I could deepen the kiss. Luke slipped a warm hand around my neck and held on as he slid his tongue against mine and pressed his body closer to my side. My heart pounded and blood rushed to my groin. Suddenly I was desperate for him to touch me and I couldn’t wait for us to be alone. I drew back and put a space between us.

  “You okay?” Luke met my eyes again.

  “Yeah, but I’ll be too stiff to cycle home soon.” I grinned at him. “And I don’t mean my legs.”

  Luke snorted. “I’ve got the same problem.”

  I looked down at the unmistakable bulge in his shorts. I was unable to suppress a groan and my cock twitched impatiently. “Shall we make a move?”

  Luke jumped to his feet immediately and fastened his helmet back onto his head. Standing, his erection was more obvious and I couldn’t help staring as I put my helmet on and slid the bag onto my shoulders. Luke moved his bike away from the bench and paused to adjust himself. I forced myself to stop looking and got to my feet. It would be a long ride home.

  We pedaled slowly, but I still managed to work up a sweat by the time we reached my apartment. My T-shirt stuck to me and I was glad I’d put on a liberal amount of deodorant and cologne before I left home that morning. I needed a shower. Luke didn’t appear to be in the same condition, but I offered him the bathroom first. He quickly freshened up and I left him in the kitchen making coffee while I scrubbed myself and put on clean clothes. I changed my shirt three times before I was happy, and when I joined Luke in the living room, my stomach fluttered with nervousness.

  I switched the TV on before I sat down so there was something to break the silence. I sipped my coffee while Luke flicked through the TV channels and selected a program playing the latest chart hits. “Uptown Funk” filled the room and Luke tapped his foot in time to the beat. I put down my half-empty mug and turned to face him. He’d taken off his shoes and socks, and had one leg bent up with his foot tucked behind his other knee. I reached out and placed my hand on his thigh, stroking my thumb over his firm flesh. He unfolded his leg, dislodging my hand as he turned and sat cross-legged, facing me. I shuffled closer and put both hands on his knees. For a moment I just looked at him, the loose legs of his shorts having ridden up his thighs. Despite his dark locks, his legs had only a light dusting of hair on them, and his feet were long and slender with neatly clipped toenails. The tight T-shirt clung to his upper body and I already knew what he looked like underneath—smooth, hairless, and perfect. The crotch of his shorts was tight over his erection, making it impossible to miss.

  “I want to touch you.” I didn’t realize I’d said the words aloud until Luke gasped. I lifted my head and met his eyes, the familiar blue darker than usual and the pupils enlarged. Luke grasped the hem of his T-shirt, pulled it up over his head, and tossed it to the floor. I hesitated for a moment, then slid one hand around his neck and drew him into a kiss. He parted his lips to admit my tongue and I explored eagerly while I stroked his chest with my free hand. I found one of his nipples and pinched it gently between finger and thumb. It stiffened into a firm little peak, and Luke groaned into my mouth.

  He kissed me back heatedly, fumbling with my shirt buttons while I continued to touch his chest and stomach. My heart raced and I could barely breathe. I was forced to break the kiss and I ducked my head to nibble Luke’s neck instead, kissing and sucking at the warm skin. The little whimpers and moans he gave encouraged me, and I took my hands off him just long enough to finish unfastening my shirt and shrug out of it. Immediately Luke touched me, caressing my chest and scratching his nails through the hair. He lowered his head and pressed his lips to my throat, then moved lower until he reached one of my nipples. He ran his hands over my stomach and around my sides.

  “Luke…” I started to protest as my belly quivered under his fingers.

  “I like the way you feel. I like hairy men.” Luke’s voice was muffled against my chest. He ran his hands up and down my back, then around to my stomach again. My cock throbbed in my pants and despite my slight discomfort, I knew I wouldn’t stop him this time. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feel of his hands and lips on me. Needing to touch him too, I caressed his thighs, gradually working my way inside the legs of his shorts until I brushed the tips of my fingers against his balls. It was only then that I realized he wasn’t wearing underwear. I slid my hand farther up so I could cup his balls and give them a gentle squeeze. Luke breathed out hard and squirmed under my touch.

  “Oh God,” I groaned. “Take them off.”

  Luke pulled back and grinned. “Only if you take yours off too.”

  Again I hesitated, but the sight of him with his shorts bunched up around the tops of his thighs and his erection straining at the fabric overrode my inhibitions. I stood quickly, unfastened my trousers and pushed them down, along with my underwear. Kicking the garments off my feet, I sat down, my back against the sofa cushions. My hard cock ached and the red tip peeked out of my foreskin. Luke rose and lowered his shorts, freeing his erection. When he sat down he didn’t return to the cushion at my side, but straddled my thighs. His cock bumped mine and I groaned. My balls pulled up against my body and I tried to slow my breathing, certain I would embarrass myself by coming before anything happened.

  It had been so long since I’d felt wanted, or been touched by a hand other than my own. I slid my arms around Luke’s waist and tugged him closer, shuddering when he gyrated on my lap and rubbed his cock against mine. I moved one hand lower and caressed his ass, squeezing his flesh and teasing his crack with the tips of my fingers.

  “Mmm.” Luke squirmed against me and rocked back, just enough to give himself room to get a hand between us. I didn’t even care that my stomach got in the way. Luke didn’t seem bothered by it. He hummed his approval when he wrapped his hand around my erection and his own at the same time. I groaned and shivered as precome from one or both of us leaked onto my skin. Luke captured it and used it to ease the way as he stroked us together.

  I looked up and met his eyes. He had his lower lip caught between his teeth and he panted softly, his eyes dark and his hair damp on his forehead. I removed my hand from his ass and brought it to my mouth to lick my fingers. I didn’t take my eyes off his as I reached around him again and rubbed a damp finger over his anus.

  “Oh fuck!” Luke gasped, his body trembling in my arms. He stilled his hand and leaned forward to rest his head on my shoulder. “I’m so close.”

  “Don’t stop.” I circled his hole with my fingertip and he resumed stroking us with a shaky hand. I felt him spill between us, warm wetness on my belly and my cock. His loss of control pushed me over the edge and I pulsed frantically
, groaning his name.

  Luke rested against me, hands on my chest, one palm sticky with our combined fluids. I tightened both arms around him and breathed in his scent as my racing heart gradually slowed its pace. I didn’t want to let him go. At last nothing mattered other than the pleasure we’d given each other.

  Chapter Seven

  EVENTUALLY, LUKE and I pried ourselves off each other. I cleaned up in the bathroom with a damp flannel, then left him to do the same while I made a start in the kitchen. I diced chicken breasts, dry-fried them, and added onions and sliced green beans. By the time Luke emerged from the bathroom, the rice was simmering in chicken stock with a pinch of smoked paprika. I had a pack of tiger prawns and some frozen peas ready to add to the mix, and some fresh herbs to chop and sprinkle on the top.

  “Smells good.” Luke leaned against the counter beside me. “Is there anything I can do?”

  Not wanting to stop stirring the rice and risk it going sticky, I passed him a knife to prepare salad items to go with the meal.

  “I don’t get to cook much at home. The kitchen is Mum’s domain.” Luke sliced tomatoes and tossed them into a bowl. “I doubt I could make anything like that.”

  “I just followed a recipe the first time I made it. I taught myself how to do stuff when I left home. Up until a few weeks ago, I mostly had ready meals or takeaway, though. There are still a couple of pizzas hiding in the freezer.” I grimaced and laughed at the same time. I felt comfortable with him. For the first time in forever I felt as if I could be myself and he wouldn’t judge me like Mark had, or look at me the way my parents did. He liked me for me and I’d started to believe it.

  “My mum was asking about you.” Luke broke the companionable silence as he chopped some celery sticks.

  “I expect she must worry after what your ex was like.” I remembered him saying as much.

  “Yeah. Maybe you could meet her sometime soon?” He glanced at me, then looked away quickly. “You don’t have to. I know it’s early days and the ‘meet the parents’ thing isn’t exactly cool.”


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