The Painter's Passion

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The Painter's Passion Page 10

by Dr. Rebecca Sharp

  “Fuck,” he swore against her mouth. “I want you so fucking bad, Princess.” The need to make her come rocketed through him painfully.

  His left hand released the delicious weight of her breast, moving up to tip her head back, allowing his mouth to explore the beautiful expanse of her neck. His right hand skated down to the waistband of her jeans.

  She barely had a moment to realize his intentions before he had the button and zipper undone, his fingers slipping under the edge of her panties in search of her heated core.

  “Pierce.” She moaned again.

  “Fuck, Ana. Fuck,” he cursed. His fingers found her folds drenched with her desire. “You are so fucking wet.” His teeth sunk into the side of her neck, trying to contain his exponentially exploding desire, feeling just how much she wanted him.

  His fingers brushed over her sex and she quivered underneath him.

  “Do you know how incredible you feel?” he rasped against her. “I need you to come for me, Princess.” The tightness of her jeans prevented him from being able to push a finger inside of her. Instead those fingers toyed mercilessly with her clit. “I need to feel you let go of every ounce of control.” Her hips began to move against his hand, begging for more from his skilled fingers.

  He’d never wanted to bring someone pleasure more in his entire life.

  Her moans grew louder. His hand grasped her chin, forcing her mouth to his so that he could capture the sounds.

  His fingers rolled over her slick bundle of nerves with increasing speed and pressure until she was unable to kiss him back – her mouth parted, her breath held, begging to fall off the cliff of the climax that he’d brought her to.

  Only she didn’t fall – she flew.

  Pierce swallowed her scream as her hips undulated against his hand, warm honey surging underneath his fingers as her release claimed her.

  Ana couldn’t breathe. Her body – her senses were going haywire. She felt hot and cold; grounded, yet electrified. She couldn’t even pinpoint what she’d felt because she’d never felt it before.

  So, this was what it could be like between two people…

  Shane had never given this to her; he’d only taken. And she hadn’t known any better.

  Slowly, she floated back to reality: Pierce kissing the side of her neck, his hand still possessively between her thighs.

  Was this really reality?

  Because the other night, this had only been a dream.

  Her eyes fluttered open.

  Oh God. They were still in the hall. What if Morgan had come back? What if he had seen them?

  “Pierce,” she whispered, not trusting her voice to be able to speak normally. “What are we doing?”

  She felt him chuckle against her.

  “Well, I don’t know about you, Princess, but I’m debating how I want to make you come next.”

  She felt the pressure instantly begin to build again between her thighs; he felt it too.

  “Jesus, Ana.”

  Reality and its familiar fears reared their ugly head. “What if someone comes home? What if someone is home? Pierce, we can’t… We shouldn’t… This was a mistake.” She shook her head and pulled his hand out of her pants. She made it two steps towards the stairwell before his left arm around her waist stopped her short.

  He pulled her back flush against his front and she felt the hard proof of his arousal pressing into her back. It wasn’t right to leave him like that, but then again, nothing that they’d done was right.

  In fact, everything about what they’d done was very, very wrong.

  She looked over her right shoulder, back at her handsome devil, about to scold him and force him to set her free when she froze, seeing what he was about to do. Her mouth went dry as she watched, mesmerized, as he took the hand that had just been between her thighs and meticulously sucked every last drop of her moisture from his fingers.

  Then that hand made its way back onto her lower stomach, pausing at the top of her still unbuttoned jeans.

  “Do you have any idea how much I want to put my tongue inside of you right now? How much I want to taste that sweetness directly from the source?” he rasped into her ear, biting her earlobe.

  She was done for.

  Her breath caught again as his hand delved back down to her swollen sex that was still aroused and begging for more of what he’d just given her.

  “Doesn’t it feel good to lose control, Princess?” His fingers found her clit again. “No one is here, Ana. I won’t hurt you. I won’t let you down. Stop running and just let go; let me give you this.”

  She moaned as she felt her body relaxing underneath his touch, searching again for that indescribable peak of pleasure that only he could lead her to.

  “Christ, Ana,” he groaned, his hand pulling her hips back firmer against his erection. She felt the long, hard length of him against her and she wanted to give him a taste of what he’d given her, but she was too lost in her desire to even know where to begin.

  His left hand trailed up over her sweater to grab her left breast, kneading the flesh in his palm as his fingers teased her sensitized sex. She felt her body following the path that it had just traveled. Relaxing back against him, her eyelids fell shut as every one of her senses was solely focused on the delicious movements of his fingers on her.

  And then, they heard the front door open and shut, the faint hum of voices echoing up from the hall.

  She murmured in protest.

  He needed to stop.

  She needed him to keep going.

  “Pierce,” she moaned, hoping he would know what she was thinking.

  “Shh,” he whispered. “I’ve got you, Princess. You’re almost there. Just give yourself this.”

  His fingers quickened their pace.

  She was so close.

  But so were the voices as they made their way up the stairs.

  She gasped his name, on the precipice of finding her release again. He felt it too, the way her hips arched and pushed against him, shuddering as the waves of pleasure grew larger and larger throughout her body.

  His left hand released her breast and moved to her mouth.

  “Suck on my finger,” he said, his voice taut with his own desire. His thumb slipped between her parted lips into the warm haven of her mouth.

  Her teeth dug into his flesh as she felt her orgasm about to crest. His thumb and index finger rolled over her sex one more time and she exploded.

  Her mouth pulled his thumb hard into her mouth eliciting a hoarse curse in her ear from Pierce, but at least it had stopped her scream from radiating throughout the entire house.

  He held her hips in place, his fingers quickly bringing her back down from her climax before releasing her to quickly set her clothing to right.

  He turned her one-hundred-eighty degrees to face the back stairwell. “Go,” he said.

  She turned to him, her brows furrowing.

  “Christ, Ana. I’m going to tell you what I know, but I think you’d rather I do it somewhere else… maybe with some witnesses.” His eyes darted to the stairwell. The voices were on the second floor – it was Morgan and Tash. “Plus, if your brother sees either of us – especially me – in this state, he will kill me before I even have the opportunity to confess,” he growled.

  Ana could only imagine what she looked like – dazed and flushed. But Pierce was the real giveaway; she glanced down at the front of his pants to see the distinctly solid outline of his arousal straining against the fabric.

  Lord help her if the sight didn’t make her want to jump him again right there – regardless of who saw.

  If all of that only came from his fingers, she could only imagine what the rest of him would make her feel.

  Instead, she nodded and darted for the stairs, hearing his door close just as the hallway disappeared behind her.

  Every step questioned her again and again – How was she ever going to deny him now? After that?

  Her bedroom door closing behind her echoed
her undeniable answer: Did she really even want to?

  Chapter 10

  Pierce shut his bedroom door behind him just as Morgan began to climb the flight to the third floor. This time, he did himself a favor by punching into the softness of the bed instead of the solid bathroom countertop.

  She’d agreed to one kiss, but he hadn’t been expecting that. He hadn’t been expecting the conflagration that had occurred as soon as his lips touched hers. Well, maybe on his side he had, but not from hers. But Ana had responded with just as much passion as he. The way she innocently pressed herself against him, wrapping her arms around his neck…

  He was so fucking hard.

  Fuck this. He ripped off his jacket and shirt, walking into the bathroom before painstakingly removing his pants, groaning as each slight brush over his arousal brought him tortuously close to release. This time, he turned the shower on hot; this time, he was too far gone to be able to freeze his erection away; he’d tasted too much of her – he needed too much of her. And that need was more than enough to make him decide to do what he should have done weeks ago.

  He let his pants fall to the floor and then stepped into the scalding stream. He expected to feel the burn of the water, except his body was so on fire from needing her that he was the one causing the steam. With a groan of frustration, he grabbed his rigid length, closed his eyes and remembered Ana – the feel… the taste… of her as his hand moved up and down his arousal.

  The way that she’d sucked on his finger.

  With the thought of her rosy lips, still swollen from his kisses, sucking like that around his cock, it didn’t take long for him to find his release; he’d been starved for the past few weeks and tonight, she’d given him just scraps to sustain him, but it was more than enough to get him what he needed. Her name tore from his lips as his orgasm pumped through him, spilling onto the shower wall before it was quickly washed away by the pouring water.

  Pierce was panting; it wasn’t enough. He slammed his fist into the tiled wall. He needed more… more of her.

  He was still hard, but he wasn’t going to do that again. Shutting off the water, he stepped out of the shower and dried off, his dark thoughts quickly chilling the warmth from his body.

  What was wrong with him?

  This was Morgan’s sister for fuck’s sake.

  And she was everything that he wasn’t. Good where he was bad, innocent where he was experienced, caring where he was an ass…

  Soft where he was hard.

  He didn’t deserve that kiss, he didn’t deserve the liberty that she’d given him with her pleasure, and he certainly didn’t deserve her. But, God help him if he could stop. Kissing her felt like a cleansing – every lick and taste washing away the darkness that had consumed him for so long.

  And feeling her climax for him… God. If there was anything that he could develop an addiction to, it would be that. The way her body had reacted to every touch and stroke of his fingers… it was like she’d never felt that release before.

  “Pierce.” Morgan’s deep voice resounded from the other side of his door, accompanied by a short knock. “We’re meeting downstairs in half an hour. Ana says you have something to share with us. I’m going to order some pizza. What do you want?”

  Towel around his waist, Pierce yanked the door open, surprising Morgan with his appearance. He waited a split second for the man to get over seeing the full extent of his scar as it ran down the length of his chest.

  “Damn,” Morgan muttered. “What the hell happened…”

  Pierce cleared his throat, cutting off Morgan’s question. “Yeah, I’ll be there and I’ll eat anything.” He smiled tightly just before he shut the door in his friend’s face.

  If nothing else, the hideous looking thing was useful when trying to distract one of your best friends from the fact that you’re still aroused from just having finger-fucked his sister.

  She’d made it downstairs before Morgan had seen her – thank God. Unfortunately, Tash was just about to go into her room as Ana came barreling down into the hall.

  “Woah,” Tash said, startled by her sudden appearance. In an instant the surprise was gone, followed by a look that said she was doing the math: Ana’s appearance… returning from the third floor… It could only mean one thing.


  “Hey,” she said, her smile only adding to her guilt over the situation.

  “Oh, Ana...” Tash shook her head, walking over to her. “Thank you for everything that you said to me earlier. I can’t tell you what it meant to me. Which is why I hope you won’t take this the wrong way, but just be careful… with Pierce.”

  Ana swallowed, unsure of what to say, not wanting to confirm nor deny what – if anything – was going on.

  Unfortunately, the rollercoaster of emotions overwhelmed her and she felt tears begin to slip down her cheeks.

  “Shit. Way to go, Tash,” she murmured to herself. “Do you want to come in? Let me get you a tissue.”

  Ana nodded and followed the petite woman into her room.

  “What happened?”

  Only the first – and second - orgasms of her life.

  “We kissed,” Ana blurted out. It seemed like a better place to start.

  Tash smiled. “You don’t have to share the details, don’t worry,” she began. “First, I should just clarify that I’m definitely the last person in the world who should be giving relationship advice, which is why I’m not going to.” She paused. “I don’t think you would want me to anyway.”

  That was true.

  “He went behind my back and did everything that I explicitly told him not to do. He doesn’t listen; he does what he wants and doesn’t care what it might cost. He’s beyond aggravating and downright disrespectful at times. And yet, all I want to do is kiss him again,” Ana groaned, rubbing her hands over her face in disbelief over the predicament that she was in.

  Tash bit her lip, trying not to chuckle at the way she had relayed her troubles. “Ana, I wish I had something to say, something that would be as comforting as you were to me earlier, but I only know very little of Pierce. My concern is that beyond those parts, there isn’t much more… that he doesn’t want much more.” Tash gave her a sad smile, grabbing a tissue off of the nightstand and handing it to her. “I’ve also never wanted much more and even though you and I have our similarities, I think this might be where we diverge. I get the feeling that you do want that… want more… even if you don’t think that you do. And as much as I want to help you, I don’t think I’m the right person to talk to, but you should talk to someone about how you feel; after what you shared with me, I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  Ana nodded – a silent attempt at agreement or thanks, she wasn’t yet sure.

  “I should go. I need to organize a meeting… do something to take my mind off of this.”

  Tash nodded and Ana could tell that she wished there was more she could say, but she just didn’t have the words; it was understandable, after everything that she’d been through.

  She walked back out and into her own room, heading straight for the bed and collapsing onto it.

  What beautiful, incredible, wrong thing had just happened?

  She’d been so angry at him, but as soon as he’d asked for a kiss, it was all that she could think about. He looked so delicious standing there in his black suit, tempting her to give into everything that she knew she shouldn’t.

  And then his lips touched hers… and the world had ceased to exist.

  Her body still tingled with the sensations that Pierce had given her. She’d never experienced that with Shane. Never.

  The heat that seared through her was like nothing she’d felt before. She’d only ever been with Shane, but remembering their intimacy was like remembering dying embers compared to the full-fledged inferno that Pierce ignited within her.

  She bit into her cheek at the memories.

  Of course, she’d had sex with Shane; he’d been her fiancé. But he’d o
nly ever been the one to find any pleasure from it. After the first few months or so, she began to wonder but when she’d asked him about it, he’d told her that it was probably just her anatomy and that she would never be able to experience what he did.

  He’d made her feel broken, even then.

  But, in the beginning, he’d been sweet and tried to make it up to her. As time progressed, that dwindled away. She became a means to an end. She pretended to enjoy it, otherwise he would angrily guilt her and accuse her of ruining his pleasure just because she couldn’t feel the same.

  After about a year or so, he’d started only wanting oral sex from her as though he’d given up on even the pretense of trying to reciprocate any enjoyment for her.

  He’d never touched her like Pierce had. And he certainly never even thought about putting his mouth on her like Pierce had wanted to do.

  She’d tried to tell herself it was because they were engaged and that maybe he wanted to save having any more sex until after the wedding. He’d quickly disabused her of that notion.

  The problem was that he had proposed and she clung to the fairytale that their relationship should have been – the fairytale that everyone thought it was and the fairytale she prayed it would return to after the wedding.

  She’d wanted to get married and have a family. She knew how much her parents loved Shane and she didn’t want to disappoint them. But for the past six months, he’d been increasingly cold and distant – sometimes even cruel in the way that he spoke to her. He never hurt her, never raised a hand to her; maybe that was why she had been lulled into at least trusting her physical safety to him.

  The day before Christmas Eve, Ana decided to surprise him with a gift at his office. She wanted to go to lunch with him too, but he hadn’t answered her call earlier that morning; she wasn’t going to give up her surprise though. Most of the other employees at the law firm that he worked at had already left for the holiday.

  The fact that Shane had insisted that he needed to go in should have told her that something wasn’t right.


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