The Boy Can't Help It

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The Boy Can't Help It Page 19

by Gavin Atlas

  “Me, too,” Martin concurred. “All I can think about is…mounting him. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” Martin shook his head as he watched Shaun walk away. “I have to have that ass.” I felt an oddly protective impulse and tried to push it aside. Shaun was a man, not a helpless victim.

  Two hours later, I entered my apartment to see Shaun locked in a tussle with Martin. Again, Shaun struggled to keep his shorts on, but his stiff prick betrayed his true feelings.

  “We don’t know each other well enough!” Shaun protested.

  “Aw, come on. How do you think guys get to know each other? Please stop fighting me.” Martin got his fingers wrapped around Shaun’s dick and began massaging. Shaun’s resistance melted away.

  “But…okay, but not in front of Fadil.”

  “No way. I can’t stop myself,” Martin rasped. They both looked at me.

  This was a bigger issue than before. Last time I could pretend I needed sleep. I should tell them to wait. Instead, I found myself saying, “I…uh…would give you privacy, but I have to use my computer. Don’t worry about me. I can work without any problem.”

  That was all the encouragement Martin needed. Just like Lucas, he succeeded in stripping off Shaun’s shorts, then flipped him over so he could fondle his ass. Shaun moaned helplessly and looked over his shoulder. Like Lucas, Martin had arrived prepared with lube and condoms, and in no time, he was ready to penetrate Shaun.

  I sat down and opened a file on my computer, but out of the corner of my eye I could still see what Martin was doing. He seemed to know the same trick as Lucas. Keeping a hand on Shaun’s dick left him unable to resist, or even think about resisting, making his body utterly available.

  I shook my head and tried to read the file I’d opened. Four years ago, when my parents’ Jordanian values held more sway with me, I’d written a paper about the dangers of homosexuality for a course on persuasive writing. As I listened to the smacking of Martin’s merciless dick and Shaun’s groans of pain mixed with pleasure, I tried to focus on the essay. It was unfair to the wives of men who had sex with each other, I’d argued. It was against most major religions. Even then I knew I’d fought for a point I didn’t really believe.

  But now, it was clear. Who was this hurting? They weren’t married to women. Who cared if ancient religions didn’t understand? I turned to watch them fully. Martin had his eyes firmly locked on Shaun’s ass, admiring the way his smooth, round cheeks bounced with each jolt.

  I turned away again. It’s one thing to be accepting of a gay roommate. It’s another thing to be fine with him having gay sex while you’re in the room and not “trying” to sleep.

  I told myself I was interested from a scientific perspective. Hadn’t there been a study showing that homosexual men responded to pheromones that heterosexual men didn’t? My field of study may have been pharmacology, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t investigate the possibility of pheromone-triggered human behavior. There. I wasn’t being a voyeur watching Martin mercilessly sodomize my young roommate. I was doing research.

  “Can we…can we do it on my back?” Shaun pleaded. Funny, I remembered he asked Lucas the same thing, and just like Lucas, Martin took no heed. He kept plowing away at an insane speed. Even compared to the straight porn I’d seen, this coupling was frenetic and animalistic. Shaun did his best to arch his back and offer up his rear, but I could see him wincing at the assault. I took note of Martin’s penis. While not massive, it was rather long and of considerable girth. I imagined at that furious pace, any woman would protest. Shaun’s willingness and ability were impressive.

  Soon Martin came, making loud noises that made me think of giant apes pounding their chests in Tarzan movies. As his spasms began to subside, Martin hissed “yessss, oh yessss.” I quickly turned back to my computer. I was still curious about the way neither Martin nor Shaun seemed to have much choice in what transpired. It was as if Martin, and Lucas before him, absolutely had an inescapable need to “mate” with Shaun. Likewise, Shaun’s arousal became so strong, he could not say no, even if he didn’t want the shame of being fucked in front of someone, particularly an Arab roommate.

  I opened a new file and typed a note to myself: Ask Professor Gutierrez about studying the possibility of a mutant aphrodisiacal pheromone.

  Several other guys “mated” with Shaun over the next couple weeks, and each time he would apologize for his partners’ refusal to stop or go elsewhere. I always said something to the effect of, “Hey, you live here, too.” The men I witnessed consistently demanded to mount him in dog fashion despite his wishes and grabbed his penis to make him compliant. At least during the copulations I observed, Shaun never came. Once I had felt I had enough evidence that something about Shaun fomented uncontrollable urges, I approached my thesis advisor.

  Fonseca College maintained a liberal political climate, notable even in Southern California. My advisor, Professor Gutierrez, was also openly gay.

  “It’s an interesting theory,” Professor Gutierrez said as we talked outside in the quad, “although there’s little evidence of sex hormones in humans. Are you sure it’s not a young man who is so handsome that a bunch of other horny young men can’t keep their hands off him?”

  I found myself uncomfortable with being honest. The fact I felt a compelling interest in the sex acts performed on Shaun was all the evidence I needed to know something in the air affected me in a way nothing else ever had. However, I couldn’t say that.

  “It’s the language all his partners use with him,” I said. “It’s always something to the effect of ‘I don’t understand what’s come over me, but I can’t stop myself from fucking you.’”

  Professor Gutierrez tilted his head in reflection. “Perhaps, but sometimes people, especially young people, feel ashamed of their urges and try to blame it on some…force that’s out of their control. Or they’re trying to persuade a reluctant partner by proclaiming overwhelming desire in the hopes of flattering and charming that partner to weaken his or her resistance.”

  “So it’s not possible there’s some pheromone effect?”

  “There was once a study that showed a certain man-made chemical in a particular perfume led to increased intimate contact. Is there a specific fragrance this boy wears?”

  I shook my head. “He does have a natural scent that…seems to arouse many people, and he does work out a lot and swim. I’ve read there’s a component in male sweat that may induce sexual response. Perhaps Shaun emits more of the substance than most males?”

  “He has a scent most people find arousing?” Professor Gutierrez repeated while stroking his chin. He looked off across the quad and then pulled a student directory out of his satchel. “I think I may know who you mean, but could you point out his picture?”

  I did so, and I could almost see Professor Gutierrez salivate.

  “He’s your roommate? I see. And he’s gay? Other men just, as you say, ‘mount him’ constantly and uncontrollably? And he does nothing to stop them?”

  Seeing the look in Professor Gutierrez’ eyes made me regret bringing Shaun to his attention, but the deed was done.

  It wasn’t two days later before I walked into my apartment to see Professor Gutierrez furiously nailing Shaun’s rear, his flabby body, almost as hairy as mine, somehow was allowed to master Shaun’s perfectly smooth and muscular form. Again, of course, Shaun was being taken like a female dog. There were people in the hallway who could see into our apartment, and I slammed the door quickly, but not before several of them got an eyeful. My presence did not stop the professor for an instant. He fucked so intently, he didn’t even look over his shoulder. Shaun winced and grunted with each thrust, obviously trying to stay still for the professor and allow him to continue at his tremendous pace. The professor was not as young as the other men I’d seen with Shaun, and his hair was sopping with sweat. His breathing seemed dangerously fast.

  I stood there fascinated, barely aware I shouldn’t enjoy watching Shaun’s ass bounce with ea
ch stroke and the accompanying loud smacking sounds. Occasionally, Professor Gutierrez would lean over and bite Shaun on the back of his neck, and Shaun would react by arching his back and gasping. When an image of pushing Gutierrez aside and shoving myself inside Shaun passed through my mind, I clenched my teeth in frustration and bunched my fist against my forehead. What was wrong with me? I would never do that!

  Professor Gutierrez began to orgasm. He shouted so loud, he roared. “Yes, oh, damn, yes, I must have this ass again!” He shook his head and sweat dripped from his brow onto Shaun’s motionless back. “I don’t know what happened. I absolutely had to be inside you, Shaun.”

  “It’s okay. I kind of understand,” Shaun said, obediently remaining on all fours. His face was aflame with the embarrassment I’d witnessed with all his sexual liaisons. “I’m sorry, Fadil. I can’t say no, and I don’t know why.”

  Professor Gutierrez whipped around and looked at me in shock. “I-I had no idea you were here.”

  Sure you didn’t.

  “I think we need to discuss your theory further,” Gutierrez said as he rapidly pulled up his pants from around his ankles. As I looked down I saw another pair of Shaun’s drawstring shorts. I shook my head. He might have an easier time saying no if he didn’t always wear clothes that were so easy to strip off him.

  The next day I gave my roommate a present. “Here, Shaun. If you don’t want them to get inside your pants, make it a little harder for them.” I’d bought him a pair of sturdy walking shorts and a leather belt. He smiled and thanked me, but looked at me as if I were speaking Chinese. The next day he was still wearing dorm shorts that slipped right off with a single tug.

  I met with Professor Gutierrez at his lab late the next evening. Somehow, he still looked ruffled and exhausted from his tryst with Shaun. I gave him an accusing look.

  “I saw that you told of your conquest of Shaun to another faculty member, and he took a turn as well.” I flashed on the image of yet another man’s attack on Shaun’s irresistible rump.

  The professor gave me a guilty look. “I, uh, needed to check my findings, and, yes, Professor Dillon found Shaun’s scent to be intoxicating. He even used the language you’ve kept hearing. He said he felt like he had to ‘mount’ Shaun and the urge was ‘uncontrollable.’ But never mind that. What is important is you’ve discovered a human sex pheromone that is somehow released in an unadulterated form in Shaun. We’ll have to do more scientific studies. Eliminate possibilities. Perhaps the chlorine from the pool or the soap Shaun uses is compounding his effect.”

  “I’m not sure a study will be good for Shaun. We shouldn’t treat him like a lab rat.”

  The professor was taken aback. “Of course, we’d pay him handsomely. If we discover a substance that can be recreated artificially and sold, Fonseca College will make millions!”

  I searched for a way to stop this. “Surely, reproducing the chemical isn’t wise. What happens to Shaun is nearly assault. That shouldn’t happen to women or…or anyone!”

  Professor Gutierrez gave me a patient look. “Fadil, of course, we’re not going to create anything of the same strength. It’s no question that Shaun loves being taken by man after man, but certainly most people wouldn’t want that.”

  “But during the study, you and everyone else will have ample opportunity to fuck Shaun into oblivion.” I couldn’t keep the bitterness out of my voice. “I don’t want him exploited.”

  “Think, Fadil. You’ll benefit so much from discovering Shaun. Lucrative job opportunities. Perhaps a book deal. You could be the father of a new branch of chemical study!”

  I noticed he didn’t deny he would be fucking Shaun. Without saying anything further, I left the lab, knowing I would have no part in Professor Gutierrez’ plans. Perhaps someone could construe my feelings as jealousy, but truly I only wanted to see my roommate treated properly.

  I returned to my room in time to see two of the college’s janitors zipping up and leaving, satiated smiles on their faces. I remembered they had been two of the people who had seen Professor Gutierrez inside Shaun from the hallway. At that point I knew it would never end.

  A naked Shaun collapsed on his bed. His dick remained rock hard. I noticed the shorts the men had stripped off him were the ones I’d given him. At least he was trying.

  He couldn’t look me in the eyes. “I’m so sorry, Fadil. I have no idea what’s come over me. I’ll move out so you don’t have to keep seeing…everything.”

  I felt my stomach lurch. “No, you—” I stopped myself. I felt embarrassed that my reaction was so strong. “That is not necessary. I find it interesting. May I ask you some questions?”

  Shaun appeared confused. “Sure,” he said, covering himself with a pillow.

  “You do love the sex you have, don’t you?”

  He flushed and laughed a shy laugh. “Yes.”

  “But I’ve never seen you ejaculate, Shaun. Why is that?”

  “I can’t come when I’m fucked doggy style,” he said. “It’s no big deal if that’s what a guy insists on. It’s still fun.”

  “Ah, so then you ejaculate by masturbating when I’m not here?”

  “No. I’m not real good at making myself come. My fingers are calloused from guitar, so it doesn’t feel great. Hey, I’m so exhausted. I’m gonna crash.”

  “That’s fine.” Of course, he was tired. Every day he put his body through swim practice, a long work out, and then the sexual work out. I imagined such vigorous sex takes energy even if one is the submissive partner.

  I went to bed, too. I left the gooseneck lamp clamped to my bed on as if I planned to read. Instead I watched Shaun. He’d fallen into a heavy sleep, naked and face up on top of his covers. The low lamplight illuminated his smooth, beautiful body. I felt an inexplicable pang in my stomach, groin and mouth. I climbed out of bed and crept toward my roommate. I leaned over and smelled him. There was a light fragrance of sandalwood soap and some sort of musk that went straight to my brain and made me want to hold Shaun.

  I couldn’t believe what I was about to do. But I just had to.

  I stood over him, watching the rise and fall of his muscular chest. Slowly I reached down and gently grazed the inside of his thighs with my fingers. Touching him sent a shiver through me. His legs were already vulnerably parted, and I had to resist pushing my hand between and beneath them. My dick ached to be unleashed and tunneled up him.

  I’m going to do it. I’m going to do it. I have to try it.

  I found Shaun’s supply of condoms and lube under his bed. I pulled down my underwear and suited up. I touched Shaun’s penis. Without waking, he moaned and spread his legs further. I had to calm down. I felt so much shock at my own actions I was nearly hyperventilating.

  I did feel the urge to flip him over and mount him in the animalistic way others had done, but I had a new theory. I reached for his ankles but stopped myself. It would be unfair of me to push inside him without asking his permission.

  I rubbed his taut stomach to wake him.

  “Huh? Fadil? What’s up?”

  I had a moment of insecurity, thinking he would tell me no when he’d submitted to everyone else. Then I thought of the professors and the janitors. I may not have been as attractive as Lucas or Martin, but I had a lean, if hairy frame and girlfriends had told me I had pretty eyes. I felt certain I was better looking than the older men at least.

  “Shaun, may I lift your legs and…and enter you?”

  Shaun gave me a sleepy smile. “I’ve been hoping you’d want to, but, ooh, I love your chest hair. You should go shirtless more oft—whoa! You’re bigger than I could tell through your boxers, Fadil. Wow.” He bit his lip. “I’m a little tired…does it have to be right now?”

  I resorted to putting my hand on his dick, feeling slightly guilty for using the same trick the others had to wear down Shaun’s resistance.

  “God, that feels so good,” Shaun purred. “Unh, I do need it now.” He lifted his legs for me. “May we do it on my b
ack, or…I guess I should assume the position.”

  “I want you on your back,” I said.

  His eyes went wide with surprise, and he rewarded me with another sweet smile. I pulled his legs to the edge of the bed and held his ankles in one hand while I lubed his smooth ass with the other. He wriggled, helping my fingers push in.

  I took a deep breath, grabbed my dick, and lined myself up with Shaun’s asshole. I sunk in on my first try. Even with a condom on, I could feel how soft and warm his insides were, and it was a tighter fit than what I had experienced before.

  Shaun moaned as I thrust in and out. I had to fight the urge to savage him, and I concentrated on pleasing Shaun by keeping a hand on his manhood. I could tell from his dreamy expression and curled toes that he liked this much more than dog fashion.

  Soon I could no longer suppress the urge to ravish. My measured pace became as frenzied as all the others, if not more so. Shaun grabbed his knees and pulled them to his ears. Amazing. I could thrust even harder, and that’s what he wanted.

  His grunts and gasps rose in volume, and he ground his hips against me. I had never heard him be so loud during sex, and I worried I was hurting him. But then he reached orgasm. With a huge groan he shot semen onto his face and even his hair in wave after wave. His insides tightened, and I felt adrenaline shoot up my spine as I came deep inside Shaun. Even though he began his climax first, it seemed his body was still wracked by spasms after mine had ceased.

  “Oh, God. That was so awesome, Fadil. Would you…would you kiss me?”

  I did so. Even after my orgasm, he was still irresistible to me. I kissed his lips, his cheek and his neck, and then I held him tight.

  “How long has it been since you’ve come?” I asked.

  He was nearly out of breath. “Maybe months. God, thank you so much for fucking me on my back.”

  Aha. I had a feeling that would make a difference. “Perhaps if you come a few more times, you’ll have the willpower to say no if you wish.”

  “Could be,” he said. “Would you like to fuck me again?”


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