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Devil in the Deep Blue Sea

Page 29

by A. J. Markam

  If I’d been heading in that direction, they might have run into me and prematurely deactivated the spell.

  Luckily for me, I wasn’t heading for the castle.

  I swam along the inside perimeter of the wall until I reached a cluster of small, squat buildings that seemed more or less deserted. I darted inside the alley between them and made sure no one was around.

  Just in time, too. My Invisibility spell wore out, and I faded back into view.

  I immediately cast Gravesite to create a new respawn point.

  Establishing a new gravesite here will deactivate your previous gravesite. Do you wish to continue? Accept/Cancel

  I accepted and formed a new tombstone with the dark energy that flowed from my fingertips.

  Then I waited.

  Not for the three-minute cooldown on Invisibility to end, but for the ten-minute cooldown on Gravesite.

  The entire time I squatted nervously in the alley, hoping and praying nobody would find me. In the distance I could hear the shouts of guards and the occasional blat of a conch shell.

  Once my ten minutes were up, I cast Invisibility again and swam back out into the streets.

  I didn’t head directly for the castle. No, I set off towards another set of buildings where nobody was around, came out of Invisibility after 20 seconds, and hid in a dark corner as I cast Gravesite again.

  And so I zig-zagged my way through the city, 20 seconds at a time while remaining invisible, finding one deserted spot after another to create new respawn points. Alleyways, ditches, gardens of sea kelp – I used any dark corner I could to help me advance a few hundred feet, then retrench with a new Gravesite.

  Twice I was discovered. Once when a dozen guards came out of nowhere and bumped into me, automatically deactivating the Invisibility spell; and another when I didn’t find a safe spot in time and reappeared in full view of everybody.

  Both times I fought back. The dozen guards killed me pretty quickly. I lasted longer against the three nymphs who found me when I popped out of Invisibility, but the last survivor shouted for help, and another 30 guards showed up and slaughtered me.

  Didn’t matter. I resurrected back at my previous Gravesite, a couple of hundred feet closer to my destination than before.

  Finally I made it to the castle and swam over a wall into a secluded garden. Guess they didn’t feel the need to set up magical forcefields inside the city.

  After I created a new Gravesite behind a bed of seaweed, I cast Invisibility and ventured into the castle.

  The hallways were empty. I swam along until I found a hiding place, then waited out the Invisibility cooldown until I could disappear again.

  The three minutes gave me plenty of opportunity to check out my surroundings. The dark stone walls were covered with shell mosaics – mostly depictions of battle scenes. It was like I’d stumbled into a green-skinned, all-female version of Sparta in 300.

  Some of the murals also featured a beautiful nymph wearing a golden headdress. The Queen, I assumed.

  Once the three minutes were up, I cast Invisibility and started through the hallways again. I eventually reached a massive staircase made of stone and swam up it. Through a window cut into the second story, I could hear a conversation in the courtyard below.

  “Where is the intruder?” an imperious voice demanded.

  “We will find him, your grace,” another voice said submissively.

  From the sound of things, it was the queen and somebody else.

  “He obviously keeps resurrecting, so don’t kill him next time!” the queen snapped. “Capture him alive and throw him in the dungeon!”

  “Yes, my grace.”


  I had to be extra careful now, or I would wind up imprisoned.

  Luckily they seemed to think I was still out in the city, because I didn’t see a single guard inside the castle. Hell, I didn’t even see another nymph.

  I found a deserted storeroom, closed the door, and cast another Gravesite behind a couple of crates. Then I hit two icons on my menu bar.

  Alaria and Stig both appeared next to me in a puff of smoky water.

  “Well, that plan went amazingly well,” Alaria said drily.

  “Fuck me,” Stig grumbled as he looked down and patted his torso, apparently checking for any wounds. Then he looked up at me in alarm. “Uh, not really…”

  “Shhh – keep your voices down.”

  “Wait – where are we?” Alaria whispered as she glanced around.

  “Inside the castle. Be quiet or they’ll find us.”

  Alaria and Stig both stared at me in shock.

  “You mean your plan actually worked?” Alaria asked in astonishment.

  “What, is that so hard to believe?”

  “Kind of.”

  “Fuck meeee,” Stig said in something approaching awe.

  “No thanks,” I joked, then looked back at Alaria. “Your faith in me is overwhelming.”

  She kissed me and grinned. “I’ll overwhelm you with something else to make up for it.”

  “Later. We’ve got to find the princess, so let’s go.”

  We left the storeroom and crept along hallways and up staircases. On the top floor, we peeked around a corner and saw our first signs of life inside the castle: two female guards standing outside a closed doorway.

  They might as well have set up a neon sign saying, PRINCESS INSIDE.

  “I need a diversion,” I whispered. “You guys attack the guards and lead them away.”

  “Fuck me,” Stig muttered.

  I glared at him. “You’re doing that way too much.”

  “That’s what she said.”

  Oh God.

  Out of the bad joke frying pan and into the fire.

  “How are we supposed to attack them?” Alaria whispered. “Our powers don’t exactly work underwater, remember?”

  “I don’t know, just get out there and make them mad, then lead them away.”

  Alaria and Stig looked at each other.

  “Okay,” Alaria said with a shrug.

  Stig sighed. “Fuck – ”

  I pointed the Han Solo Finger of Doom at him. “AAH!”

  Stig paused…

  Then finished hesitantly with, “…yyyyyou.”

  I sighed. “That’s not how I wanted you to finish.”

  “That’s what she s– ”

  “GET OUT THERE!” I hissed.

  Unfortunately, my outburst drew the attention of the guards, who frowned and started walking towards us.

  “GO, GO!”

  I pushed Stig and Alaria out into the hallway.

  The guards immediately saw them. They tensed and frowned, but didn’t immediately attack.

  Stig and Alaria stared right back at them.

  What the fuck?!

  This was like the most boring standoff ever.

  Nothing was happening –

  And then my imp decided to kick it all off.

  “Fuckoff, fuckoff, fuckoff!” Stig bawked at them like a chicken as he made his fwap fwap fwap! finger-fucking gesture.

  The guards looked bewildered.

  Alaria stared at Stig in shock. “You want me to do the fuckoff again? With them?”

  “Yes!” Stig agreed.

  “No!” I whispered frantically from my hiding place.

  “Alright,” Alaria said as she yanked down her top and wobbled her exposed breasts back and forth. “Come and get ‘em, ladies! First one to have an orgasm loses!”

  The nymph guards stood there gawking at Alaria’s tits.

  Oh God.

  This was not how I’d envisioned the diversion.

  Stig jumped up the water, spun around 180 degrees, and came back down wiggling his bare grey ass.

  “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!” he shouted as he mooned the nymphs.

  THAT was not how I’d envisioned the diversion, either.

  However, I guess Stig’s new catchphrase broke the spell of Alaria’s breasts.

, intruders!” they yelled as they raced towards my demons.


  “Go, GO!” I hissed, motioning them to run away.

  “I don’t get to do a fuckoff?” Alaria whispered in disappointment.

  “NO, NOW GO!”

  She sighed, then turned and swam as fast as she could in the opposite direction.

  Stig paddled along right behind her yelling, “Fuckoff, fuckoff, fuckoff!”

  I cast Invisibility just in time. The guards looked down the hallway as they sped past, but couldn’t see me, so they just kept on chasing Alaria and Stig.

  I immediately raced down the hall, opened up the door, slipped inside, and closed it again.

  Inside was a gorgeously decorated bedroom – well, if you didn’t mind all the black.

  Black silky curtains framed open windows that looked out over the battlefield. Black tapestries hung from the walls. Intricately carved black stone chairs sat beside a black stone table. And a black four-poster bed stood in the center of the room, with a black coverlet over the mattress.

  On the bed lay the only spot of color in the room: a green-skinned nymph.

  Completely naked.

  She was absolutely gorgeous. She looked younger and more innocent than Alaria, with a lithe little body and pert breasts tipped with dark green nipples. Intricate braids of black hair crisscrossed her head, and she wore a gold necklace that dangled down inside her cleavage.

  One hand was between her thighs, her fingers against her clit.

  I’d apparently interrupted her… ahem… ‘private time.’

  Little Ian immediately sprang to life.

  However, her head was raised and twisted to the side as she stared at the door.

  I realized the problem immediately:

  I was still invisible.

  She’d probably heard the door open, then watched it shut again on its own. It had probably freaked her out.

  Unfortunately, what happened next freaked her out even more.

  My Invisibility spell ran out, and I faded into view right in front of her.

  She shrieked and scrambled backwards across the bed.

  “Sorry – I didn’t mean to – I’m not going to hurt you!” I whispered as I held my arms in the air like somebody had told me to stick ‘em up.

  “Who are you?!” she cried out.

  “My name’s Ian.”

  “What do you want?!”

  “I… um…”

  That was a good question. I hadn’t exactly rehearsed this part. All my planning had been focused on getting into the castle, not on what I would say once I got there.

  So I just winged it.

  “Basically, I need to convince your people to help me take down Zali, so I was going to come in here and try to seduce you because I heard the queen was looking for a mate for you, and I figured once we… you know… did it, that maybe her army would go with me to destroy Zali.”

  God, that was the worst pick-up line EVER.

  I waited for her to scream and summon the guards again –

  But instead she turned her head slightly to the side and narrowed her eyes. “You want to fuck me?”

  I gulped. “Uh… yeah.”

  She just looked at me… and then her gaze trailed down to my crotch.

  Her eyes immediately widened. “What is that?!”

  I looked down and saw what she saw: a pup tent in my pants.


  “Is that a penis?!” she gasped, like she’d just seem some mythical animal that had been thought extinct.

  “Uh… yeah…”

  “And you’re going to FUCK me with it?!”

  “Uh… yeah… I mean, if you want to. If you don’t, I could just – ”

  “Alright,” she interrupted.

  Quite enthusiastically, too.

  I stared at her. “You’re… okay with that?”

  “Fuck yes,” she said, her voice guttural with desire.

  Okay, this wasn’t going exactly the way I’d envisioned it, either.

  She got down on all fours and began crawling across the bed towards me. Her small breasts dangled enticingly from her chest, jiggling every time she extended an arm, and her beautifully shaped ass swayed back and forth with every movement of her legs.

  The entire time, she didn’t take her eyes from my crotch.

  “You’re okay that I’m just doing it to get your army to help me kill Zali?” I asked, still in disbelief.

  “Yes,” she said, then gazed up into my eyes intensely. “As long as you fuck me hard.”


  Suddenly my heart leapt into my throat as a muffled voice shouted from the other side of the door.

  “Princess, are you alright in there?”

  I shouldn’t have worried, though.

  “GO AWAY!” the princess roared angrily.

  “But – Princess – we killed two intruders!” the muffled voice protested.

  Shit – Alaria and Stig –

  “GO AWAY OR I’LL HAVE YOU EXECUTED!” the princess bellowed.

  “But… Princess…”


  There was a slight pause.

  “…yes, Princess…”

  And I heard feet shuffling off down the hall.

  My heart stopped beating quite so hard.

  That is, until the princess’s small, graceful hand reached out and started stroking the front of my pants.

  “Awwww… it went away,” she pouted.

  The terror of nearly being discovered had indeed been a boner-killer – but her fingers were having a resuscitating effect.

  “Ohhh – it’s coming back!” she said in delight as the pup tent got pitched again. Then she began to fumble frantically with my belt.

  I knew that Alaria would want to be in on this if possible.

  Stig, not so much.

  I brought up my Action bar and was about to hit Alaria’s icon when I paused.

  “Do you, uh… like girls?” I asked.

  The princess looked up at me and licked her lips. “I like anybody… as long as they fuck me HARD.”


  One hard fucking, coming up.

  “I’m going to summon one of my de– uh, my deee-lightful companions, so don’t be alarmed, okay?”

  She frowned at me. “…summon?”

  I pressed the button on the Action bar, and Alaria appeared next to me in a burst of smoky water.

  Her tits were still out of her bra, fortunately.

  “YOU BI– ” Alaria cried out, her arms extended like she was trying to ward off a spear.

  Then she realized she’d been resurrected. She looked over at me – at which point she noticed the green nymph with her hands on my belt.

  The nymph just stared up at Alaria’s rack, her eyes even wider than before.

  “Um… did I interrupt something?” Alaria asked.

  “Want to fuck a princess?” I asked.

  “HARD,” the nymph added. “REALLY hard.”

  Alaria looked from the princess to me in utter disbelief. “Is she serious?”

  “I think so.”

  “YES,” the princess insisted.

  A tiny smile turned up the corners of Alaria’s lips. “I have to give it to you, Ian: your plan was way better than I thought.”

  That’s when the clothes started coming off.


  The nymph princess fumbled frantically with my belt and pulled down my pants – and my cock sprang out like a jack-in-the-box right in her face.

  “Ohhhhh momma,” she whispered as she stared at it in awe.

  I would like to think it was because my schlong was so large, but I know that ain’t the truth. It was probably more along the lines that she’d never seen one before. I mean, she was in a kingdom of all women, surrounded by snake dudes.

  Maybe pe
nises really were like mythical creatures to her.

  Mythical or not, she had no problem deepthroating it.

  Her dark green lips opened wide, and she took me all the way inside her mouth. Her soft tongue slid along the underside of my cock as she enveloped me in wetness and warmth.

  “Oh shit,” I gasped.

  “Mmmmm,” she moaned, her mouth full. Her eyes rolled back in her head like she’d just tasted ice cream for the first time in her life.

  Then her fingers found my balls and she began to caress my sack. All the while she sucked on my shaft, moving her tongue back and forth like she was licking a popsicle crammed all the way into her mouth.

  “Oh fuck,” I hissed. It wasn’t that her technique was necessarily great, it was how enthusiastic she was.

  “Mmmmmmm,” she groaned, her eyelids fluttering like she was in ecstasy.

  She wasn’t the only one. I put my hands on her braided hair, tilted my head back, and reveled in her guttural moans of lust.

  Then –


  “MM!” the nymph cried out, though it was a bit stifled by the pork sword in her mouth.

  I looked up in alarm.

  There stood Alaria on the other side of the bed, looking very dominatrix-y, her balled-up hands on her hips as she scowled down at the Princess.

  Apparently she’d spanked the nymph’s ass, because I could see a slightly pink spot on the nymph’s left cheek.

  “I thought you wanted to be fucked hard,” Alaria barked.

  The nymph turned a little to look at her, though she didn’t want to let go of my cock, so I had to shift sideways so the princess could see Alaria out of the corner of her eye. It was either that or risk having my shaft snapped off at the base, because she’d found her new plaything and she was not letting go.

  “Mm mmmo,” the nymph murmured. Which was I do, but with a dick crammed in her mouth.

  Cock-ney, I guess you could say.


  “You call that ‘sucking cock’?” Alaria sneered. “That’s my man with his dick in your mouth, bitch. You better suck his cock like your life depends on it, you hear me? Because it DOES.”

  Then Alaria reared back her hand and spanked the nymph again. HARD.


  “MMMMMM,” the nymph moaned, her eyes rolling back in her head again.

  I stared at my succubus.


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