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Rebirth - The Beautiful Fallen

Page 34

by K. D. Peters

  Zane came back downstairs as I thought about this. “All right. I made it quick, so she didn’t feel a thing. But I think it may be better if we just went ahead and buried her as well. It would only be fitting now, considering all she’s done for our kind in the past.” He told us. Thankfully, he seemed to be coming back to himself again. His eyes were looking a little more gentle.

  Will nodded back at him. “Yeah. But I don’t think I could be of much help with that tonight. Why don’t we just leave the body locked up in that room and we’ll do it in the morning?” he suggested.

  “Good enough. It won’t hurt anything.” Zane agreed. He then walked back over to me. “I’m sorry about before. I’ve been scaring you, haven’t I?” he continued.

  I nodded slightly. “A little bit. I just want the old Zane back.” I replied.

  “Okay. I’m back now. I’m sorry, I haven't been myself. But sometimes I lose myself as well when things happen with Astaroth. And it’s been a little stressful now with what happened to Christoff. Just give me time. I promise I’ll come back around.” Zane promised.

  Well, that sounded more like the Zane I’d come to know. It was a relief. At least he was coming back to being himself. I just hoped that he wouldn’t do anymore of this losing himself for a long time. That was kind of scary. I didn’t like thinking that he might turn on us with it.

  “So, what’s the plan now? You must know that Saffron’s decided that he’s leaving us for now.” Will said.

  “I figured as much. After all, he’s not that different from the rest of them when it comes down to it. And more than likely, he’s looking into what’s going on about this Seraph as well. They all may eventually be looking once they hear of it. If what that Seraph said was true, then it will affect them as well.” Zane told him.

  “How?” I asked. I hadn’t really thought about that part of it. Although I had the feeling that it might affect them more then I imagined at first.

  “Well, if they manage to say that we don’t need to be destroyed, then we’ll fall under the same rules as everything else that exists. And with that, it means that they cannot try to harm us without probable cause or they’ll face retribution. As you’d imagine, that would put a real damper on the ones like my father. It even affects the ones like Jade and Saffron, considering that they can turn on us if they lose their tempers. If we are under the same rules, it could end up driving them away.” Zane explained.

  “No kidding. They’ll probably fight it if the issue’s pushed. I know my dad will. He’s always said that he won’t let anything stand in the way of him seeing his offspring if he desires it.” Will agreed.

  “You’re dad?” I said, looking up at him. I felt the instant chill go through me, despite the warm embrace I was still in.

  “Trust me, you don’t need to know any more about him right now. Besides, he’s the least of our worries. He never comes around any of the other Shadow Wings except for me. And to be honest with you, I think at this point, he can’t even stand me anymore. But I count that as a good thing.” Will admitted. It seemed like he was trying to downplay what I knew now. Not that I blamed him. He was still worrying about scaring me too much.

  “Back to the present though.” Zane interrupted. “We still need to figure out our next move, beings Saffron has left once again. I don’t believe that it would be in our best interest to stay in Baton Rouge. It’s not plausible, considering all that’s happened.”

  Will and I both nodded in agreement. “But where should we go? Is there any place that can really be safe?” I asked him.

  “We could always go north again. You and I have some pretty nice pent houses up in New York City. And it’s crowded enough there that it would be difficult for them to stage any real attacks on us without causing a major issue.” Will suggested.

  Zane gave him a knowing smile. “You just want to get back up there to your private studio with her, don’t you?” he guessed.

  “It wouldn’t hurt anything. After all, I think Ariana would make a lovely subject for a shoot.” Will replied, smiling back at him.

  “Huh?” I said, not quite following them.

  Zane actually laughed a little. “I guess you didn’t realize it. Will’s biggest hobby in recent years has been photography. He’s always loved doing independent fashion shoots. So he had another private studio in New York for that for a while.” He told me.

  “Really? You never told me about that one before.” I said, looking back at Will and crossing my arms. In a way, I felt a little upset. I would’ve loved to know that. But then again, I found that I really didn’t know that much about Will in the end. How strange, when he seemed like the closest to me now.

  “Guess I just forgot about it. It’s been a long time since I’ve been back to that one. I shut it down back when I decided to come down here with Zane. I just thought it would be a better change of pace. New York City does tend to be hectic.” Will admitted.

  “Still, it would be the better option now if we really consider everything. It’s a large city that’s close in quarters. They wouldn’t be so apt to go after the ones like us there. So we can use our time there to regroup and figure out what it is that we want to do next.” Zane said.

  “Well, I’m game. I don’t think I want to stay down here after all of this. No offense, but all I’ve seen in Baton Rouge is a lot of horror.” I told them.

  “None taken. Trust me, I know exactly what you mean by it.” Zane agreed.

  Will let out a long breath, rubbing his chest again. “All right. Then we’ll go to New York City in a few days. But right now, I think I’d better get some rest. This still hurts like hell.” He said, a little strain coming into his voice.

  “Come on. I’ll help you.” I said, taking his arm.

  Zane watched for a moment, then walked over to help as well. Will walked pretty well with us up the stairs though. Helping him lay down in his bed, I took a seat beside him as Zane made sure all of the curtains were closed. “You should make sure you get a good night’s sleep tonight Wilhelm. We’ll have a lot to do in the coming days.” He said.

  “I’ll try. Just don’t do anything stupid tonight.” Will replied, looking back over at him.

  “Not at all. I plan on getting my rest as well.” Zane said. He walked over and gently rubbed my shoulder. “Try to rest yourself tonight Ariana. And if you need anything, don’t hesitate to find me.”

  I nodded. “Okay. Thanks Zane.” I said.

  Zane nodded, then walked out, closing the door behind him. I looked back at Will, feeling bad for him now. It was obvious that he was in terrible pain again. He tried hard to hide it, but I could see it in his eyes. “You know, you don’t have to hide how bad this is. I can still help you some.” I said, laying my hand on his chest again.

  “I know. I guess it’s just the man in me though. I’ve never liked admitting that something hurt me that bad.” Will sighed in relief.

  “You’re all stubborn, aren’t you? But I guess that comes with living as long as you have. I never would’ve thought that you all were that old just by looking at you.” I noted.

  Will smiled back at me. “I’ve always counted that as a good thing. And I bet that Chris and Zane do as well. I don’t think anybody ever wants to get old. We’re just lucky that way.” He said.

  “Well maybe. But I think there’s a dignity too in getting old. It shows how much life you’ve had. I’m sure that a lot of people look at us and think the wrong things because we look so young. Well, with you and Zane that is, and I guess with Chris before.” I said, adding in the last part.

  “You might be right. At least, I know what you mean. But there’s always advantages to everything.” Will said.

  I couldn’t help but let out an exhausted sigh then. For some reason, I felt it all catching up with me. “Hey Will, do you think this was all my fault?” I asked him quietly.

  “What do you mean?” Will asked, looking a little surprised.

  “If Chris hadn’t come after me, i
f he hadn’t brought me back here, maybe they wouldn’t have come after everyone again. Maybe that angel wouldn’t have tried to trick you.” I clarified.

  For a long moment, the room was quiet. But Will seemed to be thinking it all over. “I see.” He finally said. “So you’re really blaming yourself for all of it?”

  I gasped slightly as he pulled me down and hugged me. “Will?” I whispered.

  “You said it yourself once. None of us asked to be born. And none of us asked for what we’ve gotten in this life. I’ve lived my whole life with my back to the wall, just like Zane and Chris. And maybe you will too. Maybe Fallen Children aren’t meant to ever live peacefully. But that’s no one’s fault in the end. We are what we are. So don’t blame yourself. None of us blame you. The Beautiful Fallen will always live on, no matter what.” Will whispered.

  His words were comforting, and I found myself hugging him back. At least then, in that embrace, I felt safe once again. But I knew in my heart that all of this was only really the beginning for me too. Even after everything that had happened so far, I knew that my journey was far from over. After all, the Shadow Wings were still considered the forbidden children.

  And the hunt was only just beginning.

  Epilogue - Six Months Later

  It's funny how you can find yourself settling into things as time goes on. I found myself thinking that as I stood by the window and watched the snow fall. The city stretched out before me was becoming a blanket of white very quickly now. And I have to admit, it was a very beautiful sight.

  It had now been six months since we'd left Baton Rouge and come up to Manhattan. In that time, I had found myself working hard on adjusting to my new life. I couldn't say it was that easy of a thing, especially after all of the things that had happened. But somehow, I'd managed to allow myself to move on some. Maybe it was me finding the strength inside of me. Maybe it was just me saying I just had to go on. Either way, I found myself making it there. And making a new life.

  By then, I'd come to live with Zane in a high rise luxury apartment overlooking Manhattan and it's skyscrapers. The apartment itself was very spacious and beautiful. From the very moment I'd walked in there, I'd absolutely loved it. This was the kind of home I'd always dreamed about having before. And, as hard as it was for me to admit it to myself, Zane was the kind of guy I'd always dreamed of living with. He was sweet and kind to me, never imposing at all.

  I couldn't help but shake my head slightly as I thought about that. And as I thought of how things had gone on since that horrible night back in June.

  Even at that time, we still didn't know whether Chris had lived or died. Although Saffron and Will seemed convinced that Chris was alive, no one had seen any sign to confirm it. Jade himself had disappeared when he'd taken him, and there had been no contact whatsoever that was able to be made with him. And while I still hoped and prayed that Chris had lived and would return to me, I felt it all becoming weaker and weaker. Perhaps it was all of the trauma, but I found myself wanting to move on a little bit from all of the things that had happened down in Baton Rouge. And with Will and Zane, I found that I was finally starting to do so. They offered me friendship and protection.

  And Zane offered me just a little bit more.

  A part of me wondered if I'd made the right choice the month before. But at the same time, I found that it was silly to question it so much too. After all, with the way things were looking now, I was never getting Chris back. And besides, a part of me had begun to form a real attachment to Zane Hedel in the time that we'd spent together. I had thought perhaps I'd be able to form it more with Will, but he'd been disappearing a lot on me since we'd come to Manhattan. Coupled with that, I found myself turning to Zane more and more for companionship. And eventually, I found that I was seeing him as just a little bit more than that.

  The feeling of someone standing behind me made me look away from the falling snow. Saffron stood beside me in the semi darkness, looking out as well. “Hey.” I said quietly. It almost felt wrong to disturb the comfortable silence that had fallen over the darkened room. I didn’t feel worried at all with him being there anyways. After all, Saffron had made it his habit in the last six months to drop by whenever he felt like it.

  “Good evening. It looks like I was finally able to catch you alone. It’s been rather difficult lately.” Saffron commented.

  “You’re complaining now? I thought you said that you liked Zane being around me.” I said.

  “I do. But there are things that I don’t need him to hear. After all, he is his son. And I don’t feel like any information being relayed back at this time.” Saffron said.

  I just watched him for a moment as he spoke. In the dim light, his hair and clothing looked darker than ever, although his pale complexion almost glowed. It was odd really for me to take him in now. Even though I knew what he was, and had even seen him show his true colors, Saffron could still appear as a human being. Obviously, the Fallens were great deceivers.

  “So, what’s going on? It must be important if you wanted to talk to me in private like this.” I finally said.

  Saffron nodded, turning to face me. “Very much so. It concerns those Seraphim leaders.” He agreed.

  “So Kinsley’s actually getting ready to do something now?” I asked. It was strange for me to think about. I hadn’t heard from Kinsley Martell since that initial talk. And I’d actually begun to wonder if maybe he’d just been blowing a bunch of white smoke or something.

  “Yes. In fact, he’s been working pretty hard on this himself in the last six months. According to my sources, he’s already approached the higher counsel and put in requests to review the hunts of the past, as well as the histories of the remaining Fallen Children on the mortal plane. For now, it seems that this has stopped Judiel dead in his tracks. However, it’s also not stopping him from taking his own offensive. He’s working just as hard to let the hunt resume.” Saffron explained.

  Somehow, I hadn’t doubted that one. After all, from what I’d gotten to see, Judiel absolutely despised us. But his words about Kinsley had definitely gotten my attention. “So he was serious about all of this. They might not hunt us anymore.” I said.

  “Well darling, I wouldn’t count too much on it right now. After all, Kinsley himself will have a long road ahead of him with this, especially if those other two decide that they don’t agree with him. For now, it’s better for you to remain as you are, and guard yourself against what may come. Orders or not, I don’t look for Judiel to just sit by and let this all be.” Saffron said.

  I nodded in agreement. He was probably right about that. After all I’d seen and heard about this angel, I didn’t look for him to give up either. “So what now? Do I really just continue staying here with Zane and hiding?” I asked him.

  At that, Saffron smiled. “Actually, I’m thinking that we'll be making our own moves soon enough. But for the time being, it’s better for you to just remain here with Zane. After all, I don’t believe you’ll be seeing much of Wilhelm either for a while.” He said.

  “What do you mean? Did something happen to Will?” I asked, feeling my heart beat a little bit harder.

  “It’s nothing for you to worry about. It’s just simply because of who he is. Lucifer wasn’t too keen on me trying to keep him under thumb, so he’s ordered him away for a while on other matters. But I wouldn’t worry too much about it. We still have Zane Hedel, and I shouldn’t have any issues keeping him with us for now. Not to mention that you’ll keep him reeled in perfectly.” Saffron replied.

  I couldn’t help but sigh and shake my head. “So you’re really making me give up on Chris after all.” I said.

  “I said no such thing. But it never hurts to keep others close. For now, I want you to remain here until you hear otherwise. And do not mention any of this to Zane. What he doesn’t know may benefit us.” Saffron ordered.

  “Okay then.” I agreed. And with that, I watched as the shadows wrapped around him and he disappeared.
br />   For a few long moments, I stood there and stared at where Saffron had once been, considering his words. It really didn’t surprise me that he wouldn’t want Zane to know any of what he’d told me. By then, I was starting to understand that Zane himself really didn’t believe that we could be saved. He admitted to me that part of it was from his own traumatic upbringing and subsequent life so far. Zane had seen so much death and destruction that it was becoming difficult for him to see any light within his life. Sometimes, it made me worry about him. Beneath that friendly smile and those pretty green eyes, there was a man who was suffering inside. I was sure of it. I just wished I knew how to help him better.

  Pulling myself away from the window, I turned and realized that I heard the front door opening. It looked like Zane had finally gotten home. I was a little more than grateful for that one. I had been starting to get worried with the way the snow was coming now. But walking to the foyer, I was surprised to find him looking down as he held his scarf. “Is something wrong?” I asked, feeling a little uneasy now. It wasn’t like him to look so pensive coming home.

  Zane let out a long breath, looking back over at me. And his words would be the start of everything once again for all of us.

  “Our redemption has finally begun.”

  Table of Contents
















  Epilogue - Six Months Later




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