Book Read Free

Drama Queen

Page 3

by Susannah McFarlane

  ‘Very, but it gets worse,’ said GH12.

  ‘We then received this second message,’ said A1. ‘Light Screen, play second video.’

  Again, it was the same grainy video, the same shadowy figure and the same robotic voice talking. ‘You are not as bright as you think, SHINE. Did you think we were joking? You did not answer so we left something pink to make you think. If we get Dr Hill, we will release the antidote. If we do not, the balls will harden and there will be no more water. Ever.’ The screen went black.

  ‘“Something pink to make you think.” Bad poetry,’ said EJ. ‘It can’t be SHADOW Agent Adriana because we already have her in SHINE detention too.’

  ‘Correct again,’ said A1. ‘My evil twin sister is also safe under top security. So it seems there is a new scientist at SHADOW. Someone we don’t know about. And the pink, EJ, the pink in the message has to be the pink balls in the reservoir.’

  ‘But what are they?’ asked GP12.

  ‘And what do they do?’ added EJ. ‘Have they taken the water?’

  ‘Well, yes and no,’ said A1. ‘The pink balls are SAPs, Super-Absorbent Polymers.’

  ‘Pardon?’ said EJ.

  ‘No, not pardon, polymers. Chemical crystals that are able to absorb or soak up water, enormous amounts of water. They start as tiny balls but they can absorb up to five-hundred times their weight in water.’

  ‘They can? Those little balls? How?’ asked EJ.

  ‘Let’s see,’ said A1 turning to the Light Screen. ‘I think we need a demonstration. Light Screen, video conference Professor H2O. Agents GP12, NW11 and GH12, please move to the surveillance screens and monitor the movie crew movements please.’

  As the other agents headed to their computer consoles, an image of a young woman with curly brown hair appeared on the Light Screen.

  ‘Good morning, A1, Agent EJ12,’ said Professor H20.

  ‘Good morning, Professor,’ replied A1. ‘Can you please show us what a SAP can do?’

  ‘I would be delighted,’ said Professor H2O. She took a small jar from her pocket and unscrewed the lid. She then dipped her finger into the jar and pulled it out again, holding her finger close to the camera.

  ‘Can you see these little balls, EJ?’

  EJ nodded.

  ‘Watch what happens when I put them into this glass of water.’

  EJ watched in amazement as the balls became large and jelly-like and the water from the glass seemed to disappear.

  ‘That’s impossible!’ exclaimed EJ. ‘The water,’ she cried, ‘it’s gone!’

  ‘No,’ said H2O, ‘not gone, absorbed. Isn’t it clever? These were first used to keep babies’ nappies drier but now, with drought becoming more and more common, scientists are also finding ways to use them to store water. By using them we can reduce the need for watering dramatically! But now it seems that SHADOW has added something to the standard SAP chemical mix, something that absorbs the water but then hardens the balls to keep the water trapped. We are trying to work out what we can add that will release the water.’

  ‘The message I decoded talked about a ball drop,’ said EJ. ’Do you think that these are the balls they mean?’

  ‘Yes, EJ12,’ said A1. ‘Light Screen, new panel, show decoded message.’

  A square flashed next to the image of Professor H2O and the message EJ had cracked appeared.

  ‘So the ball drop must mean dropping SAP balls into the water supply,’ said EJ. ‘And now they are planning to drop more balls. But where?’

  ‘We are not sure yet,’ said A1, turning to the Light Screen again. ‘Show city map, highlight reservoirs.’

  A map flashed on screen with five areas of blue around the edge of the city. The smallest one was now flashing pink.

  ‘You see, EJ,’ continued A1, ‘the pink spot is where SHADOW has already struck and the blue areas are the other city reservoirs. Two have been hard hit by the drought and are nearly empty but the other two, the two quite close together, are nearly full. We think they will be SHADOW’s target. And there’s one more thing. Light Screen, show movie crew location.’

  A red light flashed on the map, right between the two larger reservoirs. The location set of Spy Movie 2 was right next to the two large reservoirs.

  ‘Too many coincidences,’ agreed EJ. ‘So what is the plan?’

  ‘We, or rather you, are going to go undercover. We need to get you on that location shoot to see what you can find out.’

  ‘I’m going on a movie set,’ said EJ, trying not to sound incredibly excited.

  ‘Yes, is that a problem?’ asked A1.

  ‘Oh, no,’ said EJ, smiling. ‘Not at all.’

  EJ walked into the SHINE change rooms and saw the regulation SHINE undercover gear, summer-issue, laid out on a chair: a black t-shirt, black shorts, socks and trainers. She quickly changed into the clothes, which were, as always, a perfect fit, and came back into the Operations Room and up to A1, who was standing behind a high workbench.

  ‘Right, EJ, we think you might need to add these to your charm bracelet for this mission.’

  EJ saw four new charms laid out on the bench: a star, a heart, what looked like a little book and a lipstick.

  ‘You want me to wear lipstick?’ asked EJ, surprised.

  ‘No, you are much too young!’ said A1.’ You twist the charm and it transforms into what looks like a normal lipstick but is actually a truth gloss. When it is applied, a chemical is released onto the lips and the person wearing it must tell the truth. Not only that, the person will not remember anything. The truth gloss causes a hypnotic trance.’

  Hmmm, thought EJ, if I could only get some on Bob, I could find out the truth about my diary ... although, how would I get him to put on lipstick?

  ‘I am sure I don’t need to remind you, EJ, that charms are strictly for mission use.’

  ‘Of course, A1,’ replied EJ quickly. There she goes again! EJ thought it best to move the conversation on. ‘And what does the star charm do?’

  ‘This is a star-tracker charm,’ said A1. ‘You simply put it on something, or someone, and you can follow the star. This charm is one of the few that actually gets smaller when you twist it. It reduces to a tiny spot that no one would ever notice. And, you use it with your phone or this.’ A1 picked up the little book charm.

  ‘A book?’ suggested EJ.

  ‘Close. It is a secret notebook, a spy pad,’ replied A1.

  ‘Why do I need a pad?’ said EJ. ‘I can just use my phone.’

  ‘Well yes, you could,’ agreed A1. ‘But sometimes a bigger screen can be useful and this spy pad has a few extra apps of its own which we are very excited about. But first we must set up your security code. Please activate your spy-pad charm, EJ.’

  EJ took the charm from the bench and twisted it at the top. Within seconds she was holding an indigo-coloured case with the SHINE logo on the back. On the front was a series of buttons and small lights and what looked like a speaker in the bottom corner.

  ‘Please state your name and code name into the microphone speaker,’ instructed A1. ‘Speak clearly and slowly.’

  EJ held the book up close and said, ‘Emma Jacks, Agent EJ12.’

  One of the lights flashed green and the screen came on. EJ read the next set of instructions.

  ‘That will be your password,’ explained A1. ‘The voice recognition feature and the code will mean only you will be able to use the book.’

  That would save a lot of problems at home, thought EJ as she keyed in ‘99’. For a girl who loved maths, she had an excellent birthday, the ninth day of the ninth month. Even better, she had been born at nine minutes past nine in the morning. After EJ keyed in the number, a second light flashed and the book opened. Now EJ could see a large screen with small app pictures on it.

  ‘Now touch on the app with an X on it,’ said A1. ‘Then hold the pad up to the cupboard under the bench.’

  EJ did and gasped. ‘That’s amazing!’ she cried. On the screen she could see wha
t was behind the cupboard door. On the top shelf she could see boxes with the SHINE logo on them and, on the lower shelf, a row of motorbike helmets.

  ‘Indeed,’ said A1, smiling. ‘We are rather happy with our new X-ray app. It allows agents to see through walls and doors without drawing attention to themselves. X-ray goggles do tend to be a giveaway. We took the idea from airport scanners. The book also has a camera and photo printing app and...’

  ‘A1!’ Agent GP12 called out suddenly. ‘We have an update.’

  ‘Go ahead.’

  ‘Agent CC12 has just rung in to advise Spy Movie 2 delivery vehicles are in the final stages of packing and preparing to depart.’

  ‘Then we need to hurry, EJ,’ said A1. ‘You can familiarise yourself with the rest of your charms later. There are delivery trucks taking equipment to the set of Spy Movie 2 and you need to get yourself on one of those trucks and on to the movie set. We need to find out if there really is a connection between this movie and SHADOW’ s plot to destroy the city’s water—and do it before they strike again. One more thing EJ12: no one must know you are there.’

  ‘Of course,’ said EJ.

  ‘Now, please take one of those helmets from the cupboard. Agent KM12 from our fast transport division is waiting in the exit tunnel. She will get you to the delivery depot and into the van undetected.’

  EJ smiled. KM12 was one of her best spy buddies. She hadn’t seen her since SHINE camp.

  EJ left the Operations Room via a door that led to the exit tunnel. In the tunnel was KM12 standing next to a pushbike with a passenger car. There was a sticker on the bike: ‘Speed of Light Couriers’.

  EJ ran up to her friend and gave her a hug. ‘Nice touch with the courier sign, but why can’t I just ride on the back?’

  ‘You’ll see,’ said KM, smiling. ‘Here, put on this leather jacket and your helmet and hop in. We need to move, EJ.’

  EJ pulled on her gear, climbed into the sidecar and gave KM the thumbs up. KM turned on the bike and began to peddle. As she did, the bike began to move, but as fast as a motorbike and without a sound: it was a new electric-powered bike, good for the environment and perfect for secret drop-offs. KM steered the bike up the tunnel. They seemed to be approaching a dead end, but she pushed a button on her bike and the wall slid to one side. The two agents rode out into a quiet laneway.

  ‘We will be at the drop in twenty minutes, EJ,’ said KM. ‘We then need to get you on to one of the movie delivery trucks. Agent CC says that there is a ramp at the back of each truck and I think we can deliver you straight into one of those vans.’

  ‘But how?’ asked EJ.

  ‘Do you see the lever on the front of the side car?’ replied KM. EJ nodded. ‘That will disengage the sidecar from the bike and allow you to steer it. When we approach the van, you need to pull the lever, release the sidecar and steer it up the ramp into the van. Push the lever down to brake and you can then pull the truck door shut and lock it up from the inside. Activate Eco-Deco on the sidecar to dispose of it once you are secure within the locked van. Check?’

  ‘Check,’ said EJ. ‘This will be fun!’

  The two girls smiled at each other as the bike sped along. There were definitely worse things than being part of SHINE. It was almost a pity when KM began to slow the bike down.

  ‘Okay, EJ,’ said KM, ‘we are approaching the delivery depot. I’ll circle around the area once so we can get our bearings.’

  As KM rode around the fence of the delivery depot, EJ could see that there was a wide driveway leading up to a warehouse. There were forklifts buzzing around and women loading boxes onto trolleys. In front of the warehouse were six large delivery vans all in a row and all with ramps leading up the back. There was also a road leading out the back of the depot. EJ scanned the trucks.

  ‘I’m going to come in that back road, EJ,’ said KM.

  ‘Okay and let’s take the last truck,’ replied EJ. ‘It’s furthest from the warehouse and it looks nearly full. You can ride straight past it and then turn around. I can release the sidecar on the way back.’

  ‘Okay, EJ, let’s do it,’ said KM.

  KM took the bike up a gear and tore up the back road. She was so fast and so quiet that none of the delivery women noticed them. KM rode past the trucks, then turned around and began to ride back, making sure she stayed in line with the last delivery truck. EJ waited until she could see the inside of the van and then pulled the lever. The sidecar came away from the bike and continued straight at the van. KM peeled off to the right and sped off down the road and out of the depot.

  ‘Good luck, EJ, you will do great!’ cried KM. ‘I’m out of here!’

  EJ held the lever tight and kept it straight. As she approached the van, she pushed the lever down to slow the sidecar. She felt a bump as it hit the ramp. The sidecar was in the truck. EJ pushed the lever hard down and stopped just before hitting a pile of boxes. She was in. She leapt out of the car and put her jacket and helmet in the seat before reaching under it. Her fingers felt for the small Eco-Deco button she knew would be there. One push and the sidecar and its contents would disintegrate: it was an excellent, although rather smelly SHINE way to dispose of equipment so it wouldn’t be found. EJ pinched her nose as the belching noises came from the car and within a minute there was nothing left. EJ ran to the back of the truck and pushed the button on the side wall. The ramp lifted up and locked in place. Just in time, thought EJ as she heard two women’s voices coming closer to the truck.

  ‘This one’s already locked up and ready to go,’ said one woman.

  ‘Okay, let’s take it,’ said the other. ‘We can make the first delivery.’

  EJ sat still as the women climbed into the front of the truck and started the engine. They didn’t know it but there would be one more thing delivered to the movie set—EJ12.

  From the back of the truck, EJ could hear the delivery women talking to each other.

  ‘Can you believe what a drama queen that Sydney Radisson is?’ said one. ‘She went off at the director yesterday, accusing her of ruining the scene then yelling at the lighting assistants that they had made her look bad. She was horrible! And then she started on the catering supervisor, demanding to know where her special chocolates were. Can you imagine? Fifty double-fudge chocolate bars! Crazy!’

  That doesn’t sound so crazy, thought EJ. Sounds rather delicious, actually.

  ‘I know,’ said the other woman, ‘and then she accused her personal assistant of spilling her perfume bottles. The poor assistant kept trying to tell her she didn’t do it, but Ms Radisson just kept yelling at her.’

  EJ blushed a little when she heard that. It sounded a little like the way she had behaved with Bob. Perhaps he really hadn’t known that she had a diary?

  ‘And then she started yelling at everyone, telling them that no one must open her bottles. Apparently this precious perfume comes inside little balls and they went everywhere.’

  Balls? thought EJ and she remembered the message she had decoded: ‘first ball drop a success’. Just another coincidence? wondered EJ. I need to see those perfume bottles.

  Then EJ held on to the side of the truck as it turned sharply and on to what felt like a rough dirt track. After a bumpy ten minutes or so, it came to a halt.

  ‘Here we are,’ declared one of the delivery women, opening the cab door. ‘Let’s get this load unpacked and head back for the next one.’

  EJ needed to find somewhere to hide. She turned on her phone and used its light to quickly assess her hiding options. There were big boxes everywhere but all of them were taped shut. Then EJ spied three tall white cubicles on the other side of the boxes. She climbed over to see what they were. There were doors on them and on each door was a sign.

  EJ groaned. Somehow all her missions ended up involving a toilet. There was a loud bang as the truck door began to open. There was no more time. EJ opened the toilet door and went in. She locked the door behind her, sat on the toilet seat lid and waited. She could hear the
women unloading the boxes, the trolley wheels squeaking as they rolled up and down the ramp. Then she heard the sound of heavy boots close to the toilet.

  ‘Give me a hand, will you?’ It was one of the delivery women. ‘I just need to tilt this loo onto the trolley.’

  EJ stuck both her arms out to the side of the toilet and pushed hard against the cubicle walls to make sure she didn’t fall off the toilet seat as it was tilted on its side and taken off the truck.

  ‘Is it just me or does this one feel heavier?’ asked one woman.

  EJ held her breath.

  ‘Maybe a bit,’ replied the other. ‘Let’s put it down here.’

  EJ breathed a quiet sigh of relief when the trolley stopped and the toilet was set down. She listened as the sound of the footsteps went away and the truck drove off. Then slowly, quietly, she opened the toilet door, just a tiny crack so she could see out. She seemed to be in some kind of outdoor delivery area and, as there didn’t seem to be anyone around, she slipped out of the toilet and made her way through the piles of delivery boxes. Now she could hear voices and as she came past the last row of boxes, she walked out on what looked like a huge pop-up, temporary village.

  EJ wasn’t sure what she was expecting the movie location set to be like but it wasn’t this. She thought there might be a few cameras and a few lights, the actors, obviously, and then a few more people behind the scenes. What she didn’t expect to see was this mini city. Everywhere there were trucks, trailers and tents. There were tents with kitchens and tables and chairs, tents with racks of clothes and tents with equipment: lights, cameras, computers and what looked like an endless supply of electric cable. And there were so many people running around, talking frantically into earpieces and phones, carrying clothes, carrying cups of coffee that EJ couldn’t really see what was going on. But as she watched, she saw that all the frantic activity was centred on an area far ahead where equipment and people ringed a clearer spot. Suddenly, a loud voice cut through all the noise.


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