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Copyright 2016 Alexa Rynn, all rights reserved.
No part of this work may be reproduced without written consent of the author. This book is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
This book is for a mature audience only due to strong language and strong sexual conduct.
Chapter One
I threw back the shot that was in front of me then slammed the glass back down on the hard surface. The burn that consumed my throat from the hard liquor felt fucking amazing. I shook my head back and forth rapidly really letting it sink into my body.
Grace who?
Fuck that.
Fuck everyone who doubted me or what I said to do.
It was like she had no idea who the fuck I was.
I had thought that she would have tracked me down by now. As far as I knew she still had my sister’s phone that she stole. My number was right there, not to mention she knew where the fuck to find me.
But nope.
Grace hadn’t come chasing after me the way I was used to. Any other girl would have, any other girl would have found me by now, falling over herself to tell me how sorry and wrong she was.
Apparently Grace didn’t give a fuck.
Which only made me crave her more.
“Whoa, what happened?” Shutter looked down at my hands.
I glanced down. I hadn’t even noticed that I was bleeding. I’d slammed the glass down so damn hard that I had shattered it. Little pieces of sharp glass stuck out of my skin, pointing in every direction.
I shrugged. “Get me another round.”
Shutter looked unsure. He was a new member. A new member who was obsessed with getting on my good side. I could have told him to eat his own shit and he probably would have done it.
He’d nicknamed himself ‘Shutter’ as a way for us to bond.
The brothers had wanted to kill him the second I brought him around but I wouldn’t allow it. The kid had no other family and besides, he amused me. There was nothing wrong with being annoyingly loyal.
“I can get you a towel or something, too.”
I shook my head. “Just another round. Now.”
He scurried off. I looked down at the blood dripping all over the table now. I took my hand and turned it over, pressing my palm down hard on the table, digging the glass even further into my skin.
Pain shot up and down my body.
I loved it. The rush of being able to take any kind of pain the world threw at you. It only added to the fact that I was the best, only reset the mental image in my mind of how great I was.
So great that I had left a girl on the side of the road with no one to help her. Okay, maybe that was a little fucked up. But she had this way of getting under my skin in a way no one else ever had before.
Why couldn’t she just do what the fuck I said?
“Oh, no. What happened to your poor hand?” A blonde appeared next to me, leaning down to get a look at my cuts. She was pretending to care but really she was just trying to give me a better look at her huge tits that were popping out of her shirt.
They were fake for sure but huge just the same.
They almost hit her in the chin for Crist sake.
I turned my hand over and moved closer to her. “Just having a little fun.”
She looked up at me and licked her lips. “What kind of fun?”
I looked down at her boobs; her thick nipples were so hard that they were poking right through her thin shirt. “The kind that a girl like you couldn’t handle.”
She moved closer to me and stuck out her bottom lip, pouting. “I can handle more than you think.” She took her finger and ran it up and down my chest through my black t-shirt. “I would even let you put it anywhere.”
Ugh, she wasn’t a good girl. She was a fucking slut.
A dirty slut.
Sometimes that was okay but I wanted a good girl who would be a dirty little slut just for me, a good girl who let me do things to her she would never let anyone else do.
I took my finger and rubbed it back and forth over one of her monster ass nipples. It felt hard and pointy between my fingers. “Is that so?” She flashed a sexy smile at me and I linked my fingers around her nipple completely, squeezing it tight then yanking on it so hard that she let out a little yelp.
She tried to pull away but I held my finger there, twisting roughly.
“Is that what you want? Huh?”
She gasped.
“Whatever I want, right?”
She nodded, trying to act like it didn’t sting. “Whatever you want, baby.”
I laughed and released her probably now bruised nipple. “Get the fuck out of here, you’re disgusting.” I pulled my hand back and tried to ignore the rage that was building inside of me. “You’re just a slut, you don’t want me. You just want any of my brothers.”
She backed away shaking her head but I had already lost interest. She looked down at her shirt, now stained with blood from my hand. “You got… you got blood all over my shirt.”
“And? It’s an improvement, trust me.”
She ran off.
Probably to find another brother to fuck tonight.
“Dude, what did she want?” Shutter came back with a bunch of drinks and set them down on the table. His hands were shaking so bad that he practically spilled them all over.
“What they all want.” I grabbed a shot. “To suck my dick.”
Shutter put his hand up for a high-five but I just shook my head and he slowly put it back down to his side. “Well, if she wanted to suck your dick, why did she go running away from you like you just killed her damn puppy?”
Two shots down.
“Because I told that bitch to get lost.”
Shutter looked shocked. “Why would you do that? That girl is a freak. Ace told me that he and a few of the brothers ran a fucking train on her a few weeks ago.” He paused, letting the information sink in on me. “And she liked it.”
Of course, she had.
I shook my head. “You have a lot to learn about girls, Shutter.” I glanced at the other side of the bar where the blonde was already pressed up against one of my fellow brothers. “Not all pussy is good pussy.”
Shutter frowned. “You mean like STD’s?”
I laughed. “No, not like STD’S. I mean, look at her over there, pressing her huge boobs up against Devil. It’s the same shit she was doing to me a second ago. She doesn’t give a fuck about me; I’m not special to her. She’s just looking for that one brother who’s willing to claim her.”
Shutter watched her pull her shirt down even more. “Maybe, but I’d still hit it.” He threw his hand up in the air again, looking for approval from me again but I just shook my head again.
“I’ve got plenty of hoes I can call and treat like shit, don’t need another.”
The blonde was letting Devil take a shot out of her huge tits now while Shutter looked on, practically drooling all over the tray of drinks. “Then what do you need?”
Grace, a voice in the back of my head spat out.
You need Grace.
I ignored it and pulled the drinks away from Shutter, I didn’t need his nasty ass backwash in my liquor. “What I need is something more, something that hasn’t been passed around like a fucking used condom between me and all my brothers.”
“And where do you find that?”
Probably walking down the side of the highway right about now.
The girls in this place
had nothing on my Grace.
“What has happened to you?” Heather came out of nowhere, pulling my arm toward her and looking at my arm. “Oh, my, God!” She took in the blood that was shooting everywhere and gasped. “You need medical attention!”
I pulled away from her. “Don’t be dramatic. I’ve had enough of that for one day.”
Blaze appeared behind her, out of nowhere. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing is wrong!” I took another shot. “What are you two during here anyway? You’re supposed to be recovering from a head injury and you’re supposed to be at the docks, getting tonight’s shipment.”
Heather rolled her eyes. “My head injury? Now who’s being dramatic?” She gently took my hand in hers and studied it closely. “Besides, I wasn’t going to let you stay here injured. Shutter said you were pretty messed up.”
I shot Shutter a look and he looked away, guilty.
“I’ll go get my first aid kit from upstairs and fix you up!” Heather said before she ran off.
“Get lost,” Blaze said and Shutter squirmed off.
He was lucky. The mood I was in, I was just looking for an excuse to rip someone’s head off for fun. “I’m fine,” I told Blaze. “Don’t start acting like a girl on me.”
Blaze shook his head and moved closer to me. “It’s not that… it’s… where the fuck is the girl, Cutter?” He put his arm on top of the table, careful not to hit the broken glass.
I didn’t meet his eyes. “Who the hell knows?”
“I know!” Blaze hissed.
I smirked. So, she had tried to track me down after all. I knew it would only be a matter of time before she couldn’t take it anymore. And she’d gone to Blaze, the one person who could really get to me and fast.
I’d have been lying if I said I wasn’t impressed.
“So, how sorry is she?” I stood up, forgetting all about my hand and the tray of waiting drinks. “I bet she’s just begging and begging for you to put her in touch with me.” I grabbed my jacket off the back of the chair and shrugged my long arms into it.
I guess she had suffered long enough.
“I doubt it! She’s probably too busy begging for her damn life, Cutter!”
Alarm filled my bones. “What?”
“Ace has her! He’s delivering her to your fucking father as we speak.”
Ace. Ace had her? She had called fucking Ace? The thought of him putting his hands anywhere on her body instantly made me think about slitting his throat.
If I found out he had touched her I would kill him.
And slow.
“What the fuck happened?” Blaze hissed, pressing his teeth together. “Last I knew you two were riding off into the fucking sunset together on the back of your Harley.”
“Don’t be cute,” I warned him.
Blaze was the only person I’d ever allow to raise his voice to me. “I… I left her on the side of the road.” I took a step back from him so I wouldn’t drip any blood on his boots. Was this shit ever going to stop bleeding?
“Why the hell would you do a thing like that?”
I pushed my head back and looked at the ceiling. I was starting to get a pain between my eyes. “Because we ran into some trouble and things got a little out of hand.”
Blaze narrowed his eyes. “The kind of trouble that involves a body bag?”
“Almost,” I admitted. “But she talked me out of it.”
“So, then what happened? She freaked out and ran off?”
“Something like that.”
“She just gets under my skin, man, she wouldn’t… she wouldn’t do what the fuck I told her to do!” I pushed passed him and headed toward the door of the bar. “She just stood there! Ignoring me and acting like I was crazy!”
“You are crazy!” Blaze kept up with me easily. “This isn’t some fucking MC groupie, Cutter, she’s wanted.” He put his hand on my shoulder and swung me around. “She’s wanted for a bunch of shit that we helped create! What if… what if she said something to Ace or your father about what the fuck went on in that hotel room?”
I stared at him for a moment and then ignored him, swinging around and heading for the door again. I didn’t need this right now, I needed to get the fuck out of here and figure out a plan of action.
He didn't catch up to me again until I was outside and heading toward my bike. “You need to figure this shit out, Cutter, if you want her you can’t treat her the way you treat every other girl you meet and expect her to just fall over herself with gratitude.”
I grabbed my helmet off the front of my bike and shoved it into his chest. “Tell Heather to stop leaving this crap around me, if I wanted to wear a fucking helmet I would bring it with me myself.”
“Cutter?” He wasn’t yelling at me anymore, he was using the voice he used to use when we were kids and he was trying to explain something important to me but I was being too stubborn and pig headed to listen. “Listen to me for a fucking second.”
“What?” I turned around, annoyed.
I really didn’t have time for this bullshit. Like I didn’t feel bad enough about leaving her there in the first place. I had just wanted to teach her a lesson, I hadn’t wanted to show any fucking emotion to her, and it had blown up in my face.
It was a feeling I wasn’t used to.
One I didn’t want to get used to.
“You can’t just tell someone to leave you alone because they don’t do what you tell them to,” he paused. “Unless you actually don’t give a fuck if they leave you alone or not.”
“Whatever,” I snapped. “You’re acting like she’s my fucking wife or something. I could care less if she’s around or not, I just don’t want the girl to be raped or killed.”
It was bullshit and he knew it.
But Blaze was my brother, which meant he would let me get away with it.
I jumped on my bike and kicked up the stand.
“Where you going?” he asked, already knowing the answer.
“I’m going to get her back.”
I almost expected him to give me some more shit but after a second, he just sighed and jumped on the bike next to me. But not before taking the helmet Heather had left me, and slipping it over his head.
Such a kiss ass.
Chapter Two
I cringed and opened my eyes slowly only to snap them back shut again. The lights, the lights were so bright that just one glimpse of them made me feel like I was being blinded. I could barely lift my head. It felt so heavy, like a pile of bricks.
He was the first thing that popped into my head.
Where was my Cutter?
And then everything came shooting back into my mind. The cop, the blood, how he had begged for his life, and how I had stopped Cutter from killing him. Only for Cutter to take off on his bike and leave me behind in the damn wind.
And then I had ended up with Ace.
I forced myself to sit up even though it hurt every bone in my body and take in my surroundings. My eyes felt like they were glued shut and I had to pry them open with my fingernails.
The room was small and had no windows with metal walls. The entire ceiling seemed like it was made of lights, lights that were so bright that it made it hard to look anywhere for too long.
There was barely anything in the room except for the plain black sofa I was sitting on. Where was I? And what had happened to me? I had the vague memory of being in Ace’s arms and him sticking something into my neck that made me pass out.
I couldn’t believe I’d let my guard down with him.
What did I think that just because Cutter had helped me that Ace was going to? Of course, he wouldn’t, he was loyal to his brothers over me. I wasn’t anything to him.
And I guess I wasn’t anything to Cutter anymore either.
Still, he seemed to be the only thing that haunted my thoughts.
The door to the room swung open and I wondered if somehow they were watching me, aware of my every move. I was more relieved to see Ace then I should have been. At least they hadn’t handed me over to the Misfits; at least I was still in Red Sin territory.
That meant I still had a chance.
“What am I doing here?” I demanded, suddenly feeling strong. But as soon as I stood up all the blood rushed to my head and I had to hold onto the wall so that I wouldn’t fall over.
Ace slammed the door shut and smirked. “Walk much?”
“Ace?” I said slowly. “This isn’t… what… what did you slip me?” I moved a few steps closer to him, still struggling to keep my eyes open. “I need to see a doctor.”
Ace shoved a bottle of water in my hands. “Just relax and drink this. You’ll be fine in a little while, it’ll wear off soon.” He sounded completely unconcerned. “And if you’re a good girl you won’t have to have anymore but if you can’t behave I’m going to have to keep you under control.”
“Ace,” I mumbled. “Let me go, please, we’ve always gotten along, right?”
Ace ran his hand back and forth over his tatted up neck. “This isn’t personal, Grace. It has nothing to do with me. I think you’re a good girl but you got caught up in something and pissed off the wrong people.” He shrugged. “Nothing I can do for you.”
“Yes, you can. You can let me go, please.”
“I can’t do that.”
“You can, no one will know. I swear I’ll never tell.”
Ace’s eyes grew dark. “I would never turn my back on my brothers.”
I shook my head. “I’m not asking you to, I…”
“Just shut your mouth,” Ace snapped. “You aren’t going anywhere unless you’re being dragged there against your will.” He snatched the bottle of water out of my hand, thinking better of his act of kindness. “No more talking to me from now on, you clearly have nothing useful to offer up.”
My mouth suddenly felt dry and my throat hoarse. I wished I wouldn’t have pissed him off, that I would have thought better of opening my mouth until after I’d drank some of the water.
My eyes were still on the bottle of water when the door to the room swung open again and a brother I’d never seen before walked in. His eyes traveled to me right away. “Well, well, looks like sleeping beauty is finally awake.”