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Awakening (Earth Evolution Series Book 4)

Page 3

by KD Jones

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

  Quinn pulled her closer to his body and she couldn’t help but breathe in his scent. Whatever cologne he wore was amazing. She should pull away but she couldn’t get herself to do it. She felt safe with him and really turned on, especially after what she’d done in the shower. Her body was still sensitive and trembling from it.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to offer to show you around the ship. I heard that you have refused to leave the mediko despite several offers.”

  She bit her lip. She feared going out into the ship, with all those Drastans looking at her, and she knew there were some who did not like humans. However, the idea of her seeing the ship with Quinn was too tempting to refuse. He fascinated her.


  “Um…maybe you should get dressed first. I mean, I don’t mind you wearing nothing in front of me but I have a problem with other males seeing you this way.”

  She shivered as his gaze traveled her body from head to toe. Squirrel had never felt like she was an attractive woman before now; she hadn’t wanted to either. The heat in his eyes had her feeling damp between her thighs. Quinn gave her a sexy smile like he knew what he did to her.

  “Are you changing or wearing the towel?” he asked, and chuckled when she blushed.

  “Right, let me grab some scrubs.” She rushed over to the cabinet where Mediko Jared kept linen supplies.


  Quinn was fighting his impulse to grab the female and kiss her. He could scent a small trace of her arousal when she first came out of the shower and just then her scent amped up. He watched as she pulled out the clothes Jared gave his patients to wear. Didn’t anyone think to give her something else less—plain?

  “Is that all you have to wear?”

  She blushed looking down at the clothes in her hands. “These are clean and comfortable, better than anything I’ve owned before. Lily did bring me something different, clothes closer to my size, but I’m not comfortable wearing them.”

  “Why not?”

  “They’re mostly dresses and they’re really feminine. I don’t feel that way.” She looked down at her bare feet and Quinn couldn’t remain where he was one moment longer. He went to her and lifted her chin with his fingers.

  “I think you are as feminine as they come. You are perfect just the way you are. I only want to make sure you get all that you deserve. Wear these if it makes you feel more comfortable.”

  “Okay then, I won’t take long to change.” Squirrel rushed to the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind her.

  Hearing that lock made him cringe. She still didn’t trust him or anyone. He couldn’t imagine what it had been like for her living on her own but he was determined to show her that she was safe now.

  The door opened and she stepped out in the plain, baggy clothes. Her hair was up in with some kind of tie and she blushed when her eyes met his.

  Heat filled his body just looking at her. He wanted her more than he had ever wanted anyone but he had kept his distance from her for several reasons. At the moment he couldn’t think of a single one of them. She blushed and he knew that she was as attracted to him as he was to her.

  “Are you ready?” he asked as he moved toward the door and waited for her.

  She nodded. “I just need to put on my shoes.”

  She grabbed the sandals Lily had given her and quickly put them on. “I’m ready.”

  “Let’s go show you this ship.” Quinn put his hand on the small of her back and felt huge next to her. She was so tiny barely five feet two inches tall if that while he was six feet five inches. As they left the mediko, Lt. Orti was outside waiting for them. “I’ve got her for now Tagar. Meet me in suite 370 in a couple of hours.”

  “Yes sir.”

  Quinn turned to find Squirrel staring after Tagar. Was she attracted to him? He felt something he hadn’t ever felt before—jealousy. It bothered him that she might find another male attractive.

  “Little one, is something wrong?”

  “Was he here all night?” She looked at him with a frown.


  “Why? Is he here to keep me from getting out?”

  “Lt. Tagar Orti was assigned to guard you and keep others from bothering you.”

  “He doesn’t have to do that. I can take care of myself.”

  “I believe you, but he takes his assignment as a great honor. All females and children should be protected and treated with great love and respect.”

  “He had to be ordered to watch over me?” Her expression showed displeasure.

  “Tagar was the first one to volunteer for the assignment. He was there when I carried you from the tunnels and was horrified that a female was injured so carelessly.”

  “Do you know him personally?”

  “I’ve known him for years. I went through training with him. He was second only to me but that was because he held back his strength. He is careful to not exude his full strength because he could easily hurt someone. Are you afraid of him? He would never hurt you.”

  “I don’t know him but if you trust him, and your uncle trusts him, then I can give him a chance.”

  Quinn smiled at her. “Shall we?” He held out his hand for her. She slowly reached up and took it. That was a big step for her, touching others willingly. It showed how brave she was.

  Chapter 4

  Squirrel looked around the corridors of the ship, intrigued. Each level they went to had corridors with different colors. The uniforms were color-coded, too, based on what each person’s position was on the crew. Most people who passed them by looked at her with curiosity. Some of the females spoke to Quinn with way too much familiarity, which caused her to feel jealous. She didn’t like the idea of Quinn being intimate with anyone else. It was the men who bothered her most though.

  She’d always had a good sense of whether people were good or bad. It had kept her alive for years and she trusted her instincts. A few of the men would look at her, assessing her while keeping their distance. She could understand that. It was something she did a lot of when in the tunnels, assessing someone else’s intentions. Did they mean her harm? Could she escape?

  Then there were a few of the men who openly looked at her with desire in their eyes. They would approach to speak with her. She would keep a step behind Quinn and he would emit a low growl at them, making them leave quickly. Their sexual interest in her was unwanted, but they weren’t the ones she worried about.

  It was the other men, those who approached them nonchalantly but she could see something in their eyes when they looked at her that spelled bad news. These men were not to be trusted and she couldn’t help but hide further behind Quinn’s body whenever one stopped to speak with him.

  “Are you okay little one?”

  “Can we go back now?”

  “I wanted to show you the viewing room. I promise you’ll love it.”

  She sucked in a breath and let it out. You can do this. Be brave. “Okay, but then I want to go back. I’m not comfortable around all these people.”

  “I understand.” He waved his hand on a panel in front of a door and it slid open. “Come.”

  She followed him inside and was amazed to find a whole wall of large window panels. Squirrel rushed over and looked out onto space. “I can see the moon and Earth from here!”

  “Yes, if you look at the dark matter moving over the planet, that is the result of the nuclear destruction. The dark moving swirls are radiation winds.”

  She sighed with sadness. “We destroyed not only our own people but our world. Would we have all died out eventually if you and your people hadn’t shown up?”

  Quinn leaned against the glass panel near her. “For those in the government-built domes, they would have continued to prosper and after many decades would be able to rebuild on the surface once more.”

  “Just not us tunnel dwellers right?”

  “Some probably woul
d have survived, but it would have been a struggle. Many of you had exposure to radiation and if it went untreated, it would have—”

  “Killed us off?”


  She liked that about Quinn—he told her the truth even if it wasn’t easy to hear. “How long will your people remain here on Earth?”

  “As long as it takes to make sure that your people, all of your people, have a real chance to survive on your own.”

  “I’m surprised with all the resistance on both sides you would want to continue to help us at all. What do you gain from helping us except a headache from dealing with a bunch of ungrateful humans?”

  He chuckled. “You’re not all bad. The Drastans once were in a similar situation as Earth many decades ago. We would have died off if another race had not come to our rescue. We may be a warrior nation, but when we come across those in need, we are obligated by our own conscience to give assistance.”

  “So you’re paying it forward?”

  “I’m not sure what that means.”

  “It means someone you didn’t know helped you when they didn’t have to. You want to do the same for someone else that you don’t necessarily know, but you do it just because it’s the right thing to do.”

  “Yes, I guess then we are paying it forward, as you say.”

  “So you’ll go back to your home world when we are able to take care of ourselves? That could be weeks or months or years from now right?” The thought of him leaving and her never getting to see him again sent a wave of pain to her heart. She knew better than to get attached, it led to being hurt.

  “I’m not sure how long we will remain. Right now you are unable to defend yourselves against an outside attack from other worlds. We’re not the only alien race out there and that makes us your only defense.”

  “You can’t stay forever, though.”

  “No, we’ll have replacement ships come in to relieve us, allowing our current fleet to return home.”


  “We plan to offer sanctuary for any humans who would like to travel to Drasta with us. Would you consider this?”

  Squirrel wrapped her arms around herself. “I don’t know. It’s scary to think about leaving the only home I’ve ever known. I’m not all that anxious about returning to the tunnels though. What’s Drasta like?” She turned to watch as a smile lit his face. It made him even sexier to her.

  “Like I said before, our original home world was devastated many centuries ago. We had to rebuild on another abandoned planet. This one was lush with vegetation. To keep from contaminating the natural resources, many of us live in the floating cities in the sky; they are just beneath our clouds.”

  “You have cities that float?” That would be so amazing to see.

  “Yes and the cities can move to a more protected area if needed, which helps in case we are ever attacked. The skies are always bright and purple and there are arcs of color everywhere.”

  “Wow that sounds beautiful.”

  “It is. Right at sunrise the light filters through the clouds and it makes the whole city glow like one of your Earth diamonds.”

  “I have to admit, I wouldn’t mind seeing that.”

  He stepped closer until they were only inches apart. “I would be honored to show you the city I live in. There are pools of water with a clear bottom so that when you swim, you can see the greenery of the planet below.”

  “I’m not sure I know how to swim. I can’t remember if I ever have.”

  He cupped her cheek and leaned down, his lips so close she could feel his breath against her. Her whole body trembled at his simple touch.

  “I will teach you, then. I will show you anything you would like to know.”

  He moved his hand to the back of her neck and pulled her to him just as his lips touched hers. She didn’t think about pushing him away. Instead, she was lost in the feelings that he brought out in her. It was a surprise but one she welcomed.

  Quinn’s lips were a little firmer than hers but still plump. She had fantasized about sucking his bottom lip for a long time now. This was her moment, so, she took advantage and sucked his bottom lip in between hers. He growled in pleasure, pulling her tighter into his embrace.

  He shifted, taking away that luscious lip, and she wanted to complain, but then his tongue invaded her mouth and heat filled her entire body. It was the strangest thing to feel another’s tongue touching hers. His tongue stroked her, trying to get her to respond. She moved her tongue against his and was addicted immediately. His touch, his taste filled her in ways she had never imagined.

  Quinn’s hands traveled down her back and over the swells of her ass. When he squeezed her she felt a spike of heat go straight to her pussy. She writhed against his hold. Someone moaned and it took a moment for her to realize it had been her.

  “Oh God.”

  Her body had a mind of its own as she found herself rubbing her breasts against his chest. She reached up and pulled the open collar of his uniform it open to get to his skin. He was so warm. That’s how she thought of Quinn; as a warm, beautiful man. She couldn’t get close enough. She wanted to climb him and take him inside of her, somehow making them one.

  His hands left her ass and held her hips, moving her away from him. “Careful sweetness. This place isn’t exactly private.”

  Squirrel felt heat rise to her cheeks. She’d practically attacked him. She quickly moved away. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. I thought it might make you feel uncomfortable to have someone walk in on us. Besides, I don’t like the idea of others seeing you in an intimate moment.”

  “I appreciate it; I wouldn’t want anyone to see us like that. It’s private. Can we go back now?”

  “We can leave the viewing room but there’s one more place I wanted you to see.”

  “Quinn, I really don’t think—”

  “Just one more place, please.”

  She sighed. “Fine.” She took the arm he offered her and let him lead her out into the corridor of the ship. She glanced once more at the windows and felt sad to be leaving. “Thank you for bringing me here.”

  “You can come here anytime you like, it’s open to all. I would love to bring you back again another time if you want.”

  She wasn’t sure if she would ever come there on her own but she liked the idea of coming back with him. “I may take you up on that.”


  Quinn was hurting for the female. She tasted so sweet and her instant response to him was more than he expected. If they had been in his quarters, he would have taken her right then and there, but anyone could have walked in on them in the viewing room. No, when he finally had a chance to be alone without interruption, then he would make love to her properly. The way she deserved to be made love to.

  Of course, that would be a while. He still had to get his uncle to give him a mission to command, and Squirrel—he really hated that name—needed time to completely heal and adjust to a new life. He meant it when he told her he wanted to show her his city. Quinn could picture her walking the glass corridors high above the clouds. She would wear one of their white flowing traditional dresses with her long hair down and her blue eyes sparkling at him. She would look like a goddess, one he planned to worship very soon.

  “Where are we going?”

  He smiled at her as they took the lift to the third level. “A place I hope you will like.”

  They exited the lift and walked down a short distance, then stopped at another closed door. He took her hand and placed it on a scanning panel.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Making sure you can open and close the door with the wave of your hand.”

  “Why would I do that?”

  He waited for her to enter the now opened doorway. She looked around in confusion at the apartment. There was a living room open to a kitchen area, and a short hallway that led to a bedroom. He hoped she would like it.


  “It’s your


  “Jared and Lily have been trying for weeks to get you to take a place for yourself away from mediko.”

  “I don’t want to leave there. It’s safe.” She really didn’t like change.

  He could see the fear and distrust in her eyes as she looked around her surroundings. She was checking for escape routes and hiding places. It broke his heart that she didn’t trust him completely, but he understood. Her cautiousness had kept her alive for all these years.

  “Who else lives here?”

  “No one but you will live here.”

  “I am but one person. This place could house probably four or five people per room.”

  He shook his head. “It will house only you.”

  “I don’t know about this. Who would have access?”

  “There are only three people with access to your quarters: you, Jared for medical emergencies, and me.”

  “What about the guard?”

  “You have two guards who will alternate shifts and guard you from the corridor. They do not have access to your suite. No one else will be able to enter without you telling the computer to open. You will have freedom to move around in the ship and the guards will accompany you for your protection.”

  When she didn’t say anything, he encouraged her to explore waving his hand toward the hallway. “Go, check everything out, you have everything you should need. Maggie, Rachel, and Lily stocked your closet with clothes to fit you and filled your cabinets with food. I wasn’t sure if you knew how to cook, but I would love to teach you.”

  “You can cook?” She smiled a little, looking him up and down.

  “I promise I’m not just a pretty face. My cousin Kyle and I learned how to cook from my mother. She felt it was important that males should learn to cook for their mates. Kyle’s better than I am at it but don’t tell him I said that.”

  “I don’t know how to cook using Drastan appliances. I might burn the ship down.”

  He chuckled. “Don’t worry. If the ship can survive Maggie it can survive anyone. I swear every time I walk down to their quarters I can smell smoke from something she burned. My cousin Liam tries to do all the cooking but he’s only a little bit better than she is. Needless to say, they get a lot of their meals made and brought to them. So if you don’t want to cook, you don’t have to. I can request meals be brought to you.”


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