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The London Sisters: The Complete Series: Bonus Content Edition

Page 19

by Abby Brooks

  “That sounds like a fabulous idea. But first … pictures.” He picks his camera off the bed and snaps a few shots. Some for Instagram and the blog and others that are a little too suggestive to share with the interwebz. Finally, he pulls out his phone, wraps his arm around me, and takes a picture of him kissing me on the cheek. That one, he uploads instantly to Instagram, tagging me and adding a variety of hashtags. His phone lights up with notifications as he slides it into his back pocket.

  “Do you know where we’re going?” I ask as I grab my purse and we head towards the door.

  “Yep. After we find ourselves some energy drinks, I thought we’d head to The Bank. It’s a nightclub here at the Bellagio. There’s always a massive line, especially this late, but I thought we’d stop by the Chairman’s Lounge and flash our sexy smiles and VIP-ness around and get ourselves in without having to wait.

  We head down and wander the shops in search of caffeine before talking to the people in the lounge about getting us into The Bank. They hesitate for only a second until Dominic reminds them who he is and why we’re here and then promises to take lots of pictures and include it on the blog. Suddenly, everyone is more than accommodating and we are ushered to The Bank, past all the people who are dressed to the nines and waiting in a line that snakes its way down from the entrance. A whisper in the ear of the bouncer, a gesture towards where Dominic and I stand, him looking hot and me doing my best to look like I belong beside him. The bouncer smiles and gestures for us to enter while the man who guided us here dips his head in a little bow and walks away.

  We enter while the people in line jostle to get a better look at us, wondering who we are. For as much as I’m not about material things, I’m telling you what. A girl could get used to this.

  Chapter Five

  Nothing could have prepared me for the chaos that is The Bank. It’s exhilarating. Lights careen around the place. The music throbs, and let me be the first to tell you, the DJ’s are absolutely killing it. And the people, so many people, dancing and laughing and shouting to be heard over the cacophony of exaltation.

  “You good?” Dominic asks, leaning in close so I can hear him as he leads us through the crowd and straight to the bar.

  “Hell yes. I’m more than good. This is exactly the kind of stuff that I’ve been missing in my life.” This man has brought me everything I’ve ever needed and then some.

  Dominic takes a moment to take the first round of pictures he promised the guy who got us in here and then orders us some drinks. Shots of whiskey, big surprise. Well, the whiskey isn’t a surprise, but the delivery system sure as shit is.

  “Shots?” I ask.

  “Of course. I mean, do you want to sit on your butt sipping a drink all night or do you want to get out on the dance floor and have some fun?”

  “Touché, Kane. It’s that kind of thinking that proves how perfect you are for me.” I hold up my shot glass and wait for Dominic to tap his against mine—carefully, of course. Don’t want to spill any—before we throw them back.

  “Damn, that’s good,” he says and orders us another round. The excitement, the Monster energy drink I downed before we got here, the alcohol—they’re doing a number on me and if I don’t slow down, I’m going to be so hungover on my first wedding day that my stylist will have to work a small miracle to make me look anything but zonked.

  That sounds so funny. My first wedding day. But Dominic is the kind of guy who’s worth marrying twice in one weekend. And the more I think about it, the more I love the idea of having one fancy-pants wedding and one just-for-us wedding. All the better to celebrate our love, you know?

  It’s also totally ridiculous that I’m saying things like my stylist. This has to be a dream, right? Any minute now I’ll wake up and find myself in bed in my shoebox of an apartment in Townsbury, still missing Dominic. Heart still broken. Or actually double broken after having a dream like this.

  “What are you thinking,” Dominic asks, signaling the bartender for yet another round.

  “I was wondering if I should pinch myself. I mean, is this is a dream?”

  “It’s a dream come true.”

  We down our third shot of the evening and wow. What happened to all that talk about slowing down?

  “You know what we should do?” Dominic asks.

  “Dance?” I bounce in my seat, giddy.

  “Well, yes. That too. But I was thinking we should get matching tattoos.” He grabs my wrist and runs his thumbs across the three little birds I have tattooed there. When I got it, I didn’t think it had any real meaning other than the fact that I love birds. But after a discussion with Dominic in Arizona, I came to the realization that I love birds because I envy their ability to take flight. To just zoom up and away from where they were and land themselves in someplace else entirely. Which, oddly enough, is exactly what we did today.

  “Really?” I ask, intrigued. “What do you have in mind?”

  “Well, a lot of people get something on their ring fingers. Something that’ll hide under the wedding band.”

  “I’ve seen that.” I bounce my head and purse my lips, not really sold on that particular idea, but totally excited about the idea in general.

  “But, I don’t like being like most people,” Dominic says, leaning in close to take my hands.

  “Me neither.”

  “What about if we each got a lovebird on our shoulder? That way, when we stand side by side, it’ll look like they’re kissing. I know how much you love birds.”

  “I don’t think I could love this idea any harder. And I don’t think I could love you any harder for thinking of it.” I slide off my stool and stagger a little in my heels. Woops! Maybe I shouldn’t have had that last shot. I’m feeling a little like Bambi on ice. “Wanna go right now?”

  “I don’t think they’ll do it if we’ve been drinking. And you, love, look a little bit on the other side of tipsy.”

  I giggle. “Oh yeah. That’s right. And I am.” I grab onto his arm, still giggling. “I think I might be drunk, Dominic,” I say with surprise.

  “Clearly, you’re quite drunk, babe. And double clearly, the best place for you is the dance floor.” I wonder for just a second if he’s being sarcastic, but the glimmer in his eyes proves to me that he meant what he said.

  “Yes! Let’s dance!” I pull him off his chair and lead him down to the dance floor, zigging and zagging through the crowds of people. We lose ourselves to the music and movement for a while, enjoying each other’s bodies. Enjoying the closeness. The sensuality. I sway my hips and lift my arms over head, close my eyes, and just let the beat move through me. Dominic’s got his hands on my waist, my hips, and damn if it doesn’t feel good. Tired or not, I am so glad we decided not to go to bed.

  He pulls me close and my eyes bounce open. “Holy shit,” he whispers. “Look behind you. Are you seeing what I’m seeing?”

  He turns us so I can see what’s behind me. I press my body to his and get distracted for just a moment by how good it feels before I peek out around him, too small to see over his shoulder. I search the crowd, trying to find whatever it is that has him so shocked and then I see it.

  There’s a couple in the middle of the dance floor. She’s got both her legs around his waist. His hands are on her hips. Her skirt pulled up to reveal her underwear pushed to the side, most of her ass uncovered. He’s bouncing her up and down, thrusting himself into her. Her head is thrown back, clenched in ecstasy. His face is tight, staring at her tits as they spring free of her dress. The lights bouncing around the club dapple their skin. It’s a little bit beautiful and a lot surprising.

  I freeze. Jaw dropped.

  “You see them?” he asks.

  “I think everyone does.” People are noticing, wearing shocked expressions and moving away from the couple until they’re fully exposed, a circle of empty space appearing around them. The guy slaps the girl’s ass and she looks down at him, gritting her teeth, totally unaware of the fact that while they might have
once been hidden they aren’t anymore.

  “Wow,” I say and suddenly realize that I’m hot. Like dripping sweat, uncomfortable, and maybe just a little just nauseated. “Dominic?”

  “Yeah, babe?” He looks down at me and worry creases his brow.

  “I don’t feel so good.”

  “You don’t look so good.” He takes me by the shoulders and leads me through the crowd of people. “Let’s get you a water.”

  “I think I just need some air. Can we go outside?”

  “Sure, babe. Outside it is.”

  He leads me out of the club and past all the light and sound in the hotel that makes my head swirl even harder. We push through the front doors and the blast of air on my face feels magnificent. I lift my hair off the back of my neck and Dominic walks me over to a spot with a fantastic view of the Bellagio Fountain.

  “How you doing?” he asks. “Okay?”

  I nod. “Oh yeah. Without a doubt. I think I just got a little overheated.”

  “You sure? You’re not going to throw up or pass out on me, are you?”

  “I’m not that drunk,” I say confidently even though I’m not at all sure it’s true. I look out at the view in front of me. The fountain. The city. Hell, the fucking Eiffel Tower is just across the street. “Just got a little overwhelmed is all. I mean, it’s kind of a big day. And then, you know, to see them just going at it like that…” I giggle.

  Dominic laughs. “I know! Can you believe it?”

  “I guess Vegas is called Sin City for a good reason.”

  “And you haven’t seen the half of it yet.”

  I run my fingers across his. “It was kind of beautiful, though. To be so overwhelmed with need for someone that they just lose control of themselves right then and there. Get lost in each other despite the fact that they were surrounded by people.” I smile a little. I understand that kind of love. That kind of need. I feel that way about Dominic.

  “Or,” he says and twines his fingers with mine. “They were on some kind of drug and had no idea what the fuck they were doing. Or they were sex addicts. Or exhibitionists…”

  I slap his arm with my free hand. “Hey! Don’t ruin my great story with all that reality. It’s so much better when they’re just crazy in love with each other and don’t care what people think.”

  We fall into a comfortable silence, staring out at the water jets dancing to Time to Say Goodbye, one of the most beautiful songs of all time. Chills wander down my spine as Dominic takes my hand, pulls me close, and wraps his arm around my shoulder. It may be the most romantic moment of my entire life. Just him and me, here, surrounded by lights and energy, wrapped in our own quiet bubble of serenity. After a moment, I realize he’s staring down at me, craning his neck to see my face.

  “I’ll never get tired of looking at you,” he says.

  “I hope not. You’ve got many years of it ahead of you.” There’s something deep and powerful in his eyes and another round of chills break out across my skin.

  Dominic brushes a stray hair off my face. “When I first saw you, I could tell there was so much more hiding under the surface. Hiding under that huge smile you use when you’re uncomfortable. You were the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. This tiny little spit-fire. Fun-sized with a larger than life personality. But there was more. I knew it. Parts of you that, for whatever reason, you held back from everyone. I knew then that I wasn’t going to be happy until I got to see all the things you kept hidden. And the more of you I saw, the more I wanted to see.” He runs his thumb across my cheekbone. “I’m so happy to have the rest of my life to uncover it all. I want to explore the Earth with you. Walk through the biggest cities, climb through ancient ruins, hold hands and stare out over the vastness of the Serengeti. I thought my life was amazing before you. Turns out, I had no fucking clue what amazing really was.”

  Tears burn my eyes. I open and close my mouth several times, searching for the best way to tell him how deeply he’s touched me. How much I can’t believe that all my dreams are coming true. That he is everything to me. “I love you,” I say and know that those words fall woefully short.

  He kisses me. This deep connection of souls and bodies that takes me away from here and sends me flying high above it all. My heart surges and my blood boils and I never, ever want to be anywhere else but in his arms. When we finish the kiss, I press into his chest and watch the fountain, stifling yet another yawn.

  “What time do we have to get up tomorrow?” I ask.

  “We have nine o’clock appointments with the masseuse.”

  “That sounds lovely and awful all wrapped up in one hell of an early morning.”

  “Can’t argue with you there.”

  “What time is it now?”

  “I don’t know. Three? Four?”

  “Damn. No wonder I’m tired.” I run a hand up into my hair and give it a little shake.

  “How about we get upstairs and get a tired girl to sleep?” Dominic places his hand on the small of my back, fingers spread wide and I love how aggressive and controlling it feels.

  “Well,” I say, looking up at him. “We’ll go to bed. I just can’t promise there’ll be much sleeping.”

  Chapter Six

  Oddly enough, I wake up with a smile on my face. Sure, it’s eight am. Sure, I only got four hours of sleep. Sure, I may or may not still be feeling a little drunk. But Dominic is stretched out next to me, his face so calm and so beautiful I could stare at it forever. The swell of his cheek. The curve of his dark lashes. The shadow of his beard highlighting the sharp angle of his jaw.

  He moans when I snuggle into him. “What time is it?”

  “Time to get up.” He’s still so warm from being asleep. I could just cuddle right up next to him, close my eyes, and drift off.

  “Can’t be,” he murmurs, wrapping his arm around me. “The alarm didn’t go off.”

  “Yeah it did, silly. That’s why I’m awake.”

  He sighs and rubs his free hand through his hair. I prop myself up on my elbow and smile down at how absolutely adorable he looks, all bleary-eyed and crazy-haired.

  “I can’t believe we’re going to wake up like this for the rest of our lives.”

  “Tired and possibly still drunk?”

  “No, silly. Curled up next to each other. Wrapped up together.” I pause and look for more words. “Happy.” It’s all inadequate. There’s no way to describe the bliss, the sense of completion. The … rightness of it all.

  Dominic smiles. “I know, babe. It’s pretty wonderful.”

  We order room service and eat breakfast at the table in our suite next to windows overlooking the fountain. The sky is blue and the sun is bright and the skyline is awe-inspiring.

  “I’ve never had room service before,” I say as I pick at my pancakes.

  “Never?” Dominic looks truly shocked.

  I crinkle up my face and flare my fingers. “Seeing as how I lived my whole life in Townsbury…” I trail off, pretty sure he’s smart enough to get the implication.

  “Wow.” He chews on a bite of bacon, looking thoughtful. “I mean, I knew that. I just never took the time to think about what that really meant.” A slow smile spreads across his face. “I can’t wait to share this world with you. I have a lifetime of new experiences for you.”


  I hate to admit it, but the pampering is really, really nice. Dominic and I have a couple’s massage at nine and while I was afraid that it would be kind of awkward, it’s actually incredibly intimate. We’re stretched out on massage tables that are close enough for us to hold hands. We don’t really talk. But we do twine our fingers together from time to time. Turn our heads and stare into each other’s eyes while our masseuses work magic on our tired muscles.

  Of course, the photographer flitting about the room amps the awkward factor up from time to time. I’m barely comfortable with Dominic taking my picture. But being naked, covered with only a thin blanket
while a stranger zooms in for a close up while I smile into my future husband’s eyes? That might take a little longer for me to get used to.

  After our massages, we’re zipped off to a meeting with our stylists. Would you believe I have a whole damn team of people who are going to make me fabulous today? A tall blonde with the longest, shapeliest, tannest legs I’ve ever seen introduces herself.

  “Hello,” she says in a willowy voice, extending an elegant hand my way. “I’m Sasha, your hairdresser.”

  “Hey.” I take her hand and try not to worry about my poor stubby fingers looking extra stubby in comparison to hers.

  Sasha introduces me to Cleo, an adorable woman with short black hair with electric blue tips and exquisite bone structure who will oversee my makeup.

  “Sup,” she says, shoving one hand in her pocket and wiggling the fingers on her other.

  There’s Tina, my manicurist, and Trisha, my pedicurist. They’re twins and the only way I’ll be able to tell them apart is by paying attention to which appendage they’re working on.

  And finally, there’s Antonia, an angular older woman who looks down the bridge of her nose at me as if she has taken my measure and found me wholly dissatisfying. Her gaze rakes over my body while she purses her lips. I would take offense, but considering that all the wrinkles around her mouth are coming together and all I can think is that it looks like she has an asshole on her face, I brush it off and consider us even.

  “We don’t typically provide the dress or the shoes, but considering your … special circumstances we agreed to make sure you’re well provided for you. Do you have a designer? Prada? Louis Vuitton? Gucci?” She arches an eyebrow and waits for me to admit that I don’t know.

  I shake my head. “Gee,” I say, widening my eyes and pursing my lips like those girls who take a million selfies on Instagram. “I just love them all, don’t you?” I flip my hair and smile up at her. Give a little shrug and then rake my eyes all over her body. I give her a look like she’s not quite my meeting expectations.


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