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The Desolate Mountains (The Divine Elements Book 2)

Page 6

by Daman

  “You too, idiot. Don’t try to follow behind me.”

  Calron warned the baby monkey, and raised his other arm to warmly stroke its tiny head.


  The naughty monkey inquired as it pleadingly looked up at the human boy.

  “Haha, alright, I promise to bring you some delicious foods when I return. Now, remember to take care of yourselves and stick to each other.”

  Calron stated as he turned around his head to look at all the beasts.

  A series of sad whimpers and sniffling echoed in the small cave as the baby beasts continued to protest against the human leaving.

  Slowly setting the jaguar cub back onto the ground, Calron then gently nudged the little monkey to detach itself from his arm.

  Once all the baby beasts had stepped aside to let him pass, Calron began walking towards the mouth of the cave while the little beasts sadly trudged behind him.

  Just as he reached the outside, Calron let out a sigh and looked behind him.

  Seeing the heartbroken expressions on the baby beasts’ faces, Calron felt his heart tremble violently. These baby beasts were all just like him – orphans.

  The only thing that put his mind to rest was knowing that they had at least each other for company, and would not have to walk the same path of loneliness as him.

  Suddenly, as if remembering something, Calron quickly patted his fur trousers until he found what he was looking for.

  “Oi! Come here.”

  Calron addressed the whimpering baby jaguar with a slight smile on his face.


  Curious as to why the human was calling it, the little feline instantly rushed to the boy in a flash.

  “This is for you guys to remember me by, and to also remember my promise that I will one day return back you.”

  Calron whispered to the little cub while handing out the wooden flute.


  The baby jaguar enthusiastically grasped the flute within its jaws and nodded its head vigorously.

  “You’re really too cute, hahaha.”

  Calron let out a chuckle when he saw the cheerful expression on the little feline’s face. Standing up straight, he then proceeded to turn towards the forest.

  “Alright everyone, don’t get in too much trouble!”

  Calron yelled as he took a final glance behind him, and then for the first time within the past few months, he activated the Blood Mist Step.


  Soon, only a faint cloud of crimson mist remained in the place where Calron had been previously standing.



  The little monkey slowly hopped over to its jaguar friend and asked with tears in its eyes.

  “Mew… ”

  The baby jaguar sadly replied as it set the wooden flute below on the ground.


  A white eagle screeched while raising its head to the sky.


  The bear cub stepped forward while shaking its head, and preventing the white eagle from moving.


  The little monkey abruptly intervened as well as it voiced support for the white eagle’s suggestion.

  “MEW! Mewww, mew meew!”

  The baby jaguar scolded both the monkey and the white eagle.

  Turning its little furry head to gaze in the direction that the human had just left, a small tear slowly escaped from its eye and soundlessly splashed onto the ground below.


  “Dammit! I should not have so gotten attached to them.”

  Calron cursed as he suddenly stopped midway and banged his fist against a tree.

  “Kid, you will see them again, but you need to get much stronger first. Taking them with you right now would only put their lives at risk.”

  The Voice consoled its student within his mind.

  “I hate doing this, Teacher… I hate leaving people I care about. How long will I have to continue doing this?”

  Calron quietly asked, as memories of Fatty, his Master, and his family all flashed through his mind.

  “Calron, sad and cruel as it might be, only through strength can you have what you desire. This will not be the only time you will have to make a difficult choice, as there will be many more in future. Until you reach the stage where you have the power to freely do what you want, we must continue to tread this path.”

  The Voice answered in a somber tone.

  “You’re right… Teacher. Alright, let’s do the thing you wanted me to do.”

  Calron stated, while a slow resolve began spreading across his face.

  “Are you sure? There are other ways as well, but those will probably take months to have a small chance of success.”

  “I made a promise to quickly return back to them, so I have to do this, otherwise, it will simply take too long to find the place we want.”

  Calron firmly replied back to his Teacher.

  A few weeks back, his Teacher had revealed to Calron that the next step in his training was to absorb a bolt of lightning from nature and use its essence to break into the Vajra stage. However, the hardest part about this process was to locate where the next thunderstorm would take place.

  The Voice suggested that there were two main ways of locating a thunderstorm. One way was to keep track of the weather and to follow any grey clouds whenever they appeared. But this method had a very low chance of success and depended a lot on luck.

  The second method and the one that would guarantee to give the location of a thunderstorm was to use a lightning attributed technique to search for traces of the lightning in the air. The problem with this method was that the Voice could not imprint another technique onto Calron, as it would damage their souls if they used this method often.

  The only other alternative to the second option was to the use the ability that Elias had left him with – the Divine Perception.


  “Very well, I will observe the process from within your consciousness then. If it gets out of control, I will try to intervene.”

  The Voice silently stated.

  Taking in a deep breath, Calron slowly closed his eyes as the symbol on his forehead began to glow faintly.

  Chapter 11 – Revelation

  A warm and comfortable sensation spread throughout his body.

  Controlling his breathing, Calron began to envelop his consciousness around the white symbol on his forehead.

  A small trace of fear still lurked deep within Calron’s heart, but he knew that if he kept on avoiding this mysterious technique, then he would never be able to overcome any other obstacle in the future.

  The darkness within his eyes was slowly being replaced by an unnatural grey.

  “This is it… ”

  Calron whispered softly as he gradually opened his eyes to a world of white and grey.

  His vision was mildly disoriented, but soon his mind started to adjust to the new color spectrum. It was unsettling for Calron to suddenly have all the colors within his perception to condense down to only two different ones.

  “Is this how Master saw the world around him?”

  Calron muttered to himself as he explored his surroundings with his newfound peripheral vision.

  No living creature could hide itself from his notice, as Calron could clearly see the bright glow of their essence. He could see everything from the smallest insect crawling under the ground to the distant flying birds above the sky.

  Nothing could escape his glowing grey eyes.

  Calron realized that if he focused his sight on a single point miles away from his current location, the object’s image would just expand itself within his sight and allow him to clearly see the object’s features as if he were just a foot away from it.

  “Teacher, can you see this?”

  Calron excitedly sent his thoughts to the Voice.

  “Stay focused, kid. The hard part n
ow is to isolate the lightning essence from your vision. It’s best to be cautious until we know exactly what this Divine Perception is capable of.”

  The Voice’s words instantly brought Calron out of his excitement.

  His Teacher was right. This technique that Elias had left him was dangerously mysterious, and it was best to remain alert, especially after the previous incidents that Calron had encountered when he used this ability.

  “This better not hurt… ”

  Calron silently prayed as he activated the previous technique that was imprinted onto him through the white symbol.

  He felt his elemental core slightly shudder, and within seconds, his vision started to morph again. Only this time, mixed in between the shades of white and grey, bolts of lightning darted within his sight.

  Calron had the sudden impulse to draw those bolts of lightning towards him, and almost imperceptibly, he felt his hand rising towards the closest beast a few yards in front of him.


  His Teacher’s voice immediately reverberated through his mind, and shook Calron out of his trance.

  “This is too dangerous, kid. Stop using this technique and we’ll figure out another way to locate a thunderstorm.”

  The Voice strictly urged its student.

  “N-No, I can control it!”

  Calron fiercely gritted out the words as he vehemently fought against his compulsion to take control of the stream of lightning bolts within the unfortunate beast.

  With drops of sweat dripping from his forehead and onto the ground, Calron’s grey eyes burned with a violent tenacity as he attempted to draw back his hand.

  Calron recalled the moment back in the Red Boar School when his Master had stated that he was not yet ready for this technique, and it seemed that until Calron figured out what the conditions were to use this ability, it would never let him freely control it.

  “I do not… have… the time… for this!”

  Calron rasped out the words as memories of the baby beasts and the promise he gave to them flashed through his mind.

  “Please… show me!”

  In a desperate attempt of struggle, Calron sent his pleas to the white symbol.

  He did not know whether it would work, or what the later consequences would be, but he felt that the white symbol was sentient, and actively trying to influence his body.

  Suddenly, the beast that was the closest to Calron stopped within its tracks and started to quiver uncontrollably.


  Calron cursed out loud when he saw that his cry for help had failed and now an innocent creature was going to pay for his mistake.


  “Nature, Calron. You see nature, but you only notice its beauty and fail to see the cruelty hidden within it. Look at the fish; they are swimming right now to escape from a larger fish behind them. The bigger animals hunt the smaller ones. The strong eat the weak. This is an unbroken rule of this world.”

  Elias softly stated, as he continued to gaze at the scenery in front of him.

  “There is nothing fair in this world, Calron, and only the power you wield will decide your fate and that of those around you. Remember these words, child.”


  “Master… ”

  The memories of his first lesson with Master suddenly surged through Calron’s mind.

  His Master had always taught him that nature had its own laws, and unfair as it might be, there was no fighting against it.

  All this time, Calron had been afraid of the power of this mysterious white symbol.

  Afraid of how easy it was to kill someone with it.

  Afraid of how it would change him.

  “There is no justice or virtue in our path, we kill what needs to be killed, and continue that over and over again. We are neither the heroes nor the villains. We simply create our own path in this cruel world.”

  Numerous memories of his Master’s teachings darted through his mind, as Calron realized what it was that he had been missing this whole time.

  Slowly, his hand once again began to rise and point towards the shaking beast.

  “Calron… “

  The Voice urgently warned the boy.

  “It’s alright, Teacher. Trust me.”

  Calron whispered as a small smile started to etch itself onto his face.

  Letting go of all his worries and anxiety, Calron calmly sent his consciousness into the frightened beast through the bolts of lightning running inside it.

  “Everything is fine… I won’t hurt you… I’m a friend.”

  Calron whispered gently as he sent his fond memories of the baby beasts into the frightened creature who was currently under his control.

  Gradually, the trembling beast stopped shivering and relaxed itself under Calron’s soothing thoughts.

  “You can leave now.”

  Calron ordered it, as he patiently withdrew his consciousness from the beast.

  In the past, every time that Calron had used this technique, traces of fear and anxiety from him had transferred over to the targeted beast and scrambled their minds due to the amplified terror originating from his emotions. This was what caused their deaths.

  “Now, time to find the thunderstorm.”

  Calron stated as he turned his gaze towards the sky.

  Seeing the thin golden-white tendrils of essence floating above, Calron focused his sight onto them and isolated the golden residue from the rest. Scrutinizing the nearby clouds, Calron delved further into them as he followed the trail of the golden essence.

  Within seconds, he could see a long train of faint remnants of essence and deduced that the thunderstorm must have already passed through this point.

  “I will find you… ”

  Calron silently murmured as he intensely concentrated the Divine Perception’s ability onto the essence tracks. The next moment, Calron’s vision abruptly exploded and instantly raced ahead for miles and miles, until his sight finally landed on a distant new location.

  Dark grey clouds stretched infinitely across the sky as massive bolts of lightning crashed into the ground every second. Meanwhile, rain poured down in a vicious frenzy as it intertwined with the cascade of lightning around it. The sound of thunder rumbled within Calron’s mind just before he exhausted his strength and lost the vision.

  “I know where it is.”

  Calron said to his Teacher with a satisfied smile, as his vision returned back to normal and he was once again in the vicinity of the small forest.

  “Good job, Calron. Looks like it’s time for our next journey.”

  The Voice replied back while somberly gazing at the distant mountains.

  Chapter 12 – A New Territory


  A lifeless corpse slowly toppled onto the ground.

  “This is the third one so far.”

  Calron sighed as he grabbed the dead black alligator’s tail with one hand, and effortlessly flung its body over his shoulder.

  “I think we should reach our destination within a few hours, kid.”

  The Voice said cheerfully while materializing behind Calron.

  For the past several days, both Calron and his Teacher had been journeying deeper and deeper into the inner range of the Desolate Mountains in order to locate the thunderstorm that Calron had seen through the Divine Perception.

  The dark clouds were constantly on the move, so to catch up to them, Calron had been using the Blood Mist Step continuously throughout the journey. Fortunately, the thunderclouds travelled at a slow pace, so after a few days, Calron had almost caught up to them.

  However, the deeper he went into the Desolate Mountains, the more frequently he encountered hostile beasts. So far he had not yet come into conflict with a beast in the Vajra stage, but seeing that the beasts he had recently encountered for the past few hours were all at the peak of the Spiritual stage, it seemed as if meeting a Vajra stage beast would only be a matter of time.

/>   After months of restrictions placed on his essence and the Blood Legacy by his Teacher, Calron finally reveled in the feeling of the source energy coursing through his veins once again.

  “Teacher, what do we do once we reach the location of the thunderstorm?”

  Calron asked curiously while racing ahead using the Blood Mist Step.

  “We’ll need to be careful when we reach there, kid. There will be many lightning attributed beasts there, and most will be either at the peak of the Spiritual stage or even at the Vajra stage. Just like you, some will be attempting to break through to the next rank, so do well to stay clear from them.”


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