The Painter's Passion

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The Painter's Passion Page 11

by Dr. Rebecca Sharp

  But, they’d been together for almost three years and she was no longer second-guessing things like that.

  Instead, she put on a sexy red dress and heels, grabbed the wrapped box containing the Movado watch that she’d bought him, and quietly tip-toed through the high-rise law firm to his office. Laughter and moaning stopped her short.

  At first, she thought it must be from another room, another office, but the entire floor was empty. She approached Shane’s office – the noises becoming louder. And then she heard his voice, ‘That’s it, Charley, baby, enjoy the ride.’

  There were a million things that she felt at that moment, not the least of which was nausea. Yet, something drew her closer to the image that would crush her. The offices were walled, but the doors were glass with the associate’s name stickered on them. Keeping herself flush against the wall, she peered to look through the glass door, almost vomiting at the sight.

  Shane was sitting in his desk chair and his paralegal, Charlotte, was naked on top of him. Riding him.

  The woman she was now would have burst through the door and raised hell. The woman she was then turned and fled.

  When she got back home, her parents were out doing some last-minute shopping – only Morgan was there. She was so distraught, it didn’t matter that they’d barely spoken for three years; she ran into his arms and bawled. She told him everything that happened.

  Even though Morgan wanted and offered to kill him, he’d finally settled for accompanying her to her and Shane’s apartment later so that she could break things off.

  She should have taken Morgan up on his offer.

  It was there that her recollection stopped; her own scars already burning as those thoughts brought her closer to the memories of that fateful night. With a practiced ease, she began to massage her shoulder and upper arm, trying to relieve the imagined searing sensation that her mind was projecting onto her limb. It was a protective reflex to keep her safe.

  She’d realized that day that Shane, her fiancé, didn’t really desire her. She’d just been a way to relieve himself when he didn’t have another willing partner handy; she’d only been the keys to the life he wanted.

  And if the other night had been any indication, Pierce was more than likely to do the same thing.

  Her stomach clenched at the thought, not because he could hurt her the same way, but because Pierce could give her something that Shane never had and she didn’t know what would happen if she had to survive losing that.

  The way he kissed her, touched her, talked to her… everything about him made her feel beyond desirable; he made her feel like his body would starve if it couldn’t devour hers.

  With his mouth on hers, his hands roaming her body, every one of her self-doubts evaporated. Every thought that she’d believed about herself – that her body wasn’t desirable, that she wasn’t worth the effort to pleasure, that her body was broken – dissolved underneath the heat of his touch.

  God, she hadn’t even realized that he was touching her left breast.

  No – she’d realized; she’d realized the pleasure that he teased from her flesh, the pressure of his hand kneading her, fueling the building ache inside of her body.

  What she hadn’t realized was that his entire hand was resting on a portion of her scar.

  In every other world, she would have pulled back in fear – fear that he would feel the scarred and damaged tissue and doing so would evaporate every ounce of desire that he felt for her. In every other world, even when people would touch her shoulder, she would flinch and recoil, afraid that they could somehow see her and she would disgust them.

  In his world, she only wanted more of his touch.

  Though his world might be hell, she found herself becoming addicted to the flames.

  Ana groaned, pushing herself off the bed and walking into the bathroom. She needed some space. She needed to figure out what she really wanted – and if what she wanted was worth the cost.

  She should listen to Tash and talk to Ellie; she would know the most about Pierce. But she couldn’t right now, she couldn’t even find the words to tell herself how she felt.

  Turning the shower on, she grabbed her phone and texted Tony and Gino asking them to come over in about a half an hour – that there had been some developments on the case. Then she opened up a message to her brother.

  - Meeting downstairs in thirty minutes. Pierce has some new info. Order something for dinner if you think you will be hungry.

  ~ Ok

  - And tell Pierce about the meeting.

  ~ ???

  She didn’t respond.

  ~ Ok

  Setting it down, she quickly discarded her clothing, throwing her completely drenched underwear into the hamper before her mind could dwell on them and stepped into the water; it’s heat paled in comparison to Pierce.

  Chapter 11

  Miraculously, Pierce was already downstairs by the time that she made it there; it could have had something to do with the pizza that Morgan had ordered.

  She’d walked down into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water to find her brother and Pierce devouring slices of pizza at the countertop.

  Her gaze had been drawn immediately to Pierce – both of them thinking… remembering the same thing. Her stare lingered for just a second, long enough that her brother had noticed.

  “What did you give him that look for?” Morgan questioned, his tone already hardening protectively.

  She had shrugged. “Just surprised that he was down here early is all; I expected to have to wait on him again.”

  Nice, Ana.

  It looked like the shower had at least cleared her mind enough to save her – and Pierce’s – ass.

  “Where were you and Tash earlier?” she asked, taking a slice for herself and earning another questioning stare from her brother; she rarely ate pizza.

  “I took her to lunch. Cyn had called and when they got off the phone she was pretty upset. Not sure what happened. She just kept asking me if I knew who was helping Sloane with the whole Sanchez thing.”

  Morgan was too busy taking another bite to notice, but she saw Pierce’s eyes shadow at the mention of someone else helping their friend; her brother might not know anything, but of course, Pierce did.

  She would have to make a suggestion to Tash later.

  The doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of the last two people they were waiting for.

  She wanted to get it, but before she could set her pizza down, Morgan had his hand up to stop her and was walking down the hall, leaving her and Pierce alone. Again.

  The gorgeous man stood and walked around the corner of the counter, stopping next to her.

  “You know that wasn’t enough,” he whispered hoarsely into her ear and she felt his finger trace down the length of her arm.

  Her gaze darted to the hall and the sound of footsteps quickly approaching.

  “It’s going to have to be,” she retorted, glaring at him to move away from her.

  “It will never be,” he promised darkly.

  Her eyes locked with his and her entire body warmed. Every cell was on fire with the need to believe him. And that was all the more reason not to.

  And then he stepped around her, opening up the cabinet door to the garbage can to throw away his paper towel just as Morgan, Tony, and Gino walked into the room.

  She immediately turned to the other men, plastering a smile on her face as she said, “Thanks for coming on such short notice, guys.”

  “That’s what we’re here for, doll,” Tony replied with a wink.

  As soon as the words were out of his mouth there was a loud bang as Pierce slammed the cabinet closed that housed the trash. When everyone turned to stare at him, he just shrugged and smirked, his gaze catching hers for a brief moment to make sure that she knew that this wasn’t the end of their discussion, but that this was the end of whatever Tony thought was going on between them.

  “So, what’s the deal, Pierce?” Morgan interjected. “Sorr
y to steal your thunder, sis, but how does the one of us who is not supposed to be searching out information end up being the one who has it?”

  Cinching her favorite white bouclé sweater over her, she turned to face that dark gaze again. “Pierce, if you would care to answer, enlighten all of us.” She arched an eyebrow and he quickly returned the look playfully before turning to the group, resting his elbow on the counter.

  He was enjoying this – probably far more than he should. But the way that she was trying to give him attitude knowing just how much she wanted him, only turned him on more.

  He looked to the three eagerly waiting stares that cluttered the kitchen and sighed; time to get this show on the road.

  “I met with a contact of mine this morning. He does a lot of different things for a lot of different people, but mostly what he does it make connections between buyer and sellers. In which case, if the thief is trying to sell the painting in this city, he would know about it.” He stood, crossing his arms over his chest. “So, while the entirety of the conversation was very enlightening, it turns out, he didn’t just know about it; he’s actually set up the event for her to meet with potential buyers.”

  “Holy shit,” Morgan said. “Well, that’s fucking fantastic. When is it? What is it?”

  “Masked party at the Shard next weekend. Invite only.”

  “I’m assuming that you’ll be getting us invites?” Tony interjected.

  His eyes darkened and narrowed on the man as he walked over to the freezer, opening it to pull out the Grey Goose. “Anyone interested?” He had a feeling he was going to need it.

  Morgan reached behind him for two glasses while the other two gentlemen abstained.

  “What did he want in return for this information?” Ana questioned.

  He should have known his perceptive princess would pick up on the details that he was choosing to leave out.

  “He’s an old friend; I’ll owe him one.” Owe him one… thief. But that was more information than they needed to know. He quickly returned to Tony’s question. “Yes, I will be getting us invites.” He smirked. “But, by ‘us,’ I mean myself included.”

  “Pierce—” Ana began, but he cut her off.

  “Just hear me out, lest you end up having to apologize again.” His insinuation had her mouth close really quickly. “First off and most importantly, let me point out that without me, there is no way you will be able to get an invitation to this party. By the nature of the guests and transactions that are bound to occur, you would have to know someone involved to make that happen – and I’m the only one who does.”

  “I think that we could—” Of course, his strong-willed sovereign would fight him on this.

  “Ana, you had valid points the other day, but now so does he,” Morgan interrupted her. “We don’t know the right people to get an invitation before this coming weekend. Maybe if we had longer, but we don’t.”

  The look on the rest of their faces said that he had a point and Ana ducked her head in submission.

  “Second, you can be assured that she won’t be the only one there selling something. Without appearing like the cops that you are and trying to weed out every… ahh… vendor… there’s a good chance you won’t find her before the event ends. I, on the other hand, am quite familiar with her face regardless of whether she has a mask on or not.”

  “So, then what do you propose we do?” Gino asked and Pierce could practically feel the reverberation through the air as Ana cringed.

  “I’m so glad you asked.” He let a large smile open on his face, thoroughly enjoying his victory. “I will get us tickets to the event. We—” He pointed to Morgan and himself. “—will go as guests with dates and Tony and Gino will be our security. Now, while I need to be there to quickly weed through the possibilities, I don’t want to risk her remembering who I am even with a mask.” He paused here to glance at Ana to make sure she recognized that yes, in fact, he was concerned about his identity blowing the whole operation. “That means once I figure out who she is, Morgan, you will approach her about the sale.”

  “Who’s going to be your date?” Morgan asked, crossing his arms.

  “Tash, of course,” Pierce replied with a casual smile.

  “Absolutely not. You can’t bring her into this, she’s been through enough.” Morgan shook his head.

  “I can do it.” Tash’s voice echoed from the stairs as she stepped into the room. “Sorry, I heard my name; I was coming down for some water. I can go. I don’t mind.”

  “Tash…” Morgan began to plead.

  “I can,” she reassured him. “It’s just a party. I love parties. Plus, I’m going a little stir crazy here.”

  “Shit. I don’t think this is a good idea, but fine. Tash, you can come, but she’s going as my date, Pierce. I don’t want you to get her caught up in anything; she’s still in a cast for Christ’s sake.”

  “It’s only an air cast,” Tash murmured.

  “Fine with me,” Pierce returned with a shrug, turning to face the woman he’d planned on having on his arm all along. “I guess I will escort the lovely Queen Ana then.”

  She glared at him; she’d seen what he’d just done – playing on Morgan’s concern (and hero complex) for Tash to make him feel like Pierce taking her was his own idea. Had Pierce suggested it first, Morgan would have never let it happen.

  “Ok, just hold on a minute,” she demanded. “I’m still in charge.” She continued to glower at Pierce before turning to the other woman. “Tash, I really appreciate it, truly. But, you’re still healing and not that I think it will be, but it could be dangerous. I would rather that you weren’t involved. There is no reason having a ‘date’ will make our appearance any more or less credible.”

  “Ana, it’s really fine.” Tash pulled out one of the stools down by where Tony and Gino were standing and took a seat. “I hate to say it, but I disagree with you. I’ve been to this type of event before in my… previous life. Everyone brings a date – in fact, many of the parties that I went to was as a gay man’s date; that is how expected it is. And that’s all beside the fact that I would genuinely like to help.” She took a deep breath and Pierce could see that she was getting choked up at what was coming next. “You all have been very generous and kind in helping me… bringing me here… and I don’t take that lightly. In my mind this isn’t nearly enough, but if I’m able to return the favor and help you guys to some small extent, I would really like to do that. Please.”

  Tash looked like she was about to break down in tears – and so did Ana for that matter.

  “Plus, Your Majesty,” Pierce chimed in, “you’re so concerned about scaring this woman off… Who do you think she is more likely to approach – a single man or a man with a date? If I were a betting man – wait, I am a betting man.” He paused and let out a short, smart laugh, enjoying how Ana’s face continued to scrunch adorably in annoyance. “I would say that she’s more likely to want to do business with us if there is another woman involved.”


  She knew that he was right.

  “Ana…” Morgan pleaded.

  “Yes, alright. I… agree… with what you are saying,” she responded reluctantly. “Fine. So, we will go in pairs.” She refused to look at him and acknowledge that she would be his date for the evening, instead continuing in a purely business fashion.

  That was his Queen.

  Only she wasn’t his and she never could be.

  He would take from her because he couldn’t stop himself; he would take and take, even though he had nothing of himself to give. There was nothing left of him; they’d made sure of that.

  So, he would take until he consumed her because that is all he was capable of.

  “Tony and Gino, I want the two of you to be over-watch. We won’t be the only ones there for this painting and even though there is the façade of a party going on, we are talking about the illegal sale of a priceless piece of art; if they are willing to do that for a painting, I can�
��t trust what other lengths the buyers might go to in order to be the only one under consideration.”

  “Of course,” Tony replied eagerly. Kiss-ass.

  “Morgan.” She turned to her brother. “I want to try to drive the sale to you.” She held up her hand to Pierce as he started to protest. “The thief doesn’t know who he is. Mask or not, it will be safer if Morgan tries to make the purchase. I already agreed that you could be helpful in locating her, but putting you into direct contact could still jeopardize everything.”

  “Fine,” he grumbled.

  “You and Tash should try to stay centrally located, chatting with those nearest you. Meanwhile, I…we…” She rolled her eyes. “We will try to make our way through all of the guests as quickly as possible to identify who we are looking for and then can steer you in the right direction.”

  “Works for me,” her twin responded.

  “Pierce?” She turned to him, raising one of those perfectly-arched eyebrows of hers.

  “Yes?” His hand came up to his chin and his thumb ran over his lower lip. He was playing dumb, but that was ok. He enjoyed making her squirm. And the way she subconsciously bit her lip, seeing him touching his, was worth every second of effort.

  Releasing that delicious lip, she retorted, “Do you think you can adhere to the plan? Or should I be expecting you to go rogue again?”

  He leaned back, resting his lower back on the edge of the counter, crossing his legs in front of him, and smiling devilishly at her. “Well, I did get us results, didn’t I? Plus, ‘rogue’ has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?” Her expression was priceless. “Calm down.” He sighed, running his hand through his hair. “I will follow your every instruction, Your Majesty.”

  “Pierce.” Morgan growled at him – to which he just smiled and took a sip of his vodka.

  Again, Ana sent her brother that same stare that he’d missed the other day – the one that said that she could handle herself; unfortunately, Mr. Overprotective was too busy doing just that to notice.


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